Graphic Generation Tool Help

Graphic Generation Tool Help Code No. LIT-12011697 Software Release 1.3 Issued September 10, 2014 Graphic Generation Tool Introduction..................................................................................... 3 Related Documentation...................................................................................................................... 3 GGT Overview..................................................................................................................................... 3 GGT Concepts..................................................................................................................................... 4 Screen Layout and Panels.................................................................................................................... 4 Terms.................................................................................................................................................... 5 Menus................................................................................................................................................... 8 Toolbars............................................................................................................................................... 19 Panels................................................................................................................................................. 28 Graphic Canvas.................................................................................................................................. 45 Keyboard Shortcuts............................................................................................................................ 48 Graphics Opened From and Saved to the File System...................................................................... 48 Graphics Opened From and Saved to a Metasys Host...................................................................... 48 Graphics Created From and Saved to Templates............................................................................... 49 CAD Drawing Import Function............................................................................................................ 50 Floor Plan Creation............................................................................................................................. 54 Image Exporting.................................................................................................................................. 54 File Printing......................................................................................................................................... 55 Tool Options........................................................................................................................................ 55 Right-Click Menus............................................................................................................................... 57 Rename Function................................................................................................................................ 58 Locate Function.................................................................................................................................. 58 Edit Layer Function............................................................................................................................. 58 Metasys System Interaction................................................................................................................ 59 Detailed Procedures......................................................................................................................... 63 Creating a Graphic.............................................................................................................................. 63 Saving a Graphic................................................................................................................................ 65 Opening and Closing a Graphic.......................................................................................................... 68 Printing a Graphic............................................................................................................................... 71 Creating a Floor Plan.......................................................................................................................... 72 Editing a Floor Plan............................................................................................................................. 78 Inserting a Value Box.......................................................................................................................... 84 Working with Drawing Tools and Elements......................................................................................... 86 Working with Text................................................................................................................................ 92 Working with Color.............................................................................................................................. 95 Working with Lines............................................................................................................................ 101 Creating Complex Shapes with the Art Canvas Tool........................................................................ 102 Binding Elements to the Metasys System......................................................................................... 103 Interacting with the Metasys System................................................................................................ 107 Working with the Tool........................................................................................................................ 118 Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................................. 122 Behaviors Overview .............................................................................................................. 125 Triggers............................................................................................................................................ 126 Effects.............................................................................................................................................. 127 How Effects Display in the SMP, SCT, and Ready Access Portal..................................................... 128 1 Graphic Generation Tool Help

Transcript of Graphic Generation Tool Help

Graphic Generation Tool HelpGraphic Generation Tool Help Code No. LIT-12011697 Software Release 1.3
Issued September 10, 2014
Index .......................................................................................................................................491
Graphic Generation Tool Introduction Welcome to Release 1.3 of the Johnson Controls Graphic Generation Tool Help.
This document contains information on how to use the Graphic Generation Tool (GGT) to create Graphics+ objects representing your HVAC systems and floor plan layouts. The GGT is a Microsoft® Windows® based application that lets you create graphical representations of your building automation system to allow the Metasys® system the ability to monitor and control your facility from these interactive graphics.
Related Documentation contains literature related to the GGT.
Table 1: Graphic Generation Tool Related Documentation LIT NumberSee DocumentFor Information On LIT-12011685Graphic Generation Tool Installation
Instructions Installing the Graphic Generation Tool
LIT-12011698Graphics+ Feature Product BulletinFeatures and Benefits of the Graphic Configuration Tool
LIT-12011708Graphics+ Runtime HelpRuntime Characteristics of Graphics+ Files
LIT-12011705Graphics+ Style Guide HelpRecommendations and Best Practices to Follow When Creating Graphics
LIT-12011832Metasys System Configuration GuideHardware and Software Recommendations for Displaying Graphics in the Site Management Portal (SMP), System Configuration Tool (SCT), or Ready Access Portal
GGT Overview The GGT lets you create and modify Metasys Graphics+ files. You can save these files to your computer or save them directly to a supported Metasys host, such as a Site Director, supervisory engine, or a System Configuration Tool (SCT) archive database. You can then use these graphics to monitor and control the building with the Site Management Portal or Ready Access Portal.
Note: Even though Graphics+ files can be saved to and viewed from any supervisory engine, we recommend that you use Network Automation Engine (NAE) 55s only. For best results, store and view all graphics on an Application and Data Server (ADS) Site Director or Extended Application and Data Server (ADX) Site Director.
The tool consists of a library of graphic elements, the Graphic Enterprise Library (GEL), relevant to the building automation industry. The GGT also contains a binding component, which allows you to bind the symbols within the GEL directly to Metasys objects defined on the ADS/ADX, SCT archive database, and any supervisory engine.
With the Graphic Generation Tool, you can:
• create and modify graphics located on your computer, a Metasys Site Director, supervisory engine, or within an SCT archive.
• establish and maintain connection information to one or more Metasys hosts. • bind to actual objects defined in an archive database or in the online system. • export a graphic as an image file. • print a graphic to any installed printer. • import a computer-aided design (CAD) drawing as a single image, individual elements, or floor element. • view the entire graphic in a condensed form using the Preview pane. • display all elements of a graphic in a hierarchical list. • configure the properties of any element used within a graphic, such as its size, position, color, and font. • use basic drawing tools and shapes to create custom shapes.
3Graphic Generation Tool Help
• create elements using the drawing tools and apply flash, color change, navigation, and additional behaviors to the elements.
• create graphics based on user-defined or system-defined templates. • use a wide variety of fixed-function elements that you can easily and quickly drop into a graphic and configure. • display online Help. • display a style guide of recommendations on how to build new graphics.
GGT Concepts Screen Layout and Panels The Main screen consists of a menu bar, several toolbars, and several panels (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Main Screen
To start using the GGT, see these sections:For background information on the GGT, see these sections:
Creating a GraphicTerms Working with Drawing Tools and ElementsMenus Working with TextToolbars Working with ColorPanels Working with LinesGraphic Canvas Working with the ToolMetasys System Interaction Interacting with the Metasys SystemTroubleshooting
4Graphic Generation Tool Help
A feature that allows you to use an asterisk (*) as a placeholder for a fully qualified object reference. When a graphic is displayed in runtime mode, the alias symbol (*) is replaced with the text from the configured alias string. This replacement results in a full object reference to be used by the aliased symbol.
Application Navigation Binding
A type of binding that allows for navigation to an application or opening of a file. This binding configuration contains the executable path to an application or the location of a file, allowing you to start the application or open the file from a graphic during runtime.
Art Canvas
A drawing tool that allows you to add complex shapes to your graphic. These shapes may consist of geometries, such as line segments, curved lines, and arcs.
A characteristic that helps define a Metasys item or object whose value can be bound on a Graphics+ graphic. Present Value and High Alarm Limit are examples of object attributes.
Behavior Name
A user-defined name for a custom behavior. The purpose of the behavior name is to allow the user to easily associate expectations of a behavior. In the GGT, a behavior name can contain any character. However, there is a 20 character limit for behavior names.
The process of establishing a connection between an element on the Graphic Canvas with a Metasys Object attribute. During configuration time, you bind the symbol to the Metasys object using the Metasys Binding panel. By default, the Metasys Binding panel uses the default attribute of the Metasys object. During runtime, the SMP or the Ready Access Portal retrieves the current value of the attribute and displays it on the graphic.
A behavior specifies a cause and effect relationship for any element on a Graphics+ graphic. The user defines a behavior name, a trigger, an effect, and an optional rule. Some examples of applying behaviors are making a circle flash when a Metasys item is in alarm, or navigating to a Metasys object when the user clicks on the element.
Dynamic Element
A Graphic Enterprise Library (GEL) element that can be bound to a Metasys object while editing the graphic and whose value and/or status either appears or is used to control an animation during runtime.
Edit Layer
A right-click menu option that allows you to edit the layer of an element.
Effects provide the ability to change the behavior of any element. Effects for behaviors include Set Color, Set Visibility, Flash, Navigate, Show Command Dialog, and Show Context Menu.
A GEL symbol or dynamic element added to the Graphic Canvas. The Advanced Value Box, Key Data Item, Damper, and Fan are examples of elements in the GGT.
Floor Element
5Graphic Generation Tool Help
A tool for configuring the background image, exterior walls, interior walls, and room status elements that make up a single floor. The Floor element displays the floor using a fixed perspective to ensure a consistent appearance for all floors in a site.
Freeform Polygon
A multi-sided, closed shape. You use the Freeform Polygon tool to draw a freeform polygon in the Graphic Canvas. A freeform polygon differs from a regular polygon in that the line is drawn as you hold down the mouse button and move across the Graphic Canvas.
Freeform Polyline
A continuous line that consists of multiple segments. You use the Freeform Polyline tool to draw a freeform polyline in the Graphic Canvas. A freeform polyline differs from a regular polyline in that the line is drawn as you hold down the mouse button and move across the Graphic Canvas.
