Grant of registration in favour of Coaching/Tuition Centres of … ·...

Subj ect : Go v ernment of J a mmu and Ka shmi r Di rectora te of Scho o l Educa tio n, Ka shmi r Grant of reg ist ra t ion in favour of Coaching/Tuit ion Centres of Kashmir Di v ision. OrderNo: { / DSEKo f 2 02 l Dat ed: /2- l - o>} Whereas, the Government not i ceda trend of openi ng Tui ti on/ Coach i ng Centr es by t he S t ake hol ders wi t hout observing cert ai n formal i t i es requi red under preva i l i ng l aw/rul es/regu l at i ons. Whereas, t o curb t he mushroom growt h of pr i vat ecoachi n g/tui t i on cent res wi t hout basi c faci l i t i es, an order under No: 435-Edu of 2010 da t ed: 30-4-2010 was i ssued by t he Govt. w he reunder a procedure for openi ng suchcent res and grant i ngpermi ssi on by t hecompet ent aut hori t y was not i fi ed. Whereas, aft er issuance of sai d order, number of propri et ors of coaching/ t ui t i on cent res appli ed before t he a ut hori t i es for grant of permi ssi on and t hei r request was considered. Whereas, t he propri et ors of coachi ng/t uit i on cent resst art ed t o hi ke t he t ui ti on/ coachin g f ee wit hout seeking approval from the compet ent aut hori t y. Whereas,one Mohd Ahsan Unt oo approached the H on' bl e Court t hrough t he medi um of P IL No: 17/ 2014 ch al l en gi n g th e runni ng of coaching/ t ui t i on cent res i n absence of requi red faci l i t i es and proper moni t ori ng/r egi str at i on. Whereas, the Hon' bl e Court i ssued a di rect i ons t o t he Divi si onal Commi ssi oner/ Educat i on· Depart ment t o i nspect all suchcent res t o moni t orregul ati on of fee, pl aci ng all t he faci l i t i es i n pl ace as per S RO-123 of 2010and Govt Order No: 435-Eduof 2010 dat ed: 30/ 4/ 2010. Whereas, i n t he meant i me t he (Adm. Depart ment/ S chool Educa t i on) i ssued Govt. order N o: 558-Eduof 2015 el at ed; 27/10/ 2015 whereunder cert ai n doubt s were cl ari fied i n the Govt Order No: 435of2010 dat ed: 30-04-2010. Whereas, t he Di vi si onal Commi ssi oner Kashmi r issuedi nst ruct i ons t o t he Deput y Commi ssi oners and t he S chool Educa t i on Depart ment t o arrange i nspect i on of all c oachi ng/t ui ti on cent res running wi th out any permi ssi on andrecommen d/r e j ect the secent res for grant of registra tion/ rene wal ont he basi s of faci li t i es i npl aceas per Govt. Order No: 435 of 2010 Da t ed: 30/ 4/ 2010. Whereas, as per t he i nst ruct i ons of the Hon' ble H i gh Court / Di v Commi ssi oner Kashmi r number of the j oi nt t eams of Dy. Com/ CEO' s wer e const i t ut ed andi nspect i on was carri ed out in all t he coachi ng/ t ui t i on cent res numi ng i n t heir respecti ve di st ri ct s and furni shed t he report s i n l i ght of t he i nst ruct i ons of t hi s of fi ce not i fica t i onNo: DS EK / GS / 1245-51/ 2018 da t ed: 25/ 08/2018. Now, on t he basi s of recommendat i ons of desi gnat ed commi tt eeconst i t ut ed vi de thi s Di rect orat e Order N o: DS EK / Gs/ S 4/Mi sc/ 2018/ Coachi ng/ 1788-78 dat ed: 12-11-2018 regi str a t i on is grant ed i n fa vour of 435 Coachi ng/t ui t ion Cent res as per annexure t o t hi s order t o run coachi ng/ t ui t i on cent res t ill May 202 1 sub j ectt o t he foll owi ng condi t i ons; Seek reg i stratio n wifh tlte co m p etent a utho rit y und er the releva nt p ro vi sio no f lite J ammu a nd Ka shmir Sho p s and E sta b lis hment Act. No tif y (i n two lea d i ng News p a p ers ) the d eta il s of the f ee str ucture bef ore co mmencement o f ea ch co a ch ing / tu i ti o ing . e Ma inta in a n a d mi ssio n reg i ster ind ica ting d eta i led p a r ti cula r s of the ca nd i d a tes. 0 Mainta ina p rop er reco rd o f tuitio n J ee in p rop er a cco unting book s. Noti f y a nd d i s p la y mo nt hly tu itio n f ee char g ed fro m student's sub ject- wi se/ cla ss- wi selco ur se- wi se. Noti f y and d i s p la y d eta i led p a rticula rs of i ts f acult y memb ers includi n g th eir q ua li fi ca tionand ex p e r i e nce - $° Reserve 1 0 %free ad missio n of th e to ta l inta k e i n ea chcla ss / co urs e f o r the st ud en t s who ha pp en to b e d estitute, or p ha ns belo ng to the f amilies li ving b elo w p o vert y line. The li st o f d eservi n g ca nd id a tessha ll be p ro vid ed by this Directo ra te as p er tire p ro vi sio ns la id i n Go vt. Ord er No : 5 5 8 -Ed uo f 2 0 1 5 d a ted : 2 7 /l0 / 2 0 1 5 . PT R Pup il Tea cher Ratio must b e a d hered i n ord er to p ro vi d e q ua li t y and ind i vid u a l ed ucatio n and o verco me the aca d emic g a p s o f the stu d ent s.

