Grace Missions Annual 2014

1 grace church missions 2014-15


God has given us a task and a number. The task is to bring the Gospel across the street and around the world. Our goal is that everyone will hear the Gospel.

Transcript of Grace Missions Annual 2014

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grace church missions 2014-15

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The Apostle Paul said, “Pray also for me that whenever I open my mouth,

words may be given to me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of

the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it

fearlessly as I should.” Ephesians 6:19-20.

When you look at the headlines there are obvious connections between what is

happening in our world today and the signs of the End Times. There was more

persecution in the past century than in the 19 prior centuries combined. And

yet there remains a task to which every fully devoted follower of Christ ought to

fearlessly devote themselves. People among four thousand different language

groups have no Bible; 3,100 people groups have no missionary; and 3.5 billion

Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus are without Christ.

This world is volatile. It would be easy for us to play it safe and pull back. But our

greater concern and call is to a world of more than 7 billion people, where nearly

5 billion are living in places that have had little or no access to the Gospel. Many

of our frontline ministry partners are serving in the least-reached and unreached

areas. Our prayers and support are a great encouragement to those who are

being used by God in unprecedented measure to bring large numbers of lost

people to Himself.

We are deeply committed to Jesus’ authority and agenda – to make disciples of

the whole world. In the strength of the Holy Spirit we are fearlessly making known

the mystery of Christ in five strategic areas:

Church Planting

Actively Sending Short Term and Career Missionaries

Unreached People Groups

Sister Church Relationships

Evangelism and Discipleship

God has given us a task and a number. The task is to bring the Gospel across

the street and around the world. Our goal is that everyone will hear the Gospel.

As you read and reflect on what God has been doing in and through Grace

Church Missions, prayerfully seek what your commitment to The CAUSE will be

this year, and “fearlessly make known the mystery of Christ.”

For The CAUSE! Troy Dobbs Senior Pastor

Dave Gibson Pastor of Missions & Evangelism

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2,020Grace Church people Committed to Livin’ the CAUSE Prayer-Care-Share across the street Pray-Give-Go for The CAUSE around the world


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The Global-Local VisionWe have to live out Acts 1:8 simultaneously and be accountable for reaching them all—Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. That’s a global-local vision.

There is a difference between going across the street and around the world. When you GO across the street that is local evangelism. You are taking the Gospel to non-Christians where there is no cultural distance involved. When you GO around the world, you are taking the Gospel to those who have no access to the Gospel or the person of Jesus Christ. It involves crossing the frontier of different languages and cultures. Both are the work of every believer.

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ONE GOSPEL1“ Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the

name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

101Missionaries Supported

23Sister Churches

1,065Church Plants


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church planting Churches are God’s primary means of fulfilling the Great Commission.

Churches planted to date:


Church planting results in a new, local Christian church being established. A locally planted church must eventually have a life of its own and be able to function independently, even if it continues to relate denominationally as part of a church network. Our church-planting efforts focus on the most unreached areas on the planet—establishing the Church by bringing the Gospel to places where people have no access to it.





310 Nepal

571 India

87 Pakistan

97 Vietnam

1,065 Total

Do you want to change the world? Then plant reproducing New Testament churches! The Church is central to making disciples, baptizing them, and teaching them to observe all that Christ commands. The areas of the world with the highest poverty, illiteracy, abuse, abandonment, disease, and spiritual darkness are unreached and without a Great Commission Church.

When we plant Gospel-centered, reproducing churches that care for the physical and spiritual needs of people, we find that communities and nations are impacted. Part of our 2020 Vision is to plant 5,000 churches with The Timothy Initiative (TTI), our sister churches, and other ministry partners in the least-reached and unreached parts of the world. Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18













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Church planting partnershipsChurch planting is the result of prayer, worship, preaching the Word, fellowship, and practicing ordinances such as the Lord’s Supper. It also involves evangelism, discipleship, and caring for orphans and widows. All this is done under the authority of Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, and His disciples who are biblically qualified church leaders.

