GREEKDERIVATIVES EXAM - All Things Latin at Milton HS … ·  · 2017-04-202OO9 GJCL...

2OO9 GJCL GREEKDERIVATIVES EXAM Fill in the first four blocks of the Scantron sheet with your own 4-digit code and then the next four blocks with the 4-diglt code for this exam (1015). Fill in completely the space on the answer sheet corresponding to the answer for each question; please do not write on the exam itself. I. Give the letter of the meaning nearest to that of the Greek element underlined. 1. ENEYELICAL 2. APA'IEY 3. ENDEMTC 4. CACOPHONY 5. HOROSCOPE 6. GLOSSAL ]. SYNDBQME 8. SELENOLOGY 9. PROGNOSIS 10. ANTIDOTE 11, APOTHEOSIS 12. PACITYDERM 13. EMBLEM 14. EVANGELTST 15. POLICE a) letter b) wheel c) all d) in a) way b) put c) suffer a) disease b) show c) speak a) bad a) hour d) different d) people d) many d) measure d) tongue d) contest d) type d) speech d) give d) die d) large d) hold d) messenger d) force b) loud c) deep b) see c) star a) meaning b) list c) word a) home b) sick c) run a) age b) moon c) sun a) disease b) path c) know b) cure c) home b) light c) put a) smooth b) thick c) skin a) give b) sign c) throw a) word b) truth c) speech a) law b) many c) city a) take a) god lI. Choose the best answer based on the root meaning of the word in bold. 16. An anthology would most likely contain a. bones b. definitions 17. A bigamist has two or more a. children b. spouses 18. A heliograph creates signals using a. electricity b. the sun 19. A lithophl'te would grow in a. stone b. mud 20. A hematologist would study a. reptiles b. the brain a. a church b. a dictionary 23. You would use a criterion to make a. ajudgment b. a film c. advice d. poems c. living grandparents d. jobs c. motion d. sound c. sfong sun d. water c. blood d. weather 21. Someone's patronymic would be derived fiom a. their nationality b. their birthday c. their personality d. their father's name 22.Etymologies would most likely be encountered in c. a laboratory c. a building d. d. a biography apuzzle hard work Lt. 24. Someone displaying misandry would have an aversion to a. difference b. men c. women 25. A lexicographer would a. write dictionaries b. crack codes c. speak many languages d. interpret literature III. Based on your knowledge of Greek derivatives, choose the best meaning for each name. 26. Nick's name suggest that he is a. a wlnner b. speedy c. intelligentd. ajudge 27. Sophocles would be famous for his d. courage a. strength b. wisdom c. vrrtue

Transcript of GREEKDERIVATIVES EXAM - All Things Latin at Milton HS … ·  · 2017-04-202OO9 GJCL...


Fill in the first four blocks of the Scantron sheet with your own 4-digit code and then the next four blockswith the 4-diglt code for this exam (1015). Fill in completely the space on the answer sheet

corresponding to the answer for each question; please do not write on the exam itself.

I. Give the letter of the meaning nearest to that of the Greek element underlined.1. ENEYELICAL2. APA'IEY3. ENDEMTC4. CACOPHONY5. HOROSCOPE6. GLOSSAL]. SYNDBQME8. SELENOLOGY9. PROGNOSIS10. ANTIDOTE11, APOTHEOSIS12. PACITYDERM13. EMBLEM14. EVANGELTST15. POLICE

a) letter b) wheel c) all d) ina) way b) put c) suffera) disease b) show c) speaka) bada) hour

d) differentd) peopled) manyd) measured) tongued) contestd) typed) speechd) gived) died) larged) holdd) messengerd) force

b) loud c) deepb) see c) star

a) meaning b) list c) worda) home b) sick c) runa) age b) moon c) suna) disease b) path c) know

b) cure c) homeb) light c) put

a) smooth b) thick c) skina) give b) sign c) throwa) word b) truth c) speecha) law b) many c) city

a) takea) god

lI. Choose the best answer based on the root meaning of the word in bold.16. An anthology would most likely containa. bones b. definitions17. A bigamist has two or morea. children b. spouses18. A heliograph creates signals usinga. electricity b. the sun19. A lithophl'te would grow ina. stone b. mud20. A hematologist would studya. reptiles b. the brain

a. a church b. a dictionary23. You would use a criterion to makea. ajudgment b. a film

c. advice d. poems

c. living grandparents d. jobs

c. motion d. sound

c. sfong sun d. water

c. blood d. weather21. Someone's patronymic would be derived fioma. their nationality b. their birthday c. their personality d. their father's name

22.Etymologies would most likely be encountered inc. a laboratory

c. a building d.

d. a biography


hard workLt.