Transcript of Grant of registration in favour of Coaching/Tuition Centres of … ·...

  • Subject:

    Government of Jammu and KashmirDirectorate of School Education, Kashmir

    Grant of registration in favour of Coaching/Tuition Centres of Kashmir


    OrderNo: {/ DSEKof202l

    Dated: /2-l-o>}Whereas, the Government noticed a trend of opening Tuition/Coaching Centres by the Stake

    holders without observing certain formalities required under prevailing law/rules/regulations.Whereas, to curb the mushroom growth of private coaching/tuition centres without basic

    facilities, an order under No: 435-Edu of 2010 dated: 30-4-2010 was issued by the Govt.whereunder a procedure for opening such centres and granting permission by the competentauthority was notified.

    Whereas, after issuance of said order, number of proprietors of coaching/tuition centresapplied before the authorities for grant of permission and their request was considered.

    Whereas, the proprietors of coaching/tuition centres started to hike the tuition/coaching feewithout seeking approval from the competent authority.

    Whereas, one Mohd Ahsan Untoo approached the Hon'ble Court through the medium of PILNo: 17/2014 challenging the running of coaching/tuition centres in absence of required facilitiesand proper monitoring/registration.

    Whereas, the Hon'ble Court issued a directions to the Divisional Commissioner/Education·Department to inspect all such centres to monitor regulation of fee, placing all the facilities inplace as per SRO-123 of 2010 and Govt Order No: 435-Edu of 2010 dated: 30/4/2010.

    Whereas, in the meantime the (Adm. Department/School Education) issued Govt. order No:558-Edu of 2015 elated; 27/10/2015 whereunder certain doubts were clarified in the Govt OrderNo: 435 of2010 dated: 30-04-2010.

    Whereas, the Divisional Commissioner Kashmir issued instructions to the DeputyCommissioners and the School Education Department to arrange inspection of allcoaching/tuitioncentres running without any permission and recommend/reject these centres for grant ofregistration/renewal on the basis of facilities in place as per Govt. Order No: 435 of 2010 Dated:30/4/2010.

    Whereas, as per the instructions of the Hon'ble High Court/Div Commissioner Kashmirnumber of the joint teams of Dy. Com/CEO's were constituted and inspection was carried out inall the coaching/tuition centres numing in their respective districts and furnished the reports inlight of the instructions of this office notification No: DSEK/GS/1245-51/2018 dated: 25/08/2018.

    Now, on the basis of recommendations of designated committee constituted vide thisDirectorate Order No: DSEK/Gs/S4/Misc/2018/Coaching/1788-78 dated: 12-11-2018 registrationis granted in favour of 435 Coaching/tuition Centres as per annexure to this order to runcoaching/tuition centres till May 2021 subject to the following conditions;

    Seek registration wifh tlte competent authority under the relevant provision of liteJammu andKashmir Shops andEstablishmentAct.

    • Notify (in two leading Newspapers) the details of the fee structure beforecommencement of each coaching/tuitioing.

    e Maintain an admission register indicating detailedparticulars of the candidates.0 Maintain a proper record of tuitionJee in proper accounting books.• Notify and display monthly tuition fee charged from student's subject-wise/class-

    wiselcourse-wise.• Notify and display detailed particulars of its faculty members including their

    qualificationand experience-$° Reserve 10%free admission of the total intake in each class/coursefor the students who

    happen to be destitute, orphans belong to the families living below poverty line. The listof deserving candidates shall be provided by this Directorate as per tire provisions laid inGovt. Order No: 558-Edu of2015 dated: 27/l0/2015.PTR Pupil Teacher Ratio must be adhered in order to provide quality and individualeducation and overcome the academic gaps of the students.

  • Any deviation or default in adherence to the norms/rules laid down and theorders/instructions issued from time to time shall render the coaching/tuition centre liable foraction which may include withdrawal of registration/closure of the coaching/tuition centre,besides other panel action under law/rules.

    The following monitoring committee constituted vide Govt. Order No; 1056-GAD of 2015dated: 5-8-2015 shall conduct periodical checks in case of each registered centre within theirrespective districts and cross check the adherence of above conditions and availability of facilities.

    1. AdditionalDeputy Commissioner.2. ChiefEducation Officer,3. Principal of the Cluster or adjoining cluster to be nominated by the competent

    authority/ChiefEducation Officer.The committee shall submit monthly reports to Divisional Commissioner Kashmir under

    intimation to this Directorate.The [leads of coaching centres shall ensure implementation ofSOP's in lieu of

    COVID-19 pandemic as notified by the Ministry ofHome Affairs, Govt. ofIndiaandMinistry ofHealth & Family Welfare, Govt. ofIndia and the Chairman ofthe Disastrous Management Authority, J&K Srinagar while conducting the

    o The permission shall be restrictedfor private tuition in two shifts only i.e one shift halfan hour before the working hours of schools and other shift half an hour after theworking hours ofschools.

    a Non-adherence to using address system in teaching learningprocess.Maintaining of arrival register for bonafied visitors/parents with proper waiting Hallfacility.

    o Cumulative record of tests conducted and cumulative graphs be maintained for thereview ofthe inspecting authority.

    a Competitive reference books be kept available.e Projector oriented education be imparted.

    In addition to above, it shall also be ensured that the following facilities be provided to the

    students immediately.1. Proper electricity, heating and comfortable seating arrangement.2. Adequate drinking water/toiletfacilityfor boys and girls separately.3. Adequate sanitation, verification ofthe class rooms.4. Installation ofCCTVcameras/other security measures.

    coaching in the centres.

