GRACE NOTES...Development Fund. Given the history of the project, the UMDF was reluctant to loan the...

GRACE NOTES MARCH 2013 GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF ST. ALBANS NEWSLETTER GRACE NOTES ISSUE I March, 2013 Rev. Harold Andrews. Pastor Current Event 1 Word From Pastor 2 Mission Trip To Ecuador 3 PETER THE FISHERMAN 4 Inspirational POEM 5 Hi TECH Divine 6 Former Youth of Grace 8 PAT’S CORNER 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS Praise God, A Dream Comes to Fruition! “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” Isaiah 54:2 (NIV) A dream of a new and large edifice, that seemed deferred for twenty-nine years, has become a reality, and is to be consecrated by our Bishop Martin D. McLee of the New York Annual Conference on March 10, 2013. It was in 1984 that the people of Grace United Methodist Church realized that a larger place of worship was needed to accommodate its people and ministries of service in the community. Rev. Dr. Glyger G. Beach (1982-1991) was the pastor. In responding to the will of the people several committees were activated, and certain financial matters were resolved as follows: All monies due the New York Annual Conference were paid. Approval was sought to replace the frame structure of 1938. A development committee was formed; subsequently replaced by a building committee. Fundraising became a united front of all of the groups and organizations in the church. Short term investments were made in acquiring funds for building. An architect from the New York Annual Conference was employed. Under Rev. Ivan Roberts (1991-1995) fundraising continued with the highlight of the “Rally of Nations,’ and the annual Women’s Day bringing in the most funds of the many fundraising events. Under Rev. Walter C. Barton (1995-1998) a building permit was granted by the New York Annual Conference General Board after many consultations between the Board and Rev. Barton. Approval was also granted after properties across the street were purchased as a means of eventually providing parking space. Rev. Barton initiated groundbreaking on November 19, 1995. The first spade of soil was turned by three youth Svetlana Hamlet, Jackie Jackson and Seth Wilson. The Long Island West District Superintendent Rev. Joseph Morrison and a host of other clergy and committee persons were invited. The new church building and fundraising “baton” was passed to Rev. Dr. Maxine Nixon (1998 - 2002). She continued raising funds, and at her insistence a project manager was employed to oversee the day to day progress on the construction. Rev. Edward J. Norman (2002-2008) and our present Pastor, Rev. Harold A. Andrews enthusiastically continued fundraising and Rev. Andrews was instrumental in acquiring the final loan needed from the United Methodist Development Fund. In all of the years from the beginning to the consecration Ms. Cynthia Reid was the chairperson of the Trustees beginning with Rev. Beach and Ms. Hazel McIntosh, the chairperson of Finance since the time of Rev. Roberts. Our annual Women’s Day has always been a major fundraiser for our building fund. To them and all the other faithful workers in the vineyard we say “thank you” for your unrelenting interest, dedication in providing whatever information was required by the NYAC General Board all of these years. To God be the glory! By Dr. Melvin Hall

Transcript of GRACE NOTES...Development Fund. Given the history of the project, the UMDF was reluctant to loan the...

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ISSUE I March, 2013 Rev. Harold Andrews. Pastor

Current Event 1

Word From Pastor 2

Mission Trip To Ecuador 3


Inspirational POEM 5

Hi TECH Divine 6

Former Youth of Grace 8



Praise God, A Dream Comes to Fruition!

“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your

cords, strengthen your stakes.” Isaiah 54:2 (NIV)

A dream of a new and large edifice, that seemed deferred for twenty-nine years, has become a

reality, and is to be consecrated by our Bishop Martin D. McLee of the New York Annual

Conference on March 10, 2013.

It was in 1984 that the people of Grace United Methodist Church realized that a larger place of

worship was needed to accommodate its people and ministries of service in the community.

Rev. Dr. Glyger G. Beach (1982-1991) was the pastor.