The Timothy Initiative (TTI)

— a reproductive, multiplying church-planting movement that works with indigenous church leaders across denominations to penetrate nations and cultures with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

• Our goal is to plant 5,000 churches by 2020

• Using materials translated into Vietnamese, training centers are being established with our sister churches

• Grace Church is establishing local and national partnerships with other churches and organizations to multiply the effort of planting churches among the unreached

Vishwa Vani (Voice to the World)

— a large church-planting ministry working primarily in northwestern India.

• The Vision is to plant churches in 100,000 villages throughout India

• Church clusters are connected to regional training centers and orphanages

• The training and planting effort is totally indigenous

310 Nepal

571 India

87 Pakistan

97 Vietnam

1,065 Total
















“ The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.” — Hudson Taylor

“ Planting new churches is the most effective evangelistic methodology known under heaven.” — C. Peter Wagner

“ Jesus’ essential call was to plant churches. Virtually all the great evangelistic challenges of the New Testament are basically calls to plant churches, not simply to share the faith.” — Tim Keller





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“ How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news! So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:14-15, 17

aactively sending short term and career missionaries

We are deeply committed to following the agenda that Jesus gave: to make disciples of the whole world.

“ Going on a mission trip showed me the importance of taking our faith and making it real, and sharing it with those across the street and around the world.”


In America we have easy access to the Gospel. This is not so in places throughout the world where people have no access to the Gospel. It is why we are called to go and to support frontline missionaries. Our 101 career missionaries cover a broad scope of frontline efforts in 36 countries.

Places we have gone this past year







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We are deeply committed to following the agenda that Jesus gave: to make disciples of the whole world.

Peru At Grace Church we take seriously Jesus’ last command as our first priority. Lima Peru and its port city Callao have suffered

many years of political and economic strife. They are entrenched in physical and spiritual

poverty, steeped in a blend of pagan-Christian beliefs. Desperation, abuse and crime are prevalent, and for many, life is seemingly hopeless. But we know of a hope that goes beyond circumstances, the one thing that can transform a heart, a life, a family, a community, and a nation: the Gospel.

Once every three years, Grace Church serves, hombro a hombro (shoulder to shoulder), with our sister church in Callao and its six daughter churches. Together we demonstrate and declare the Gospel, ministering to their physical and spiritual needs. There were 2,326 decisions made for Jesus Christ in 2014.

Our combined team of about 500 laborers (147 from Grace Church) was active each day and night with a variety of outreaches and events during their country’s Independence celebration.

Teams were deployed to the city squares, slums, and some of the worst barrios in Latin America. Hundreds lined up days in advance to receive medical care, and our world-class surgical team worked tirelessly on highly technical procedures, including giving a girl the ability to smile. Orphans were also smiling during their retreat at the church, and upon their return to a clean and painted home. Hombro a hombro we served the communities: church events, dramas, sports programs, painting homes, performances by the No Longer Music Peru band, and offering to pray for and share the Gospel with anyone God put in our path.

Essential to all that we do is prayer, a clear presentation of the Gospel message, and great follow up by the Callao Church. With months of training and a lot of courage, many on our team had their first opportunity to personally lead someone to Christ. Not only were the lives of thousands of Peruvians impacted during this time but the lives of our entire team were impacted.

Additional teams were deployed throughout the year bringing the Gospel to:

Vietnam- Building a church-planting initiative with our sister church relationships

Egypt- Serving with Healing Grace Ministries (Kasr El Dobara Church) ministering to Egyptian children and families

Iraq- Encouraging our sister churches and providing leadership development

Haiti- Serving the men of Haiti Teen Challenge and the children of Hope Outreach International

Poland- Teaching English to non-Christian families through Bible camps with our missionaries the Shadeds and the Lockrems

Bulgaria- Professional support for the new special-needs school with our missionaries the Pankratzs

Ethiopia- Luis Palau Association Crusade and Orphan Ministies



“ “The evangelization of the world waits not on the readiness of God but on the obedience of Christians.” – Bill M. Sullivan

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aactively sending short term and career missionaries


“Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” John 4:35

Jesus said to pray not for the harvest but earnestly for laborers. Grace Church has the privilege of praying for and sending forth laborers. Many from the Grace Church family serve as the hands, feet, and mouthpiece of Jesus on our college campuses, to street children, orphans, widows, prostitutes, refugees, the global secularized youth culture, and to numerous unreached people groups around the world. Currently we have 101 missionaries in 37 countries and on five continents. The sun truly never sets on the Grace missionary family.









