
GREEN ENERGY SCOPE FOR NUCLEAR TECHONOLOGY The day to day increasing pollution making all the countries to worry about the global worming which in fact causing many environmental problems and will very severe in future .All the countries through out the world used the energy resources extensively and created a huge pollution and damage to environment . Now with decrease in quantity of energy resources and in turn also decided to use the fuels which are non conventional and which do not effect the environment very less or almost zero. Green Energy : Those fuels which can cause very less pollution comparatively with other sources of fuel and that effects the environment very less are considered as the green energy. Most of countries are using wind, tidal, geothermal and solar energy as the green energy sources. But these can not reach all the needs of the humans and this made them to use another sources of energy which do not pollutes environment and in turn can full fill all the needs of humans. For, this number of researches were conducted very extensively and discovered that nuclear energy can full fill all their needs for in fuel consumption .This lead to birth of nuclear technology and usage of nuclear fuel as green energy source. Nuclear fuel as green energy: As the nuclear energy was generated by using nuclear fuel which cause very less pollution and that to through the emission of radiations. There is no emission of green house gases like carbon dioxide, sulphur, and nitrogen during the energy generation. But,there is very less emission of green house gases during the mining,milling and transportation of the nuclear fuel. The energy liberated is very high when compared to other fuels and cause heavy pollution. So, the nuclear fuel can be used as green energy resource. Nuclear Fuel And Environment: Nuclear power has been presented as providing net environmental benifity specially nuclear power makes no contributions to global worming through emission of gren house gases like co2,so2 and No2.It also do not produce


ECo friendly technology,Green energy,Save earth- saves you

Transcript of Green

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GREEN ENERGY SCOPE FOR NUCLEAR TECHONOLOGY The day to day increasing pollution making all the countries to worry about the global worming which in fact causing many environmental problems and will very severe in future .All the countries through out the world used the energy resources extensively and created a huge pollution and damage to environment . Now with decrease in quantity of energy resources and in turn also decided to use the fuels which are non conventional and which do not effect the environment very less or almost zero.

Green Energy : Those fuels which can cause very less pollution comparatively with other sources of fuel and that effects the environment very less are considered as the green energy. Most of countries are using wind, tidal, geothermal and solar energy as the green energy sources. But these can not reach all the needs of the humans and this made them to use another sources of energy which do not pollutes environment and in turn can full fill all the needs of humans. For, this number of researches were conducted very extensively and discovered that nuclear energy can full fill all their needs for in fuel consumption .This lead to birth of nuclear technology and usage of nuclear fuel as green energy source.

Nuclear fuel as green energy: As the nuclear energy was generated by using nuclear fuel which cause very less pollution and that to through the emission of radiations. There is no emission of green house gases like carbon dioxide, sulphur, and nitrogen during the energy generation. But,there is very less emission of green house gases during the mining,milling and transportation of the nuclear fuel. The energy liberated is very high when compared to other fuels and cause heavy pollution. So, the nuclear fuel can be used as green energy resource.

Nuclear Fuel And Environment: Nuclear power has been presented as providing net environmental benifity specially nuclear power makes no contributions to global worming through emission of gren house gases like co2,so2 and No2.It also do not produce no notable particulaters. When nuclear power is produced , nothing is burned in a conventional sence. Heat is produced through nuclear fission, not by oxidation. Nuclear power does produce spent fuels of roughly the same mass and volume as the fuel that the reactor takes in. These spent fuels are kept with in the reactor fuel assemblies thus, unlike fossile fuels, which emits stack gases to the ambient environment, solid wastes at nuclear power plants are contained through out the generation process. No, particulates or ash emitted

The issue of whether nuclear plants actually present a net positive environmental gain compared to fossil fuels depends on the values that are placed on the wastes that each type of the plant produces.Nuclear power provides an environmental benefit by all most entirely eliminating airborne wastes and the particulates generated during power generation.Nuclear power creates a cost in the form of relatively small volumes of radioactive wastes that are produced must be managed prior to ultimate disposal .Fossil fuel also produce unwanted solid wastes.The problems associated with these wastes differ from spent nuclear fuel.Neither waste stream is desirable the volume of waste from the nuclear plant is substantially less and better controlled.

Nuclear accidents that effected environment: There are very few disasters which effected environment.These disasters occurs very less often i.e, because of man made mistakes.

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Benjamink.suvacool has reported that world wide there have been 99 accidents at nuclear power plants. Among which 56 accidents occurs in U.S.A. Relatively very few accidents one or two created severe environmental damage. On this account we have todiscuss the disasters that created huge loss.

Chernobyl disaster: This was the worst nuclear accident to date which occurred on 1:23am of 26th April 1986.this killed 56 people directly and caused on estimated 4000 additional cases of total cancer, as well as damaging approximately $7 million of property. 3,50,000 people were forcibly resettled away from these areas soon after the accident.

How ever, inspite of one or two accidents remaining all are very less effective on environment and accidents were very rare that are effects the lives the living organisms.

Interaction of fossil fuel & Nuclear power waste decisions:

Coal, oil and natural gas have parallel environmental problems, through the volume and proportions of particular emissions like so2, co2 vary between them. Nuclear power is sufficiently different from oil and natural gas that they trade offs between nuclear power and fossil fuels vary whether it is coal or natural gas that is replaced. IN the case of coal, there is also a capacity of chose among fuels which are high or low in sulphur, ash and other emission contents fossil fuels also permit variations in emission based on burner types, technology choices and emission control equipment.

Average emission level in production of 1mwh of power: ( in pounds per 1mwh)


SO2 13 12 0.1 0

NO2 6 4 1.7 0

SO, the nuclear fuel is very selective as it has no emission of pollutants like SO2, CO2 and NO2.

Comparision with other fuel:

It was estimated that the average radioactivity per short ton coal is 17,100mill curie/4,00,000 tons. With 154 coal plants in the U.S this amounts to emissions of 0.6319tbq per year for a single plant. Unlike coal fired or oil fired generation , nuclear power generations does not directly produce any sulphur dioxide ,nitrogen dioxide or mercury .however as all the energy sources there is some pollution associated with support activities such as manufacturing and transport On comparing historical safety record civilian nuclear energy with other forms of electrical generation .in the period from 1970 _1992 there were only 39 job deaths of nuclear power plant workers world wide, while during the same period there were 6400

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Job deaths in coal power plant workers coal power plants are estimated to kill 24000 americans per year due to lung diseases as well as causing 40000 heart attack in U.K The average coal power plants emits more than hundred times as much radiations per year than comparatively sized nuclear power plants in the form of toxic coal waste known as fly ash.


A nuclear bomb dropped on the Japan killed millions of people effected the environment adversely. How ever, the same nuclear technology that led to bomb could provide a clean, safe power that is actually good or the environment. Many Americans are unaware of the benefits on the environment, but it provides a safe, clean and reliable sources of electricity.