Graphic Canvas
The area of the GGT that holds all elements of a graphic. All elements added to the Graphic Canvas are visible in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal.
Graphic Enterprise Library (GEL)
The library that represents all elements that you can use in a graphic. The elements in the GEL appear in the Library panel. Examples of Library categories include Electrical, HVAC Boilers, HVAC Chillers, Floor Plan, and Lighting.
Graphics Package
The GEL and the Graphics+ Runtime Viewer that is installed with the GGT and can be deployed independently from standard releases of Metasys system software.
Graphics+ Files
Files created by the GGT. These files are Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) files and have an .xaml extension.
Label Binding
A type of value binding that contains a reference to a Metasys item (either aliased or fully specified) with Name or Description as a fixed attribute. If both a Label Binding and a Label under the Properties panel are specified, the Label Binding takes precedence at runtime.
Library Panel
Area of the GGT used to add elements to the Graphic Canvas.
List Binding Property
A property in an element that supports a list of one or more bound items. For example, a Status Summary element may allow you to configure a list of Metasys items whose statuses are reflected in the element.
Metasys Host
A Site Director or an SCT archive that can store Graphics+ objects created by the GGT. The Site Director can be an ADS, ADX, or a supervisory engine.
Metasys Item
Any item on the All Items Tree that can be used in a graphic.
An area of the screen that has a particular function. Panels can be opened, closed, and repositioned on the screen.
6Graphic Generation Tool Help
A drawing tool that allows you to create the vertices of a polygon with each click in the Graphic Canvas.
A drawing tool that allows you to create a straight line segment for each click in the Graphic Canvas.
A user-customized setting within a GEL element (for example, font size and height). You can edit properties of graphical elements with the Properties panel.
Reference Binding
A type of binding that contains a reference to a Metasys item, either aliased or fully specified. For example, a button may allow you to configure a single bound item to which to navigate.
Room Status
An element that displays the system preference status color that corresponds to the status of a bound Metasys item, such as room temperature, humidity, or air quality. For example, a Room Status element can be drawn within a floor element to indicate the temperature of a particular zone on a floor. A Room Status element can also reside as a stand-alone element on the graphic.
A rule that limits the results of a behavior so that the effect takes place only if the trigger occurs and the rule evaluates to true. For example, if AV1's status is offline, change the color of the element to blue. In this example, the color change behavior occurs only if AV1's status is offline.
Describes when animations, behaviors, or other executable actions take place in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal.
Standard Templates
A set of prebuilt templates that are installed with the GGT. For a list of available standard templates, see Table 28.
A user-defined or system-supplied Graphics+ file that serves as a starting point for developing a new graphic. Several standard template categories are available, such as Air, Floor Plan, Network, Water, and Blank. The User Defined template category is available after you create your own template. The Air, Floor Plan, Network, and Water templates are standard, prebuilt designs provided with the Graphics Library and are installed as part of GGT installation. The Blank category includes the Base Template (contains a prebuilt header) and the Empty Template (blank).
A user-defined action that causes a behavior process to begin. For example, a trigger can be configured as a left click, double click, right click, or Metasys Value Change.
URL Navigation Binding
A type of binding that allows for navigation to a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). This type of property contains a hyperlink in one of the supported URL formats (for example, http, https, file, ftp, and mailto).
Value Binding
A type of binding that contains a reference to a Metasys item (either aliased or fully specified) and a Metasys attribute.
Workspace Panel
7Graphic Generation Tool Help
A panel displayed in the middle portion of the screen that holds one or more graphics. You can reposition or move the workspace panel to a second monitor if your computer is configured for multiple monitors. If more than one graphic is open, a tab appears in the workspace panel for each graphic that you can use to switch between the graphics.
Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) file format that Graphics+ files use.
Menus Menus appear on the menu bar at the top of the GGT window. Many of the operations you can perform on a graphic are found in these menus.
The available menus are:
8Graphic Generation Tool Help
File Menu Figure 2 and Table 2 show and describe the options available on the File menu.
Figure 2: File Menu
Table 2: File Menu Options DescriptionSubmenu OptionMenu Option Creates a new empty graphic or a new graphic based on a template.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+N.
Opens a graphic from a location on your computer. Note: You can also open a file directly from the Windows Internet Explorer
web browser by double-clicking its name if the Associate files with .XAML extension option was selected during GGT installation. The GGT starts (if not already started) and opens the selected Graphics+ file for editing.
From FileOpen
Opens a graphic from SCT or from an online Metasys device (for example, a Site Director). On a large site, the graphic may take over 30 seconds to open.
From Metasys
Saves the graphic to a selected location, either on your computer or a Metasys device.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+S.
Saves the graphic as an XAML file to a location on your computer.FileSave As
Saves the graphic as a Metasys object on a qualified device that is accessible from the Metasys Host. On a large site, the graphic may take over 30 seconds to save.
Metasys Object
Saves the graphic as a reusable template to a location on your computer.Template
Exports the graphic as a raster image so you can open the image with a different application. For a list of supported export file formats, see Image Exporting.
Export Image
Imports a CAD drawing into the graphic. For a list of supported CAD formats, see CAD Drawing Import Function.
Import CADDrawing
9Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 2: File Menu Options DescriptionSubmenu OptionMenu Option Opens the Manage Metasys Hosts dialog box. This dialog box lets you add, remove, log off, and edit the SCT computers and Site Directors that the tool can access.
Manage Metasys Hosts
Updates the Graphics Package on the Metasys Host device or any of its qualified child devices.
Update Metasys Hosts
Prints the currently displayed graphic. The standard Print dialog box appears.Print
Closes the graphic. If the graphic has unsaved changes, you are prompted to save the file.
Logs off all users who are currently logged in to Metasys hosts and closes the GGT. If any graphic that has unsaved changes, you are prompted to save the file.
10Graphic Generation Tool Help
Edit Menu Figure 3 and Table 3 show and describe the options available on the Edit menu. To select multiple elements on the Graphic Canvas to copy, paste, cut, or delete, hold down the Shift or Ctrl key when clicking each element.
Figure 3: Edit Menu
Table 3: Edit Menu Options DescriptionMenu Option Reverses the last editing action performed on the graphic. The undo command is available for all editing actions since you started the tool.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Z.
Reverses the last undo operation. The redo operation is available for all undo actions since the file was last saved.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Y.
Removes the selected graphic element and places it in the system clipboard, including its properties.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+X.
Copies the selected graphic element to the system clipboard, including its properties. When you edit a textbox or button, only the selected text is copied, not the graphic element.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+C.
Pastes the graphic element that is in the system clipboard, including its properties.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+V.
Pastes a duplicate of the currently selected graphic element on the canvas, including its properties.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+D.
Keyboard shortcut: Del or Delete.
Selects all elements on the displayed graphic. You can then copy, cut, or delete the elements.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+A.
11Graphic Generation Tool Help
View Menu Figure 4 and Table 4 show and describe the options available on the View menu.
Figure 4: View Menu
Table 4: View Menu Options DescriptionSubmenu OptionMenu Option Displays a grid over the workspace panel for every graphic that is open. The grid helps you visually align shapes. The grid does not appear on the graphic in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal.
Show Grid
Opens an Options dialog box that lets you configure the values for default properties, bindings, and language.
Displays the Library panel.Library
Displays the Preview panel.Preview
Displays the Properties panel.Properties
Returns the display to its default panel layout.Reset Panel Layout
12Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 4: View Menu Options DescriptionSubmenu OptionMenu Option Displays the Action toolbar.ActionToolbars
Displays the Drawing toolbar.Drawing
Displays the Edit toolbar.Edit
Displays the Layout toolbar.Layout
Displays the Standard toolbar.Standard
Enlarges the display of the graphic on the canvas.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl++ or Ctrl while moving the mouse wheel forward.
Zoom InZoom
Reduces the display of the graphic on the canvas.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+- or Ctrl while moving the mouse wheel backward.
Zoom Out
13Graphic Generation Tool Help
Symbol Menu Figure 5 and Table 5 show and describe the options available on the Symbol menu.
Figure 5: Symbol Menu
14Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 5: Symbol Menu Options DescriptionSubmenu OptionMenu Option Copies the binding information of the selected graphic element as shown in the Metasys binding panel.
Copy Binding(s)Format
Pastes binding information to the selected graphic element.Paste Binding(s)
Copies the formatting information of the selected graphic element. Properties that are common to both elements are copied; for example, font properties, such as bold and underline, may be copied between different types of elements. Non-matching properties are ignored.
Copy Format
Pastes formatting information to the selected graphic element. Properties that are not supported by the selected element are ignored.
Paste Format
Groups all selected elements into a single graphic viewbox element.
Note: Group is not available when the selected elements are already grouped.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+G.