POur 23 Sister Churches

Our 101Missionaries

Our 1,065Church Plants

“We are not a church with a missionary program we are a missionary church”

“ I have but one passion: It is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ.”

— Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf





Sierra Leone







Dominican Republic


Puerto Rico


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God uses unlikely people to accomplish His purposeBy Nicu Grigare, Grace Missionary in Romania

Recently, a Gypsy family came to Christ after watching the Jesus film in their own language. While I was searching for a Bible and Ten Basic Steps to Christian Maturity to give them, I came across a group of Gypsies who, by comparison to other families, were living in the most miserable conditions. The gypsy children in Meletie village live in unimaginable poverty and squalor, in a world where soap and water are a rarity. Many of the children are sick, enduring body eczema and infected wounds because of poor hygiene.

Most often Gypsies are marginalized by society, considered thieves even when they are innocent, and blamed for any harm that occurs in a community. Still, some Gypsies send their children to watch the movie Magdalene dubbed in Romani Balkan at the Tent Meetings we organize. God can change their future. Besides the movie, we try to supply the children and their families with hygiene products (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes), clothing, and bags of food. We also bring doctors there to provide free medical consultations.

An old man named Barbu drank and beat his wife throughout most of his life. He did many mischievous deeds and eventually lost his legs to arthritis. In his despair he burned his own house and did not want to live. One of the villagers who extinguished the fire took him aside and told him

that only God can heal him, pleading with Barbu to repent and entrust his life to the Lord. Barbu became very sick and was near death.

A volunteer who participated in our training conference

shared the message of salvation through Christ with Barbu. He repented and was healed. Everyone was surprised about “the miracle the Lord has done with this insane man.” His story has become legendary, circulating in the poorest village where about 3,000 Gypsies live in huts. Now, many of them are coming to worship the Lord. On Sunday, July 13, 2014, 20 believers from the community were baptized in the muddy waters of the local river.

“We are not a church with a missionary program we are a missionary church”

“ On Sunday, July 13, 2014, 20 believers from the community were baptized in the muddy waters of the local river.”
































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The apostle Paul said in Romans 15:20, “I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation.” We also make this our priority. The ABC’s of world missions shows that five percent of mission dollars go to reach the least-reached and unreached, nearly two-thirds of the World’s population, while 95 percent goes to areas that have a strong Gospel and church presence. At Grace Church we share in Paul’s passion and have the privilege of being a part of building God’s Kingdom in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, India, and some of the darkest places in the world.

We are to have an expansive personal vision of reaching all the nations for Jesus Christ. That is not just for the super-elite Christian, but for every person who has placed faith and trust in the person of Jesus Christ.

UWhat is a People Group?More specific than a national identity, people groups are distinct cultures within a nation that have their own ethnic identity and language. It is a significantly large grouping of individuals who perceive themselves to have a common affinity with one another.

Who are the Unreached and Least-Reached People Groups?They are the ones with no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize them with the Gospel.

Who are the Unengaged? There are currently more than 3,000 people groups with no evangelical church planting strategy to reach a local people group. There is no Evangelical church, no Bible, no Gospel witness.

“ Out of 11,000 people groups, over 6,500 are unreached— at least 2 billion people.”

“ We need to stop thinking so generally and start thinking personally about missions and evangelism. There are names and faces of people out there that have never heard of Jesus.”

– Troy Dobbs

unreached people groups

“ The Gospel is only good news if it gets there on time.” — Carl F.H. Henry

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Fearlessly Bringing the Gospel to the Unreached My name is David Boro. I come from a radical Hindu background, but I came to accept Christ as my Savior and have seen my family do the same.

When my wife became terminally ill with a brain tumor, the doctors said she would not live. In desperation I pleaded for help from Jesus: my wife was miraculously healed. I prayed for my family to be saved and they have come to Christ. Since that time, my life has been devoted to telling others about Jesus.

