Greenpeace Conspiracy ATS

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Greenpeace expose lying.

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So Greenpeace just conducted an undercover investigation into the Fossil Fuel industry's money chain in regards to funding Climate Change denial. Now many people who deny AGW talk about how there is all this money going to making scientists rich in order to push the narrative that AGW is real. Now when you call these people to task in actually producing the money train, they almost always fall short. Well NOW we are going to look at the opposite side of the debate's money trail (where the REAL conspiracy is). Let's deny some ignorance folks. ?An undercover Greenpeace investigation released on Tuesday suggests that fossil fuel companies secretly funnel money into prominent scientists' pockets to manufacture doubt about mainstream climate change science. Greenpeace UK took an unconventional approach to the research: Members of the environmentalist group posed as representatives of fake oil and coal companies and asked two climate change skeptics to write papers promoting the benefits of carbon dioxide and coal in developing countries. The two academics the group approached -- Frank Clemente of Pennsylvania State University and William Happer of Princeton University -- reportedly agreed to pen the reports and not to reveal their funding source. Keep in mind this investigation is on top of THIS investigation that happened earlier this year: Deeper Ties to Corporate Cash for Doubtful Climate Researcher ?But newly released documents show the extent to which Dr. Soons work has been tied to funding he received from corporate interests. He has accepted more than $1.2 million in money from the fossil-fuel industry over the last decade while failing to disclose that conflict of interest in most of his scientific papers. At least 11 papers he has published since 2008 omitted such a disclosure, and in at least eight of those cases, he appears to have violated ethical guidelines of the journals that published his work. $1.2 million! What? You can't tell me that isn't a conflict of interest. That is pretty much the textbook definition of taking a bribe to push faulty science. Anyways, back to my first source. It has been noted over and over again that the tactics used to deny Climate science are literally the exact same tactics used by the tobacco companies to deny the link between smoking and cancer ?This academics-for-hire tactic has "materially changed the debate about climate change,"said Jesse Coleman, a Greenpeace activist who participated in the probe. "You could say that one of the reasons we're facing such dire climate change risks is because these fossil fuel companies are funding climate change denial." "It's the exact same playbook" tobacco companies once used to "convince people of something that is just not true," Coleman added. For decades, tobacco corporations deceived consumers about the dangers of smoking by covertly funding contrarian research. Manufactured data, concealed conflicts of interest and misleading conclusions, as The Huffington Post has previously reported, are also evident in influential research on vaccination, organic food, secondhand smoke, lead paint and chemical flame retardants. But perhaps no environmental or public health issue is as high-stake as global warming. In case anyone wants to doubt this claim, here is the link to the pdf the article provides to back up the previous paragraphs: tobacco industry covered up link to cancer ?He emphasized that while accepting money from industry to do research is not itself a breach of ethics, taking money from any source without transparency is "totally unacceptable." Maybe so, but this is certainly more evidence than a climate change denier has ever put forward that the opposite is true of science that accepts AGW as real. PS: I know people like to get hung up on my abbreviating Man-Made Climate Change to just Climate Change. So I don't have to repeat myself in the thread, when I say Climate Change, I really mean Man-Made Climate Change. I just don't feel like typing all of that.