    No: DSEK/GS/Coaching/2020-21«~,~(Copy to the:-

    Director School EducationKashmir

    Dated: Mvl--20701. Divisional Commissioner Kashmir for information.02. Administrative Secretary to Government, School Education Department, Jammu for information.03. Deputy Commissioner, for information.04. Ld. Additional Advocate General, J&K Hon'ble High Court for information and necessary action.05. OSD to Hon'ble Advisor (BK) for kind information.06. Chief Education Officer, for information.07. Senior Law Officer, Directorate of School Education, Kashmir for information and necessary action.08. Prop. for information and necessary action.

    09. IIC Website.10. Order/stock file.

  • • Annexure to order No: [] DSEK of 2021 dated: /)-]-22)Registration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre Location1 Anantnag Eternal Coaching Institute K.P Road

    2 Anantnag Edu-Exel Nai Basti K.P Road

    3 Anantnag Pacific Coaching Centre K.P Road

    4 Anantnag Advanced Coaching K.P Road

    5 Anantnag Usmaniya Coaching Centre K.P Road

    6 Anantnag Mega Mind Coaching Centre K.P Road

    7 Anantnag Bright Future Institute K.P Road

    8 Anantnag Vision Coaching Centre K.P Road

    9 Anantnag Amir Sir"s School of Art K.P RoadUsmaniya Coaching Blue Wing K.P Road

    10 Anantnag11 Anantnag Asian Tutorials K.P Road

    12 Anantnag Carrier Maker K.P Road

    13 Anantnag Takshila Institute Qazibagh

    14 Anantnag NASA-Education Service K.P Road

    15 Anantnag Academy of Commerce K.P Road

    16Nucleus Institute of Excellence Batengoo

    Anantnag17 Anantnag Excellent Coaching Centre By Pass Road

    18 Anantnag Zia Academy Aishjipora

    19 AnantnagQuest Management Academy Qazibagh

    Catalysar Coaching Centre Dialgam20 Anantnag Dialgam

    21 Anantnag ITlians Academy S.KColony

    22 Anantnag Bansal Classes K.P Road

    23 Anantnag Nucleon Coaching K.P Road

    24 Anantnag The Time Academy K.P Road

    25 Anantnag Catalyser Coaching Centre Dialgam

    IMPERIAL Institute of Nature K.P.Road26 Anantnag Science

    27 Anantnag Learn N Grow Academy Siligam


    29 Anantnag Direction Classes Doru Doru

    A-Amir Sirs Institute ofMathematics

    Doru30 Anantnag

    31 Anantnag Excellent Coaching Centre Doru

    32 Anantnag Safina Tutorials Doru

    Shahabd Coaching Centre Doru Doru33 Anantnag

    34 Anantnag Alhuda Coaching Badasgam

    35 Anantnag Elite Tution Center Verinag

    36 Anantnag Jehlum Coaching Centre bus stand Verinag

    Master MindCg2ling Academy -do- >37 Anantnag =< a;Page 1 of 14

  • Annexure to order No: /! DSEK of 2021 dated: /]o?jRegistration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre Location38 Anantnag Simnania Coaching Center -do-

    39 Anantnag Unique Coaching Centre Main Market Qazigund

    40 Anantnag Cambridge Coaching Centre Main Market Qazigund

    41 Anantnag Tutelage Classes Concepts Qazigund42 Anantnag Oxford Tutorials Bijbehara

    43 Anantnag Excellance Coaching Centre Zirpara44 Anantnag The Time Academy ZirparaBij

    45 Anantnag Expert Creative Academy Bijbehara46 Anantnag Big Bang Bijbehara

    47 AnantnagNew Horizon Coaching Centre Srigufwara

    48 Anantnag Alpha Coaching Centre Srigufwara49 Anantnag Oxford Tutorials Srigufwara

    50 Anantnag Eledan Breeze Sagam

    51 Anantnag Ashaq Sirs School of Physics Shangus

    52 Anantnag Apex Coaching Centre Shangus

    53New Horizon Coaching Centre Larnoo

    Anantnag54 Anantnag Excellence Coaching Larnoo

    55 Anantnag Success Point Academy Vailoo

    56 Anantnag Resonance Coaching Centre Seer Hamdan





    AnantnagBandipora College of information Kaloosa Bandipora

    61 Bandipora Technology

    62 Bandipora Arise School of sciences Plan Bandipora W No 2

    63 Bandipora SUFFAH Coaching Institute Ward No 1 Nowpora Bpr

    64 Bandipora Elite Academy of Science & Arts Bandipora

    65 Bandipora Mindwire Academy Main Market Bandipora

    66 Bandipora S.M.S Coaching Centre Garoora Bandipora

    67 Bandipora Persuite Coaching Centre Bandipora

    68 Bandipora Mind Power Coaching classes Naidkhai

    69 Bandipora New Career Point Near Degree College sumbal

    70 Bandipora Master Mind Coacing Institute Sumbal

    SABQAS-An Academy of Arts and Hajin71 Bandipora Scince

    72 Bandipora New Era Coaching Classes Sumbal Sonawari

    73 Bandipora Al- Kemia Acadamy of Science Ajas Bandpora

    74 Bandipora Career Foundation Sumbal

    75 Bandipora Greenland Tution Center- -- Inderkoot Sumbal >>y< Page 2 of 14

  • Annexure to Order No: /] DSEK of 2021 dated: ho1 2o]Registration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division