I started a church in my village, and during the 20 years that followed, I was able to start 15 new churches in the surrounding villages. So many people want to know the truth, so many want to know Jesus and how to be saved. These villages have gone through much change, but our faith has also brought persecution. Several of my leaders have been martyred, my house has been burned, and I have been beaten nearly to death and imprisoned. When I left prison with my family, people shouted, “Burn them alive.” Most of the threats to me and my family come from Hindu and Buddhist radicals. I remind myself that Jesus said, “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.”

In India there are 2,256 people groups. Of those, 2,033 groups do not know Christ, about 30 percent of unreached people in the world. My work is primarily with the Dalits, reaching the Mitili people, the lowest of low in India. About 99.9 percent are non-Christian.

There is much need in these areas, and we are training church planters to establish communities of faith

in local villages. The church planters model a biblical lifestyle of prayer and care for people, including widows and orphans. Our family has taken in 17 orphan children and we are teaching the church members to do the same.

I am currently responsible for 13 states in northern India and for project Titus, where we plan to train and start 1,000 churches in one year, to bring Christ to hundreds of people groups who have no current witness. This effort is the greatest miracle. I am privileged to see what can happen with an ordinary man in the hands of an extraordinary God, and the many prayers and support of this effort to bring the light of Christ into these very dark places of the world.


The 10/40 Window“The 10/40 Window is the rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia approximately between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude. The 10/40 Window is often called ‘The Resistant Belt’ and includes the majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.” The Joshua Project

Progress of the Gospel by People Group

•Unreached •Nominal •Significant

“ The church planters model a biblical lifestyle of prayer and care for people, including widows and orphans.”

L-R: Joshua Vijayakumar, Dave Gibson, David Boro, Fregy John, Biju Kumar, and David Nelms

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sister-church relationships

Mobilizing the global church One of our pivotal strategies has been the establishment of sister-church relationships. We are working shoulder to shoulder with vibrant, indigenous sister churches in the U.S., Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia. These small church plants become regional leaders—resulting in thousands of disciples making disciples and planting churches for the sake of the Gospel.

“ We have been given mercy for a mission. The grace we have been given has a goal and it is not intended to center on you or me; it is intended to center on His name among all the nations.” — David Platt






Ps The Global Body of Christ










Iraq (4)Egypt Cuba


Egypt Cuba























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A relationship is established to accelerate the development and multiplication of New Testament churches. This gives Grace Church and the sister church an opportunity to minister to each other

and develop a greater vision for God’s work in the world. The goal is to come alongside churches that will truly become self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating.

Grace Church is working shoulder to shoulder with 23 sister churches in the Middle East, Africa, South America, the U.S., Russia, Cuba, and Southeast Asia (see map).

Linguistic, cultural, racial, and economic barriers are broken as each congregation sees, feels, experiences, and embraces the needs of their sister church.

Christ asks those in His Word to make disciples of those who will make disciples across the street and around the world. Our sister churches wholeheartedly join

us in this endeavor. As part of this process, we join together in evangelistic efforts and also in planting churches. In conjunction with The Timothy Initiative in 2014, we began training church planters in many of our sister churches. Together for The CAUSE.


Vietnam (12)

About Sister Churches:


Vietnam 12 Sister Churches

Iraq 4Sister Churches





























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eOur final focus and the one that undergirds the entire vision of The CAUSE is broad in scope but starts with you and me. We call it Livin’ the CAUSE: Committing to prayer, care, and share within our own community and to pray, give, and go for the The CAUSE of Christ. 1 Peter 3:15 tells us, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” Missions and Evangelism at Grace equips people for the work through training such as SHARE Life, The CAUSE Institute, Billy Graham Telephone TV Ministry, My Story and outreach activities. But the call does not stop until that new disciple is making disciples.

“ How can I go to bed at night knowing what I know and knowing what other people don’t know? If my heart is never brokenhearted for the people who have never heard, maybe the Gospel hasn’t touched down in my life like I think it has.” — Pastor Troy Dobbs

Livin’ Fearless for the CAUSE


evangelism and discipleship across the street & around the world

Native American The Dyer Family* is making an impact with the Gospel on members (especially youth) of Pine Ridge in South Dakota, one of the most devastated reservations in the country. Overcomers Ministry brings the freedom and healing that only Christ can give to addicted, homeless, hurting, and incarcerated Native Americans in Minneapolis.

