Greetings Dear Friends!719b9b6e6951f8719a6c-631724108d5e0fc8d9845c22c9729297.r71.… ·...

Greetings Dear Friends! Through the past month and more we have climbed to the top of Jerusalem with our Lord Jesus Christ, have battled Coronavirus, and hurdled obstacles in the path. Its been quite a strange jour- ney, yet one well marked for us with crosses along the way. From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday weve seen the signs. They look like this: Ash Wednesday Tau Cross, the Cross of Prophecy. Matthew 26:1-13, Deuteronomy 21:22-23 God reversed the curse by putting His Son on the tree. It was ordained that Jesus would die for the sins of the world. We find hope in Gods promises of old, because they remain true today and eternally. Lenten Midweek 1 Saltire Cross, the Cross of Humility Matthew 26:14-29, Psalm 8:1-5 Christ humbled Himself, took up His cross, and carried the sins of the world – mine and yours and everyone elses. Inspired by His sacri- fice and renewed by His grace, followers do the very same. In humility, Andrew took up His cross and followed Christ, asking to be crucified differently because he was not worthy to die as wonderful- ly as His Lord. Jesus invites us deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow, promising that His yoke is easy and His burden is light! Lenten Midweek 2 Anchor Cross, the Cross of Hope Matthew 26:30-56, Psalm 61 Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesusblood and righteousness. His cross He took not so we could avoid suffering, rather that we would always find our temporal and eternal hope in Him. Lenten Midweek 3 Maltese Cross, the Cross of Regeneration Matthew 26:57-75, Hosea 6 Blessed are they who have been bap- tized into Christs death, for we are brought into new life. His work on the cross crucifies our old Ad- am and raises up a new person as God would have us. The cross has eight points reminding us of the Baptismal font. Yet its eight points refer also to the description of those who are baptized into Christ, the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). Lenten Midweek 4 Greek Cross, the Cross of Suffering Matthew 27:1-26, Nehemiah 9:27 The Romans perfected the art of torture, the cross. Greeks loved beauty in symmetry. They appreciated things looking just right ex- ternally. We are often tempted to see the cross as the Greeks did – a simple, beautiful, perfected piece of art. Christs cross can lose its suffering and pain in the hopes of softening His work, and ours. But the cross is made perfect only in that Christ suffered for sin. We know suffering too. As consequence of sin, we know suffering, but Christ has taken that eternal pain away. Now we take sufferings and blessings both as copious gifts of God, opportunities to glorify His name and bear wit- ness to Him, for He will always provide! Page 1 APRIL TRINITY TIDINGS

Transcript of Greetings Dear Friends!719b9b6e6951f8719a6c-631724108d5e0fc8d9845c22c9729297.r71.… ·...

Page 1: Greetings Dear Friends!719b9b6e6951f8719a6c-631724108d5e0fc8d9845c22c9729297.r71.… · 2020-04-03 · Greetings Dear Friends! Through the past month and more we have climbed to the

Greetings Dear Friends!

Through the past month and more we have climbed to the top of Jerusalem with our Lord Jesus

Christ, have battled Coronavirus, and hurdled obstacles in the path. It’s been quite a strange jour-

ney, yet one well marked for us with crosses along the way. From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday

we’ve seen the signs. They look like this:

Ash Wednesday Tau Cross, the Cross of Prophecy.

Matthew 26:1-13, Deuteronomy 21:22-23 God reversed the curse by putting His

Son on the tree. It was ordained that Jesus would die for the sins of the world. We find

hope in God’s promises of old, because they remain true today and eternally.

Lenten Midweek 1 Saltire Cross, the Cross of Humility

Matthew 26:14-29, Psalm 8:1-5 Christ humbled Himself, took up His

cross, and carried the sins of the world – mine and yours and everyone else’s. Inspired by His sacri-

fice and renewed by His grace, followers do the very same. In humility, Andrew took up His cross

and followed Christ, asking to be crucified differently because he was not worthy to die as wonderful-

ly as His Lord. Jesus invites us deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow, promising that His yoke

is easy and His burden is light!

Lenten Midweek 2 Anchor Cross, the Cross of Hope

Matthew 26:30-56, Psalm 61 Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’

blood and righteousness. His cross He took not so we could avoid suffering, rather that we would

always find our temporal and eternal hope in Him.