24. Someone displaying misandry would have an aversion toa. difference b. men c. women25. A lexicographer woulda. write dictionaries b. crack codes c. speak many languages d. interpret literature

III. Based on your knowledge of Greek derivatives, choose the best meaning for each name.26. Nick's name suggest that he isa. a wlnner b. speedy c. intelligentd. ajudge27. Sophocles would be famous for his

d. couragea. strength b. wisdom c. vrrtue


28. According to his name, Aristophanes should be reveaied to be

a. the richest b. the funmest c. the best29. George should grow up to be

a. goodJookrng b. a farmer c. a scientist30. Stephen might like to weara. a wreath b. jewelry c. a robe

a. homeopathy b. allopathy33. rude or tactless

d. the oldest

d. a leader

11 a tooa

c. osteopathy d. antipathy

IV. Choose the letter of the derivative that best suits the given definition.31. affectedandornatea. eidetic b. euphuistic c. erratic d. episcopal32. treatment of disease with drugs that produce slmptoms similar to that disease

a. hypocritical b. sociopathic c. endemic34. anexcessive display of leaming '

d. impolitic

a. pedantry35. drum

b. pedagogy c. pederasty d. pedology

a. harmonium b. tympanum c. euphomum36. absolute and unequivocal

d. nandemonium

a. academic b. anecdotal c. catesorical d. antithetical37. literally having a "split mind"a. sociopathic b. duplicitous c. heterodox d.

38. the study of matter in motiona. ergonomics b. dynamics c. ichthyology d.

39. a sign or symptom of a disease about to come on



V. Choose the best meaning of the Greek root.

a. syndrome b. dromedary40. needless repetition of wordsa. hyperbole b. euphony

c. prodrome d. chronogram

c. tautology d. metonymy

d. sharp

d. grow

d. fear

41. -od

a. shape42. icon-a. same43. erg-a. put44. necro-a. decay45. cau-a. swell46. -tom-a. cut47. -gnora. believe48. cosm-a. cily49. eu-a. well50. arch-a. opposite

b. like c. cycle d. way

b. image c. fine

b. carry c. work

b. corpse c. spirit

b. hide c. desfroy d. burn

b. small c. beginning d. seed

b. become c. know d. judge

aii c. vast d. order

b. false c. tall d. 'ffi"best

od.b. high c. rule



Fill in the frrst four blocks of the Scantron sheet with your own 4-digit code and then the next four blocks

with the -digit code for this exam (1015). Fill in completely the space on the answer sheet

corresponding to the answer for each question; please do not write on the exam itself.

I. Give the letter of the meaning nearest to that of the Greek element underlined.b) other c) every d) side1. PARALIEL


a) equala) alla) cilya) kinda) puta) mana) pledgea) diseasea) classa) teachq) cfar

a) mark

a) hilla) learn

b) elite c) rule d) worldb) many c) speak d) foreignb) four c) sound d) strikeb) speak c) hear d) evil

d) flowerb) listb) see

b) ship

c) putc) noble d)judgec) bad d) tum

b) speech c) count d) marketplaceb) ruleb) fall

b) cureb) runb) one

c. a warrior

c. honoring God

c) write d) buildc) fortune d) ruin

b) stain c) throw d) ask

c) tella) eatc) way

d) choosed) sellrl\ hatp

II. Choose the best answer based on the root meaning of the rvord16. Glosses would be used to sivea. relief b. explanations c. advice

c. a doctor

c. work

c. very ornate

c. a horror film

c. fear books

d. a farmer

d. leading the way


d. warnings

d. an author


17. The person most likely to cauterize is

a. a cook b. a dictator18. Someone with ergophobia would be afraid ofa. motlon b. electricity19. Cyclopean architecture is

a. very old b. very big20. You would most likely find an acrostic in

d. crops

d. very simple

d. a weather map

d. a poet

d. a museum

d. the ocean

d. herbs

d. interyret the

a. a book ofpoems b. a church21. The person most likely to be concerned with euphony is

a. a doctor b. a police officer c. a painter22.Doxology would most likely be encountered ina. a hospital b. a church c. a courtroom23. Someone displaying misocainea would have an aversion toa. dogs b. crowds c. new ideas