In responding to the will of the people several committees were activated, and certain financial

matters were resolved as follows:

All monies due the New York Annual Conference were paid.

Approval was sought to replace the frame structure of 1938.

A development committee was formed; subsequently replaced by a building committee.

Fundraising became a united front of all of the groups and organizations in the church.

Short term investments were made in acquiring funds for building.

An architect from the New York Annual Conference was employed.

Under Rev. Ivan Roberts (1991-1995) fundraising continued with the highlight of the “Rally of

Nations,’ and the annual Women’s Day bringing in the most funds of the many fundraising events.

Under Rev. Walter C. Barton (1995-1998) a building permit was granted by the New York Annual

Conference General Board after many consultations between the Board and Rev. Barton. Approval

was also granted after properties across the street were purchased as a means of eventually

providing parking space. Rev. Barton initiated groundbreaking on November 19, 1995. The first

spade of soil was turned by three youth – Svetlana Hamlet, Jackie Jackson and Seth Wilson. The

Long Island West District Superintendent Rev. Joseph Morrison and a host of other clergy and

committee persons were invited.

The new church building and fundraising “baton” was passed to Rev. Dr. Maxine Nixon (1998-

2002). She continued raising funds, and at her insistence a project manager was employed to

oversee the day to day progress on the construction. Rev. Edward J. Norman (2002-2008) and our

present Pastor, Rev. Harold A. Andrews enthusiastically continued fundraising and Rev. Andrews

was instrumental in acquiring the final loan needed from the United Methodist Development Fund.

In all of the years from the beginning to the consecration Ms. Cynthia Reid was the chairperson of

the Trustees beginning with Rev. Beach and Ms. Hazel McIntosh, the chairperson of Finance since

the time of Rev. Roberts. Our annual Women’s Day has always been a major fundraiser for our

building fund. To them and all the other faithful workers in the vineyard we say “thank you” for

your unrelenting interest, dedication in providing whatever information was required by the NYAC

General Board all of these years.

To God be the glory!

By Dr. Melvin Hall

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The Pastor’s Page

It is a great relief for all of us not only to have the new sanctuary completed but to have it

consecrated on March 10 at 3pm by Bishop Martin D. McLee. The cost of the building is


When I was appointed to Grace on July 1st 2008 by Bishop Jeremiah Park, I did not know what quite

to expect. So far, the appointment has turned out to be one of the most challenging in my career as

pastor. I came into a situation where there was a work stoppage on the building project. For at least

three years no work could be done prior to my arrival. In the interim, mold infested the basement.

A couple of months before my appearance on the scene in July 2008, one or more church members

were in front of the church and two men came up and inquired about the building under

construction. It turned out that the men were Leroy Bennett and Milton Galloway. They had a small

company related to the construction business and they were interested in helping the church get

back on track. In September 2008 or thereabouts, the trustees and I met with Leroy and Milton.

They became our new construction managers. They managed to get the work stoppage lifted

preparing the way for the resumption of construction and the finishing of the building.

To complete the edifice, a loan of $1,300,000 was needed. We approached the United Methodist

Development Fund. Given the history of the project, the UMDF was reluctant to loan the money. It

appeared that all was lost. I appealed to Bishop Jeremiah Park to intervene. He asked me to write a

letter explaining to what use the building will be put. I forwarded the letter to him and without

amending it, he had it placed on the Bishop’s letterhead and signed it. The letter was submitted to

the board of directors of the UMDF and the loan was granted.

Through it all, I saw the guiding hand of the Lord. On March 10, we will be worshipping in the new

sanctuary. I thank the Lord for enabling us to complete the work. I thank the board of trustees, and

the finance committee for the preparation of the necessary documents for processing the loan.

Thanks to Leroy Bennett and Milton Galloway for their steadfast work. Thanks to Bishop Park for

helping us secure the loan. Thanks to everyone for your generous financial contributions over the

years. I am looking forward for your continued support.

To God be the glory, great things God has done!

