GPSZPV MFBSOIPXUPHFUTUBSUFE … · 2019-05-21 · Use a scale to measure weight loss. Weigh...


Transcript of GPSZPV MFBSOIPXUPHFUTUBSUFE … · 2019-05-21 · Use a scale to measure weight loss. Weigh...

Page 1: GPSZPV MFBSOIPXUPHFUTUBSUFE … · 2019-05-21 · Use a scale to measure weight loss. Weigh yourself once a week, preferably at the same time. Smart scales that also measure body

Keto for BeginnersGuide

Decide for yourself if keto is rightfor you & learn how to get started.

Heather Beardsley, M.Ed.

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Hi there!

My name is Heather Beardsley. I hold a Masters Degree in Education, I’m a Specialist in Fitness Nutrition (ISSA) & a Health Coach.

I help men and women over age 40 to lose weight, feel stronger, and regain their vitality without hunger or deprivation using a low-carbohydrate whole-foods way of eating and a natural and simple approach to wellbeing.

I’ve been writing, coaching, and creating wellness programs over at since 2012.

It’s my passion to teach people how life-changing, simple, and liberating a low-carb ketogenic way of eating can be, so I I wrote this FREE guide to help get your started. I’m so glad you’ve decided to learn more about the low-carb lifestyle called keto!

Ready to dive in and learn what keto is all about and whether it is right for you? I’m here for you and excited to be a small part of your journey to lifelong health.

Your virtual health coach,

Heather Beardsley

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A ketogenic (keto for short) way of eating is a low carb, moderate protein, high-fat diet. When you eat this way, your body switches its fuel source from mostly burning glucose (blood sugar) for fuel to mostly burning ketones (fat) for fuel. The only way your body will make this switch and use mostly fat for fuel is by you strictly limiting the carbohydrates you eat.

Burning fat for fuel is called nutritional ketosis. Nutritional ketosis is a natural way of fueling the body. Human beings have been fueling themselves this way for millennia.

Nutritional ketosis is sometimes confused with diabetic ketoacidosis; which is only something that happens to type 1 diabetics, or those whose pancreas isn’t producing insulin. As long as your pancreas is healthy you do not have to worry about diabetic ketoacidosis happening to you if you want to eat keto.

How much you must restrict your carbs in order to burn fat for fuel will vary from person to person because that depends on your activity level, the amount of insulin resistance you may have, and health of your metabolism. In this guide, I will teach you the benefits of keto, how the body reacts to eating keto, and how to get into ketosis so that you can decide if keto is right for you.


The following is an incomplete list of what conditions a ketogenic way of eating has been shown to help with. Clicking on the links here will take you to sources for more information about these health conditions & keto:

• weight loss

• obesity

• chronically high fasting blood sugar

• hypoglycemia or blood sugar dysfunction including not being able to go more than a few hours without food or having to constantly snack to avoid feeling shaky or weak

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• metabolic syndrome & insulin resistance

• inability to lose weight

• Alzheimer's or the desire to prevent it

• Parkinson's disease

• epilepsy

• unexplained weight gain

• hormonal imbalances


• type 2 diabetes

• a cancer diagnosis, or the desire to prevent cancer

• cardiovascular disease

• high cholesterol

• high blood pressure

• chronic inflammation

• autoimmune disease

• feeling lethargic all the time, brain fog or the inability to think clearly

In order to get the full benefits of eating keto for these conditions you will need to eat keto consistently and make it a lifestyle. Eating keto signals sweeping changes to take place in the way your body processes and burns fuel that lead to other beneficial system-wide changes in hormone signaling and all of this takes time.

If you are looking for a quick way to lose weight & then plan on going back to being a sugar burner, then I suggest you look elsewhere for a solution because your results likely won't last, and more than that, the significant health benefits won't have time to kick in. 

That being said, I DO think it's okay to start keto being unsure if it really is something that you can sustain. Honestly, that's how we ALL begin keto. All I'm saying is to just keep an open mind and try to commit to a minimum of 60 days so that you have a chance to physiologically feel all of the benefits of adapting your body to burn fat for fuel. As you can see, there are SO MANY benefits beyond an effortless way to control your weight!

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This is something that you just have to experience for yourself.

The benefits that a keto diet brings are truly unbeatable IF you eat the right foods. But what foods are ideal for a keto diet?


To get started eating keto, toss all the processed and high carbohydrate foods out of your refrigerator and pantry and start with a clean slate. Avoid refined carbs.

Don’t eat:

• grains (wheat, rice, corn, cereal, etc.)

• sugar (honey, maple syrup, agave, etc.)

