Grievance handeling


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Transcript of Grievance handeling

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GrievanceBy Sunjib

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MeaningAccording to Michael J. Jucius -The

term grievance means any discontent or dissatisfaction whether expressed or not and whether valid or not, arising out of anything connected with the company that an worker thinks, believes or even feels is unfair unjust or inequitable.

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Causes of Grievances

Grievances resulting from working Condition:

• Improper matching of the worker with the job• Changes in schedules or procedures• Non-availability of proper tools, machines and

equipment for doing the job.• Tight production schedule• Bad physical conditions of work place• Failure to maintain proper discipline (Excessive

discipline or lack of it both are equally harmful)• Poor relationship with the supervisor

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Causes of Grievances Grievance resulting from management


• Wages payment• Leave• Overtime• Earn Leave Payment• Bonus/Incentive• Seniority• Transfer• Promotion, demotion and discharges• Lack of career planning and employee development plan

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Causes of Grievances

Grievance resulting from alleged violation of:

• The collective bargaining agreement• Government laws• Past practice• Company rules• Management’s Responsibility

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Causes of Grievances

Grievance resulting from personal Maladjustment

• Over-ambition• Excessive Self-esteem• Impractical attitude to life

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How to know about grievances

Exit interviews: Worker usually quit factory due to dissatisfaction or better job. Exit interview if conducted carefully can provided important information about worker Grievances.

Gripe Boxes: These are boxes in which the worker can drop their Grievance

Opinion Surveys: Group meeting periodical interviews with worker, collective bargaining sessions are some other means through which one can get information about employees dissatisfaction before it turn in to a Grievance.

Open door policy: Workers to informally drop in the manager’s room any time and talk over their Grievances. This policy is good only in small company.

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Points to be remembered when Handling a Grievance

Every grievance must be considered important. A grievance should not be postponed. All grievances should be put in writing. All relevant facts about a grievance should be gathered by

the management and their proper records maintained. Management should make a list of all solutions and letter

evaluate them one by one. Follow-up must be done by the management to determine

whether action taken by it has favorably change the employee’s attitude or not.

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Grievance Procedure Top Management MD,Director Grievance Committee


Line Chief Weal fare & Compliance

Front line supervisor Weal fare committee member

Aggrieved Worker

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Grievance Procedure• It is shown in the diagram the frontline supervisor & welfare committee

member accorded the first opportunity to handle grievances. this step is very necessary to preserve the authority of the supervisor over his workers. But all grievances cannot be handled by the supervisor because many of them involve issues or policies which are beyond the limits of his authority. Hence provision is made for a second step in handling grievance. the second step may be the compliance/ weal fear officer & Line chef

• When second step Fail to handle grievance then third step PM&FM will handle the grievance

• When Third step PM & FM fail to handle grievance then grievance will handle by fourth step Grievance Committee in Factory.

• When fourth step Grievance Committee will fail to handle grievance then grievance will handle by the Top management MD & Director.

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Benefits of a Grievance procedure

It brings grievances into the open so that management can learn about them and try corrective action

The management catches and solves a grievance before it becomes

It provides workers a formalized means of emotional release for there dissatisfactions. even if a worker doe not use the grievance system for his own emotional release in a particular situation, he feels better because he/she knows the system is there to use if he wants to do so. It builds within him a sense of emotional security.

It helps in establishing and maintaining a work culture or way of life

When a manager knows that his actions are subject to challenge and review in a grievance system he becomes more careful in taking his decisions.