    Page 3 of 14

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre Location

    Career Heights Coaching Classes Sumbal Sonawari76 Bandipora77 Bandipora PI -MESON Coaching Institute Shadipora

    78 Bandipora Mind-UP lnstitue ofTeaching Naidkhai

    79 Bandipora Officers Academy Bandipora Bandipora

    80 Srinagar Hope Classes 90 Feet Road Soura, SrinagarRightway Career Institute Old Zero Bridge Rajbagh, Srinagar

    81 Srinagar82 Srinagar Choice Of Success Wani Complex Baghat, Srinagar

    Fort Knox Edu. Institute Firdousabad Batmaloo, Srinagar

    83 SrinagarAchievers Learning 90 Feet Road, Soura Srinagar

    84 Srinagar InstituteSET- Civil Services Kursoo Rajbagh, Srinagar

    85 Srinagar FoundationSrinagar Business School Kursoo Rajbagh, Srinagar

    86 Srinagar87 Srinagar Brilliant Tution Centre Karan Nagar, Srinagar

    88 Srinagar ZED Education Barzulla, SrinagarPulse Institute of Khanyar, Srinagar

    89 Srinagar Competitive StudiesPulse Institute of Rajbagh, Srinagar

    90 Srinagar Competitive Studies91 Srinagar SN Das Gupta College Iqbal Park, Srinagar

    Valley Institute Of Quality JK Bank Lane Bemina, Srinagar

    92 Srinagar Education93 Srinagar Academy Of Excellence Zakura Crossing, Srinagar

    Outshine Classes Rajbagh Near Factory Of Modern

    94 Srinagar Sweets, SrinagarOutshine Classes Sec-A Gulshan Colony Allochibagh

    95 Srinagar SrinagarNaseer Sirs Basic Concept Botshah Mohalla Lalbazar, SrinagarCoaching Centre

    96 Srinagar97 Srinagar C.E.S Coaching Centre Karan Nagar, Srinagar

    Concepts Knowledge Hub Upper Soura Near Hdfc Bank, Srinagar

    98 Srinagar AcademyMoral Coaching Classes Baghat E Barzulla, Srinagar

    99 SrinagarDaar's Commerce & Nowgam, Srinagar

    100 Srinagar Management StudiesDaar's Commerce & Parraypora, Srinagar

    101 Srinagar Management Studies102 Srinagar Ezair Commercia Qammarwari, Srinagar

    103 Srinagar Akash Institute .." /Rawalpora, Srinagar A==y

  • Annexure to Order No: [] DsEK of 2021 dated: /2-1-22}Registration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre Location104 Srinagar Akash Institute Nigeen, Srinagar

    105 Srinagar Akash Institute Rajbagh, SrinagarResilient Minds Coaching Rawalpora, Srinagar 1

    106 Srinagar InstituteSit To Success Coaching Shah Anwar Colony Hyderpora,

    107 Srinagar Centre SrinagarLegends Coaching Centre 90 Feet Road Soura, Srinagar

    108 Srinagar

    109 Srinagar Mehrans Tution Point Bemina, Srinagar

    110 Srinagar Gaash Zaina Kadal, SrinagarLibra Coaching Academy Karan Nagar, Srinagar

    111 Srinagar112 Srinagar Career Point Hazratbal, Srinagar

    Proficient Institute Of Channapora, SrinagarEnglish & Arts Academy

    113 Srinagar114 Srinagar Alfalah Academy 90 Feet Road Soura, Srinagar

    S.M.S + Munazah Shalimar, Srinagar115 Srinagar Coaching Centre

    Scope Smart Classes Victory Crossing, Khanyar, Srinagar

    116 Srinagar117 Srinagar RISE Institute Tulsibagh, Srinagar

    Frontline Coaching Centre Shalimar, Srinagar

    118 SrinagarFrontline Coaching Centre Batapora Gasoo Crossing, Srinagar

    119 Srinagar120 Srinagar Alpha Coaching Centre Parraypora Chowk, Srinagar

    Zulfqars Green Academy Botakadal, Srinagar

    121 Srinagar Of EducationAcademy Of Commerce & Parraypora, Srinagar

    122 Srinagar ArtsAcademy Of Commerce & Hyderpora, Srinagar

    123 Srinagar Arts124 Srinagar DD Target PMT Parraypora, Srinagar125 Srinagar DD Target PMT Rajbagh, Srinagar126 Srinagar DD Target PMT Wanbal Nowgam, Srinagar

    The Pauls Cambridge Parraypora, Srinagar

    127 Srinagar AllianceIshfaq Sirs School Of Arts Parraypora, Srinagar

    128 SrinagarArsh Coaching Institute Nawa Kadal, Srinagar

    129 SrinagarProficient Institute Of Bagh I Mehtab, Srinagar

    130 Srinagar Learning

    131 SrinagarGousia Coachin:7----panes%/

    - 9yPage 4 of 14

  • Annexure to Order No: / DSEK of 2021 dated: //22)Registration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre LocationAvenue The Academy Jawahar Nagar Lalmandi, Srinagar