• fruit (apples, bananas, oranges, etc.)

• tubers (potato, yams, etc.)

• vegetable oils (canola, corn, grapeseed, soybean, safflower)

Do eat:

• meats

• leafy greens

• above-ground veggies

• high-fat dairy

• seeds and nuts

• natural keto-approved sweeteners (stevia, erythritol, stevia glycerite, monk fruit)

• saturated fats (lard, tallow, butter, ghee, coconut oil, avocado oil, MCT oil) & olive oil

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Eating keto is an alternate fueling system for the body & works by limiting carbohydrate consumption & increasing fat consumption.

If you primarily eat fat and limit total carbohydrate consumption to 30 grams a day or less (or don't eat at all) the body will not have a glucose response so insulin stays low.

The absence of insulin signals the body to start burning fat for fuel. That fat can come from the fat you are eating or the fat stored on your body. This is an important distinction to understand if you are looking to lose weight eating keto! This is why you need to be mindful of overeating too much fat if you want to lose weight.

In general, there are 6 steps to successfully eating keto:

1. Eat food that minimizes insulin response. Stay away from any kind of concentrated food. Concentrated food is any food that has been processed in its natural form and concentrated for flavor. This includes sugar, alcohol, processed food, and any kind of refined flour. Some people who have blood sugar sensitivities even find that they have to stay away from almond and coconut flour.

2. Eat less often. Since insulin levels go up every time you eat you want to eat less often. This will give your body a chance to experience lower insulin levels. If you are snacking all the time your insulin levels will always be slightly elevated no matter what you eat. The great news is that when you eat more fat and less carbohydrates, you naturally will feel less hungry!

3. Eat more fat. Consuming fat does not cause glucose or insulin to rise. So, getting most of your calories from fat will allow you feel full for much longer and allow leptin to work. Leptin is the signal that tells your brain you are full.

4. Eat more protein. Protein also helps you feel full for longer and it won't spike insulin as much as carbohydrates do. Eat between 0.6g and 0.8g of protein per pound of lean body mass

5. Strictly limit carbohydrates. Stay below 30 grams of total carbs daily. If you are metabolically damaged, you may need to keep total carbs under 20 grams. If you are a large person, or exercise a lot you can probably eat slightly more carbohydrates and still manage to lose weight &/or be in

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ketosis. Experiment & see what works for you. Eat carbohydrates in the form of vegetables and fruits that don't spike insulin levels. See the handout in your RESOURCE GUIDE on the website (password: thriver) which shows you the carb counts of keto-friendly vegetables so that you can make good choices. Keto-friendly vegetables are not sweet. Dark leafy greens and colorful vegetables that grow above the soil have the fewest carbohydrates. As far as fruits go, berries have a minimal impact on blood sugar and are okay for most people in small quantities (1/2 C).

6. Don't overeat/practice intermittent fasting I cannot emphasize this enough: Eat only when you are hungry and stop eating when you are satiated (full) regardless of preconceived mealtimes. Most people who start eating keto end up eating less often, usually 1-2 meals per day because they stay fuller for longer. Reducing your eating frequency is known as intermittent fasting. Cutting out snacking in between meals and spacing your meals far apart will help to keep insulin low; which will keep you in fat burning mode (ketosis) in addition to providing healing benefits.

It is also beneficial to maintain a regular exercise routine, which will help keep your insulin low. Always remember to check the ingredients found on the labels of the foods you often eat. In some cases, there might be some hidden carbs in the products you buy.

Don’t get held up on starting your keto diet because planning is difficult at first. I offer a done-for-you 7-day Keto jumpstart program includes a 7 day meal plan, recipes, and a shopping list to help get you started eating keto without confusion or overwhelm. CLICK HERE to learn more.


One of most motivational things about losing weight is being able to see and measure your results. It is a huge boost to look in the mirror and see a leaner you and to feel your clothes getting looser.

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Going by feel is great, but you need to measure your progress to truly get the reassurance you need that the keto diet is working. There are different ways to monitor your success on this plan.

1. Test for ketosis by using a ketone meter. One way is by measuring wether or not you are in ketosis (primarily fat burning mode). The way this is done is by testing the bi-product of ketone production in the body. I DO NOT recommend using urine strips for testing; as this is a very imprecise method for testing that only works temporarily. If you really want to test I recommend that you purchase a ketone blood testing meter. For my recommendations on what to buy go HERE.