24. An osteopath would work witha. bones b. the senses c. stones

25. A bibliopole woulda. make maps b. sell books

III. Based on your knowledge of Greek derivatives, choose the best meaning for each name.26.Xena would be a sood name fora. a scientist b. a foreigner27.Timothy means

a. gift of God b. very learned


28. Peter should be known for hisa. steadfastness b. intelligence c. curiosity d. bravery29. Eunice literally meansa. good-looking b. well-likedc. good victory d. well-spoken30. Philippa's favorite pastime would bea. reading b. riding horses c. gardening d. studying philosophy

IV. Choose the letter of the derivative that best suits the given definition.31. very clear or vivida. lconlc b. eidetic32. literaTTy, "public work"a. synergy b. energy33. worship of the deada. necrolatry b. necromancy c. necropsy34.literally, one who "leads children"a. pediatrician b. pedestrian c. pied-a-terre d. pedagogue

35. secret or esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters

a. agnosticism b. gnosis c. cognizance d. prognosis36. an event placed in the wrong time perioda. schism b. anachronism c. chronosram d. decalosue37. originally a "well-rounded education"a. philosophy b. methodology c. mathematics d. encyclopedia38. common or populara. endemic b. demographic c. demotic d. politic39. one who knows many languagesa. polymath b. polyglot c. heterodox d. cosmopolite

c. hyperbolic d. probiotic40. obviously exaggerateda. parabolic b. embolus

V. Choose the best meaning of the Greek root.

c. dialectic

c. liturgy

c. envy

c. stone

c. fine

c. ten thousand

c. destroy

c. eat

c. kill

c. all

c. straight

c. wln

d. echelon

d. surgery

d. necrology

4l. zeal-a. ardor42.litho-a. image43. acro-a. point44. myri-a. few45. bomb-a. swell46. -phag-a. say4J. -crata. power48. pan-a. flat49. -lexi-a. mix50. cam-a. dear

b. anger

b. single

b. sharp

b. different

b. hum

b. think

b. evil

b. vulgar

b. write

b. vault

d. hate

d. exact

d. best

d. wife

d. fall

d. reveal

d. judge

d. fear

d. gather

d. even




Fill in the first four blocks of the Scantron sheet with your own 4-digit code, and then the next four blocks

with the 4-digit code for this exam (1015). Fill in completely the space on the answer sheet

corresponding to the answer for each question; do not write on the exam itself please.

I. Give the letter of the meaning nearest to that of the Greek element underlined.1. NEOP}ryTE2. TECHNOCRACY3. CYCLONE4, LYCANTHROPEs. ENDEMIC6. eaqoPHoNY7. ECLECTIC8. DENDzuTE9. ]VIYRIAD10. DEEATHLETEil. PANORAMA12. PSEUDONYM13. HYDROPHOBIA14. TERATOLOGY15. PAC}ryDERM

a) planta) skilla) winda) wolf

a) fewa) five

a) people b) rulea) nice b) bad

a) nerve b) roota) eat b) choose c) die

b) eggb) powerb) dustb) man

b) noneb) seven

b) hiddenb) water

c) childc) wisdomc) circlec) flowerc) demonc) loud

c) treec) flashingc) tenc) viewc) namec) firec) marchc) smooth

d) mudd) rulerd) twistd) mourningd) housed) heatedAd) readd) noded) ten thousandd) manyd) alld) footd) elationd) landd) thick

a) many b) few

II. Choose the best answer based on the root meaning of the word.16. Oligarchy is rule bya. the people b. the richc. the military d. the few

17. Dysentery is the of the bowels:

a. removal b. inflammation

a) aliasa) fear

d. slicing

is the name of a _:b. animald. peak

b. nakedd. alone

b. an endd. an origin

a) monster b) marvela) hot b) heavy

19. When in the gymnasium, one should literally be:

c. strengthening

18. A toponyma. placec. god

a. sweatingc. running

a. ayearc. a solution

20. One who gives isagogical remarks is:

a. teaching b. jokingc. muttering d. introducing

21. A polymorphic monstera. runs fast b. assumes many shapes

c. has many teeth d. has thick fur

22. An etiological explanation provides

23. A pantheon concernsa. the Cthonic gods b. the god of the flutec. all the gods d. the Olyrnpian gods


Itr. Based on your knowledge of Greek derivatives, choose the best meaning for each name.26. Theodore was the of God.a. beloved b. oriest c. defender d. sift27.What does Phillip love?a. waterfalls b. horses c. girls28. Sophia is outstanding for hera. wisdom b. grace c. beauty29. Nick should (technically) alwaysa. talk b. get hurt c. win30. What is good about Eugene?a. his health b. his height c. his ancestry d. his brain31. Polyphemus would have many _:a. sheep b. eyes c, speeches d. bones32. George would make a gooda. farmer b. lawyer c. doctor d. geologist33. What would Stephanie prefer to wear?a, gold robes b. a wreath c, perfume d. a toga34. What might Angela grow up to become?a. a caretaker b. an undertaker c. a sood mother d. a bike messenser35. Philokrates isa. arrogant b. wounded c. a lover of power d. a lover of mixed wine