Groups selected elements into a single graphic viewbox element to scale the elements, maintaining the aspect ratios of all elements.
To separate the Group to Scale grouping, select Ungroup.
Note: Group is not available when the selected elements are already grouped..
See Table 6 for a list of elements that support Group to Scale.
Group to Scale
Separates the selected group into two or more Graphic Viewbox elements.
Note: Ungroup is not available unless the selected element is grouped.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+G.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+].
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+].
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+[.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+[.
Send to Back
Rotates the selected graphic element 90 degrees left.Rotate LeftRotate or Flip
Rotates the selected graphic element 90 degrees right.Rotate Right
Flips the selected graphic element horizontally.Flip Horizontally
Flips the selected graphic element vertically.Flip Vertically
15Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 5: Symbol Menu Options DescriptionSubmenu OptionMenu Option Aligns the selected graphic elements to the left edge of the first graphic element selected.
Align LeftsAlign
Aligns the selected graphic elements to the vertical center of the first graphic element selected.
Align Vertical Centers
Aligns the selected graphic elements to the right edge of the first graphic element selected.
Align Rights
Aligns the selected graphic elements to the top edge of the first graphic element selected.
Align Tops
Aligns the selected graphic elements to the horizontal center of the first graphic element selected.
Align Horizontal Centers
Aligns the selected graphic elements to the bottom edge of the first graphic element selected.
Align Bottoms
When three or more graphic elements are selected, evenly distributes the horizontal space between the graphic elements.
Distribute Horizontal Spacing
When three or more graphic elements are selected, evenly distributes the vertical space between the graphic elements.
Distribute Vertical Spacing
Changes the height of the selected graphic elements to the height of the first graphic element selected.
Make Same HeightSize
Changes the width of the selected graphic elements to the width of the first graphic element selected.
Make Same Width
Changes the height and width of the selected graphic elements to the height and width of the first graphic element selected.
Make Same Size
Makes graphic elements snap into place on the workspace panel. Clear this check box to place graphic elements freely on the workspace panel.
Snap to Grid
Table 6: Elements Supporting Group to Scale ElementLibrary Category Basic FanBasic Symbols
ImageBasic Symbols
Diffuser - RoundFloor Plan
Diffuser - SquareFloor Plan
VAV - Dual DuctFloor Plan
16Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 6: Elements Supporting Group to Scale ElementLibrary Category VAV - Single DuctFloor Plan
DX CoilHVAC Air Coils
Electric CoilHVAC Air Coils
Wind DirectionHVAC Air Sensors
Manual ValveHVAC Water Valves
DT (Digital Terminal)Network
Table 6: Elements Supporting Group to Scale ElementLibrary Category UPSNetwork
Various (all Security elements support Group to Scale)Security
Various (all Drawing Toolbar elements support Group to Scale except the Text Box element)
Note: The Drawing Toolbar elements are not part of the Library panel.
Drawing Toolbar
Single Image
Note: The CAD Drawing elements are not part of the Library panel.
CAD Drawing
Individual Objects
Note: The CAD Drawing elements are not part of the Library panel.
CAD Drawing
18Graphic Generation Tool Help
Help Menu Figure 6 and Table 7 describes the options available on the Help menu.
Figure 6: Help Menu
Table 7: Help Menu Options DescriptionSelection Launches the Help system for the GGT. Shortcut key: F1.Help
Launches an online version of the GGT Style Guide.Style Guide
Displays the software version of the tool, the Graphics Package version, and the minimum Metasys system version required.
Toolbars The toolbars appear from left to right across the main screen under the menu bar. You can optionally close the toolbars to provide more room for the panels on the screen. You can also resize and reposition the toolbars.
Available toolbar operations are:
Resize a Toolbar
Reposition a Toolbar
You cannot move a toolbar outside the toolbar section of the screen. If you reposition a toolbar in an area that is too small to show the toolbar in its entirety, a drop-down menu appears on the right side of the toolbar that allows you to select toolbar options that do not fit on the screen.
With the exception of the Floor Editor toolbar, you can show or hide the toolbars using options on the View menu. The Floor Editor toolbar appears only when you select a Floor element on the Graphic Canvas.
When you exit the GGT, the program preserves the locations of your toolbars and launches with the same layout on the next startup. Hovering over a toolbar button displays a tooltip.
The available toolbars are:
Floor Editor Toolbar
Hide and Show a Toolbar To hide a toolbar, select View > Toolbars and clear the check mark appearing next to the toolbar name (Figure 7). To show a toolbar, select View > Toolbars and select the toolbar name that does not have a check mark in front of its name. When you show a toolbar, it appears as a floating window that you can dock anywhere on the screen.
19Graphic Generation Tool Help
Figure 7: Hide and Show Toolbars
Resize a Toolbar To resize a toolbar, position the mouse pointer on the white dotted line ( ) that appears directly to the right of the
toolbar you want to resize. A crosshair cursor ( ) appears. With the crosshair cursor visible, click and drag left or right to decrease or increase the size of the toolbar. Release the mouse button to set the new size.
Reposition a Toolbar To reposition a toolbar, position the mouse pointer on the white dotted line ( ) that appears on the far left side of
the toolbar you want to reposition. A crosshair cursor ( ) appears. With the crosshair cursor visible, click and drag the toolbar to an open location within the toolbar area of the main screen. The toolbar moves to its new position. Note: You can only reposition a Toolbar next to another toolbar, and you cannot add space to the left of a toolbar.
20Graphic Generation Tool Help
Standard Toolbar Figure 8 shows the buttons on the Standard toolbar. For descriptions of the functions these buttons provide, see Table 2 and Table 4.
Figure 8: Standard Toolbar
Open from File8Open from File2
Open from Metasys9Save3
Save as File10Save As4
Save as Metasys Object11Zoom5
Save as Template12Zoom In6
21Graphic Generation Tool Help
Edit Toolbar Figure 9 shows the buttons on the Edit toolbar. For descriptions of the functions these buttons provide, see Table 3. For descriptions of the copy/paste binding and copy/paste format buttons, see Table 5.
Figure 9: Edit Toolbar
Copy Binding(s)8Copy2
Copy Format9Paste3
22Graphic Generation Tool Help
Layout Toolbar Figure 10 shows the buttons on the Layout toolbar. The Select button allows you to select any element in the Graphic Canvas. The Skew button angles the selected shape in a horizontal or vertical direction. For descriptions of the functions these other buttons provide, see Table 5.
Figure 10: Layout Toolbar
Make Same Size16Bring to Front2
Skew17Move Forward3
Align Rights20Group to Scale6
Distribute Vertical Spacing28Align Lefts14
23Graphic Generation Tool Help
Drawing Toolbar Figure 11 shows the buttons on the Drawing toolbar. To change the display properties of the drawing toolbar graphic element (for example, line thickness and color), use the Properties panel.
Figure 11: Drawing Toolbar
The Drawing toolbar has the following options:
Table 11: Drawing Toolbar Options DescriptionButton NameCallout Creates a text box by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic Canvas. To start editing, double-click or press the keyboard space bar; to stop, press Enter or Esc key.
Text Box1
Creates a rectangle by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic Canvas.Rectangle2
Creates an ellipse by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic Canvas.Ellipse3
Creates a straight line by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic Canvas.Line4
Creates a freeform, closed polygon by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic Canvas. The Polygon is automatically segmented with blue points.
Freeform Polygon5
Creates a closed polygon by clicking the mouse button in different locations in the Graphic Canvas. Each left mouse click creates a line segment that is connected to the previous line segment. To exit the polygon tool, either press the Esc key, click the Select button, or select another item in the Document Tree panel.
Creates a polyline by clicking the mouse button in different locations in the Graphic Canvas. Each left mouse click creates a line segment that is connected to the previous line segment. To exit the polyline tool, either press the Esc key, click the Select toolbar button, or select another item in the Document Tree panel.
Creates a freeform polyline by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic Canvas. The polyline is automatically segmented with blue points. The red point indicates the end segment. You can modify each segment by adding or removing an endpoint or by moving an endpoint to another location.
Freeform Polyline8
Creates a bounding box of the drawing layer by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic Canvas. You can edit the layer of Art Canvas by clicking the right mouse button inside the bounding box and selecting Edit Layer. In Edit Layer mode, you can add geometries such as rectangles, ellipses, arcs, and curves within the Art Canvas. To exit Edit Layer Mode, click anywhere outside the bounding box.
Art Canvas9
24Graphic Generation Tool Help
Workspace Options Toolbar Figure 12 shows the buttons on the Workspace Options toolbar. For descriptions of the Show Grid and Snap to Grid functions, see Table 4 and Table 5, respectively.
Figure 12: Workspace Options Toolbar
Table 12: Workspace Options Toolbar Callouts Button NameCalloutButton NameCallout Snap to Grid2Show Grid1
Action Toolbar Figure 13 shows the buttons on the Action toolbar.
