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Chemical free Odor free Microorganisms free Swimming pools Green Pool Solutions

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Chemical free Odor free Microorganisms free Swimming pools

Green Pool Solutions

Ozonized Swimming Pool Systems

Pure Natural Water (Oxygen-enriched Water)

Swimming pool water pollutants, other than chemical byproducts formation issues.

Swimming pool water pollution is mainly caused by swimmers. This makes it a very dynamic pollution, which is dependent on the number and types of swimmers. In general, the swimming pool pollutants can be divided up into three groups: 1. Microorganisms 2. Undissolved pollutants 3. Dissolved pollutants Each swimmer carries a large number of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi and viruses. Many of these microorganisms may be pathogenic and can cause disease.

We are providing chemical free, Odor free and microorganisms free swimming pool water by

advanced Ozone technology.

“ Healthy bath in

Healthy Water “


The use of ozone in swimming pool prevents the formation of chlorine or bromine containing its byproducts, like chloramines and trihalomethanes. Ozone will even breakdown already formed unwanted chlorinated byproducts. This will reduce problems with red eyes and respiration problems. Ozone will give a sparklier and clearer bathing water.

Ozone eliminates all chemical byproducts from the pool water.

Ozone Increases Dissolved Oxygen (DO) content in water, Ozonized Pools are providing more Oxygen-enriched water and whereby its more healthy and the advantage of the use of ozone compared to the other swimming pool treatment agents is the fact that the swimming environment will increase dramatically.

Let’s enjoy more time in pools safely !!

Providing Oxygen-enriched water

Ozone process instantly reduces the toxic residue in the pool water.

(Swimming pool can be a breeding ground for bacteria, unless it treat properly. Parasites, Bacteria, Legionnaires’ disease, Cryptosporidium (Cryptosporidium (or Crypto for short) can even live in properly treated chlorine water for up to 10 days; Chlorine doesn’t kill it right away). Urine, the urine creates trichloramine and cyanogen chloride, which are toxic chemicals. It’s true that urine would have to be in the water for this to be a serious problem like Poop. The poop can wash off swimmers’ bodies and can contaminate the water with germs. Sweat, the problem is disinfection by-products (DBPs). Many of them, found in sweat, are considered toxic and they produce different amounts of sweat. E. coli, E. coli is bacteria usually found in the human gut and feces. The bacteria can be spread in several ways, including swimming in or drinking. Giardia, This parasite can last up to 45 minutes before the chlorine kills it.)

Ozone is the safe and strongest water disinfectant than Chlorine chemicals, It is 3157 times stronger disinfectant than Chlorine.

Power of Ozone

Ozone swimming Pools are completely free from all kinds of cross-Infections in pool water.

Prevents Cross-infections

Ozone eliminates microorganisms & dissolved pollutants from the water.

Let your kids enjoy without risks !!

Prevent chemical skin irritation. Prevent chemical eye irritation. Safely prevent from chemical reagents. Prevent skin and body allergy. Prevent damaging from chemical immune response. Prevent hair falling from chemical reactions. Prevent chemical effects of skin anti-ageing issues. Eliminates chlorine smell

Preventing from chemical issues

Ozone can effectively remove any kinds of color diluted in water. Ozone treatment instantly removes all types of odor from the water, which is widely using now in many drinking water purification plants for odor removal and de-odorization of drinking water. Globally ozone is a proven powerful technology in waste water treatment for de-colourization & de-odorization.

Efficient on de-colourization & de-odorization.

The use of ozone has also the advantage for the swimming pool operator that less fresh water replacement is necessary, which has a big effect on the water purification, disinfection cost and chemical purchase costs.

Ozone is a long run saving solution

Ozone is besides an effective disinfection agent also a coaggulation agent, which will increase the performance of the sand filters and active carbon filters etc,.

Ozone helps filter performance

Ozone treatment kills all kinds of Bacteria / Virus / Fungi / Mould / Algae from the swimming pool water. Prevent all microorganisms cross-infections in the swimming pool water.

