Grade 7 digestion Presentation

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Transcript of Grade 7 digestion Presentation


Glucose is a simple form of sugar. It is what most living things 'burn' to produce energy.

Glucose is the most common carbohydrate.


Starch is lots of glucose molecules joined together.

Plants make glucose by the process of

They store this food for later.

Storing glucose takes up lots of space, so plants join the glucose together to make starch.

Which types of foods contain:



And why?

Testing for Starch

Use a spotting tile with the food samples.Add 2 drops of iodine solution to each food sample.Which of these foods contain starch?Record results.

Testing for Glucose

Safety Glasses

Testing for Glucose

Put some food in a third of a test tube of water. Dissolve.Put in 10 drops of Benedicts solution.Heat carefully in a water bath.Note your result.

Testing for Protein

Protein is tested for using Biuret's Reagant.

Biuret's Reagant is made of Copper Sulfate and Sodium Hydroxide.

If the solution turns purple, it means that protein is present.

Online Experiment

Testing for Fat

To test for fat, we grind up the food and smear it over filter paper. If it contains fat, the filter paper becomes clear.


What type of food is iodine solution used to test, and how can you tell if the test is positive?

When rubbing different foods on filter paper, the paper sometimes becomes translucent. What does this tell you about the food?

What is the main hazard when using Biuret solution and what precaution should you take?

What is the name of the test that will show if protein is present in a food and how will you be able to tell?

Glucose is a type of sugar. Your body uses glucose as a source of what?

What test would you use for glucose and how would you know if the test was positive?


Food must be broken down into smaller components to be used in our body. This process is called digestion. This occurs in the digestive system.

Once food is broken down it needs to enter the blood. This process is called absorption.

Integrated Science 2 Page 75Read everything, then answer questions 1-5.

Digestion Animation


Mouth and Stomach


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Proteins are the building blocks of life. Everything inside us is made of protein:
- hair

Proteins are made of 'chains' of amino acids all joined together.

When we eat protein, our digestive system breaks the proteins down into amino acids, and puts them together to make new proteins we need.

Protein is used for g_________ and r________.


Starch and glucose are two common carbohydrates. Others include fructose (in fruit) and lactose (in milk).

Glucose is carried in the blood to cells, where it is 'burned' (as fuel) to produce energy our cells need.

Starch is made of lots of glucose molecules joined together. It is broken down into glucose by a_________ in s__________, and the sugar enters the blood through the s______ i______.

Carbohydrates are the body's supply of e_______.


Fats and oils are called lipids.

Lipids are used for some important functions in the body, including in cell membranes.

The main use of lipids is energy storage. If we eat more than we need, our body converts the extra food to fat. Eating foods high in fats also helps us to store fat.

Fats can be 'burned' like carbohydrates if we cannot get enough food.

Why do We Like Sugar and Fat?

Sugar is found in fruit, which provided our ancestors with important vitamins (and sugar in the energy).

Our ancestors often couldn't get much fat, but they needed it to survive.

Review Questions

Which food group provides us with most of our energy?

Under what circumstances does another food group provide us with our energy?

Where in our body is this energy produced? Name two organs in which an extra large amount of energy is produced.

What else besides food does our body need to produce energy, and where does it get it from? How does it get to where it is needed?

Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

Percentages of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in Inhaled and Exhaled Air

Table of composition of inhaled and exhaled air:


Limewater (Calcium Hydroxide) turns 'milky' if carbon dioxide is bubbled through it.

One person per group blow through limewater. Blow firmly, but do not blow hard enough to make it splash everywhere!

Limewater image:

The Inhaling / Exhaling Device

Draw a scientific (2-D) diagram of the apparatus. Be sure to show that inhaled air bubbles through one boiling tube and exhaled air through another.

Explain why one turned milky before the other did.


Mammals breathe in air from the atmosphere, containing 21% oxygen and a tiny bit of carbon dioxide.

Some of the oxygen we breathe in is used to 'burn' glucose to produce energy. This produces carbon dioxide, a waste product which we breathe out.

Limewater turns milky if CO2 is bubbled through it.


Make a voicethread to explain how the heart works, using the photos from yesterday, which can be found here:


Blood is made of many different cells, which each serve different roles in the body.Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body.

White blood cells help fight disease and other things which our body doesn't want in it:
-- phagocytes ingest ('eat') invading organisms which enter the blood.

The Microscope

Draw the blood under the microscope.