Figure 13: Action Toolbar
The Action toolbar has the following options:
Table 13: Action Toolbar Options DescriptionButton NameCallout Combines the active selections into one closed geometric shape. This option is only enabled when two or more closed shapes are selected on the Graphic Canvas. To further edit an element after it has been joined, right-click the element and select Edit Layer.
Removes the overlapping area of the second shape from the first shape when two shapes are selected. This option is only enabled when two closed shapes are selected on the Graphic Canvas. To further edit an element after it has been subtracted, right-click the element and select Edit Layer.
Note: When using the Subtract option, the order in which you select the shapes matters. See Figure 14 for an example of the Subtract option.
Retains the overlapping areas and removes the non-overlapping areas of the selected shapes. This option is only enabled when two closed shapes are selected on the Graphic Canvas. To further edit an element after it has been intersected, right-click the element and select Edit Layer.
The Action toolbar buttons become disabled if any selected object has been rotated, flipped, or skewed.
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26Graphic Generation Tool Help
Floor Editor Toolbar Figure 15 shows the buttons on the Floor Editor toolbar.
Figure 15: Floor Editor Toolbar
The Floor Editor toolbar appears only when a single Floor element is selected in the Graphic Canvas. The toolbar has the following options:
Table 14: Floor Editor Toolbar Options DescriptionButton NameCallout Displays a File open dialog that allows you to add or change the background image displayed within the Floor element. If a background image already exists for the Floor element, a dialog appears that allows you to clear the background image or choose a new one.
Change Background Image1
Switches the Floor element to display only the exterior walls.Exterior Walls2
Switches the Floor element to display only the interior walls.Interior Walls3
Switches the Floor element to display only the room status elements. You may drag a Room Status element to this layer and position its default geometry as needed. You may not add other elements or geometries within this layer.
Room Maps4
For more details, see Floor Plan Creation.
Graphic Status Bar The graphic status bar provides information about the element the mouse pointer is currently hovering over, the active layer, and the current x-axis and y-axis coordinates of the pointer.
The graphic status bar also displays the number of bindings for a selected element.
Figure 16: Graphic Status Bar
27Graphic Generation Tool Help
Panels The GGT includes several panels. You can select which panels appear and reposition the panels on the screen. When you exit the GGT, the program preserves the panel layout and launches with the same layout on the next startup. You can return the panels to their default positions by clicking Reset Panel Layout in the View menu.
Each panel includes the following components:
• a header bar at the top, similar to a title bar • an undocking/floating button: • a close panel button: • a collapse panel button: • an expand panel button:
The available panels are:
Properties Panel
Preview Panel
Behaviors Panel
This section also describes the Geometry tools that appear in the Library panel when you edit a floor or an art canvas. For details, see Geometry Tools.
Common Panel Behaviors All panels share the following behaviors:
• When you place multiple panel components in one panel region, the panel displays multiple tabs on the top or right of the panels. A single tab appears for each of the panels.
• When you close or collapse a panel, the space is claimed by the adjacent panel (if any). You can close a panel by clicking the close panel button or by right-clicking the panel’s title bar and selecting Close.
• You can resize panels horizontally or vertically using the splitter bars. • You can dock panels at any location along the left or right side of the screen. Panels may also float, which allows
you to move them to a different monitor. For details, see Undocking and Docking a Panel. • You can reset the panels to their default layout with the View > Panels > Reset Panel Layout menu option. For
details, see Resetting the Panel Layout. • When you expand a panel, the adjacent panel resizes to accommodate it. • When you collapse a panel that was expanded, the collapsed panel restores to the same size it was before it
was expanded.
Workspace Panel The Workspace panel occupies the middle portion of the screen, but it can be floated and minimized like any other panel. This panel is composed of one or more Graphic Canvases. If more than one graphic is open, tabs appear across the top of the Workspace panel to let you switch between graphic files. The gray portion of the Workspace panel is visible only when you zoom out from 100% (Figure 17). This gray area is editable but does not appear as part of the graphic in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal. If you wish, you can use this section as a comment area where you can add text that includes the author, date, and revision number of the graphic.
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Figure 17: Workspace Panel
29Graphic Generation Tool Help
Library Panel The Library panel provides all elements in the GEL. The panel appears when a graphic is opened in the Graphic Canvas, and closes when all graphics are closed. The Library panel shows all the elements in the GEL, regardless of the contents of the graphic.
Elements in the panel are logically grouped using collapsible panels. Clicking the down arrow opens the panel to show you which elements are available. Figure 18 shows all groups collapsed. The only group not shown in Figure 18 is the Geometry group, a set of tools shown only when editing a Floor element or an art canvas. For details, see Geometry Tools.
See Library Categories for a description of all elements, for a description of the logical groupings, and for additional details about the GEL.
Figure 18: Library Panel
Geometry Tools The Geometry tools in the GGT are available when you are editing a Room Status element, an Art Canvas, the exterior or interior walls of a Floor, or a Building or Floor Group element (Figure 19). The tool set appears on the Library panel when you right-click on an element or Art Canvas and select Edit Layer.
30Graphic Generation Tool Help
Figure 19: Geometry Tools
Table 15: Geometry Tools DescriptionNameButton Creates a parametric curve that allows you to model shapes with smooth curves.Bezier Segment
Closes the active geometry by adding a line segment from the start point to the end point.
Close Active Geometry
Creates an ellipse.Ellipse Geometry
Stops the creation of new line segments. Pressing the Esc key also stops line segments. The End function applies to any geometry tool with segment in the title.
Creates a line.Line Geometry
Creates a series of connected lines by clicking the mouse in different locations. Each click creates a line segment that is connected to the previous line segment.
Line Segment
Creates a parametric curve that allows you to model shapes with smooth curves. This tool allows you to edit all angles at once when you click a segment.
Poly Bezier Segment
Creates a rounded parametric curve that allows you to model shapes with smooth curves. This tool has two control points per pair of vertices.
Poly Quadratic Bezier Segment
Creates a series of connected lines by repeatedly clicking the mouse in different locations. This tool allows you to add another point in front of or behind an existing point.
Polyline Segment
31Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 15: Geometry Tools DescriptionNameButton Creates a rounded parametric curve that allows you to model shapes with smooth curves. This tool has one control point per pair of vertices.
Quadratic Bezier Segment
Creates a rectangle by clicking and dragging the mouse in the currently active canvas.
Rectangle Geometry
Note: Geometries do not have individually configurable user properties. All geometries share a common fill and stroke color defined in the Properties panel for the layer.
Colors are used in line vertices to designate particular purposes. A line vertex is any independent segment in a multi-segmented line or shape. Table 16 describes the different colors used for line vertices.
Table 16: Colors Used in Line Vertices DescriptionVertex Color Designates the start of the line or shape.Green
Designates the end of the line or shape.Red
Designates the joining of two lines vertical within a shape.Blue
Designates a control point. You use a control point to create angles in line vertices or shapes.Yellow
Document Tree Panel The Document Tree panel shows a hierarchical representation of all the elements for the graphic (Figure 20).
Figure 20: Document Tree Panel
The Document Tree functions in the following ways:
• If a graphic does not appear, the Document Tree panel is blank. • When you first open a graphic, the tree is collapsed. Expand the tree to see the elements. • When you select an item on the document tree, it highlights in the tree and on the Graphic Canvas. Also, the
Properties panel changes to show the properties of the currently selected item. • A blue inverted tree button appears to indicate the layer currently being edited (the active layer).
• You can drag graphic elements to move them forward or send them back and move graphic elements between layers on the Document Tree.
• Each symbol in the document tree has its name listed in parenthesis.
32Graphic Generation Tool Help
• Each symbol in the document tree has an eye icon ( ). The eye icon lets you show or hide a symbol on the Graphic canvas. By default, all symbols are shown. Click the eye icon to hide a symbol. When a symbol is hidden, the icon appears with an X over it( ), you cannot select the symbol from the document tree, and the symbol is not visible on the Graphic Canvas. To enable the symbol for selection on the document tree and make the symbol visible on the Graphic Canvas, click the icon again.
• Each symbol included on the document tree has a lock icon ( ). The lock icon lets you to lock or unlock a symbol on the Graphic Canvas. By default, all symbols are unlocked. When you click the lock icon to lock a symbol, the icon appears locked and in red ( ), and you cannot select or edit the symbol on the document tree or the Graphic Canvas. To unlock the symbol, click the icon again.
• Right-click any element in the tree to access commands to copy, cut, delete, paste, rename, bring to front, send to back, move forward, and move backward. A Locate option is also provided. For details, see Locate Function.
Preview Panel The Preview panel shows a condensed image of the currently open graphic (Figure 21).
Figure 21: Preview Panel (Red View Frame)
The red view frame indicates the part of the graphic that appears on the Graphic Canvas. To pan the graphic on the Graphic Canvas, drag the frame to the part of the graphic you want to see. (Note that the frame does not appear if the entire graphic appears on the Graphic Canvas.)
