Grade Points

GRADES Grades will be assessed through other means besides tests. Some students just are not good test takers. I will endeavor to relieve students test anxiety and to aid them through showing them simple test taking strategies. Tests should not be the end all and be all of a student’s entire grade. I will use the various assignments to help determine grades. Writing assignments, research assignments, performance assignments, and basic homework assignments will all be given a point value. Students’ grades will be based on the amount of points they have earned in total. These totals will be converted into a percent. The percent representing out of 100%, what percent of the material the student seemed to retain and comprehend. How much of the knowledge attempting to be imparted seems far more important and understandable for a grade then some letter. In my own research, I have found that rubrics are in general not very helpful. I find holistic scoring guides to be much more helpful in assessing students’ work. There is


grade points

Transcript of Grade Points



Grades will be assessed through other means besides tests. Some students just are not good test takers. I will endeavor to relieve students test anxiety and to aid them through showing them simple test taking strategies. Tests should not be the end all and be all of a students entire grade.

I will use the various assignments to help determine grades. Writing assignments, research assignments, performance assignments, and basic homework assignments will all be given a point value. Students grades will be based on the amount of points they have earned in total. These totals will be converted into a percent. The percent representing out of 100%, what percent of the material the student seemed to retain and comprehend. How much of the knowledge attempting to be imparted seems far more important and understandable for a grade then some letter.

In my own research, I have found that rubrics are in general not very helpful. I find holistic scoring guides to be much more helpful in assessing students work. There is an example of a holistic scoring guide enclosed with the essay test. Student effort I feel is something that should also be taken into account. This is not merely class participation; this is an overall effort on the part of the student. I reserve the right to assign points to a students grade based on my judgment of their effort. For example, I feel that a student who may not say anything in class, but completes all homework assignments and hands them in on time, takes notes, and has mediocre test scores is deserving of a few points(no more than 3) in recognition of that effort. Whereas; another student who does no homework, doesnt participate at all, but has fantastic test scores doesnt really deserve any extra points. In fact, this student would set off alarm bells for me. I would think that he or she might be bored, and need to see if they needed more challenging work. I may be shooting myself in the foot with this idea of giving points for effort, but in the real world you do get merit raises based in part on your effort. I believe that trying does count, unfortunately, in todays society we are focused to sharply on results. If I get ridiculed for wanting to give points for effort, so be it.