In Christ’s service,

Rev. Harold A. Andrews - Pastor

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Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) Mission Trip To Ecuador

Akasha Ballentine and Nijah Phills accompanied by Tyrone Johnson, MYF coordinator, are

off to Ecuador.

Two MYF youngsters left for Quito, Ecuador on February 16, 2013.

They will be there for nine days helping with the construction of a

community recreation center. The trip is sponsored by the United

Methodist Church Conference.

On Febraury 10th, during 9:45 am worship service, GUMC

congregation prayed for their safe journey as they travel to Quito,

Ecuador to do God’s work .

They left New York JFK airport on the 6:00 am flight and

arrived in Quito at 9:00 pm.

We anxiously await their return to hear about their experiences.

FACTS On Ecuador


Located in South America, bordered by Colombia on the north and

Peru on the east and South.

Language spoken is Spanish.

Climate is tropical and humid.

The U.S. dollar, current currency of the Republic of Ecuador.

Among the people that have a religion, 80% are Roman Catholic , and

11% protestant.

Nijah working hard in


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“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you…” (Acts 1:8).These words were spoken by the

resurrected Jesus to his apostles as he commanded them to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father. I submit

that Peter is a prime example of the transformative power of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

In Matthew’s Gospel we first meet Peter as Simon, when he and his brother Andrew were recruited by Jesus as

disciples. Both were fishermen. Jesus had said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men”. Reading

through the Gospels we see that Simon Peter was an integral part of Jesus’ ministry on earth. One significant episode

occurred when Jesus posed this question to the disciples, ”Who do men say that I am?” Several answers were

proffered, but listen to Simon’s response, “You are the Christ (Messiah), the Son of the living God”. Jesus determined

that this response was a revelation from God and so he clearly stated, “And I also say to you that you are Peter and on

this rock I will build my church.” I think that it was at this point that Peter’s leadership qualities began to emerge.

One writer has described Peter as impetuous. It was his impetuosity that led him to rebuke Jesus for what seemed to

him to be negative thinking, drawing Jesus’ sharp reply, “Get behind me Satan”. Ironically, this happened just after

Peter’s greatest moment of distinction – confessing Jesus to be the Son of the living God. Imagine Peter’s shame. But

Peter remained loyal, to a point. At the Last Supper, when Jesus predicted that all the disciples would fall away, Peter

was ready to argue. He, Peter would never fall away. This is the same Peter whose courage failed him, and a few hours

later denied Christ three times. On realizing that Jesus had foretold this precise behavior, he went out and wept

bitterly. Later Peter was granted the singular privilege of an individual post-resurrection appearance by Jesus. It is also

recorded in John’s Gospel that Christ gave Peter a three-part commission (perhaps to negate Peter’s three-part denial)

to feed his sheep. After Jesus’ ascension, Peter was clearly the leader of the disciples. He addressed the other disciples

and presided over an election for a disciple to replace Judas Iscariot.

Pentecost is the second of three annual Jewish pilgrim festivals observed in the Jerusalem Temple. Consequently there

were Jews from every nation in Jerusalem at the time of the Pentecost. Based on the account of the event given in Acts

2, crowds who had come for the feast were witnesses to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the twelve apostles and

some 120 other disciples. The people in attendance heard them speaking in different languages, so that each person

was able to hear the message in his own language. They were astonished, some even mocked, supposing the disciples

to be drunk. But Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, stood up with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed the whole

Jewish congregation, exhorting them to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.

What a transformation for a man who had previously denied Christ three times! Three thousand souls were won as

a result of Peter’s discourse. This marked the beginning of the Early Church. As Peter continued in the Holy Spirit, he

was able to perform miracles. The Spirit in Peter was so powerful that people were healed simply by being in his

shadow. As a result of Peter’s prayer, a disciple named Tabitha was restored to life. Church growth continued.

