GOVERNANCE AT LIFE 2021-22 Thank you for all your contributions as Governors at LIFE Education Trust. We really appreciate the time and commitment you give to your schools during the course of the year. We thought it would be useful to provide you with some updates and general Governance information at the start of the academic year for you to note. Please don’t hesitate to contact your Clerk or Kathy Hardy if you have any questions. All new Governors receive a welcome pack upon joining a Local Governing Body (LGB) which includes the Code of Practice. You will find the Code in Appendix 1 to this document. Please do take a few minutes to read it through. Academy Trust Handbook 2021 Formerly known as the Academies Financial Handbook, the Academy Trust Handbook now includes and describes the governance and financial responsibilities of academy trusts. This document has been uploaded to the Governor Portal in the Information folder and will be referred to on the first LGB Agenda of the year. Please do take the time to read through the handbook. Emails School email accounts are the preferred route of communication at the Trust due to the level of security provided. Governors are asked to regularly access their emails to ensure they are kept up to date. Please speak with your Clerk if you do not have a school email account and require one to be set up. LGB Meetings 2021-22 LGBs meet a minimum of seven times a year usually once every half term with an additional budget meeting. There may be occasions where other additional LGB meetings are required i.e. to discuss the outcome of a consultation/restructure or where the Trust has requested LGBs meet. New for this year…. You will see from the Meeting Schedule (Appendix 2) that we have included a joint Governing Body Meeting of all Rural Primary Governors on Wednesday 9 th February 2022 at 6pm an agenda and link will follow Some of our Church Schools will be expecting SIAMS inspections this year and may require Governor representation so our Rural Primary Governors are invited to attend a specific training session on SIAMS on Thursday 16 th September at 6pm. A link will follow in due course. It is expected that ALL Healthcheck meetings and the meeting to agree SDP Objectives and Budgets are held by zoom during this academic year. LGBs can hold face to face meetings for non Healthcheck/SDP/Budget meetings during the year however we recommend that physical meetings are only held in December and July.

Transcript of GOVERNANCE AT LIFE 2021-22

GOVERNANCE AT LIFE 2021-22 Thank you for all your contributions as Governors at LIFE Education Trust. We really appreciate the time and commitment you give to your schools during the course of the year. We thought it would be useful to provide you with some updates and general Governance information at the start of the academic year for you to note. Please don’t hesitate to contact your Clerk or Kathy Hardy if you have any questions. All new Governors receive a welcome pack upon joining a Local Governing Body (LGB) which includes the Code of Practice. You will find the Code in Appendix 1 to this document. Please do take a few minutes to read it through. Academy Trust Handbook 2021 Formerly known as the Academies Financial Handbook, the Academy Trust Handbook now includes and describes the governance and financial responsibilities of academy trusts. This document has been uploaded to the Governor Portal in the Information folder and will be referred to on the first LGB Agenda of the year. Please do take the time to read through the handbook. Emails School email accounts are the preferred route of communication at the Trust due to the level of security provided. Governors are asked to regularly access their emails to ensure they are kept up to date. Please speak with your Clerk if you do not have a school email account and require one to be set up. LGB Meetings 2021-22 LGBs meet a minimum of seven times a year – usually once every half term with an additional budget meeting. There may be occasions where other additional LGB meetings are required i.e. to discuss the outcome of a consultation/restructure or where the Trust has requested LGBs meet. New for this year…. You will see from the Meeting Schedule (Appendix 2) that we have included a joint Governing Body Meeting of all Rural Primary Governors on Wednesday 9th February 2022 at 6pm – an agenda and link will follow Some of our Church Schools will be expecting SIAMS inspections this year and may require Governor representation so our Rural Primary Governors are invited to attend a specific training session on SIAMS on Thursday 16th September at 6pm. A link will follow in due course. It is expected that ALL Healthcheck meetings and the meeting to agree SDP Objectives and Budgets are held by zoom during this academic year. LGBs can hold face to face meetings for non Healthcheck/SDP/Budget meetings during the year however we recommend that physical meetings are only held in December and July.

Agenda Packs LGB Meeting Agendas should include the following items. This list may vary from time to time: Please note that the information below does not include the normal housekeeping items that appear on your agendas.