Lenten Midweek 3 Maltese Cross, the Cross of Regeneration

Matthew 26:57-75, Hosea 6 Blessed are they who have been bap-

tized into Christ’s death, for we are brought into new life. His work on the cross crucifies our old Ad-

am and raises up a new person as God would have us. The cross has eight points reminding us of the

Baptismal font. Yet it’s eight points refer also to the description of those who are baptized into

Christ, the Beatitudes (Matthew 5).

Lenten Midweek 4 Greek Cross, the Cross of Suffering

Matthew 27:1-26, Nehemiah 9:27 The Romans perfected the art of torture,

the cross. Greeks loved beauty in symmetry. They appreciated things looking just right ex-

ternally. We are often tempted to see the cross as the Greeks did – a simple, beautiful, perfected

piece of art. Christ’s cross can lose its suffering and pain in the hopes of softening His work, and

ours. But the cross is made perfect only in that Christ suffered for sin. We know suffering too. As

consequence of sin, we know suffering, but Christ has taken that eternal pain away. Now we take

sufferings and blessings both as copious gifts of God, opportunities to glorify His name and bear wit-

ness to Him, for He will always provide!


Page 2: Greetings Dear Friends!719b9b6e6951f8719a6c-631724108d5e0fc8d9845c22c9729297.r71.… · 2020-04-03 · Greetings Dear Friends! Through the past month and more we have climbed to the

Lenten Midweek 5 Crosslet Cross, the Cross of Mission

Matthew 27:27-66, 1Kings 8:56-61 The good news of Jesus drives and arrives on-

ly by way of the cross. While God drives everything through Christ’s sacrifice, and Jesus takes the

sin and brokenness of our world upon Himself, what He has accomplished becomes life-giving news

to the world, a message to be shared. The crosslet cross is a cross with another cross on each arm of

the central cross. A cross going out into each of the four directions of the world. So shall our mes-

sage be shared.

Palm Sunday Crucifix, the Cross of Sacrifice

Isaiah 8, Matthew 21:1-11 On Palm Sunday Jesus enters Jerusalem to change

the face of the world. The world embraces a child born at Christmas, but This Child would grow to

be more than cute and cuddly, He would offer the greatest sacrifice, Himself, in order to be crowned

King of the Universe. The crucifix depicts Jesus crowned in death, a most interesting coronation for

the King of the Universe. Jesus is our King, and He governs like no other – in justice and righteous-

ness, truth and purity! Our God reigns!

Maundy Thursday Celtic Cross, the Cross of Divine Redemption

John 13:1-17, 31b-35, Isaiah 49:26 Jesus will be devoured soon enough

by those who wish Him dead. Judas will betray Him, disciples will leave Him, crowds will call for

His crucifixion, and Romans will make it happen. But the Lord’s work is a divine work. It is a work

to redeem people, something only the Son of God can do Himself. The Celtic cross calls as a remind-

er of Christ’s divinity. As the divine Son of God, He knows some want blood; but He also

knows many He calls who hunger and thirst for righteousness; and to those, He delivers.

Good Friday Passion Cross, the Cross of Nails

Isaiah 52:13-53:12 We use nails to bind things. Romans used nails to

inflict. As useful as nails can be, they can hurt wood and scar skin. We carry the scars of painful

nails – some are those self-inflicted wounds of our sin that we carry around in guilt. Jesus takes the

nails, our nails, the nails meant to inflict, and ultimately the nails that bound Him to a tree. He took

them, to bind us to Himself. The nail cross reminds us we are bound to our Lord by His gracious


Resurrection of our Lord Glory Cross, the Cross of Victory

Matthew 28:1-10 The Glory Cross is an empty cross. Christ

has triumphed! It is also a cross that radiates. It radiates power, victory, glory, and the

might of God. Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed Alleluia! For us, the cross is empty, the tomb is

empty, but our message is not empty!

