Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic,...

Governing States Section 3

Transcript of Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic,...

Page 1: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Governing StatesSection 3

Page 2: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Governing States

O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic.O A democracy is a country in which citizens elect

leaders and can run for office.O An autocracy is a country that is run according

to the interests of the ruler rather than the people.

O An anocracy is a country that is not fully democratic or fully autocratic, but rather a mix of the two.

Page 3: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.
Page 4: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

National Scale: Regime TypesO Democracies and autocracies differ in three

essential elements:1. Selection of LeadersO Democracies: Institutions and procedures=citizens

can express effective preferences O Autocracies: Leaders=defined (usually hereditary)

rules of succession from within the political elite.2. Citizen ParticipationO Democracies: Institutionalized constraints on the

exercise of power by the executive.O Autocracies: Citizens’ participation restricted or

suppressed.3. Checks and Balances:O Democracies: Guarantee civil liberties to all citizens.O Autocracies: No checks from legislative, judicial, or civil

society institutions.

Page 5: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.
Page 6: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Forms of GovernmentO Unitary – highly centralized

government where the capital city serves as a focus of power.

O Federal – a government where the state is organized into territories, which have control over government policies and funds.

Page 7: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Nigeria’s Federal Government – Allows states within the state to determine

whether to have Shari’a Laws

O Shari’a Laws O Legal systems

based on traditional Islamic laws

Page 8: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

The U.S. Federal Government – Allows states within the state to determine “moral” laws such as death penalty, access to alcohol, and concealed weapons.

O Minnesota’s concealed

weapons law

O Requires the posting of signs such as this on buildings that do not allow concealed weapons.

Page 9: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Electoral GeographyO Boundaries separating legislative districts

within the U.S. and other countries are redrawn periodically to ensure each has about the same population.O 435 districts of the U.S. House of Representatives are

redrawn every 10 years, following the Census Bureau’s release of the official population figures.

O **Process of redrawing legislative boundaries for the purpose of benefits the party in power is called gerrymandering.

Page 10: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

O Gerrymandering takes three forms:1. Wasted vote spreads opposition supporters across

many districts but in the minority.2. Excess vote concentrates opposition supported

into a few districts.3. Stacked vote links distant areas of like-minded

voters through oddly shaped boundaries.

O U.S. Supreme Court ruled gerrymandering illegal in 1985 but did not require dismantling of existing oddly shaped districts.

Page 11: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.
Page 12: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.
Page 13: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.
Page 14: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Cold War Competition and Alliances

O Division of world into military alliances resulted from the emergence of two superpowers- U.S. and Soviet Union.

O Military Cooperation in EuropeO NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

O 16 democratic states, including the U.S., Canada, and 14 other European states.

O Warsaw PactO Military agreement among Communist Eastern

European countries to defend each other in case of attack.

Page 15: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

O NATO and Warsaw Pact were designed to maintain a bipolar balance of power in Europe.O NATO’s Objective: prevent the spread of

communism by the Soviet Union.O Warsaw Pact Objective: Provide the Soviet

Union a buffer of allied states between it and Germany to discourage a third German invasion of the Soviet Union in the 20th century.

O Disbanded once Europe was no longer dominated by military confrontation between two blocs.

Page 16: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Economic Alliances in Europe

O European Union (EU)O Formed: 1958O Members: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg,

the Netherlands, & West GermanyO Purpose: Heal Western Europe’s scars from WWII

O Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON)O Formed: 1949O Members: 7 Eastern European Communist states

from the Warsaw Pact plus Cuba, Mongolia, and Vietnam.

O Purpose: Promote trade and sharing of natural resources

Page 17: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

SupranationalismO Define: Method of decision-making in

multi-national political communities, wherein power is transferred or delegated to an authority by governments of member states.

O Example: European Union, NATO, Warsaw Pact, OPEC, Arab League.

Page 18: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Changes resulting from supranationalism.

O Larger Markets-tradeO Greater international

competition(economy)O Open BordersO Common CurrencyO Common policies

Page 19: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.
Page 20: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Devolution –Movement of power from the central government to regional governments within the state.

What causes devolutionary movements?

Ethnocultural forcesEconomic forcesSpatial forces

Page 21: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Ethnocultural Devolutionary Movements

Eastern Europe-Devolutionary forces since the fall of communism

Page 22: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Ethnocultural Devolutionary Movements

Scotland -Rise in independence movement is coupled with: - European Union- Scotland’s oil resources

Page 23: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Economic Devolutionary Movements

Catalonia, SpainBarcelona is the center of banking and commerce in Spain and the region is much wealthier than the rest of Spain.

Page 24: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Spatial Devolutionary Movements

Honolulu, Hawai’iA history apart from the United States, and a desire to live apart in order to keep traditions alive.

Page 25: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Changes resulting for Devolution

O Formations of new states an governments

O More power to regionsO Influence of religionO Political instabilityO Economic instabilityO Mass Migration

Page 26: Governing States Section 3. Governing States O National governments can be classified as democratic, autocratic, or anocratic. O A democracy is a country.

Case Study: North Korea

O Is it democracy or autocracy?