Gravity Fed System

Gravity Fed System Team Members: Chris Kulbago, Lauren Pahls, Ted Rakiewicz, Patrick O’Connell, Sarah Salmon, James Brinkerhoff Group Number: 13631


Gravity Fed System. Team Members: Chris Kulbago, Lauren Pahls , Ted Rakiewicz , Patrick O’Connell, Sarah Salmon, James Brinkerhoff Group Number: 13631. Table of Contents. Project Background Important Tasks Customer Needs Engineering Specifications Functional Decomposition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Gravity Fed System

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Gravity Fed SystemTeam Members: Chris Kulbago, Lauren Pahls, Ted Rakiewicz, Patrick O’Connell, Sarah Salmon, James BrinkerhoffGroup Number: 13631

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Table of Contents1. Project Background2. Important Tasks3. Customer Needs4. Engineering Specifications5. Functional Decomposition6. Design Concept Generation7. Control Loops8. Process Flow Diagrams9. System Architecture10. PUGH Diagram11. Cart Proposal12. Equipment Decomposition13. Budget Analysis14. Data Acquisition & Controller Options15. Risk Assessment16. Questions

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Project Background• TaskPractically demonstrate process control in a lab environment using a gravity fed loop with a control valve.• CustomerRIT’s Chemical Engineering Department• Product StakeholdersStudents who will use the machine, the Department, Dr. Sanchez, Dr. Richter, and staff who will maintain the machine.• CollaborationTwo other groups are designing similar process control machines whose aesthetic appearances must match ours.

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Important Tasks• Established roles within our group.• Worked together to agree upon a code of ethics.• Toured the lab to better understand customer needs.• Researched donated equipment.• Brainstormed different concept ideas.• Iteratively arrived at our two final ideas.• Produced diagrams to clearly present our ideas.• Communicated throughout design process with customer.• Collaborated with other two teams to make sure designs are


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Customer Needs• Machine Design Needs:

An easily transportable/cleaned cart.A somewhat easy to disassemble cart.A way for students to manually manipulate flow A way for students to manipulate flow through Labview.A way to manually measure flow. A way to measure flow through Labview.Easily operated by 3 students.A safely operating machine.Interface of machine with Labview.A way to demonstrate each part of the PID equation.A way to demonstrate noise in sensors. A way to demonstrate the time lag. Minimal use of water and electricity.

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Customer Needs• Student Learning Needs:

A lab manual that guides students through lab in a way that engenders learning. Questions for the post lab report that test student's understanding of process control. Lab manual that focuses on PID, noise, filtration, data modeling, disturbances, and/or hysteresis.

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Engineering Specifications Line

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Engineering Specs Pressure

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Functional Decomposition

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Design Concept Generation• Gravity Fed-This was our first idea and our most basic and

literal approach. Attach a large tank to a base connected to ceiling and change height to show different flow rates.

• Line Fed-Simulate height by controlling flow from a line and applying a pressure that corresponds with a given height.

• Pressure Tank-Simulate height by controlling the pressure of the feed from a pressure tank.

• Based on our group’s analysis, we made the line fed system our first choice and the pressure tank as our second choice.

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Control Loop Line Fed

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Control Loop Pressure System

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Gravity System Architecture

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Gravity Process Flow Diagram

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Pressure System Architecture

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Pressure Process Flow Diagram

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Line Fed System Architecture

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Line Fed Process Flow Diagram

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Cart Initial Proposal

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Cart Layout

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Line Cart Layout

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Pressure Cart Layout

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Equipment Decomposition• Broke into four subsystems• 1. Water Supply• 2. Flow Control• 3. Cart• 4. Recycle Loop

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Equipment Decomposition Water Supply

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Equipment Decomposition Flow Control

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Equipment Decomposition Cart System

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Equipment Decomposition Recycle Loop

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Budget Analysis

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Data Acquisition & Controller Options

• Three choices• 1. Use LabVIEW as the controller and the

microcontroller as the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter).

• 2. Use the microcontroller as the ADC and utilize the donated Honeywell Controller.

• 3. Use the National Instruments Data Acquisition and the Honeywell Controller.

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Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment Cont.

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