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Page 3: Greetings Dear Friends!719b9b6e6951f8719a6c-631724108d5e0fc8d9845c22c9729297.r71.… · 2020-04-03 · Greetings Dear Friends! Through the past month and more we have climbed to the

Now, we have reached the pinnacle of parish celebrations – the Resurrection of our

Lord. For the rest of the month of April and beyond we will bask in the glowing Al-

leluia of our Lord’s Victory over death. The reality is, however, that the journey we

have taken to the top of the Lenten mountain isn’t daily done for us. We have hills

yet to climb, battles yet to face, and hurdles still placed in our path. Coronavirus,

for one, is still the pervading topic. We aren’t “free” from it yet.

But it is different for us who believe. Christ overcame death itself. He climbed the

cross at Calvary and from there, ascended. He brought us along for the ride. It means that while we

face death all day long…We will be brought over the hills of our struggles, receive the spoils of

Christ’s victory over our enemies, and discover a smooth and easy, everlasting path of righteousness.

We yet strain under earthly hills and battles, but they do not compare, nor can they crush us. The

heavenly hill has been ascended and with Him we shall arise.

My friends, I hope this truth gives you a living comfort and shapes your life and living during these

times. This is our opportunity to support one another in the living truth that because HE lives, we

shall live also; that Christ is risen – and we (in Him) are rising!

Some still have serious hills to climb and battles ahead, greater than others of us. All will face simi-

lar spiritual enemies and hurdles. The cross of Christ remains a signpost – a guide along the path.

As you reflect on the crosses of Lent, may they guide you in prayer for those with unique challenges,

and all whom God has given life.

We aim to guide you on the path of righteousness – both in exhilaration at the view from the zenith

of Christ’s resurrection, and in inspired perspiration for the hikes yet to be made.

We’ve included brief descriptions of the Crosses of Lent for your use.

We encourage each of you to read GOD’sText, whether you have been or not, to share it, meditate on

it, and talk about it.

We urge you to share your discoveries, requests, needs, enlightenment, and blessings from your Lord and GOD’sText at [email protected]. Pray for us and with us. We’ve given a list of those whose earthly hills are rather pressing these days,

and welcome you to add. We’ve also included a list of those whose birthdays are celebrated this

month – that’s both God’s gift of life and a list of those we know whom God gave the birth of new life

through water and the Spirit. (If your baptismal birthday is not included and should be this month,

or you know that we do not have your date on record, please share it that we might keep you in pray-

er and celebration!) There are also plenty of others in need, less fortunate, in the path of the virus,

under duress, struggling with the changes or the demands upon them at this time who desperately

need the Lord’s mercy. We pray they might be cared for and discover the grace of God.

Reach out. Give us a call or email if you need anything or desire a conversation during these times.

We are trying to connect with you and would welcome it!

Study. Ask a pastor about a zoom reading group or zoom Bible study. Or gather some friends for

group phone calls. Call a neighbor or a friend, connect with family, and share the Word with one an-

other. You can be a real blessing to others!

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Page 4: Greetings Dear Friends!719b9b6e6951f8719a6c-631724108d5e0fc8d9845c22c9729297.r71.… · 2020-04-03 · Greetings Dear Friends! Through the past month and more we have climbed to the

Take the Cross. Wherever you go, take Christ and His empty cross along. Literally, we want you –

once the ban is lifted, to take wooden Lenten crosses that made up our Lenten journey home with

you. (I’ve included a summary regarding each of those crosses we used including a symbol and a

reading for devotional and family use.) Figuratively, your Lord is with you always, yet you can bring

Him in word and deed to those around you, those you contact, and those you pray for.

God’s peace to You always in Christ, Pastor Hinz

Time For Prayer for Ourselves and Others

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions , and thanksgivings be made for all peo-ple, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dig-nified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing to God our Savior who desires all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

Are you mindful of the wonderful gift God has given us in prayer? You have a direct line to the living God who created the entire universe and still preserves it! He is always ready to hear and answer our pray-ers, much more even than we are ready to pray. Here are some thoughts of people for whom you can pray.

For your brothers and sisters in Christ at Trinity: Pastors, church leaders, all the members.

In this newsletter is a listing of birthdays in April and (new!) baptismal birthdays – you might call people on these special days and let them know you are praying for them. (If your birthday (physical or baptismal) in April is missing it, it means it is not on the computer. Contact the church office so it can be added.)