Metasys Host Tree Panel The Metasys Host Tree panel lets you select and connect to a Metasys host. When you connect to a Metasys host via the Metasys Host Tree panel, you can easily bind graphics to fully referenced Metasys objects.
33Graphic Generation Tool Help
Figure 22: Metasys Host Tree Panel
Table 17: Metasys Host Tree Panel Screen Descriptions DescriptionNameCallout Displays the IP address or name of the Metasys host to which you are currently connected and whose navigation views appears on the Metasys Host Tree panel.
Host Currently Selected1
Sets or changes the currently selected Metasys host. The Select Metasys Host Wizard appears to guide you through selecting a Metasys host. For details, see Interacting with the Metasys System.
Select Metasys Host2
Refreshes the navigation views for the Metasys host. If your Metasys session has timed out, you are prompted to log in again before the refresh. The All Items View appears if the previously selected navigation view is no longer available after the refresh. For details, see Refreshing Metasys Host Information.
Refresh Metasys Host Information
Opens a list of user views from which you can select.Select User View4
34Graphic Generation Tool Help
Binding Properties Panel The Binding Properties dockable panel lets you configure the binding properties for the selected graphic element on the Graphic Canvas.
Figure 23: Binding Properties
Table 18: Metasys Binding Properties Panel Screen Descriptions DescriptionNameCallout Defines the binding properties of the graphic element that is currently selected. An element may have its binding properties separated into one or more binding groups. Use the Clear Binding button (the white x) to clear the contents of a binding field for a given binding property.
Binding Editor1
Opens for binding properties that control an animation or have built in commanding behavior. For details, see Additional Information.
Additional Information2
Erases the contents of a binding field for the property.Clear Binding3
Binding Types Each binding property appears within the Binding Editor as one of the following binding types: Navigation, Value, Label, Reference, or Item List.
Navigation The Navigation binding has three selections: Metasys Item, URL, and Application.
Metasys Item ( ): Click this button to specify a reference to any Metasys item (either aliased or fully specified) and an optional alias string (Figure 24). If you specify an alias string as part of the Navigation binding, the string is passed into the graphic specified in the reference and used to resolve the references in that graphic.
35Graphic Generation Tool Help
Figure 24: Navigate to Metasys Item Example
URL ( ): Click this button to specify a hyperlink in one of the supported URL formats (http, https, file, ftp, mailto). This property allows you to:
• navigate to a web site address or ftp site • open a file on the local computer or network server, such as a sequence of operation • start an e-mail message using the locally installed e-mail program
Examples (Figure 25):
mailto:[email protected]
Figure 25: Navigate to URL Example
Application ( ): Click this button to specify a Windows application to run or a file to open. Enter the full path name of the application or file. The path is based on the local file system (from where you are browsing), not on the path of the remote Metasys host you are logged in to. The application path or file name can also use a mapped network drive.
Examples (Figure 26):
Figure 26: Navigate to Application Example
Click the down arrow to select from a list of applications defined by Metasys Preferences. Or, click the Application button to open a Browse dialog box to select the application and path or file name.
Note: The application or file name you select is specific to the computer you are using when you add it. The application or file does not start on a different computer unless the application or file is in the same location on that computer.
Value The Value binding lets you display a Metasys value (Figure 27). This property contains a reference to a Metasys item (either aliased or fully specified) with an attribute to allow the display of a Metasys value. You can use this value to trigger an animation within a GEL element.
Figure 27: Value Binding Example
Label The Label binding contains a value binding that is a reference to a Metasys item (either aliased or fully specified) with the Name or the Description fixed attribute (Figure 28).
37Graphic Generation Tool Help
Figure 28: Label Binding Example
Reference The Reference binding contains a reference to a Metasys item (either aliased or fully specified) or the name of a Metasys item (Figure 29). For an alarm binding, the binding’s reference is automatically set to the name defined in the Options dialog for the Alarm binding property.
Note: During runtime, if you specify only the name, the data appears for the first extension whose item name matches the name defined in the reference binding. Matching is not case sensitive and does not support wildcards (for example, you cannot specify Z*T to match ZN-T).
Figure 29: Reference Binding Example
Item List The Item List binding lists Metasys items that you want to bind for display in the Key Data module or Status Summary element (Figure 30). The element you select determines the number of objects that you can bind. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple Metasys items from the All Items tree and then drop the selected items into the Item List binding property.
38Graphic Generation Tool Help
Figure 30: Item List Binding Example
Additional Information Click the Star button ( ) to the right of the Value binding field to open the Additional Information dialog box for the selected element. Depending on the element, two tabs may appear: Commands and Animations.
Commands The Commands tab (Figure 31) configures the Metasys command that is sent when you change the value of the item’s binding from its inline command box during runtime on the Site Management Portal or Ready Access Portal. Figure 31 is an example of the Commands window for an Outdoor Air Damper. In this example, the State Command and Numeric Command are both set to Operator Override. An Operator Override command is sent when the user changes the state of the object (State Command) or enters a different value for the object (Numeric Command). Notice that Enable Commanding is selected to allow for inline commanding.
Figure 31: Additional Information: Commands
Table 19 describes the possible Metasys commands. You can specify which commands are sent when state data appears and which commands are sent when numeric data appears.
39Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 19: Supported Element Commands DescriptionCommandOption Enables or disables inline commanding for this bound Metasys item.--Enable Commanding
Allows you to change the state of a bound Metasys item.Set StateCommand Data: State Command Allows you to override the bound Metasys item.Operator Override
Allows you to set the bound Metasys item out of service.Out of Service
Allows you to adjust the value of a bound Metasys item.AdjustCommandData: Numeric Command Allows you to change the setpoint of a bound Metasys item. Available
for N2 devices only. Setpoint
Allows you to override the bound Metasys item.Operator Override
Allows you to set the bound Metasys item out of service.Out of Service
Animations Many GEL elements show animations when you view them in runtime mode, including Site Management Portal, System Configuration Tool, and Ready Access Portal. These animations provide a visual indication of the value of a bound Metasys item. For example, fan blades spin when a supply fan is on. You set the animations in GGT configuration mode by clicking the Star button ( ) to the right of the Value binding field to open the Additional Information dialog box for the selected element.
Figure 32 is an example Animations window for a filter object. In this example, if the status of the object is State 0, the filter graphic appears as Clean during runtime. If the status of the object is State 1 (or any other state), the filter graphic appears as Dirty.
Figure 32: Additional Information: Animations
The animations are set based on the type of data that the Metasys system returns: state, Boolean, or numeric. Table 20 describes the animation fields that are available in the Additional Information dialog box. You can find descriptions for element-specific animations in the runtime behavior section of an element.
40Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 20: Element Animations StateData
Shows animation when a Metasys item is in State 0.0State Data
Shows animation when a Metasys item is in State 1.1
Shows animation when a Metasys item is in State 2.2
Shows animation when a Metasys item is in State 3.3
Shows animation when a Metasys item is in any other state.>3
Shows animation when the value of a Metasys item is False.FalseBoolean Data
Shows animation when the value of a Metasys item is True.True
For bindings that support only two animations (such as on/off and open/closed), defines the value at which one animation changes to the opposite animation. For example, if the maximum value for the Off state is 5, and the current value of the bound item is 10, the animation for the On condition appears. If the current value of the bound item is 3, then the animation for the Off condition appears.
Maximum value for the Off state
Numeric Data
Specifies the minimum value for an animation to display. This state is available for items with two or more animation options.
Minimum Value
Specifies the maximum value for an animation to display. This state is available for items with two or more animation options.
Maximum Value
Flips the animation to reflect the opposite of its current state. For example, if the status input is normally Open, the animation reflects a normally Closed state.
Compute Inverse
Properties Panel The Properties panel (Figure 33) in the GGT allows you to configure all non-binding properties for selected graphic element in the canvas, such as color, font, and height.
41Graphic Generation Tool Help
The Properties panel includes these options:
Table 21: Properties Panel for Advanced Value Box Callouts DescriptionNameCallout Sorts properties alphabetically.Alphabetical1
Shows which properties have been set to a value other than the default value (that is, which properties are in use). The elements are sorted in alphabetical order.
Sorts properties into groups using collapsible panels based on what the property does to the element (for example, changes appearance or layout).
By Category3
Shows and hides advanced properties.Advanced4
Assigns a name to the selected element. By default, a newly added element is given a name of <element><number>, where <element> is the name of the element as seen in the Library panel and <number> is the instance number. The name you enter for a graphic element must be unique within the graphic.
Shows the properties for the selected element. See Library Categories for the list of properties in each element, the range limits for properties, and the property type. Binding properties appear in the Metasys Binding panel, and not in the Properties panel.
Advanced Properties6
Changes the value of the Property field to the default value as applicable; applies to all fields.