    132 SrinagarProfessional Institute Of IT Nowgam Byepass, Srinagar

    133 Srinagar & Management134 Srinagar Prep Ladder Khanyar, Srinagar

    NITians Career Institute M.K Chowk Hawal, Srinagar

    135 Srinagar136 Srinagar Turning Point Rainawari, Srinagar

    Panaash Coaching Hyderpora, Srinagar

    137 Srinagar InstitutePanaash Coaching Gole Market Karan Nagar, Srinagar

    138 Srinagar InstituteNature Institute Of Basic Soura, Srinagar

    139 Srinagar Sciences140 Srinagar Edu Solutions Karan Nagar, Srinagar

    Bright Career Institute Red Cross Lane Lal Chowk, Srinagar

    141 Srinagar142 Srinagar Allen Career Institute Naseem Bagh Hazratbal, Srinagar

    143 Srinagar Crescent Classes Nowshera, Srinagar

    144 Srinagar Orbit Classes Nowgam Chowk, SrinagarEducation Guru Post Office Lane, Raj Bagh Srinagar

    145 SrinagarKashmir Institute of Parraypora, Bismillah Colony

    146 Srinagar ExcellenceSynergy Tu torials Nowgam Chowk near J&K Cooperative

    147 Srinagar BankMission Educare AI Noor Complex, Mughal Mohalla

    148 Srinagar RainawariFranklin Care Career Parraypora behind Salfia School

    149 Srinagar Institute SrinagarAsif Sir's Tuition Centre Shahi Hamdan Imperial House, Kak

    150 Srinagar Sarai, Karan NagarSabzar Institute of Bemina Crossing Chattabal, Channa

    151 Srinagar Excellence Mohalla SgrRana Ayoub's Plus Hyderpora bye pass near fly over bridge

    152 Srinagar Tutorials153 Srinagar Elif Learning Academy Karan Nagar, Srinagar

    Mission E (Coaching Raj Bagh Srinagar

    154 Srinagar Centre)KASCO 03"" Floor, Munir Manzil Regal Chowk

    155 Srinagar Srinagar156 Srinagar De-Scienta Academy Hawal Srinagar157 Srinagar Saint Martin Academy Karan Nagar, Srinagar

    158 Srinagar Raqib Sir's Excellence Parraypora Baghat

    159 Srinagar Rising Study Circle Shalteng Chowk,3gr •-L IPage 5 of 14

  • Annexure to Order No: [/ DSEK of 2021 dated: /)-/122o]Registration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre LocationSmart Classes Hawal Opposite Islamia College,

    160 Srinagar SrinagarAchiever's Abode Coaching Main Chowk Buchpora

    161 Srinagar CentreAchievers Coaching Centre Alamgari Bazar, Hawal Srinagar

    162 Srinagar163 Srinagar Rezilient Shalteng Srinagar164 Srinagar Motion Sanat Nagar Chowk Bye Pass

    Excellence Coaching Pa.ntha.chowk Srinagar165 Srinagar Academy166 Srinagar Er. Adnan's Tutorials Shamswari, KK Moula Sgr

    Institute of Pure and Noor Bagh SrinagarApplied Sciences &

    167 Srinagar CommerceGlobal Academy / Institute Hyderpora. Srinagar

    168 Srinagar169 Srinagar Concept Classes Habba.k Crossing170 Srinagar Success Classes Soura, 90 ft Srinagar

    Bastion Institute of Bishembar Na.garManagement & Technology

    171 Srinagar172 Srinagar RIMS Classes Shalteng Srinagar173 Srinagar Universal Academics Srinagar

    Creative Mind Tu tion Kha.nyar Opposite J&K Bank174 Srinagar Centre

    Iqbal Coaching Institute Parimpora. near Post Office175 Srinagar176 Srinagar Pace Academy Parra.ypora Srinagar177 Srinagar The Guidance Institute Bemina., Opp JVC Hospital

    Bandipora College of Parra.ypora., SrinagarInformation and

    178 Srinagar Technology179 Srinagar Wisdom Classes Budsha.h Na.gar, Natipora

    Takshila Institute Karan. Na.gar, Empire Building Doodh180 Srinagar Ganga Srinagar

    Bilal Sir's Apex Tutioral Hawal Srinagar181 Srinagar182 Srinagar Target Achievers White House Ha.wal183 Srinagar Vibrant Academy Shalimar184 Srinagar Study Campus Soura90ft

    Toppers Institute of Social Near White House GousiaChowkHa.wal185 Srinagar Science186 Srinagar Khadija -Tul- Kubra

    Radiance Point Success Ala.mda.r Colony Lalbazar

    rs»ca".gr (_>?187 Srinagar ----= d. ¥Page 6 of 14 I

  • Annexure to Order No:_I,DSEK of 2021 dated: /- 1202)Registration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre LocationA1-Farooq Coaching Centre Mirak Abad Shalimar Srinagar

    188 Srinagar189 Srinagar Pace Academy Next Umer Colony Lawaypora

    Flambeau Institute Jallu Building New Secretariat Road190 Srinagar191 Srinagar Focus BeminaOpp Degree Collage192 Srinagar Vantage Clases FirdouseAabad Batamaloo

    Avicenna Institute of Gillikadal193 Srinagar learning

    Sheikh-ul-Aalam Coaching194 Ganderbal Centre Kangan

    Advance Institute of Modern195 Ganderbal Science Kangan196 Ganderbal Parwaz Educational Institute Kangan

    197 Ganderbal Zedny Institute of Excellence Kangan198 Ganderbal Shining Coaching Centre Ganderbal Tehsil199 Ganderbal Apex Classes Safapora Lar200 Ganderbal Excellent Coaching Centre Beehama

    Step (Sunny Tanveer Education201 Ganderbal Point) Beehama202 Ganderbal Qamira Coaching Centre Beehama203 Ganderbal Universal Coaching Centre, Cherwan Kangan