Latino Pastor Charlie and Roxanna Mercado* lead a thriving Latino church community (Sundays, 1:30pm in the Grace Church Chapel). They are making disciples among Spanish speakers, one of the largest immigrant populations in Minnesota. This church plant is highly committed to outreach and authentic Bible-centered living, and invites the whole Grace family to serve and be a part of their community.

Muslim Faithful ministry partners are sharing Christ and caring for the needs of Muslim people and new believers in the U.S. Despite very real challenges and dangers, lives are being saved for eternity. Nabad Ministry at Grace provides literacy and sports outreach for youth and adults, and is seeing fruit from these relationships.

Para Church Grace Church partners with a variety of highly effective para-church organizations. We have been recognized as one of the largest contributors supporting CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) missionaries on campuses, as well as their ministries: Athletes in Action, Christmas Gatherings, the Jesus Film Project, and more.

Sports Locally and globally – It is an international language that provides a great platform for understanding victory in life through surrender and trust in Christ. FCA, AIA, Kids Games, JSAW, Wadi Festival, and Christian Baseball League are some of the great sports outreach ambassadors that we support.

“ Serving with Charlie and Roxanna Mercado has shown me what selfless ministry looks like. Working with children of Latino families has opened my eyes to their daily educational handicaps and personal trials. ” – Sue Raia

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Evangelism Training and Outreach The Grace Missions team inspires and equips people for personal evangelism, mission trips, and outreach efforts through SHARE Life class, My Story tools and events, Billy Graham TVTM (TV Telephone Ministry), The CAUSE Institute, Lead the CAUSE University, and other endeavors. We also partner with outstanding evangelism ministries such as: Dare2Share, Billy Graham Evangelical Association, Pulse Movement, FCA, Search Ministries, Luis Palau, JSAW, Gideons, KTIS, Praise FM, and more.

Compassion “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Gospel-centered compassion ministries are the hands, feet, and mouthpiece of the Gospel, meeting people at a point of need as Jesus did. Locally, we support MN Teen and Adult Challenge, New Life Family Services, National Center for Fathering, Janet Boynes Ministries, and others as they serve those facing life’s biggest challenges.

Children and Teens at Risk Knowing Christ and making Him known takes steadfast discipleship in places where it is challenging or illegal to proselytize. IMF, International Awana (9,000+ kids), Huduma School (1,000+ kids), Ripe for Harvest, and Bethany International are organizations that invest in the lives of young people all over the world. For the Vietnam kids “Story of Jesus” outreach, we equipped them with 100,000 Gospel comic books to be fearless in reaching their friends and family. Locally, through mentoring and discipleship, Treehouse and Timber Bay (YIF) bring love, hope, and restoration to young people who are dealing with hurt, brokenness, and abuse.

Revive Twin Cities It was a fantastic opportunity for Grace to partner with other churches and share the Good News of Jesus Christ within our city. Many were stretched to witness courageously and found that offering to pray for people is a great way to open the door for the Gospel. Thousands of lives were impacted and the Church mobilized to continue this great work. In obedience to God, believers stepped out of their comfort zone and saw how He can reach our community for Christ.

My Story Events With a desire to finish well and have one last chance to reach their campus, fearless students from Eden Prairie High School and Bloomington Jefferson/Kennedy gave testimony to how God has transformed their lives through the production of the #MYSTORYEP14 and #MYSTORYBTOWN events. Many young people were introduced to the idea of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and why it is the most important thing in their lives. The audience was impacted, and My Story students experienced growth in their own faith and desire to be witnesses for Christ.

*Grace Supported Missionary

** Grace Church Supported Organization

“ Think about the cringe-factor that comes with the word ‘proselytize.’ That’s the same stigma that comes with the word ‘evangelize.’ We should never coerce anybody to convert to Christ. When someone responds ‘No,’ we should bless them. When they respond ‘Yes,’ we should disciple them. When they say, ‘I’m not sure,’ we should prayerfully journey with them to help unpack the message of the Christian faith.” – Greg Stier - Dare2Share

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Pray Daily For the world, the unreached, our missionary family, and the lost:

Lord Jesus, we pray for your servants, seeking to bring the liberating power of the Gospel to places of great brokenness and evil, extreme hunger, poverty, disease, violence, oppression, and cruel injustice.

