Grammarian Report

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Toastmasters clubs can use this form to record use of word-of-the day as well as good or problematic usage of language and grammar. See

Transcript of Grammarian Report

Grammarians ReportWord of the day (WOD) - Mark down the number of times the word was used, including any variations (e.g. varying the noun/verb reproach by using the adjective reproachful). Good use of language - Look for: vivid, impactful or beautiful words or phrases; evocative word pictures; choice of words that are concise (expressing much in a few words) or precise (selecting words to exactly convey your meaning); and rhetorical devices such as rule of 3 / triads (presenting words or ideas in groups of three - e.g. life, liberty and happiness), alliteration (repetition of words starting with the same consonant - e.g. dreams no one dared to dream), hyperbole (intentional use of exaggeration to evoke strong emotion or impact - e.g. I could eat a horse), metaphor (taking one thing to metaphorically, not literally, be something else - e.g. Juliet is the sun), simile (comparing one thing to another, using like/as/than - e.g. busy as a bee), analogy (comparing two things to explain or clarify a difficult or unfamiliar idea - e.g. the immune system is like an army fighting off disease), zeugma (using a word , usually a verb, in two or more ways in a single sentence - e.g. You are free to execute your laws, and your citizens, as you see fit). Problematic use of language or grammar - Note: unexplained jargon or acronyms; double negatives (e.g. We dont need no education) commonly confused words such as affect/effect, accept/except, assume/presume verbiage (using an excess number of words when fewer would suffice - e.g. in close proximity to instead of near); and grammatical errors such as I/me (e.g, my brother and me went instead of my brother and I), lay/lie (lay=to put or place; lie=to recline), who/whom, and subject/verb agreement Role / agenda spot Toastmaster of the evening Warm-up speakers Name WOD Good use of language Problematic use of language

Table topics master Table topics speaker(s)

Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Table topics evaluator (odds) Table topics evaluator (evens) Evaluator 1 Evaluator 2 Evaluator 3 Evaluator 4 Other