During the COVID-19 pandemic:

For pastors, church leaders, and congregation faced with the challenges of social distancing

For frontline health care workers

For grocers and truckers who keep the food supply stocked and available

For responsible citizens who use God’s gifts wisely

For those with mental health challenges who feel isolated, anxious, and helpless

For the safe and quick return of international travelers stuck in foreign countries

For Christian missionaries throughout the world, especially in areas with high rates of infection

For workers in a variety of industries facing layoffs and financial hardship

For families with young children at home for the foreseeable future

For parents who cannot stay home from work but must find care for their children

For those in need of regular therapies and treatments that must now be postponed

For business leaders making difficult decisions that affect the lives of their employees

For students and parents doing schoolwork at home (patience)

For college and university students, whose courses of study are changing, whose placements are cancelled, whose graduation is uncertain.

For Christians in every neighborhood, community, and city.

Heavenly Father, we trust that You are good and do good. Teach us to be Your faithful people in this time of global crisis. May Your Holy Spirit inspire us to pray, to give, to love, to serve, and to proclaim the life-giving and life-saving gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to follow in the footsteps of our faithful Shepherd, Je-sus, who laid down His life for the sake of us all. Glorify His name as you equip us with everything needed for doing Your will. Amen.

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Page 5: Greetings Dear Friends!719b9b6e6951f8719a6c-631724108d5e0fc8d9845c22c9729297.r71.… · 2020-04-03 · Greetings Dear Friends! Through the past month and more we have climbed to the

Holy Week Worship Services

Our observance of Holy Week will be different from any we have experienced as we cannot gather to-gether for this most powerful week of the church year -- Palm Sunday to Easter. Worship services will be streamed online (Sundays also on radio). Who would have thought we would stay home for Easter? Nevertheless, sheltered in our homes, we can journey with our Lord through His passion, death, and vic-torious resurrection. It’s still all about Jesus!

Here are the times for the services:

Palm Sunday – 8:00 AM (also on radio WVAL 800 AM) Maundy Thursday – 7:00 PM Good Friday – 7:00 PM Easter Sunday – 8:00 AM (also on radio WVAL 800 AM)

The services will be streamed on Facebook LIVE. The link is on Trinity’s website. Click on the Face-book logo. Service are also available for playback.

Watch TLC’s Website for Updates

Please check the Trinity website for frequently for current information.


Other sites:

Facebook: Trinity Lutheran Church-Sauk Rapids

YouTube channel: Trinity SR

Are you shut in at this time? If you need assistance picking up prescriptions or grocery items, please call the church office and we will find someone to assist you. 320-252-3670

MainStreet Living is a television ministry of the churches of the MN South District of the LCMS. You

can find this weekly broadcast on Charter Channel 10 WFTC … ‘This Is the Life’ at 9:00AM and LCMS worship at 9:30AM.

Thank You for Continuing Offerings

For all who have continued to send your regular offerings as well as some additional generous gifts — THANK YOU. During this time of the COVID-19 epidemic, we find ourselves in ever-changing situations at home or at work: online school classes, working from home, layoffs, reduced hours, extra hours, learning new skills quickly. The psalms remind us, “Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth.” And so we trust Him to supply “our daily bread” which He does and often in great abundance.

As His stewards we are called to manage all His gifts (including our very selves!) for His purposes. Take good care of yourself and your household during these days. Be creative and find ways (while “social distancing”) to demonstrate love for God by loving your neighbor (praying, telephoning, mailing cards of encouragement, messaging, errands with “front door drop-offs” of groceries or medicines…to name a few).

As you are able, please continue to remember your church and its ongoing ministry in this time. Offer-ings to Trinity can be sent by mail, online E-giving, and drop off at the church office.

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Page 6: Greetings Dear Friends!719b9b6e6951f8719a6c-631724108d5e0fc8d9845c22c9729297.r71.… · 2020-04-03 · Greetings Dear Friends! Through the past month and more we have climbed to the

Huddled at home for the Easter weekend? So were the disciples on the first Easter.

Here's a fun activity for "Kids of God's kingdom" (children and adults) to do together.

It's a recipe with a devotion that will bring home the joyful celebration of the resurrection.

Thanks be to God who gives us the victory in our Lord Jesus Christ!