Grant them protection and success. Give them fresh wind and fresh fire of your Spirit that they may not grow weary in doing good. Give them strength to know for certain that a harvest of righteousness and peace is coming.

Father, may our hearts also grow more like yours, with faithfulness to your call, and a love and burden for the lost and the nations.

Intercede for the world and the unreached.Commit to pray for others. Here are some of the many resources that exist to help guide your prayer time.

“Operation World” handbook and on-line guide to praying for the nations:

“Joshua Project” on-line guide to praying for unreached people groups:

Intercede on behalf of our missionaries with a prayer small group. Heart to Heart groups adopt missionary women to pray for them, host gatherings while they are in town, and encourage them on the field in various ways throughout the year.

Continental Prayer Groups adopt a specific continent and the missionaries who serve there. These small groups are encouraged in their own faith as they call upon the Lord and celebrate His mighty and merciful answers to their prayers.

Daily prayer email can be sent to your email:

Pray Daily - Give Generously - Go Boldlyfor The CAUSEThis is a global and local vision, a daily task, and a personal agenda given to each of us.

Your personal CommitmentNew Testament Christianity teaches that God has His own vision for the world and for His people. If we are committed to follow Christ, we need to get involved where God wants us involved.

As Mark 16:15 says, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” This is a global and local vision, a daily task, and a personal agenda given to each of us. At Grace Church we refer to it as The CAUSE. It is also a challenge for individuals to examine the call on their lives and make a personal commitment to be fearless by praying daily, giving generously, and going boldly for The CAUSE.

“ Apart from God I am nothing, so I am dependent on Him in asking for doors and opportunities that I can be a witness to Him.”

– Revive Outreach Participant

“ It will be a huge leap of faith and will be stepping out of my comfort zone. But, the Bible says that faith without action is dead.”– Short-term Peru Missionary

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Give Generously To support the work of missions

Faith Promise — Giving to Faith Promise is investing the resources that God has given to you into the lives of people “to the ends of the earth.”

What is a Faith Promise? A Faith Promise is an agreement we make with God to give money to the Missions budget of Grace Church, trusting Him to provide what you wouldn’t ordinarily think to give. It is a matter of faith and commitment because it takes us beyond what we can do by ourselves.

By Faith Every aspect of our Christian walk should flow from faith, including our giving. With a Faith Promise, we pray and ask God to allow us to give beyond what we can see as our ability to give.

In Sacrifice Sacrificial giving produces overflowing joy and creates a pattern for faith-based generosity. What are we willing to do or give up so the Gospel can be spread around the world? This kind of giving pleases God and blesses us as well.

Go Boldly Across the street and around the world with the Gospel Dedicate time to make the Gospel known outside your context, domestically or internationally.

Long Term A long-term mission is a call to go to a specific people for a purpose, locally or globally, for the advancement of the Gospel. Typically, this is a lifetime commitment.

Mid Term A mid-term mission is for people who have been on one or more short term trips and desire to spend a longer time in a cross-cultural context.

Short Term We encourage everyone at Grace Church to go on a local or global short-term trip. Time set apart to serve and share Christ in another context will expand your heart for the nations, strengthen your witness, encourage our global partners, and lead people to Christ.

pray-give-goIt is our hope and prayer that every follower of Christ has God’s heart for the world, and commits to Livin’ The CAUSE across the street and around the world.


“ I stayed in the Word and in prayer, and when we were on the missions trip, I saw how God transformed people’s lives. In fact, God even transformed my own heart.” – Short-term Peru Missionary

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20 grace church | | 9301 Eden Prairie Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55347 | 952-926-1884

“Why are we a missionary church?

BeCAUSE Christ’s compassion compels us.

BeCAUSE the world is lost and facing a Christ-less eternity.

BeCAUSE Christ commanded us to Go and make Disciples across the street and around the world!”

– Dave Gibson