2. Use a scale to measure weight loss. Weigh yourself once a week, preferably at the same time. Smart scales that also measure body fat percentages can give you an idea of fat loss and changes in body composition that aren’t always apparent from the scale numbers. During the first week, you will likely see a significant change in your weight. But, don’t be fooled. Some of it will be fat loss, but some is also retained water loss. Just keep going to see consistent results. I use a Fitbit smart scale called Aria that works with my smart watch. To check it out go HERE.

3. Track girth measurements. Measure yourself using a tape measure to keep track of body composition changes. If you are working out while on the diet, you may gain weight lean muscle mass while also losing body fat. To measure if you are losing fat, you need to see if you are losing inches.

I recommend measuring and tracking your weight loss using all of these methods which will help give you a full picture of positive changes that are happening while eating ketogenic. Making the effort to do so will help keep you motivated to continue.


If you prefer not to use a ketone meter to determine whether you are in ketosis, you can use the following short list of the physical symptoms, which will help you figure out if you are already in a keto state.

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1. Increased Urination A keto diet is naturally diuretic, so you will more than likely find yourself going back and forth to the bathroom more often. Acetoacetate, which is a ketone body, is excreted in the process of urination, which can lead to more and more bathroom visitation, particularly for those who are just getting started with the diet.

2. Dry Mouth When you experience increased urination, you will often experience dry mouth and become thirstier. Make sure you continue to drink plenty of water and replenish your electrolytes, such as magnesium, salt, and potassium.

3. You Are Experiencing Bad Breath Acetone is a ketone body, which is often excreted in your breath. It may smell like a sharp over-ripe fruit, the same as nail polish remover. Don’t worry; this is temporary and is a part of the process. It will disappear in no time.

4. You Are Experiencing Reduced Hunger and Increased Energy Level After you get past the adaptation phase (some call this keto flu), you will find yourself experiencing lower hunger levels while feeling a clearer, more energized mental state.

My advice is don’t obsess with different methods of measuring and testing, and certainly don’t compare yourself to others. Just focus more on the aspect of proper nutrition to make sure that you are eating the proper foods and staying within the range of recommended carbohydrate intake.

WHAT IF YOU WANT TO BUILD MUSCLE? Carbs are not necessary to effectively build muscles in the body, and a keto diet is an excellent way to achieve good muscle tone. However, protein intake is very crucial when it comes to this. If you want to gain mass, you need to eat about 1.0 to 1.2 grams of protein per lean pound of body mass. On a keto diet, putting muscle on can slow down because the body’s total fats are not increasing that much.

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If you are just switching from a high carbohydrate diet to eating keto; you will notice that your body needs anywhere from 1-6 weeks to adapt to the performance standards you are used to expecting from your body. This makes sense, right? Your cellular engines have been running on blood sugar for fuel, so if you switch to burning fat for fuel, you need to give your body time to rebuild the cellular engines to run on fat instead. This process takes some time and varies from person to person. However, after this adaption period, a keto diet does not affect physical performance in the long run.

While you are adapting to burning fat for fuel, take it easy, and be sure to replenish electrolytes and fluids.

According to this study, keto diets had no effect on athletic performance at all. The study was done on eight professional gymnasts, which acquired the same results. The group was fed a strict diet of green veggies, high-quality fats, and proteins. Even after a long cardio session, the keto diet did not affect performance or intensity.

The only real time that a keto diet affects physical performance is in specific exercises that need explosive action and hardcore workouts. If you participate in this activity often and want to boost your performance while in ketosis, you can ‘carb-up’ by taking 25 to 50g of carbohydrates in a shake or smoothie a half hour before you begin your training. Experiment and see what works best for you.


Some pervasive myths persist about eating keto. Here are some that have been proven to be false:

• MYTH: you need to eat carbohydrates or you’ll die While it is true that some brain cells and red blood cells must have glucose to run; your body makes

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glucose as a by-product of fat burning, and it can also make glucose from protein via the process of gluconeogenesis.

• MYTH: keto is bad for your heart and will raise your cholesterol It’s true that low-carb diets raise the ‘bad’ LDL-cholesterol in some people. But we also know that LDL-C, when influenced by diet, has never been proven to have any effect on cardiovascular risk. According to highly respected medical researcher Nina Teicholz, “large clinical trials and observational studies show that one’s level of LDL-C and the lowering of LDL-C through diet is not reliably linked to cardiovascular outcomes.”

• MYTH: Keto is too difficult to maintain long-term Remember that the ketogenic diet does not limit calories; it only limits carbohydrate consumption. This means that keto adherents experience MUCH less hunger than those who eat a standard American diet. It is for this reason that SO many ketonians love eating this way; regardless of the known health benefits. But in addition to that, a large, university-based study on patients with Type 2 diabetes showed an 84% adherence to a ketogenic diet at 1 year.