fV. Choose the letter of the derivative which best suits the given definition.36. literally, one who "shows the fig"a. sycamore b. sychophant c. sycamme d. sycofer

d. occult

d. polyandry

37. literally, a departing from one's placea. echelon b. eclipse c, epidemic38. having more than one husband at the same tirnea, polygamy b. androgynous c. mrsogynous39. gold and ivorya. chryselephantine b, chysoleukistic40. study ofphysical spacea. astrology b. geology

V. Give the best meaning of each Greek root.41. -som-" -somat- a. mind b. few

b. equala. singlea. powerful b. equala. run b. boringa. color b. time

24. A necropolis is:a. a destroyed city b. a cemeteryc. a citadel d. a colony

25. A monolith is:a. carved from one block ofstonec. made of obsidian

b. an upright grave markerd. a single leader

d, poetry

d. temperance

d, guess correctly

c. dynographic

c. topography

42. isos-43. hemi-44. -drom-45. chrono-46. ery-47. chromo-48. xeno-49. dactyl50. rhin-

a. resulta. colora. colora. linea. nose

b. tinyb. timeb. foreignb. bumpb. shine

c. sleepc. unjustc. halfc. humpc. goldenc. monsterc. ancientc. winec. fingerc. wild

d. electrum

d. scientology

d. bodyd. both A and Cd. bloodd. arenad, circled. workd. goldend. giftd. beatd. horn



Fill in the fust four blocks of the Scantron sheet with your own 4-digit code, and then the next four blockswith the 4-digit code for this exam (1015). Fill in completely the space on the answer sheet correspondingto the answer for each question; do not write on the exam itself, please.


4. necrosis is the _ of cellsa. generation c. separationb. replication d. death

5. plutocratic rule is government by the

3. The lithosphere is composed ofa. oxygenb. elecftons

a. wealthyb. deceased

a. near the boundariesb. in the middle

2. An etiological explanation provides

1. democracy isa. rule of a fewb. rule of one

a. a yearb. an origin

9. phonology is the study ofa. lightb. movement

10. A pantheon honorsa. the god of the woodlandsb. allthe gods

11. polyglot12. metropolis13. panacea14. necroscopy15. pantograph1 6. psychopathic

c. rule of the peopled. rule of the aristocrats

c. an endd. a solution

c. rockd. paper

c. religiousd. intelligent

c. through the desertd. through outer space

c. high aboved. far away from

c. jealousyd. sound

c. the Olpnpian godsd. the Cthonic gods

a) intelligenta) capitala) cosmetica) list of deathsa) green inka) very sick

6. An onomastic explanation explainsa. the gender c. the age

b. the name d. the size

7.A nautical journey occursa. in a forestb. on the sea

8. Those on the periphery are


b) omnivorousb) subterraneanb) dessertb) microscopeb) writing deviceb) homicidai

c) fossilc) suburbc) remedyc) post-mortemc) squared paperc) stawed

d)linguistd) countyd) cocktaild) investigationd) large chartd) mentally ill


17. martyrdom18. etymology19, homogeneous20. stenography21. dogmatic22. prognosticate23. homochromatic24. nephologist25. hipparch26. scleroderma2T.toxemia28. philology29. pyromania30. bathysphere

a) festivala) insectsa) hereditarya) shorthanda) ecclesiasticala) be an atheista) musical scalea) student ofcloudsa) jungle beasta) inner layer of skina) making arrowsa) scholarshipa) red flowera) underwater cave

c) the sun

c) good

ofthe godc) priest

b) holinessb) historyb) obsceneb) map makingb) presumptuousb) chewingb) one colorb) dentistb) pelvisb) skin graftb) blood poisonb) locomotiveb) love of towersb) mountain

c) suffering d) hard workc) classification d) semanticsc) descended d) uniformc) calendarc) assertivec) predict

