Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described...

Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described powers.

Transcript of Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described...

Page 1: Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described powers.

Government ch. 9

1. __________ of the Constitution grants the

president broad but vaguely described powers.

Page 2: Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described powers.

Sec 1

2. Over the years, several presidents have added to the power of the presidency simply by the way they handled the job. _______________ in _____, purchased the ___________ Territory from __________. He thought that the presidency had inherent powers.

Page 3: Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described powers.

Sec 1

3. During the __________, Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of ________ _________ and jailed opponents of the Union without a trial. He raised an army before getting Congressional approval. ____ expanded the role of the federal government in the nation’s economy.

Page 4: Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described powers.

Sec 1

4. Sometimes Congress complain about presidents having too much power. President ______________ reported that two American destroyers had been attacked in the ___________. Congress then passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

Page 5: Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described powers.

Sec 1 5. President Ronald __________ was called

“the Great Communicator” because of his ability to deliver his message directly to the people through television.

6. A congressional override of a veto may limit a president’s effectiveness in carrying out a legislative program. Example – 1973, Congress overrode President ______’s veto of the War Powers Act that prevented committing troops to combat for more than 60 days w/out congressional approval.

Page 6: Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described powers.

Sec 1 7. Other limitations include the

__________’s confirmation power, the power of the _____, and the power to _________ the president. In 1868, the House impeached President Andrew _________, but the Senate acquitted him. ________ resigned in 1974 before the impeachment charges could be brought to the full House.

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Sec 1

8. In _________, the Senate acquitted President _________ on the impeachment charges.

9. ___________________ established the Supreme Court’s right to review legislative actions.

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Sec 2 Roles of the President 1. ______________ – the president

represents the nation & performs many ceremonial roles. .

2. ________________ – the president sees that the laws of Congress are carried out.

3. To carry out the laws one can use executive orders – “______________”

Page 9: Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described powers.

Sec 2 4. Another tool is making presidential

appointments. A third tool is the right to remove officials they have appointed. A fourth tool enables a president to refuse to allow a federal dept. or agency to spend the money Congress has appropriated for it. This is known has _______________. President _________ was known for this procedure.

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Sec 2 5. As chief executive, the president can

grant a reprieve (a postponement of legal punishment) or _________ (release from legal punishment. Example – President ____ granting “a full, free and absolute pardon unto __________________”.

6. __________ is a group pardon to people for an offense against the gov’t. This usually applies to military personnel.

Page 11: Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described powers.

Sec 2 7. Chief legislator – Congress

expects the executive branch to propose legislation it wishes to see enacted.

8. Economic planner. 9. Party leader – give speeches &

fund raise. 10. Chief diplomat – directs the

foreign policy of the US.

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Sec 2 11. The president has the sole power to

negotiate and sign treaties. Must be approved by 2/3 vote of the ___________. Sometimes, the Senate will refuse to approve a treaty. Give example?? Executive agreements have the same legal status as treaties, but do not require Senate approval. Example of this was the _________________ Act during WWII.

Page 13: Government ch. 9 1. __________ of the Constitution grants the president broad but vaguely described powers.

Sec 2 12. Commander-in-chief of the armed forces

of the US. 13. Several presidents have come from a

military background – ___________, A. Jackson, Teddy ____________, Eisenhower. Some presidents with little military experience have had to command military operations. __________ & Nixon, Carter, & G.W. ______.

14. Today, the president of the US is the most powerful single individual in the world.

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Sec 3

1. When the Constitution was written, the _______________ anticipated that Congress would lead the nation, not the president.

2. Understanding the public is critical in the success of a president. Johnson became unpopular during the __________ War.

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Sec 3

3. FDR became extremely popular during the ________________, whereas, Herbert ____________ believed that the public did not want gov’t to take an active role in the nation’s economic problems. FDR’s weekly press conferences where called?

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Sec 3 4. A lot of times a president must be

willing to compromise. Perhaps the most tragic example of a president’s unwillingness to compromise was ________________ after WWI. He favored the League of __________, but Congress didn’t.

5. A president must have political courage. Example – Lincoln’s decision to continue the Civil War, he knew that this would destroy his chances of re-election.

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Sec 3

6. Limits of Executive Privilege – _______ vs. _________ – the Court ruled that the president had to surrender tapes to the special prosecutor during the scandal.