—Pastor Beck

Easter Story Cookies (to be made the night before Easter)

1 c. whole pecans 1 tsp vinegar 1 c. sugar zipper baggie 3 egg whites

Tape wooden spoon pinch of salt BIBLE

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.


Place pecans in zipper baggie, and let the children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Roman soldiers.

Read John 19:1-3.

Let each child smell the vinegar. Put 1 teaspoon vinegar into mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, He was given vinegar to drink. Read John 10:28-30.

Add egg whites to vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life.

Read John 10:10-11.

Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl. Ex-plain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers and the bitterness of our own sin.

Read Luke 23:27.

So far, the ingredients are not very appetizing.

Add 1 cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. .Read Psalms 34:8 and John 3:16.

Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God's eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus.

Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3.

Fold in broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto baking stone. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus' body was laid. Read Matthew 27:57-60.

Put the baking stone in the oven, close the door, and TURN THE OVEN OFF!

Give each child a piece of tape and seal the door. Read Matthew 27:65-66


Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus' followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. Read John 16:20 and 22.

On Easter morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow!

On the first Easter, Jesus' followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty.

Read Matthew 28:1-9

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“Whether it is good or

bad, we will obey the voice

of the Lord our God.”

Jeremiah 42:6

In Memory…

Of Donna Mingo and Norman Volkers

by Virgil & Sue


Of Mary Beth Cochran

by Ronald Cochran

Dick and Barb Mingo

Carol Kiekow

Virgil & Sue Bragelman

Jan Sorell

Jim & Kathy Stueve

The LWML, with the aid of a grant from Thrivent

packed care packages and books for local school


April 1

Wednesday Isaiah 58:1-59:21

Thursday Isaiah 60:1-62:12

Friday Isaiah 63:1-66:24

Saturday Jeremiah 1:1-2:37

April 5

Monday Jeremiah 3:1-4:31

Tuesday Jeremiah 5:1-6:30

Wednesday Jeremiah 7:1-8:22

Thursday Jeremiah 9:1-10:25

Friday Jeremiah 11:1-12:17

Saturday Jeremiah 13:1-14:22

April 12

Monday Jeremiah 15:1-17:27

Tuesday Jeremiah 18:1-19:15

Wednesday Jeremiah 20:1-22:30

Thursday Jeremiah 23:1-40

Friday Jeremiah 24:1-25:38

Saturday Jeremiah 26:1-28:17

April 19

Monday Jeremiah 29:1-32

Tuesday Jeremiah 30:1-32:44

Wednesday Jeremiah 33:1-26

Thursday Jeremiah 34:1-35:19

Friday Jeremiah 36:1-37:21

Saturday Jeremiah 38:1-40:16

April 26

Monday Jeremiah 41:1-43:13

Tuesday Jeremiah 44:1-45:5

Wednesday Jeremiah 46:1-49:39

Thursday Jeremiah 50:1-51:64



In memory of Earl Wolf

By Irene Wolf

In memory of my husband Bill Jehoich and son Danny

Jehoich By: Myrtlene Jehoich

In memory of Jim Mendel

By: Arlene Mendel

In memory of Don and Irene Zwick

By: Wayne and Sue Kulzer

In memory of Fred and Alma Volkers and Norman Volkers

By: Delores Volkers

In memory of Ervin and Doreen Cziok

By: Jeff and Kathy Cziok

Trinity Lutheran Guild

Attend. General Missions

2/23 230 8,183.51 320.44

3/1 245 8,306.85 196.00

3/8 226 8,815.13 189.00

3/15 183 5890.50 176.00

3/22 — 2852.00 60.00

3/29 — 15786.00 502.00

Our Response in Faith

Church Contact


Church Office: 252-3670

Church Fax: 202-1095

E-mail: [email protected]


Office Staff

Pastor David Hinz

Pastor John Beck

Pastor John Bakou

Additional Contact Information

Admin. Assistant: Judy Rehwaldt

Traditional Music :

Daniel Reineke 248-7367

Contemporary Music:

Ruth Immerfall 291-9293

Prayer Chain:

Delores Volkers 252-2101,

Parish Nurse: Jennifer Machula

Prince of Peace School

Office: 251-1477

Page 8: Greetings Dear Friends!719b9b6e6951f8719a6c-631724108d5e0fc8d9845c22c9729297.r71.… · 2020-04-03 · Greetings Dear Friends! Through the past month and more we have climbed to the

Trinity Lutheran Church Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

2163 Mayhew Lake Rd NE

Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4554


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U.S. Postage

PAID St. Cloud, MN

Permit No. 35

The Pictorial Directory

The directory project has been

postponed until the fall. You may

receive an email from LifeTouch

confirming this. Please watch for

more information in the summer!