• MYTH: a study published in the Lancet Public Health journal claimed that low-carb diets were linked with early death In some cases, other people are confused about the high-fat, high-carb diets that can be terribly fatal to the body. In fact, if you often eat lots of fatty foods, which are also high in sugar, you may be more likely get yourself into serious health trouble.

Myths aside, it is still recommended that you consult your doctor and seek medical advice before starting a keto diet. If you are taking medications, you should also be more vigilant with your eating. If you are breastfeeding, you should be especially careful, as you may likely need to take in higher amounts of carbs to keep your milk supply flowing.


For beginners, the keto flu is common but nothing to be concerned about. It will go away after a few days and it is not permanent. When you are transitioning to the keto diet, you will feel some slight body discomforts, such as nausea, fatigue, cramps, headaches, and more. For the keto flu, there are a few reasons why you may be experiencing the symptoms, but the two most common reasons are:

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• YOU ARE TRANSITIONING During the process of transitioning to a keto diet, the brain’s energy may run low, which can possibly lead to a headache, nausea, and grogginess.

• KETO IS DIURETIC You will often find yourself going to the bathroom to urinate. This is attributed to electrolyte and water loss in the body. Make sure you increase your water intake, increase your sodium intake, and replenish depleted electrolytes.

for specific information on how to completely avoid keto flu, read my in depth blog post by clicking HERE. Once the body gets used to your new way of eating, these symptoms will subside and you can enjoy your newfound energy.


Just like other types of diets, a keto diet also has its own side effects that you may not have experienced from other types of dieting.

The following are the most common side effects of a keto diet.

•Cramps – You may experience cramps during the day or night or both. This is a result of dehydration and electrolyte loss. For relief from cramps, I recommend taking 400-800 mg of magnesium glycinate in the evening. You can also try keto-friendly electrolyte drops in your water.

•Constipation – This is mostly the result of not drinking enough water. Be sure to hydrate often to avoid this. Taking magnesium glycinate as I mentioned above can also help get things moving.

When you are on a keto diet, expect that these common side effects will occur as you begin to transition your way of eating. They should lessen over time.


When you are on a keto diet, you may wonder how much weight you will lose. Weight loss will depend on your execution of the diet and how much insulin

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resistance & or metabolic damage you may have. If you want to lose weight quickly, integrating exercise into the diet is a good idea.

If you want to track your carb intake, you can use a convenient mobile app. for specific information on how to track your food and macros in the My Fitness Pal App click HERE.

There will be times when you will cheat on your keto diet. My advice is - don’t worry about it; you can always get back on track! Just keep in mind that you should be strict when it comes to your fighting your cravings. That being said, almost any craving you have for a certain food can be made keto-friendly with some keto-ingredients that do not cause an insulin response.

I have a ton of keto-friendly cartable recipes on the website - go HERE to try them out!

If you do not eat dairy, eggs, or meat, but still want to try a keto diet, you can do so. The diet does not have any real rules, but always keep in mind to eat low-carb foods. You should also have only a moderate intake of protein.

When your keto diet is successful, it is always best to maintain the diet; if you start going back to your bad eating habits, your weight will come back, which will make you start this weight loss cycle all over again. If you want to continue to benefit from all of the ways eating low-carb increases your feeling of vitality, well-being, and steady energy, I encourage you to stick with it. After you have achieved your weight loss, you can experiment with increasing your carbohydrate consumption just enough to make it sustainable for you, but not so much that you begin gaining weight.

Weight loss is a way of life, not a quick fix with an end date.


There are people who may pass on a keto diet because they think it is expensive. This diet can be expensive because you will be eating whole, fresh, high quality food; not cheaply made processed food. But you don't have to break the bank to eat keto. If you want to save money when following this diet, learn how to look for deals. Use coupons or buy food on sale that is good for the diet. With this practice, you can save money and eat healthy without affecting your budget.

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You can also buy food in bulk wherever there are discounts. In this way, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a lot of food. And if you really want to save money, cook your own keto meals. This is the best solution, which will help you lessen expenses and stick to the keto eating plan.


Being on a keto diet can have a big impact on your body because you are eating more fats than carbs. This diet is hard at the beginning but once you get used to it, you will find it easy and be able to handle it.

If you really want to thrive on this diet, follow these tips:

•Be strict – being strict will help you see visible results quickly, which can be fulfilling. You should discipline yourself when it comes to carb intake and cut down your cravings. after you lose the weight, you can be less carb restrictive with yourself.