    204 Ganderbal Ascents Educational Institute Dhobipora205 Ganderbal Dreams Coaching Centre Beehama

    Shah Sadiq Qalander Coaching206 Ganderbal Centre Watlar lar207 Ganderbal Resonant Classes Malshahibagh208 Ganderbal Radiant Coaching Classes Gratbal, Nagbal209 Ganderbal Vibrant Classes Qadri Complex Beehama210 Ganderbal Elixir Coaching Centre Manigam, Lar

    Innovative Academy of211 Ganderbal Excellence Kangan212 Ganderbal High Hopes Ace Academy Nagbal213 Ganderbal Ever Green Coaching Centre Nunner

    Center for Academic Vision and214 Ganderbal Excellence Kangan215 Ganderbal Al-Aisha Coaching Centre Beehama

    216 Ganderbal Tiny Hearts Coaching Institute Duderhama217 Ganderbal Alamdar Coaching Centre Duderhama218 Ganderbal Scholars Edu. Institute Lar219 Ganderbal Shah Sadiq Qalandar Lar

    Alexer Coaching C~220 Ganderbal Manigam •Manigam •~

    Page 7 of 14 7;

  • Annexure to Order No: [/ DSEK of 2021 dated: /'2o/22JRegistration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre Location221 Ganderbal Kirmania Model School Batwina

    MBBS Shepherd 2021222 Ganderbal Leardership Acedemy Watlar lar

    223 Ganderbal Sun Shine Coaching Centre Kachnambal

    224 Ganderbal Delight Coaching Centre Safapora

    225 Ganderbal lqra Coaching Centre KujjerBaba Abdul Razaq Coaching

    226 Ganderbal Centre Baba Wayil Baba Wayil Ganderbal

    227 Ganderbal Lyceum Coaching Centre Beehama

    228 Ganderbal AIMS Coaching Centre Kangan

    229 Ganderbal Sunrise Coaching Centre Rayil

    230 Ganderbal M.B Coaching Centre Haripora

    231 Ganderbal Alfalah Coaching Centre Hariganwan

    232 Ganderbal Hydrai Coaching Centre Tulmullah

    233 Shopian New Bright Career Institute Tak Masjid

    234 Shopian New Brilliant Coaching Centre Tak Masjid

    235 Shopian New Brills Coaching Centre Tak Masjid

    236 Shopian Kashmir Coaching Centre Malik Complex

    237 Shopian Usmania Coaching Institute Near J&K Bank Batpora

    238 Shopian Photon Institute of Excellence Tak MasjidThe Resilliant Born to

    239 Shopian revolutionise lmmamsahib

    240 Shopian Insight Coaching Centre Akbar Complex

    241 Shopian Genius Coaching Centre Batpora

    242 Shopian Innovative Coaching Centre lmmamsahib

    243 Shopian Mehbool Alam Coaching Centre lmmamsahibPioneer's Academy Coaching

    244 Shopian Centre lmmamsahib

    245 Shopian GATE Institute Herman

    246 Shopian Paraworld Educations Coaching Gagren

    Maven Scholars and Researchers

    247 Shopian Academy Centre Hamdard Complex

    248 Shopian New Aakash Coaching Centre Near Tak MasjidEfforts to Success (ETS} Coaching

    249 Shopian Institute Gagren

    250 Shopian Bright Future Institute (BFI) HermanShopian Institute of Excellence

    251 Shopian {SIE) Near Gagran

    252 Shopian Carl career instituteleVehilNear Oppozit@Nary Health Centre

    -~(05 >

    Page 8 of 14

  • Annexure to Order No: [[ DSEK of 2021 dated: /]c22]Registration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division


    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre LocationPlato's School of Humanities and

    253 Shopian Allied Sciences Shopian

    254 Shopian Students Mission Academy Zainapora

    255 Shopian New Aakash Coaching Institute Zainapora

    256 Shopian Vision Institute of Excellence Keegam

    257 Shopian Rising Star Institute lmmamsahib

    258 Shopian Vision Academy Turkawangam

    259 Shopian Pinjoora Institute of Excellence Shopian

    260 Shopian Career Excellence lmmamsahibPromethean Educationa Par

    261 Shopian Excellence Turkawangam

    262 Shopian Bright Future Academy Vehil

    263 Shopian Olypaid Career Academy Tak Masjid

    264 Shopian Infinity Classes Batapora

    265 Shopian Excellence Coaching AcademyShah Mohalla Kapran

    266 Shopian KKTutorials Zawoora

    267 Shopian Lancet Pre Medical Academy Near Tak Masjid

    268 Shopian lnfoviz Coaching Academy Nagbal

    269 Shopian Knowledge ClassesPinjoora Near ED Bank

    Green View Education Coaching

    270 Shopian Academy VehilNew Sublime Coaching Institute Sadar Bazar Kulgam

    271 KulgamImperial Institute of Excellence Ziyan Complex Oppsite Town Plaza Kulgam

    272 KulgamPerimeter the Engineers Oppsite Old Bus Stand Kulgam

    273 Kulgam Coaching InstituteScientific Institute of Excellence Near DC Office Kulgam

    274 Kulgam275 Kulgam Bright Future Coaching centre Nihama Kulgam

    Success Point Coaching Institute Sangas Road Kulgam

    276 KulgamCareer Care Academy Near Govt. New Bus Stand Kanjikula yaripora

    277 Kulgam278 Kulgam Aims Coaching Institute

    Near HDFC Colledge Road Kulgam

    279 Kulgam Wings AcademyQazigund Adda Hospital Road Kulgam

    Vales Line Coaching Academy Opposite Court Road Near J&K Bank Main

    280 KulgamBranch Kulgam

    281 Kulgam M.Cambridge AcademyNear Qazigund Adda Kulgam

    282 Kulgam Competative WorielTown Plaza , Kulgam

    283 Kulgam WEST AcademyTown Plaza,kullgam

    284 Kulgam South Kash Coachingmtre Near HDFC BankHaigRoad kulgam.Z.- eggPage 9 of 14

  • • Annexure to Order No: [] DSEK of 2021 dated: [-)-22)Registration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre LocationIBN-Sinaa Coaching Academy Qazigund Adda, Kulgam