Eventually Peter was called to minister to the Gentiles. As Peter preached to the people assembled in the home of

Cornelius, a Roman centurion, the Holy Spirit was poured out on them. These new believers were baptized in the name

of the Lord, adding to the membership of the Early Church. Chapters 11 and 12 of Acts give us more details as he

continued on his mission. In chapter 15 we read of his boldness as he convincingly addressed the Jerusalem Council

which was convened to debate the question of circumcision among the Gentile believers. His main point was that it

was not necessary for the Gentile Christians to be circumcised since God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by

giving them the Holy Spirit just as he gave it to the Jewish believers, purifying their hearts by faith.

In conclusion, we see Peter, the rock on which Christ promised to build his Church, transformed by the outpouring of

God’s Holy Spirit able to fulfill Jesus’ commission to his apostles to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt 28:19).

May we, like Peter and the other members of the Early Church be prepared to welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives so

that we too can boldly profess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

Written by: Fleur Greene

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Our Spirits To Remain

We’re here on earth for a short stay,

Our spirits to remain,

Many people we meet, many people we greet,

In sunshine and in rain.

And every second we are free to be kind,

Or to act in remorse,

The clock still ticks what e’er to choose,

Thus nature takes its course.

As we grow old and the sun grows cold,

From sea to shining sea,

No matter the time of the year, day or hour,

May peace abide with thee.

By: Vivienne Wilson


How are the following Bible characters related?

1). Cain and Abel………………………. (Genesis 4, especially Verse 8)

2). Abraham and Isaac………………. (Genesis 21, especially Verse 3)

3). Mary and Martha ……………….. (Luke 10: 38, 39)

4). Aquila and Priscilla …………….. (Acts 18: 2)

5). Moses and Aaron ……………….. (Exodus 4: 14)

6). Eunice and Lois ………………….. (2 Timothy1: 5)

7). Peter and Andrew ……………… (Matthew 4: 18)

8). Ananias and Sapphira ……..…. (Acts 5: 1)

9). Joseph and Benjamin …….…… (Genesis 42: 3, 4)

10). David and Absalom …. ……….. (2 Samuel 18: 33)

Submitted by: Vivienne Wilson

Page 6: GRACE NOTES...Development Fund. Given the history of the project, the UMDF was reluctant to loan the money. It appeared that all was lost. I appealed to Bishop Jeremiah Park to intervene.




Hi-Tech Divine Communication

I remember when the computer was a very large hunk of immovable hardware hoping to have an impact in

the business world. Now almost everything is computerized, mobile, instant and miniature. Today hi-tech has

impacted every aspect of our lives globally, changing education, medicine, the work place, manufacturing,

finance, media, aviation, the defense industry, personal relationships, adding the phrase ‘cyber crimes’ to our

vocabulary. Even how we spread the Word to all corners of the globe relies heavily on technology. Today a

domain name or a webmail address is key. The cell phone has replaced the home phone. Very soon we will

each be our own website, walking and sparkling with our own personal technology on our wrist, or under our

skin. Nanotechnology takes us to the intriguing quantum-realm zone with great implications for future life on

the planet.

The same way that the average person did not know about DNA and its implications a few years ago, so

other mysteries God has hidden from us will be revealed. Hi-Tech is not man-made creation, but man-

discovered elements out of the vast power, mystery and grandeur of God (Job 11: 7-12).

"Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are

higher than the heavens--what can you do? They are deeper than the depths of the grave--what can

you know? Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea.” There are no geniuses, but

those through whom God has allowed his mysteries to be revealed, whether in the arts, sciences, mind,

learning, or communication. Not every year, but every few months, we have a new I-gadget to choose from,

intended to make life more efficient and enjoyable while making a few very rich.

What if I tell you that we have always had advanced technology at our finger tips for improving and advancing

our quality of life here on the planet and we have had it laid out in plain language, only needing decoding by

the Holy Spirit – in the Bible? Speaking the word of God, appealing to the Holy Spirit, using our

channel of prayer, and exercising our faith are each high level, mysterious, yet foolproof means of

communicating with the Creator to manage every aspect of our existence. With all the advances at our

fingertips the person who is only relying on technology and material things is really being shortchanged.