Ozone kills all microorganisms in the water

Ozone is saving the cost of buying silent harmful chemicals and giving a sparklier and clearer eco bathing water. .

- Be safe from chemically treated swimming pool water GO GREEN & GO ECO friendly product.


Safe for long hours in pool / swimming

(Olympic swimming pool case study)

Why ozone treated pools are most preferred for professional swimmers?

Ozone has been used as a powerful cleaner and sanitizer in public swimming pools for almost 60 years. Many people, including scientists and professional Olympic athletes, believe it is a much better and safer alternative to chlorine. The water stays clearer thanks to reduced chemicals, swimmers face less irritation with eyes, skin and respiratory issues and bacteria is killed in a matter of seconds as opposed to several hours. In fact, it was roughly 35 years ago that ozone was first used to purify water in Olympic swimming pools. The 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles was the first reported use for Ozone at an Olympic athlete level. Since then, many have started to realize the benefits of using ozone sanitization over chlorine. Here are some of the facts about Ozone, including why it is the better alternative to chlorine and how it is has historically been used in Olympic swimming pools.

How is Ozone used in Olympic swimming pools?

We’ve all experienced the ‘side effects’ of chlorine after swimming. It’s generally accepted that chlorine will cause irritation to your eyes and skin, but it’s rarely understood why. Chlorine can produce dangerous by-products called chloramines. Chloramines can get into the lungs and cause allergies as well as irritations to the skin. These irritations we experience when swimming are actually our bodies warning us about the toxicity of the chlorine. Toxins from chlorine are not only present in the water, but they are also let off into the air which can cause further irritation such as asthma and respiratory issues.

Why is ozone safer than chlorine?

Ozone is able to kill harmful bacteria in seconds without issuing any of the harmful side-effects of chlorine. Differences documented by those swimming in ozone pools as opposed to chlorine pools include a reduction in ‘chlorine cough’ for members of staff, no skin or eye reactions and no ‘chemical’ smell in the air. It is these distinct differences that made Olympic organizers switch from using chlorine to ozone as a means of sanitization.

Why is ozone safer than chlorine?

Prior to the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, ozone purification had already been used in swimming pools for roughly 25 years, and for over 100 years in water treatment plants. By the time it was introduced to Olympic games swimming pools, athlete swimmers were already aware of the benefits of ozone-treated pools, with some even refusing to compete in the Olympics unless the pools were treated with ozone and not by chlorine.

The history of Ozone in Olympic swimming pools

Type of swimming pool water pollutants (Undissolved pollutants)

Undissolved pollutants mainly consist of visible floating particles, such as hairs and skin flakes, but also of colloidal particles, such as skin tissues and soap remains.

Type of swimming pool water pollutants (Dissolved pollutants)

Dissolved pollutants can consist of urine, sweat, eye fluids and saliva. Sweat and urine contain water, but also ammonia, ureum, kreatine, kreatinine and amino acids. When these substances are dissolved in water, they cannot harm swimmers. However, when these compounds react with chlorine in swimming pool water, incomplete oxidation can cause chloramine formation.

The chloramine formation in water causes the so-called chlorine-scent, which irritates the eyes and respiratory system. In a number of cases, stable compounds can be formed, which can only be removed from swimming pool water by water refreshment or by ozone treatment.

Type of swimming pool water pollutants (Dissolved pollutants)

The main types of pathogenic microorganisms in water are bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Bacteria are single-cell organisms that vary in size from 0,1 to 10 µm. The most commonly known species of bacteria are E. Coli and Salmonella.

Type of swimming pool water pollutants (Microorganisms)

Protozoa are single-cell organisms that contain a core. They are very mobile and live off solid nutrients. They can be found in water, where they are a food source for fish and other water animals. For most disinfectants, protozoa are resistant to the mechanisms most often and viruses secondly. Bacteria are rarely resistant to disinfection.

Type of swimming pool water pollutants (Microorganisms)

In the 2000 Sydney Australia Olympics, all the pools were sanitized with ozone which led to it gaining the reputation as ‘one of the fastest pools in the world’. The athletes reported amazing clarity within the pools and none of the usual reactions such as red eyes, rashes or skin irritations. In the 2016 Rio Olympics, the water in the pool turned green causing the organizers to pump more chlorine into the pool. This led to complaints by the U.S. swimming team as they could not see due to the incredibly high chlorine levels.