Leann Klimek and

Toni Kasella CPA’s

1139 Franklin Ave. NE #3

Sauk Rapids, MN 56379

(320) 774-2035

111 7th Ave. S. PO Box 40

St. Cloud, MN 56302

(320)252-2841 or (888) 950-2265

Kelm & Reuter, P.A.

1287 North 2nd Street, Suite101


“The Sauk Rapids Law Firm”

Sauk Rapids & St. Cloud



Great prices - Great service

8 locations:

Waite Park, East St. Cloud, Little Falls, Sauk Centre, Albertville. Baxter, Rice,


Bob & Linda Feuling

Page 9: Greetings Dear Friends!719b9b6e6951f8719a6c-631724108d5e0fc8d9845c22c9729297.r71.… · 2020-04-03 · Greetings Dear Friends! Through the past month and more we have climbed to the



Sarah Brower 4/1

Kari Jessen 4/1

Onyekwech Otor 4/1

Estelle Johnson 4/2

Brenda Johnson 4/2

Kelsey Kulow 4/2

Tim Meemken 4/2

Sarah Middendorf 4/2

Cassy Gerchy 4/3

Jenna Mousky 4/3

Darien Prow 4/3

Marjean Keehr 4/4

Bonnie Loehrer 4/4

Ochudo Ojulu 4/4

Joe Bastian 4/5

Brandon Hejhal 4/5

Samantha Gode 4/6

Angela Hansen 4/6

Dorothy Mielke 4/7

Don Reginek 4/7

Nicholas Spotts 4/7

Andrea Bomstad 4/8

Jim Bump 4/8

Shaana Figallo 4/8

Carson Lund 4/8

Danika Schroeder 4/8

Lynn Snyder 4/8

Leah Wollak 4/8

Shirley Iees 4/9

Jennifer Koehler 4/9

Meghann Reese 4/9

Wade Bastian 4/10

Logan Herbst 4/10

Randy Heyne 4/10

Vivian Larsen 4/10

Paul Richards 4/10

David Seelen 4/10

Tim Bayless 4/11

Ron Immerfall 4/11

Lacey Wendt 4/11

Jason Middendorf 4/12

Charlotte Peterson 4/12

Gail Fleahman 4/13

Kirsten Hoese 4/13

Jill Maselter 4/13

Jillayn Maselter 4/13

Zoey Weappa 4/13

Nathan Welsh 4/13

Brett Anderson 4/14

Jolyn Antonsen 4/14

Madison Collins 4/14

Mason Collins 4/14

Harvey Reichel 4/14

Chase Terpstra 4/14

Jim Hejhal 4/15

Scott Lazer 4/15

Maxwell Lurken-Tvrdik


Kelley Voss 4/15

Tyler Woitalla 4/15

Lori Zipp 4/15

John Hiltel 4/16

Hannah Morin 4/16

Isabella Buttweiler 4/17

Lee Gratke 4/17

Raymond Christensen 4/18

Samantha Volkers 4/18

Tera Weite 4/18

Skylar Sauer 4/19

Kristi Jevne 4/20

Ojula Obang 4/20

Akeliwene Ochan 4/20

Jeanna Borgerding 4/21

Jill Schlueter 4/21

Lynn Teders 4/21

David Eisenlohr 4/22

Jennifer Machula 4/22

Mason Weyhrauch 4/22

Virgil Bragelman 4/23

Tara Zoellner 4/23

Dennis Koepp 4/24

Matthew Volkers 4/25

Irene Wolf 4/25

Maxine Buttweiler 4/26

Randy Morin 4/26

Anthony Nathe 4/26

Caleb Notch 4/26

Amanda Adkins 4/27

Kaleb Kampa 4/27

William Keske 4/27

Brandon Sornberger 4/27

Clara Sprengeler 4/28

Jackson Wilcox 4/28

Arlene Gilman 4/29

Candy Kampa 4/29

Andrew Schmid 4/29

Anthony Schmid 4/29