Autumn 1 Type of Meeting Agenda will include:

September Healthcheck Meeting Note Chair and Vice Chair of LGB,

Note Scheme of Delegation,

Note Terms of Reference,

Return Register of Interests,

Note Academies Financial Handbook

Read Keeping Children Safe in Education

Confirm Link Governors,

Review Governor Attendance for the previous year

Receive update on Governor Review Meetings by the Chair

Receive Safeguarding Training

Return Acceptable Use Agreement (new Governors only)

Update Biographies

Approve School Development Plan

Note Trust or approve local policies including Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Receive Academic Results (where applicable)

Receive Finance Update

Receive Board & Committee Meeting Summary

Autumn 2 Type of Meeting Agenda will include:

November Non Healthcheck Meeting Review School Development Plan

Review any Staff Survey results

Receive / Review Internal Audit Reports

Receive Staffing Update

Receive Finance Update

Update from the Board

Receive Parent Survey Results

Spring 1 Type of Meeting Agenda will include:

January Healthcheck Meeting Receive Finance Update

Update from the Board

Spring 2 Type of Meeting Agenda will include:

March Non Healthcheck Meeting Receive mid-year update on academic outcomes

Note Pupil destinations data

Receive/ Review any Internal Audit Reports

Review School Development Plan

Review any Parent/Student surveys

Receive Staffing Update

Receive Finance Update

Receive Board & Committee Meeting Summary

Summer 1 Type of Meeting Agenda will include:

May Healthcheck Meeting Receive Finance Update

Update from the Board

Receive Survey Results (Staff or Students)

Type of Meeting Agenda will include:

May Budget & SDP Meeting Agree SDP objectives for next year

Recommend Budget for next year

Discuss LGB Meeting dates for next year

Summer 2 Type of Meeting Agenda will include:

June/July Non Healthcheck Meeting Receive Core Offer Feedback Review from Head of School

Discuss and Arrange Skills Audits and Governor Review Meetings

Receive Finance Update

Agree dates for LGB meetings next year

Update from the Board

Receive Survey Results (Staff or Students)

DBS Checks All Governors are expected to hold an enhanced DBS certificate. These will be renewed by your school every 3 years unless you have subscribed to the Update Service. Healthcheck LGB Meetings A list of Healthcheck deadlines has been uploaded to the Governor Portal information folder but can be found below (Appendix 3) Following the consultation in June, Healthchecks were updated in July and Link Governors are reminded to read through the changes on the front page of the Healthchecks. As Ethos has been included within the Leadership & Management Healthcheck, there are a number of new questions there. The Finance Healthcheck has also been updated to reflect the changes made by the ESFA and the Academy Trust Handbook. It is expected that all governors will attend a Healthcheck meeting having read through the Healthchecks and noted the changes/updates which will have been highlighted in yellow. It is expected that Link Governors would not read through their Healthcheck in detail but open the floor to questions from Governors. We believe that this practice should make it possible for each Healthcheck item to be discussed and agreed in around 10 minutes so making the overall meeting less onerous and time consuming without removing the element of challenge and oversight. LIFE Calendar Governors can find the LIFE Calendar on the Governor Portal and are asked to look through and “save the date” for some of the Trust-led events and initiatives including the Leadership Conference in October. Governor Portal The Portal is now live. Your Clerk should have provided you with login in details and will send a reminder email to you before your next meeting. The portal includes folders for Agenda Packs, pre-recorded or other internal training opportunities and external training opportunities. To reduce paper, agenda packs will only be circulated via the Portal. Physical agenda packs will only be supplied if Governors contact their Clerk. The portal will streamline how Governors receive information from the Trust which will make for more efficient and effective use of time. We continue to welcome feedback during the implementation of this portal to ensure we meet the needs of all our stakeholders. Some governors have raised concerns that once they have logged into the Portal, the next time they access the portal on the same device they are not required to log in. LIFE has taken the decision not to provide Governors with individual login and password details due to the resources required to maintain the information needed to do this. If however Governors are concerned that other people using their devices may be able to access the portal, it is advised to access the portal via a Google Chrome Incognito page. Using this page, once the browser is closed, your password will not be remembered.

Governor Training Governors have completed their Skills Audits which will be collated centrally and will assist the Board and Executive team in identifying specific training needs for the coming academic year. The Training Programme will be agreed by the Board and implemented from November. Training will take place the last Thursday of the Month at 6pm by zoom. Links will be circulated by your clerks in due course. Chair of Governor Meeting with Head of School Chairs of LGBs will be invited to meet monthly (by zoom or in person) with the Executive Head and Head of School at each Rural Primary School or the Headteacher/s at FBA, Benhurst and The Bridge. These meetings will be set up by the respective Clerks. Governor Vacancies All Governor appointments are made by the Board. There are a number of Governor vacancies across the Trust and adverts will be circulated to all parents in September. Once expressions of interests have been received, interviews with the Chair of Governors, Head of School/Executive Head and a member of the Board will be arranged. Language of LIFE A reminder of terminology and acronyms used by the Trust is included as Appendix 4 for your reference. Yellow highlights note updates made.