•Always do your own tracking – tracking what you eat is good when you are on this diet. You will know how many carbs you have eaten, which will remind you to avoid having a large number of carbs at another meal. to learn how to track what you eat read my how-to article HERE.

•Always be hydrated – drinking water is the best way to hydrate. If you don’t drink enough water often enough, it can lead to dehydration.

READY TO TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL? Let me help you be successful!

My 7 Day Ketogenic Jumpstart Program will help you get started eating keto right away, and get you into ketosis quickly.

Keto is not something you should do alone when you are first starting. I think of all the mistakes I made when I first began and much longer it took me to find success. That’s why I created this keto jumpstart program. It gives you all the tools and information you need to avoid feeling confused, frustrated and alone.

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You’ll receive all these goodies as part of the 7 Day Ketogenic Jumpstart Program:

1. 7 Day Keto Jumpstart Guide - it’s loaded with all the info you need to begin the transition into a ketogenic lifestyle - from what not to eat to what to keep in your pantries.

2. My Macros worksheet: Helps you figure out your personal macros - how much fat, protein and carbs to eat for YOUR body, age, and goals. Keep this and keep referring back to it on your keto journey.

3. Recipe Guide: A complete 7 Day Meal plan with recipes included and grocery list. Each recipe is crafted based on the guidelines of the ketogenic diet. They are easy to prepare and taste amazing. Everything is laid out for you, just shop and follow the recipes!

4. 1 Week of Shopping Lists: We all know how hard it is to buy the right foods - temptation in the store is HIGH. Well, no need to worry about that, I got your back with this gorgeous shopping list! PRINT AND GO.

5. 7 Day Meal Plan plus macros: You won’t get bored with repetition. I promise. Here I will recommend the right combinations so that you keep your taste buds entertained!

Click HERE to BUY the 7 Day Ketogenic Jumpstart Program

This program is unlike any others. Remember, KETO is a lifestyle. This is the beginning of your journey to optimal health. I have laid out the foundations for you to live the best life you can live. Without the hassle. Without the Research. Just results.

There are no pills, powders, or shakes as part of this program. That means you don’t have to buy any fancy supplements to make it work. You can find everything you need at your local grocery or health food store.

This program is perfect for you if…

• You’re ready to ditch the fad diets and figure out what works for you

• You’re ready to say farewell to the clingy pounds that keep following you around

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• You want more energy, so you can enjoy your life more without feeling exhausted

• You want to look and feel younger with tons of mental clarity and focus!

• You want to jumpstart your metabolism and enjoy a night out on the town in that little black dress

• You’re busy and want quick, easy tools & recipes that work without causing overwhelm

• You want to fit into your favorite jeans again!

Sound like you? Give yourself the tools, the support, and the structure you need to be successful in your keto journey!  

Click HERE to BUY the 7 Day Ketogenic Jumpstart Program


Now that you know what keto is all about, like and follow my Facebook Page! When you do, you’ll see all of the new recipes and get all of the latest updates from me, Heather Beardsley - your virtual health coach. The Facebook Page is the best place to get the support you need on your journey to vibrant health in midlife - both from me and the other members of my awesome community.

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Drawing on my background, training, skills, and life experiences, I support my clients—spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I am not a medical doctor, dietitian, or nutritionist. I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics, or nutrition. I make no claims to any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes ONLY. Please consult with your doctor or wellness team if you have any questions regarding this whole foods program, and then make your own well-informed decisions based on what is best for your unique genetics, culture, conditions, and stage of life. As with most digital and print offerings from audio and eBook retailers: there are no refunds on programs or products that can be downloaded, viewed, copied, or stored in an electronic format. This is an industry standard. Therefore, this program is non-refundable. If you are an Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) former/current/alumni student, or other wellness professional that has purchased this program for your own personal use, and you decide not to use it, you agree that you cannot sell to, share, or exchange any of this copyrighted material with any other IIN former/current/alumni student, nor any other health and wellness professional, customer, or client. This material is strictly for your personal use and benefit; therefore, no part of it can be used in any other business manner, including, but not limited to reselling of information within your practice.

Some of the links in this FREE guide are affiliate in nature and I many be compensated if you purchase from them.

All materials are copyrighted and remain the property of their respective owners. Materials made available to the private group forums, by email or any other means, may not be distributed in any fashion, print nor electronic, without the expressed written permission of the respective owner. Thank you for your professional understanding.PLEASE NOTE: All contents within this guide are based on my personal knowledge, opinions, and experience as a holistic health coach. Please consult your doctor regarding medications or medical advice.

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