    285 KulgamClassic Oxford coaching New Bus Stand Yaripora Yaripora

    286 Kulgam Academy287 Kulgam Inovative Coaching centre Opp. Jamia Masjid DHPora

    Opinawaz Coaching Acadamy Karewa kulgam

    288 Kulgam289 Kulgam DIVINE Coaching Institute Chowgam near Checkpost

    290 Kulgam AA Academy Opp. Town Hall DI-I Pora

    Path Finder Academy Near Blue Star Restaurant Kulgam ( opp town

    291 Kulgam hall)Brainy Futurists Coaching Nihama Opp. HSS

    292 Kulgam Central Nihama

    293 Kulgam Grade UP Coaching CentreNear Jamia Masjid Peerbal Frisal

    University Wits Coaching Centre Near Buman Bridge Nehama

    294 Kulgam Nehama295 Kulgam Wits Arts Academy

    OPP. SB! College Road Kulgam

    296 Kulgam Big Bang AcademyNear LEADS Convent School Kulgam

    Commer. CoachingAcad.(CC A) Opp. SBI Kulgam

    297 Kulgam298 Kulgam Super 15 Yaripora Opp. Post office Yaripora

    Bright Carrer Institute Chowgam Main Market Chowgam

    299 KulgamInsight Coaching Institute D I-I Main Market

    300 Kulgam Pora DI-I Pora

    301 Baramulla Ahmad Coaching Academy DelinaInstitute of Systematic Studies

    302 Baramulla (ISS) Main Chowk Sopore

    303 Baramulla Sharp Careers New Colony Sopore

    304 Baramulla Darul Aqram Learning Institute Khawja Gilgit SoporeCentre for Learning Coaching

    305 Baramulla Institute Model Town Sopore

    306 Baramulla Scaling Heights Institute New Colony SoporeAbsolute Institute for Philosophy

    307 Baramulla of Science Salamatabad SoporeFusis School of Competitive Opp. Sumo Stand New E.Com Express

    308 Baramulla Studies Salamabad SoporeMatrix Institute of Science and

    309 Baramulla Technology SoporeSail Sanctum Academy of

    310 Baramulla Interactive Learning Noor Bagh Sopore

    311 Baramulla Group of Experts2nd Floor Cooperative Building N.C Sopore

    312 Baramulla WISE Sopore

    313 Baramulla Braintvee Tutorials = e New Colony Sop9r€= Page 10 of 14~

  • Annexure to Order No: ] DSEK of 2021 dated: [-0/- 22)Registration otc{lingcentres of Kashmir Division

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre LocationNear Damna Complex Opposite Bus Stand

    314 Baramulla Institute of Concept Classes Sopore

    315 Baramulla Bright Star Coaching Centre New Colony Sopore

    316 Baramulla Career Building Institute Down Town Sopore

    317 Baramulla AIMS Civil Services Academy Down Town Sopore

    318 Baramulla lqra Institute of Excellence Sopore

    319 Baramulla Guru Career Centre New Cooperative Complex Sopore

    320 Baramulla Peace Institute of Excellence Village Choora

    321 Baramulla Wisdom Academy Near Bugoo, Tehsil Road Sopore

    322 Baramulla READ Academy New Colony Sopore

    323 Baramulla ABC (Abstract Base Classes) Dar Complex Eidgah Road Achabal Rafiabad

    324 Baramulla Teach Yourself Maths Govt. HSS Hadipora Rafiabad

    325 Baramulla Revolutionary Career Institute Watergam Sopore Road Near Watergam Chowk

    Rafiabad Institute of Excellence Shah Complex 2ndFloor Main Chowk Watergam

    326 Baramulla (RIE) Rafiabad Near J&K Bank

    327 Baramulla NASA Academy Dangerpora Near HSS Sopore

    328 Baramulla Elite Academy Dangerpora Sopore

    329 Baramulla Ramzana Coaching Institute Duroo Sopore

    330 Baramulla Paramount Coaching Centre Zaloora Near Masjid Sharief Bonpora

    331 Baramulla Paradise Coaching Centre Shalpora Sopore

    332 Baramulla Knowledge Hub Coaching Centre Opp. Sub District Hospital Sopore

    333 Baramulla Peace Educational Institute Opp. Govt. BHSS Sopore

    334 Baramulla Al-Falah Institute of Excellence Noor Bagh Bypass Road, Sopore

    335 Baramulla Edventure Classes Bilal Complex Baramulla

    336 Baramulla Path Finder Study Circle Ahmad Complex Baramulla

    337 Baramulla Excel Coaching Centre Ahmad Complex Baramulla

    338 Baramulla Madina Coaching Centre Ahmad Complex Baramulla

    339 Baramulla Grade Booster Study Circle Ahmad Complex Baramulla

    340 Baramulla Al-Noor Institute of Coaching Bilal Complex NH Road Baramulla

    341 Baramulla Science Club Mohju Complex Baramulla

    Brook haven Coaching Centre

    342 Baramulla BCC Mohju Complex Baramulla

    343 Baramulla Sucess Gates Institute Hajra Complex Baramulla

    344 Baramulla Phonenix Institute of Excellence Kanispora

    345 Baramulla Nucleus Academy Haider Complex Baramulla

    346 Baramulla NIIT Coaching Academy Delina

    347 Baramulla Mind Tree Dawat (Friends Complex Baramulla)

    348 Baramulla Scholars Coaching Academy KreeriElite Academy of Science/ .,,,. --

    349 Baramulla Arts Kreeri / "'Page 11 of 14k


  • Registration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division. Annexure to Order No:_[[ DSEK of 2021 dated: /2- 1202/

