Grand parents day Power Point Presentation


Transcript of Grand parents day Power Point Presentation

Welcome to monday morning assembly by -7e

In 1978, President Carter proclaimed Grandparents Day as a National Holiday, to be celebrated in September.

Grandparents Day is also a holiday to honour our older generation. This generation has a great deal to offer us - knowledge, guidance, wisdom, laughter, love.

Grandparents Day is the day we set aside each year to remind ourselves of the importance of grandparents, and it's a day for our grandparents to remember the importance of grandkids. Grandparents Day is a two-way holiday, which makes it a perfect holiday for a family reunion.

Grandparents hold our tiny hands just a little while,

But our hearts forever

Joys of being a grandparent

Grandparents are important to children in so many ways.They have patience and time when parents are too busy. They have stories to tell and interesting games to play. They are good for treats and spoiling, which we all need from time to time

'Forget-me-not-flower is the official flower ofgrandparents day.

September 13, the Grandparents day, a special day for the aged parents who are at the final laps of the life journey. Every year the day falls in September, do you wonder why? It is to symbolize that grandparents are in the autumn years of life , and so September month was chosen for this specially for Grandparents Day.