Sorting Options Table 22 indicates the sorting options available on the Properties pane.
42Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 22: Sorting Options DescriptionNameButton Sorts all properties alphabetically based on the properties name.Alphabetical
Shows which properties are currently in use for the selected element (that is, they have been set to a value other than the default value). The elements are sorted in alphabetical order based on the properties name.
In Use
Sorts all properties into groups using collapsible panels based on what the property does to the element (for example, changes appearance or layout).
By Category
Custom Color Options Using the Properties panel, you can customize the background color of an element and the color of text with GGT. Four color selectors are provided to help you create a custom color. You can access the color selectors by clicking the down arrow for any related property, such as Background, Line Color, Font Color, or Label Color. Table 23 describes these selectors.
Table 23: Custom Color Selectors DescriptionNameButton Creates named colors such as red, blue, black, transparent, aqua, and crimson.Named Color
Creates solid colors using several different techniques:
• Named color (for example, red or blue) • Hexadecimal value • Numeric value • Color gradient pointer position (for example, center position is white; see Working
with Color) • Movable scales (selects amount of red, green, blue, opacity, hue, saturation, and
Solid Color
Creates a color with an airbrush effect in which the color changes within the element linearly (for example, from left to right or top to bottom). This selector provides:
• Opacity control (a slider that changes transparency value) • Gradient stops (buttons that let you add, delete, clone, blend, flip, mirror, repeat,
and sharpen; see Working with Color) • Named colors (same functionality as Named Color selector) • Custom colors (same functionality as Solid Color selector)
Linear Gradient
Creates a color with an airbrush effect in which the color gradually changes within the element radially (from inside out). This selector provides:
• Opacity control (a slider that changes transparency value) • Gradient stops (buttons that let you add, delete, clone, blend, flip, mirror, repeat,
and sharpen; see Working with Color) • Named colors (same functionality as Named Color selector) • Custom colors (same functionality as Solid Color selector)
Radial Gradient
For details, see Working with Color.
Behaviors Panel The Behaviors panel is new at Graphics+ Release 1.3. When you start the GGT for the first time, the panel appears in its default location, in the lower right corner. You can reposition the panel and choose whether it appears at startup. When you exit the GGT, the program preserves the panel layout and retains the layout at the next startup. If you need to return the panel to its default location, use the Reset Panel Layout menu item.
43Graphic Generation Tool Help
The Behaviors panel lets you configure elements with custom behaviors, such as flashing, changing colors, and changing visibility. Elements drawn with the drawing tools support custom behaviors, as well as several elements from the Graphic Enterprise Library. For more detailed information on custom behaviors, see Behaviors Overview .
Figure 34: Behaviors Panel
Table 24: Behaviors Panel Screen Descriptions DescriptionNameCallout Displays the default or user-defined name of the element selected on the canvas. You can name an element in the Properties panel.
Element Name1
Displays the user-defined name of the custom behavior. This area includes buttons to rename and remove custom behaviors. There is a 20 character limit for custom behavior names.
Behavior Name Area2
44Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 24: Behaviors Panel Screen Descriptions DescriptionNameCallout Displays the user-defined properties of a custom behavior. The title of this area lists the behavior's user-defined name next to the word Summary. The Summary lists the user-defined properties for the custom behavior.
Behaviors Summary3
Click to configure the trigger that causes the custom behavior to execute. You can click the When expander button or click the Trigger hyperlink in the Summary box to configure the trigger.
When Expander Button4
Click to configure the effects that occurs at run time after the behavior is triggered. You can click the Do expander button or click the Effect(s) hyperlink in the Summary box to configure the effect.
Do Expander Button5
Click to configure a rule for a custom behavior. The rule is a condition that causes the behavior to execute at run time only if the trigger occurs and the optional condition is true. You can click the If expander button or click the Rule (optional) hyperlink in the Summary box to configure the rules.
If Expander Button6
Click to rename the behavior.Rename Button7
Click to remove the behavior.Remove Button8
Click the Add Behavior button to add a custom behavior to the currently selected element. When you click the Add Behavior button, a Add Behavior Name dialog box appears.
Behavior names are case-sensitive, meaning you cannot have two behaviors on one element with the same name with matching case. There is no character limit for behavior names.
There is no limit to the number of behaviors allowed for a single element.
Add Behavior Button9
Graphic Canvas The Graphic Canvas (Figure 35) provides the display area for the currently open graphic. You add, move, and delete graphic elements in this area to construct your graphic.
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The Graphic Canvas functions in the following ways:
• The Graphic Canvas is only visible when a graphic file is open. Upon startup, GGT shows no Graphic Canvas. • When you have a single graphic open, the title bar of the canvas shows the title as follows:
- If the graphic is new and you based it on the Empty Graphic template, the name Empty Graphic1 is shown as the title.
- If you opened the graphic from a file, the file name is shown as the title. - If you opened the graphic from a Metasys Host and selected from the All Items tree, the graphic object’s
name is shown as the title. - If you opened the graphic from a Metasys Host and selected from a User View, the user view label name is
shown as the title. • When you have more than one graphic open, each graphic appears in a separate tab within the workspace panel
and the label of each tab shows the name of the corresponding graphic. Clicking the tab changes the graphic in the workspace panel.
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The Graphic Canvas for each graphic file has a unique set of properties that control how the graphic initially appears in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal. By default, the graphic is set to fit inside the focus window, but you can change this setting if desired. The Graphic Canvas Properties panel appears only when a graphic file is open. Figure 36 shows the custom Graphic Canvas properties.
Figure 36: Graphic Canvas Properties Panel
Table 25 describes these Graphic Canvas properties.
Table 25: Graphic Canvas Properties DescriptionName Identifies the name of the selected element; in this case, GraphicCanvas.Name
Indicates whether the graphic is sized to fit inside the window when it appears during runtime. By default, graphics are configured to fit the current window size. To customize this behavior, clear this check box and enter values for the Initial Center Point and Initial Zoom Level properties.
Fit To Window
Specifies the x- and y- coordinates used to center the graphic when it initially appears during runtime. If you enter coordinates, make sure the Fit to Window check box is cleared.
Initial Center Point
Specifies the zoom level that is used when the graphic initially appears during runtime. The valid range is 0 to 5,000%. If you enter a zoom level, make sure the Fit to Window check box is cleared.
Initial Zoom Level
Specifies the background color used on the Graphic Canvas.Background
Specifies the language used for all default binding strings within symbols (e.g. ZN-T, SF-S). The default is English (United States).
Default Binding
Sets the opacity (amount of transparency) of the graphic.Opacity
Sets the height of the graphic.Width
47Graphic Generation Tool Help
Keyboard Shortcuts Table 26 shows keyboard shortcuts supported by the GGT.
Table 26: Shortcut Keystrokes OperationKeystroke/Action Zooms in while you slide the mouse wheel up.
Zooms outs while you slide the mouse wheel down.
Ctrl Key and Mouse Wheel
Zooms in one level with each press of the + key.Ctrl and + Keys
Zooms out one level with each press of the - key.Ctrl and - Keys
Ends your current editing operation.Esc key
Pans the Graphic Canvas in the direction of the mouse.Push Mouse Wheel Down, ThenMoveMouse Left/Right to Pan
Exits Pan mode.Push Mouse Wheel Down or Left Mouse Click After Panning
Selects multiple graphic elements to which you can perform the same operation, such as copy or delete.
Shift Key When Selecting Graphic Elements
Enables inline editing of a label.Space Bar Within a Text Box or Button
Opens a menu that offers commonly used operations that you can perform on the selected element, such as copy, delete, flip, and rotate.
Right-click on Graphic Element
For keyboard shortcuts that perform operations such as copy and paste, see Menus.
Graphics Opened From and Saved to the File System A file created with the GGT is called a Graphics+ file and has an .xaml file extension.
When you open or save a graphic as a file, the default directory GGT uses is the location in which a file was last opened or saved. If no previous location exists, the default directory is the user’s home directory, which is C:\Documents and Settings\<logged in user name> or C:\Users\<logged in user name>, depending on your Windows operating system.
Standard file and directory security inherent within the operating system is enforced when you save and open graphic files. For example, you cannot save a graphic to a folder that is write-protected or open a file that is inaccessible with your user account.
For more information, see Opening a Graphic from a File and Saving a Graphic as a File.
Graphics Opened From and Saved to a Metasys Host Graphics created with GGT can be opened from and saved to a Metasys Host that has Metasys software at Release 5.2 or later. Graphics+ objects are identified in the GGT, Site Management Portal UI, Ready Access Portal UI, and SCT UI with a unique button, as shown in Figure 37.
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Table 27: Button That Identifies Graphics+ Objects Callouts DescriptionCallout Graphic Generation Tool1
Metasys Site Management Portal UI2
Graphics+ Files3
For more information, see Opening a Graphic from a Metasys Host and Saving a Graphic as a Metasys Object.