Ozone reputation @ Australia Olympics 2000

Swimming pools are just one example of how Ozone is the safer and more effective solution over toxic chemicals. Many of our clients have switched to using Ozone cleaning products for similar reasons. The impacts of using toxic chemicals to clean on a daily basis can be very similar to the side effects of chlorine. Switching to Ozone cleaning products reduces the likelihood of respiratory issues and skin irritations, whilst remaining a highly effective cleaner, sanitizer and deodorizer.

Ozone: the safer alternative to chemicals

Essential parts of water treatment systems

Generally, water treatment systems for swimming pool water consist of filtration, oxidation, disinfection and refreshment. The Raw pollutants, such as hairs and plasters are removed from water by filters. Smaller, undissolved particles are removed by sand filtration. To improve this removal system, coagulation may be applied. This makes the smallest undissolved particles easier to remove. Dissolved particles are removed by oxidation by the disinfectant. The disinfectant also deactivates the microorganisms. Substances that cannot be decomposed must be gradually removed by water refreshment.

Ozone can use as an additional water treatment technique to remove byproducts formation of

chlorinated pools

Because of its strong oxidation and disinfection mechanism of Ozone, it is very suitable for swimming pool water treatment. Application of ozone for filtration; increase of filter and coagulant efficiency. In order to be able to use the ozone mechanism optimally, ozone is injected on the filter, before the addition of a coagulant. After filtration, If necessary; a chlorine product is added to remain a residual concentration in the system. The amount of chlorine that is added will be less when it is combined with ozone.

Why swimming pool water is treated?

The water in a swimming pool or spa is nearly always treated by some means or other. The prime purpose of the treatment is to ensure that the water is clean and not detrimental to the health of the bathers. Invariably, water is taken from the pool and filtered. This process removes any solid pollutants in the pool. This cleaning is, however not sufficient. Bacteria, viruses, cysts and organic pollutants are inevitably introduced into the pool water from the air and by the bathers themselves. These microorganisms and pollutants are microscopic or are dissolved in the water. Since these are extremely hazardous to bathers, they must be neutralized or removed from the water.

To achieve this, the most common method employed throughout the world is to treat the pool water with chlorine or a chemical that releases chlorine into the water. Chlorine is a fairly effective disinfectant. However, chlorine does have its limits and has several disadvantages. There are a considerable number of micro-organisms that remain unaffected by chlorine. These micro-organisms (such as Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia) are extremely dangerous to health, causing severe gastrointestinal infections and other complaints. When chlorine oxidises organic matter in the water (such as urea), amongst the by-products that are formed is a family of chemicals called chloramines. Chloramines are highly noxious substances that have highly undesirable effects:

Chemicals Disadvantages

Chemicals cause the very unpleasant "swimming pool" smell experienced in many pools. Chemicals irritate the nose, throats and eyes of bathers and are responsible for the "red eyes“, experienced by bathers in many pools. Chemicals irritate the skin. Chemicals affect the respiratory system, particularly of small children, It at best aggravate respiratory conditions, such as asthma. Chemicals attack the fabric of the swimming pool and the building in which the pool is located. Over time, damage is caused to wood, ceramics, steel, concrete and plaster.

Many efforts have been made to replace chlorine, but few of these have gained substantial ground. This is because they have been found to have the same drawbacks (e.g. bromine), or are expensive (e.g. hydrogen peroxide) or are less effective (e.g. metal ion based processes, hydrogen peroxide). Various Disinfectant and their by-products: Disinfectant Organohalogenic disinfection byproducts Inorganic disinfection byproducts Non-halogenic disinfection byproducts Chlorine (Cl2)/ underchloric acid (HOCl) trihalomethanes, halogenic acetic acids, haloacetonnitrils, chlorine hydrates, chloropicrin, chlorophenols, Nchloramines, halofuranones, bromohydrins chlorate.