Drawing on the spiritual resources available to those who have chosen to receive Jesus Christ as Lord of

their lives is far more powerful. As Christians we have direct access to peace, joy, wisdom, love and hope,

while everything around us may be in turmoil or chaos. How is that possible?

Let’s start with the Word of God. Let us speak the infallible Word of God with all its power and mystery and

overcoming qualities (Hebrews 4:12). “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any

double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the

thoughts and attitudes of the heart”. Divine voice-activated technology is applied when we use God’s

Word as a surgeon may use laser technology for healing and other needs. This has always been available to

us. Modern technology is really distantly imitating what we really know at the spiritual level.

Continue on next page.

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Hi-Tech Divine Communication

When we ask the Holy Spirit to speak to God on our behalf it’s described this way in Romans 8:26. “ In the

same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the

Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans”. He expresses our needs better than we ever

could. How much higher can any technology be than that? Not just cordless, but without words. The Holy

Spirit translates for us, edits for us and automatically bypasses all the radio waves to take our messages from

our hearts directly to the Lord of Creation.

Let’s look at Prayer. When we kneel down to pray, in the bathroom, in bed, in church or on the subway, or in

silence, we are transmitting spiritually and breaking through the stratosphere and time zones to have an

effect and make changes that cannot be made any more powerfully or more quickly, or by any other means.

We are using the higher technology – hitting ENTER – and commanding results from our silent input. There

is no risk in prayer. Only God’s Will will be done.

Beyond that, the power of the touch, (Luke 6:19) “and the people all tried to touch him, because power

was coming from him and healing them all”, has been practiced for hundreds of years in healing and in

relieving millions of pain and suffering. The divine touch generates miracles all the time which modern

technology will not be able to match. Yet we question the power of the Spirit programmed into us as


When we receive divine ideas we call it ‘out of the blue’ because it all defies logic and understanding, just like

the peace of God that we all know about. We have been communicating wirelessly all the time. We have

known things through our Spirit-guided intuition. The potential and possibilities have always been there, and

there is still more out there for us to draw on.

Let us understand that without God’s established systems in place for the functioning of the Universe and our

planet, none of the great technologies will operate. If God turns off one switch, systems will come crashing

down. Why don’t we learn to embrace the power that God is so eager to share with us to change the quality

of our lives? We have looked at the power of the Word of God activated by our voice, the mercy of God

generated through connection with the Holy Spirit, the grace of God engendered by our prayers. Is there

anything too hard for God? (Jeremiah 32:27)

"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”

Technology lets us down every day. We are under threat of everything crashing down one day, but God’s

promises never fail (Hebrews 10:23). “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who

promised is faithful.” Let’s wake up and use the high level transmission and communication advantage,

requiring no optic fibers or radio waves, already in our hands, to achieve God’s purpose in our lives.

Hyacinth E. Bailey –Copyright©2013 - [email protected]

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Former Youths of Grace Making Great Stride in the World of Work

It is indeed a pleasure to bring to my Grace church family words from and about our former youths who were active in Tiny Tots, Scouting, Methodist Youth Fellowship, Sunday school, as Acolytes and many other ministries.

Their subsequent achievements in the world of work gladden the heart of this reporter. In the 70s through the 80s Grace Notes had a regular column on this subject.

It is hoped that parents of our youths today encourage their children to read this column because it will serve an inspiration to them to know about the many youths of Grace who have grown up and become great men and women in their chosen fields. If the youths of yesterday could achieve, so can the youths of today.

As we resume providing this information to our readers, I am happy to be able to inform you of what Jason Charles Lewis is doing. Jason, as his name indicates, is the younger son of Charles and Joyce Lewis.