Graphics Created From and Saved to Templates A new graphic can be created based on a standard or user-defined template, and any graphic can be saved as a user-defined template. Creating graphics from templates allows you to create many graphics based on a central theme. Templates also have the .xaml file extension.
Standard Templates The GGT includes a series of standard templates that are installed with the tool. Table 28 lists the available templates. For details, see Creating a Graphic from a Standard Template.
Table 28: Graphics+ Standard Templates Provided with GGT Name of TemplateCategory
Mixed Air Single Path Staged Coils
Outdoor Air Single Path
Fan Coil Heating/Cooling Coils
Fan Coil Modulated Coils
Fan Coil Staged Coils
Mixed Air Dual Path
Mixed Air Single Path Modulated with Heat Recovery
Mixed Air Single Path Modulated Heating/Cooling
49Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 28: Graphics+ Standard Templates Provided with GGT Name of TemplateCategory
Single FloorBuilding Dashboard
K-12 District Dashboard
Secondary Chill Water Pumping
Air Cooled Chiller
Cooling Tower
Hot Water Boiler
User-Defined Templates You can save any GGT file as a user-defined template and use it as the starting point for any new graphic. For details, see Saving a Graphic as a Template and Creating a Graphic from a User-Defined Template.
CAD Drawing Import Function The GGT allows you to import a CAD drawing in a graphic to represent a floor plan in a building. This function is available with the File > Import CAD Drawing menu option.
The CAD file you import must be compatible with the AutoDesk® AutoCAD® software program at a supported version and have a file extension of .dxf or .dwg. Supported file versions include AutoCAD 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000, R14, and R13.
You can import the CAD drawing as a single image, individual objects, or as a floor.
Import CAD Drawing as a Single Image This option creates a new image element within the graphic. The image element is placed in the center of the graphic. The image includes only the layers that you selected in the Import CAD Drawing dialog box (Figure 38).
Select the Single Image option if the drawing is current and requires no manipulation once it is imported. Any modifications to the image, such as move and resize, are made to the image as a whole. This option results in a smaller graphic size compared to the other import options and has the fastest performance within the tool and when the graphic is opened at runtime.
50Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 29: CAD Drawing Screen Descriptions for Single Image DescriptionNameCallout Specifies the CAD drawing that you want to import into GGT.CAD Drawing Selection1
Displays an Open dialog box that allows you to select a CAD drawing to import from any accessible storage location.
Browse Button2
Selects Single Image as the import option.Single Image Selection3
Selects which layers you want to import. The names in the table are sorted alphanumerically by layer name.
Visibility Table4
Displays a preview of the image showing which layers are made visible when the drawing is imported. The preview changes as you select from the Layer Selections table. See Preview Pane.
Preview Pane5
Import CAD Drawing as Individual Objects This option creates individual elements within the graphic. You can move, resize, and delete each element once you import the drawing into the Graphic Canvas.
Select the Individual Object option if you want every element in the selected CAD layers to be editable in the resulting graphic after import. This option results in the largest graphic size compared to other import options and could possibly have the slowest performance within the tool and when the graphic is opened at runtime. You may prefer this option if the original CAD drawing is outdated and requires significant modifications once it is imported. As a best practice, we recommend that you revise the CAD drawing with the CAD drawing software before you import it into GGT. Figure 39 is an example of the Individual Objects option.
51Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 30: CAD Drawing Screen Descriptions for Individual Objects DescriptionNameCallout Specifies the CAD drawing that you want to import into GGT.CAD Drawing Selection1
Displays an Open dialog box that allows you to select a CAD drawing to import from any accessible storage location.
Browse Button2
Selects Individual Objects as the import option.Individual Objects Selection3
Selects which layers you want to import. The names in the table are sorted alphanumerically by layer name.
Visibility Table4
Displays a preview of the image showing which layers are made visible when the drawing is imported. The preview changes as you select from the Layer Selections table. See Preview Pane.
Preview Pane5
Lists the number of elements that are currently selected for import. An element on a CAD drawing is any geometry that results in an individual shape to be imported, such as a single segment line. A curve would be imported as multiple elements because it consists of multiple lines. Use this number as an indicator of potential graphic performance.
Elements Selected6
Import CAD Drawing as a Floor This option creates a floor element from the imported drawing. Select the Floor option if you want to display a floor plan using the standard Johnson Controls® perspective and include status color information for the status of rooms within the floor (for example, temperatures that are in an alarm, warning, or offline state). Figure 40 is an example of the Floor option.
Use the check boxes and the Preview pane to help you select which layers to import. For best results, we recommend that you import most layers as background images and designate a minimal number of layers as exterior and interior walls. By importing walls as separate layers, you can more easily modify the floor plan if it is remodeled in the future.
52Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 31: CAD Drawing Screen Descriptions for Floor Import DescriptionNameCallout Specifies the CAD drawing that you want to import into GGT.CAD Drawing Selection1
Displays an Open dialog box that allows you to select a CAD drawing to import from any accessible storage location.
Browse Button2
Selects Floor as the import option.Floor Selection3
Switches the preview panel to show only the layers that are set to be visible in the Background, Exterior Wall, or Interior Wall column of the visibility table. The Overall tab shows all layers set to visible in all three views.
Floor Sections4
Selects which layers you want to import into each of three areas: background, exterior walls, and interior walls. The names in the table are sorted alphanumerically by layer name.
Visibility Table5
Displays a preview of the image showing which layers are made visible when the drawing is imported. The preview changes as you select from the Layer Selections table. See Preview Pane.
Preview Pane6
Lists the number of elements that are currently selected for import. An element on a CAD drawing is any geometry that results in an individual shape to be imported, such as a single segment line. A curve would be imported as multiple elements because it consists of multiple lines. Use this number as an indicator of potential graphic performance.
Elements Selected7
53Graphic Generation Tool Help
Preview Pane The Preview pane provides a condensed view of the layers that are selected for import. If you select the Single Image or Individual Objects option, the Preview pane displays what you have selected in the Layer Selections table. If you select the Import as a Floor option, the Preview pane displays what you have selected in the Layer Selections table for each of the four tabs: Overall, Background, Exterior Walls, and Interior Walls. Each option is described as follows:
• Overall: shows a preview of the entire image including all the layers that are set to be visible in the Background, Exterior Wall, and Interior Walls.
• Background: shows a preview of only the layers that are set to be visible in the Background column of the visibility table.
• Exterior Walls: shows a preview of only the layers that are set to be visible in the Exterior Walls column of the visibility table.
• Interior Walls: shows a preview of only the layers that are set to be visible in the Interior Walls column of the visibility table.
The content of the Preview pane is blank if no layers in the visibility table are selected for import.
Floor Plan Creation You have three primary methods for creating floor plans, depending on the type of resources available to you:
• If you have access to the CAD drawings for the floor, you can import the CAD drawing into a graphic. • If you only have access to an image of the floor plan, you can manually create a Floor element and set the
background image for it. • If you do not have CAD drawings or images of the floors, you can manually create a Floor element and use the
geometry tools to draw exterior and/or interior walls.
Floor Plans Created with a CAD Drawing If you have access to the CAD files showing the floors in the facility, importing the CAD drawings as floors is the most effective and flexible method of creating floor plan graphics. The process involves selecting the interior and exterior walls, then sending all other components to the background image of the drawing. Once the drawing is imported, you add Room Status elements to each zone on the floor. For step-by-step instructions, see Creating a Floor by Importing a CAD File.
Floor Plans Created with a Background Image If you have access to image files representing a floor plan, you can manually create a Floor element on the Graphic Canvas and then set the background image to the floor plan image file. With this method, you can trace interior and exterior walls over the pasted image, then add Room Status dynamic elements to the zones on the floor. We recommend that you use white for the background so that color animations appear properly. To do so, make sure you select the Show Background attribute on the Floor element. For step-by-step instructions, see Creating a Floor by Importing a Background Image.
Floor Plans Created Manually The last method for creating a floor plan is to do so manually by adding a Floor element to the graphic. This method requires the most work because you need to add interior and exterior walls without the help of a background image or CAD drawing. After you complete the floor components, you can add Room Status dynamic elements to the zones on the floor. For step-by-step instructions, see Creating a Floor Manually.
Image Exporting The Graphic Generation Tool allows you to export the graphic as a raster image. This function is available using the File > Export Image menu option. When you select this option, a standard Windows Save As dialog box appears in which you can specify a file format and storage location. The following graphic file formats are available:
• PNG (.png) - Portable Network Graphics (default file format for the Export Image function) • GIF (.gif) - Graphics Interchange Format • JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe) - Joint Photographic Experts Group
54Graphic Generation Tool Help
• BMP (.bmp) - Windows Bitmap • TIF (.tif, .tiff) - Tag Image File
File Printing You can print a graphic with the File > Print menu option or, for printing multiple graphics, you can use a batch print function from the command prompt. GGT uses your computer’s standard print function to print images. For details, see Printing a Graphic.