Heidi Stiegel 4/29

Jeff Weishalla 4/29

Nancy Cloeter 4/30

Micah Dagel 4/30

Page 10: Greetings Dear Friends!719b9b6e6951f8719a6c-631724108d5e0fc8d9845c22c9729297.r71.… · 2020-04-03 · Greetings Dear Friends! Through the past month and more we have climbed to the



Miranda Friedrichs Apr 1

Lauree Gunderson Apr 1

Beatrice Homan Apr 1

Michelle Keske Apr 1

Donald Klug Apr 1

Tim Meemken Apr 1

Marie Mendel Apr 1

Adut Michael Apr 1

Stacy Abraham Apr 2

Peggy Oltz Apr 2

Austin Besser Apr 3

Carter Huinker Apr 3

Judith Lazer Apr 4

Sydney Morin Apr 4

Paul Butkowski Apr 5

Jason Clitty Apr 5

Nicole Kulzer Apr 5

Alex Wainright Apr 5

Christa Weide Apr 6

Carson Homan Apr 8

Lewis Walker Apr 9

Henry Anderson Apr 10

Karen Petron-Broda

Apr 10

Delores Wainright Apr 10

Robert Neils Apr 11

Samantha Roering Apr 11,

John Beck Apr 12

Nancy Michael Apr 12

Jessica Raveling Apr 12

Joshua Cassen Apr 13

Nicole Helgeson Apr 14

Nathan Lindquist Apr 14

Carol Wendt Apr 14

Shaana Figallo Apr 15

Akuay Gilo Apr 15

Delores Volkers Apr 15

Cole Kaeter Apr 16

Lori Stuart Apr 16

Gregory Wentworth Apr 16

Ajullo Agada Apr 17

Akarah Agada Apr 17

Anieno Agada Apr 17

Medho Agada Apr 17

Odol Akuay Apr 17

Oliel Kwot Apr 17

Achan Obang Apr 17

Apiew Obang Apr 17

Ojula Obang Apr 17

Agwa Ojullu Apr 17

Bungere Ojullu Apr 17

Grace Ojullu Apr 17

Lem-wa Ojullu Apr 17

Badyed Oman Apr 17

Enok Oman Apr 17

Jacob Oman Apr 17

Te-jwock Oman Apr 17

Anam Omot Apr 17

Marjwok Omot Apr 17

Ojem Omot Apr 17

Yeamet Ongwach Apr 17

Kirru Opiew Apr 17

Menna Opiew Apr 17

Chokoni Philip Apr 17

Aubrey Schlueter Apr 17

Kelley Voss Apr 17

Cathryn Bjorklund Apr 18

Tiffany Aagard Apr 19

Joe Bastian Apr 19

John Bakou Apr 20

Keith Bjorklund Apr 20

Blake Keske Apr 20

Sandra Rosha Apr 20

Kyle Zimmer Apr 20

Jeffrey Snyder Apr 21

Luke Walen Apr 21

Jolyn Antonsen Apr 22

Kaleb Wolbeck Apr 22

Jackson Herbst Apr 23

Marjean Keehr Apr 23

Riley Stockinger Apr 23

Amanda Adkins Apr 24

Brenda Johnson Apr 24

Jenna Mousky Apr 24

Odange Gora Apr 25

Opiew Gora Apr 25

Shirley Iees Apr 25

Brayden Jevne Apr 25

DeDey Ojullu Apr 25

Carol Sova Apr 26

Eli Huinker Apr 27

Michaela Wurdelman Apr 27 Brooklee Adkins Apr 28

Cindy Clitty Apr 28

John Hiltel Apr 28

Amanda Stuart Apr 28

Keegan Larson Apr 29

Jake Machula Apr 29

Vicki Novak Apr 29

Please pray for your fellow Christians

on their baptism birthday.

If you don’t see your Baptism listed,

please contact the church office so we

can update our records! Thank you!