He is a teacher at Dutch Broadway Elementary School. He claims that the hard work and determination it took to be recognized as a student athlete in high school helped him to achieve the position of educator at Dutch Broadway. Jason says, “It does not matter how much talent you possess but how well you work together in a team, because without teamwork, one will not prosper.” This statement was made because of “swelled” heads of the players who worked as individuals rather than as a team. And because of that the team lost. This is a good lesson for all of our youths to know in the games of competition. Further, it is a good lesson to learn about teamwork in adult groups working in various ministries for our Lord and Savior.

During his high school years, Jason was equally good in sports and academics. In his youth as an active member of Grace, Jason was serious about whatever he was engaged in. His winning smile and cooperation endured his to his peers and adults alike. He was a delight in his Junior High Sunday school class that I had the good fortune of teaching. Even then, I knew that he was destined for greatness.

Quoting from Elmont Phoenix (December 2012),”During his high school career he participated in a plethora of clubs and sports, which were significant in crafting values and lessons still adamant in his life today.”

Jason has been inspired by his many teachers, coaches, pastors and members of his church. And so, with his ability to listen, observe and learn, he has become a fine educator and definitely encourages, inspires, and motivates others to greatness as he has been.

Another quote from the article I am perusing, “Although Mr. Lewis graduated many years ago, the lessons he learned has a student still resonates in his daily personal and professional life. Above all Mr. Lewis wants us to keep in mind that ‘ Negative thinking is a waste of thoughts and verbal conflict is a waste of words.’

Jason, please know that along with your parents and other loved ones, your Grace family that fondly remembers you are so proud to read about you. Thanks for sharing from the news article printed in the Elmont Phoenix (December 2012), by Alanix Smith and Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna.

Dr. Mel Hall, Reporter

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Hi Everyone,

Last time I did a restaurant review I asked if anyone had a restaurant that they would like to share.

Fortunately for us Donna Perez has given us two great reviews.

Vincent's Italian Restaurant= Across from Roosevelt Field, next to Toys R Us. Their food is awesome. The portions are large and satisfying. They start you off with bread and a dip mixed with olive oil and herbs which is very good. I give it 4.5 stars. Bestow Mexican Restaurant= 1516-18 Old Northern Blvd, Roslyn, NY. Phone: 516-484-3001. Both food and atmosphere are excellent. They do a guacamole dip from scratch that's soooooo good. Another 4.5 stars. ___________________________________________________________________________

Southeast Queens Homeless Cluster Program

I would like to give a shout-out to all the dedicated people and groups that help with the Southeast Queens Homeless Cluster Program. This feeding program is held in the coldest months of the year, from January through the end of March. Every Wednesday night, these people make sure that the men have a hot meal in the shelter. Others donate nice warm clothing for them to wear. Here are the names of these people and groups. I'm so very proud to be a part of this ministry, and want to thank them so very much for their time and dedication for over 17 years. The Methodist Men

The Methodist Women

The Class Leaders

The Greeters’ Ministry

The M.Y.F.

The Girl Scouts

The Boy Scouts

Mrs. Stokley and friends

The Yarber Family and friends

Paulette Best

Barbara Hibbert

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Grace united methodist church

Of st. Albans

200-08 Murdock Avenue, St. Albans, New York 11412

Church Office: 718-465-5621

Email: [email protected]

Website: Visit us on facebook-GUMC

Grace Notes Newsletter Committee : Sharon Webley, Team leader; Hyacinth Bailey, Team Co-leader;

Patricia Yarber, Mavelin Germain, Fleur Greene, Dr. Mel Hall, Wanda Jackson, Sarah Sweetwine

Worship Hours

Sunday School: 8:30 am to 9:30 am

Church worship services: 9:45 am

Friendship Circle (Seniors) Bible study on Wednesdays at 10:00 am

Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm

GUMC CONSECRATION WILL BE HELD ON MARCH 10, 2013 (by Invitation only).