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre Location

    350 Baramulla United Institute Kreeri

    351 Baramulla Kreeri Institute of Excellence Kreeri

    352 Baramulla Brilliant Coaching Institute Kunzer

    353 Baramulla Model Coaching Center Gokhama Kunzer

    354 Baramulla Genius Coaching Academy Chandilora

    355 Baramulla Delta Classes Kunzer

    356 Baramulla Arts Academy KunzerNew Era Coaching/Teaching

    357 Baramulla Institute Kunzer

    358 Baramulla Albert Coaching Centre Treran Tangmarg

    359 Baramulla Oxford Coaching Institute Chandilora

    360 Baramulla Sunshine Coaching Institute

    361 Baramulla Vision Coaching Institute

    362 Baramulla Smart Study Coaching Institute

    363 Baramulla Paanash Coaching Centre Baramulla

    364 Baramulla United Study Circle Hyderbeigh Pattan

    365 Baramulla Al-Noor Academy PalhallanKehkashan Academy of Science

    366 Kupwara & Arts Baber Lane

    367 Kupwara Bisma Coaching Institute Usman Abad

    Sir Syed Academy of Spoken

    368 Kupwara English Regipora Near J&K Bank

    369 Kupwara Mudasirs Coaching Center VilligamSheikh SARA Memorial School

    370 Kupwara Arts and Science Villigam

    371 Kupwara Kalam Institute of Education Iqbal Market

    372 Kupwara Brilliant Coaching Centre Drazipora

    373 Kupwara Sigma Institute Akbar Palaza

    374 Kupwara Bright Future Academy Kupwara

    375 Kupwara Success Point Coaching Academy Kupwara

    376 Kupwara PIE Institute by Pass Roda By Pass RoadMillennium Academy Science &

    377 Kupwara Arts Sogam

    378 Kupwara Kupwara Academy of Science Kupwara

    379 Kupwara Vision College of Academy Kralpora

    380 Kupwara KICE Academy Chowkibal

    381 Kupwara Rising Star Knowledge Kralpora

    382 Kupwara Rising Institute HandwaraKashmir Institute of Digitial

    383 upwara Learning Kupwara -

    384 Kupwara Top Brains Institute ~[Kupwara( ~..= < lPage 12 of 14

  • . Annexure to Order No: [} DSEK of 2021 dated: [20]- 202/Registration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre Location

    385 Kupwara Paramount Qualifiers Academy Kupwara

    386 Kupwara SSM Academy of Spoken English Regipora

    387 Kupwara ICI Villgam Villigam

    388 Kupwara AIIMS Handwara

    389 Kupwara Bless Classes Drugmulla

    390 Kupwara Unique Coaching Centre Sogam

    391 Kupwara Sir Syed Coaching Academy Sogam

    392 Kupwara Model Institute of Science Handwara

    393 Kupwara Skylark Academy Sogam Sogam

    394 Kupwara The Photon Coaching Academy Kralpora

    395 Kupwara Sun Rise Coaching Centre Handwara

    396 Kupwara Kralpora Institute of Excellence Kralpora

    397 Kupwara Creative Coaching Academy Kralpora

    398 Kupwara Angels Academy Natnusa

    399 Kupwara Career Foundation AcademyUsmanabad By Pass Road

    Oxford Academy of Arts and

    400 Kupwara Commerce l

  • . Annexure to Order No: [/ DSEK of 2021 dated: [-l2o2)Registration of Coaching Centres of Kashmir Division

    S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre Location

    Budgam Gardian Educational Institute Chadoora

    421· 422 Budgam Knowledge Hub Institute


    423 Budgam Base AcademyNear PDD Office Chadoora

    Budgam Professional Academy of Magam

    424 Science and Arts

    425 Budgam Sterling coaching AcademyBaghat E Kanipora

    426 Budgam Excellent Tuition PointCrescent City Center Budgam

    427 Budgam Brain Byte Coaching CenterI-Iydari Complex Magam

    428 Budgam Fusion Coaching CenterAl Hassan Plaza Budgam

    429 Budgam Al Huda coaching InstituteNear Power Grid Kremshora

    430 Budgam Fly High Coaching AcademyNear SBI Chadoora

    Budgam Toppers Institute of Excellence Ash Mall Complex Budgam

    431Budgam Logic Minds Coaching Institute Beerwah

    432433 Budgam Rise Coaching Institute

    Aripanthan Checkpost Opposite J&K Bank

    Budgam Feynman's School of Science Chararsharief

    434Budgam Master Mind School of Science Chadoora


    District No. of Coaching Centres

    Anantnag 60

    Bandipora 19

    Baramulla 65

    Budgam 24

    Ganderbal 39

    Kulgam 30

    Kupwara 46

    Shopian 38

    Srinagar 114

    Grand Total 435

    · ector School EducationKashmir

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