Note: GGT does not offer custom headers and footers. If you want to add a header or footer to your printed graphics, such as page numbers, use the header and footer options that could be available with your particular printer driver.
Printed Pages All graphics are scaled to fit the size and orientation of the page you select. For large or complex graphics, the printed copy may be difficult to read. For these graphics, we recommend you select a high quality printer that accepts large-sized paper.
All graphics are centered on the printed page, with a default (and unchangeable) margin of 1 inch on each side. The scaling is performed relative to the size of the entire graphic canvas, so if the content of the canvas does not fully fill its borders, the margins on the printed page appears larger.
Printer Resolution GGT displays a graphic at the screen resolution, which is typically 96 dpi. All numerical dimensions and positions visible inside GGT are expressed in terms of the default 96 dpi resolution. However, graphics are printed with a default resolution of up to 600 dpi, depending on the highest resolution supported by the selected printer.
If the selected printer is capable of higher resolutions than 600 dpi, you may increase the printout clarity by setting an optional attribute in a GGT configuration file. However, to conserve on memory taken by GGT for print operations, you may choose to print at a lower resolution than what the printer normally supports.
Note: Increasing the printer resolution consumes extra memory at the time of printing, because GGT converts the graphic to an in-memory raster (bitmap) image before actually sending the image to the printer.
To override the default printing resolution, make a backup copy of the GGT configuration file, then create or change the PrintDPI attribute value in the configuration file. Here is the information you need:
File Name: Configuration.xml
Location: C:\Program Files\Johnson Controls\XAML Graphics Components\Graphic Generation Tool\V1\bin
If this entry does not exist, add it as a separate line between the two configuration tags. This example forces GGT to print at 1200 dpi, if the printer supports it.
Batch Printing GGT supports single and batch printing initiated from a command prompt window. The specified graphic or set of graphics use the Windows default printer settings and require no user intervention. For details, see Printing Multiple Graphics in Batch Mode.
Tool Options The GGT allows you to configure default settings for a subset of available graphic element properties and to set the default language used by the tool. We recommend that you set the Default Properties, Default Bindings, and Language before creating any graphics.
The tool options are available using the View > Options menu option. When you select this menu item, the Options dialog box appears (Figure 41).
55Graphic Generation Tool Help
Figure 41: Options Dialog Boxes: Default Properties, Default Bindings, and Language
The Options dialog uses a tabbed display to organize the properties into logical groupings.
Use the Default Properties tab to configure general display and font settings, such as background color and font family. For example, if you select a font size of 14, any new element added to the Graphic Canvas that contains the font size property uses 14 point as its default value. Clicking the empty circle button ( ) resets the option to its original default value.
Use the Default Bindings tab to configure default binding strings for Alarms as configured in the Binding Properties panel. For example, if you enter Alarm - Present Value, any new element added to the Graphic Canvas that contains an Alarm binding property uses Alarm - Present Value as its default value in the Alarm bindings field. Clicking the empty circle button ( ) resets the option to its original default value.
Use the Language tab to select the language used for menus, buttons, tabs, and labels. You must restart GGT for the change to take effect. Clicking the empty circle button ( ) resets the option to its original default value.
The settings in the Options dialog apply to all new graphical elements you create with the tool, regardless of which Metasys Host is connected. The change to an option takes effect immediately after you click Save (Figure 41). Elements that were previously defined on the graphic do not change to reflect the new defaults.
56Graphic Generation Tool Help
Table 32: Tool Options Screen Descriptions DescriptionDefault ValueNameTab Sets the default background color that applies to all new graphic elements that contain a Background Color property.
WhiteBackground ColorDefault Properties
Sets the default stroke color that applies to all new graphic elements that contain a Stroke Color property.
BlackStroke Color
Sets the default font that applies to all new graphic elements that contain a Font property. Available fonts include: Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, and Verdana.
Sets the default font color that applies to all new graphic elements that contain a Font Color property.
WhiteFont Color
Sets the default font size that applies to all new graphic elements that contain a Font Size property.
11Font Size
Sets whether the font is bolded by default for all new graphic elements that contain a Bold property.
ClearedIs Bold
Sets whether the font is italicized by default for all new graphic elements that contain an Italic property.
ClearedIs Italic
Sets whether the font is underlined by default for all new graphic elements that contain an Underline property.
ClearedIs Underlined
Defines the default alarm name for all new Alarm bindings in the graphic.
Alarm - Present Value
AlarmDefault Bindings
Sets the language used for menus, buttons, tabs, and labels.English (United State)
Display LanguageLanguage
Right-Click Menus The GGT provides right-click menus when you select one or more elements in the Graphic Canvas or Document Tree. These right-click menus include items for common operations such as copy and paste. The contents of the menu depends on the current selection. Figure 42 shows examples of right-click menus.
Figure 42: Examples of Right-Click Menus
Table 33: Examples of Right-Click Menus Callouts DescriptionCallout Right-click a single selected element on the canvas.1
Right-click multiple selected elements. See Symbol Menu for descriptions of the submenu options within this right-click menu.
57Graphic Generation Tool Help
Right-click Grouped Elements or a Floor Group.5
Rename Function The Rename function allows you to change the name assigned to any element listed in the Document Tree. Right-click the element name, select Rename from the menu, then type a new name (Figure 43). Click out of the field to save the name.
Figure 43: Rename Function
Locate Function The Locate function helps you quickly find a particular element located on the graphic. This function is especially helpful for complex graphics that consist of many elements. The Locate function is used on the Document Tree panel (see Document Tree Panel). Right-click the element listed in the Document Tree that you want to find and select Locate. The perimeter of the element is illuminated in orange and blinks three times (Figure 44).
Figure 44: Locate Function Highlights Found Item in Orange
Edit Layer Function The Edit Layer function is available as a right-click menu option when editing a Room Status element, exterior or interior walls of a Floor element, an Art Canvas, or a Building or Floor Group dynamic element. For details, see the respective sections in Detailed Procedures.
58Graphic Generation Tool Help
Metasys System Interaction The GGT provides a method for connecting to a Metasys system using a valid Metasys user name and password so that graphics created with the tool can be opened from and saved to the host. You also use GGT to deploy updates to the Graphics Package located on the Metasys Host as required to support new and enhanced features.
Saving and Retrieving Graphics+ Files To save and retrieve Graphics+ files using GGT, you use a wizard-like interface to log in to the Metasys Host. You can use the same user name and password as you would when logging in to the Site Management Portal UI. Once connected, you can save graphics to any location (permitted by your user account) within the All Items view on the host that is using Metasys system Release 5.2 or later software. You can also open graphics that reside on the host for display within the tool. The following aspects relate to managing Metasys hosts with the GGT:
• A Metasys Host must be either a Site Director device (for example, ADS, ADX, or supervisory engine) or an SCT archive.
• You can configure multiple Metasys Hosts and switch between hosts as needed when working with different graphics.
• To close all open graphics and log off the currently logged in Metasys host(s), select File > Exit. To simply close a graphic and remain logged in to the Metasys host(s), select File > Close.
• GGT retains the Metasys host previously selected, so you do not need to re-select the same host each time you open or save a graphic. The active Metasys host selection is lost (not cached) when you end the GGT session.
• GGT also retains the last selected location in the navigation view, making it easier for you to open a graphic or save the graphic to the previously saved location. The active navigation view selection is lost (not cached) when you end the GGT session.
• To log in successfully to an SCT device from the GGT, you need the SCT privilege assigned to your Metasys user account.
• Access to a Metasys host follows the same rules as outlined in the Security system of the Site Management Portal UI. These rules are defined in the Site Management Portal under the User Profile Settings for each user. For details, see Table 34 and refer to the Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201528).
Table 34: GGT Reactions for Specific User Profile Settings GGT ReactionUser Profile Setting Login is allowed unless the user account is already active on another computer.Single Access User
Login is allowed unless the temporary user account has expired.Temporary User
Login is allowed unless user access to the Site Management Portal is suspended.Metasys Access Suspended
Login is allowed unless the user is required to change their password at the next login. If this occurs, a message appears to indicate the login cannot continue until the password is changed at the Site Management Portal.
User Must Change Password on Next Login
Login with Microsoft® Active Directory credentials unless the Account Disabled option for the Active Directory account is selected.
Active Directory Account Deleted
Login with Microsoft® Active Directory credentials unless the Account Disabled option for the Active Directory account is selected.
Active Directory Account Disabled
The GGT ignores this attribute.User Cannot Change Password
Login is not allowed if the Account Disabled attribute for the user account is selected.Account Disabled
Login is not allowed if the Account Locked Out attribute for the user account is selected.Account Locked Out
The GGT ignores this attribute.User Can Modify Own Profile
The GGT ignores thi