d) sports writingd) wildd) fall asleep


31. Philippos delights ina) weapons b) horses

32. Agathon was considereda) ugly b) lazy

33. Theodorus was thea) beloved b) enemy

34. Philokrates isa) anogant b) a lover ofpower c) a lover ofhorses

35. The father that named his dauehter Eunice was commemoratinsa) a good crop b) a bad fortune c) a great victory


36. fee"r of insectsa) entomology b) arachnophobia c) entomophobia

37. capable of making one's own decisionsa) autositic b) autistic c) autonomous

38. carved from a single stonea) monolithic b) monophyletic c) magalopic

39. the hate of womena) misanthropy b) misogyny c) mystic

40. study oflegendsa) lexicology b) epicurism c) synergy

c) flying machine d) timelessc) ear doctor d) kidney doctorc) bridle d) cavalry leaderc) skin disorder d)joint achec) sweat blood d) love ofarcheryc) study ofeggs d) religionc) craze for fre d) music crazec) diving tank d) environment

d) a wine mixer

d) a comedy

d) triskaidekaphobia

d) autocratic

d) mesolithic

d) polygamy

d) mythology

d) the earth

d) poor

d) gift



Fill in the first four blocks of the Scantron sheet with your own 4-digit code, and then the nextfour blocks with the 4-digit code for this exam (1015). Fill in completely the space on the answersheet corresponding to the answer for each question; do not write on the exam itself.


4. A prophylactic measure attempts toa. prevent something beforehand b. prevent pregnancyc. prevent tooth decay d. stop milk production

1. Dysphagia isa. difficulty speakingc. difficulty sleeping

2. Hypermnesia isa. extreme memory loss

c. over-active brain activity

3. Endogamy isa. plural marriagec. arranged marriage

5. Synergy isa. excessive energyc. working together

6. Misogyny isa. hatred ofratsc. hahed of marriage

8. Oligarchy is rule bya. the majorilya +ha -an^la

9. Gymnophobia is the fear ofa. womenc. being naked

10. A hippodrome is aa. stadium for horse-racingc. stadium for sprinting

11. pachydqm a.

12. eclectic a.

b. difficulty swallowingd. difficulty thinking

b. complete memory of the pastd. under-active brain activity

b. marriage within a groupd. political marriage

b. lack ofenergyd. solar energy

b. hatred of womend. hatred ofblood

b. the richd. the few

b. batsd. athletic contests

b. stadium for foot-racesd. stadium for relay-races

b. earb. choose

c. nose

c. sleep

1. Dendrology is the study ofa. teeth b. gum tissuec. trees d. fossils





1? +rinfr;nh e fl\/

14. cacophony a. varied15. diachronic a. time16. endg4qic a. evil17. pbtrypus a. foot18. propegileutic a. child19. synopsis a. soul20. brachyqgphalic a. head21. metilnomv a. law22. myriopod a. three23. troglodyte a. monster24. teratoma a. growth25. panacea a. many26. lilhqtomy a. knife27. metamgpbosis a. form28. xenophobia a. fear29. asymplQmatic a. together30. decathlete a. ten


J _t.








d. fortuned. pleasantd. walkd. governmentd. weaved. educationd. summaryd. braind. dress

d. ten thousandd. insectd. disease

d. cured. windowd. godd. needyd. disease

d. few

b. writeb. badb. meaningb. disease

b. flatb. teacherb. essence

b. faceh qim

b. fewb. caveb. defectb. allb. dustb. changeb. strangerb. fallb. five

c. foldc. shrillc. color

c. plantc. masterc. view

c. namec. allc. heavyc. monsterc. fewc. stonec. flower^ "nl'c. poisonc. many


love of knowledgea. philophile b. philosophycarved from one block of stone

a. monolithic b. monographicgold and ivorya. chryselephantine b. chrysoleukisticgraveyarda. mausoleum b. acropolisunit of worka. dyne b. caloriestudy of legends

a. lexicologyfear of insectsa. arachlophobia b. entomologyhaving more than one husband at the same time

leukelephantine d. dynographic

necropolis d. sarcophagus

erg d. photon

mythology d. mythography

entomophobia d. arachnophagia

d. misogynous







c. farmer

c. philology


d. bibliophile

d. megalopic

b. synopsis

a. polyandry b. polygamy androgynous



39. creation ofthe universea. cosmology b. cosmetology

40. that which allows one to see small thinssa. microsphere b. microscope


41 . What sort of girl is Agatha?a. pretty b. moral

Peter should be known for hisa. fearlessness b. loyalty

What does Stephanie like to wear?

c. good d.







44.a. dresses b. gold

Sophia isa. wise b. good

George should be aa. doctor b. teacher





d. actor