APPENDIX 1 – Code of Practice

Local Governing Body Code of Practice Introduction This Code substantially follows the National Governance Association Model Code of Practice. The purpose of the Local Governing Body The Local Governing Body is the school’s accountable body to the Board of Trustees. It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The Local Governing Body aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a broad and complete education. The Local Governing Body functions in line with the Scheme of Delegation agreed annually by the Board of Trustees.

For Local Governing Bodies to carry out their role effectively, governors must be:

Prepared and equipped to take their responsibilities seriously;

Acknowledged as the accountable body by the lead professionals;

Supported by the appropriate authorities in that task; and

Willing and able to monitor and review their own performance.

We are aware of and accept the Nolan seven principles of public life: see appendix.


We accept that we have no legal authority to act individually, except when the Local Governing Body has given us delegated authority to do so which would include representation.

We have a duty to act fairly and without prejudice

We accept collective responsibility for all decisions made by the Local Governing Body or its delegated agents. This means that we will not speak against majority decisions outside the Local Governing Body meeting.

We will consider carefully how our decisions may affect the community and other schools.

We will always be mindful of our responsibility to maintain and develop the ethos and reputation of our school.

In making or responding to criticism or complaints affecting the school we will follow the procedures established by the Directors of the Trust.


We acknowledge that accepting office as a governor involves the commitment of significant amounts of time and energy.

We will each involve ourselves actively in the work of the Local Governing Body, and accept our fair share of responsibilities, including service on working parties.

If acting as Governors, we will not go beyond our duties or act outside of the powers of authority conveyed on us, and acknowledge that were we to do so we could be held liable to the Directors of the Trust.

We acknowledge we will, with relation to financial powers, adhere to the Scheme of Delegation and any powers delegated by the Directors of Trust.

We will make full efforts to attend all meetings and where we cannot attend explain in advance why we are unable to.

We understand that failure to attend the majority of meetings irrespective of apologies given, may result in suspension.

We will get to know the school well and respond to opportunities to involve ourselves in school activities.

Our visits to school will be arranged in advance agreed with the Headteacher.

We will consider seriously our individual and collective needs for training and development, and will undertake relevant training

We are committed to actively supporting and challenging the Headteacher.


We will strive to work as a team in which constructive working relationships are actively promoted.

We will express views openly, courteously and respectfully in all our communications with other governors and with school staff.

We will support the Chairman in his/her role of ensuring appropriate conduct both at meetings and at all times.

We are prepared to answer queries from other governors in relation to delegated functions and take into account any concerns expressed, and we will acknowledge the time, effort and skills that have been committed to the delegated function by those involved.

We recognise that the roles of governor, staff member and volunteers in school are different. Governors who are members of staff will maintain the separation of their roles.

We will seek to develop effective working relationships with the Headteacher, staff and parents and other relevant agencies and the community.


We will observe complete confidentiality when matters are deemed confidential or where they concern specific members of staff or students, both inside and outside school.

We will exercise the greatest prudence at all times when discussions regarding school business arise outside a Local Governing Body meeting.

We will not reveal the details of any Local Governing Body vote.

Conflicts of interest

We will record any pecuniary or other business interest that we have in connection with the Local Governing Body’s business in the Register of Pecuniary Interests.

We will declare any pecuniary interest - or a personal interest which could be perceived as a conflict of interest - in a matter under discussion at a meeting and offer to leave the meeting for the appropriate length of time.

We will act in the best interests of the school as a whole and not as a representative of any group, even if elected to the Local Governing Body.

Breach of this code of practice

If we believe this code has been breached, we will raise this issue with the Chairman who will investigate; the Local Governing Body should seek to resolve any difficulties or disputes constructively;

Should it be the Chairman that we believe has breached this code, the Chair of Directors will investigate;

We understand that any allegation of a material breach of this code of practice by any governor shall be raised at a meeting of the Local Governing Body, and, if agreed to be substantiated by a majority of governors, shall be minuted and can lead

to consideration of suspension or in some circumstances removal from the Local Governing Body.

In taking the decision to suspend we will follow a process as set out in Annex A.

Visiting the School

Governors do not have an automatic right to enter the school. However, they do need to have the opportunity to arrange visits to the school in order to see governors’ policies in action and to understand how the school works.

In order to avoid misunderstandings arising, the Trust will draw up its own policy on governor visits. The details of such policies will vary from school to school, but common principles worth observing are:

- All governors should visit the school. - The total number of visits per term should be agreed in advance with the head

teacher. Too many visits can be disruptive to students’ learning. - The date and timing of a visit should be arranged in advance with the head teacher

and other staff involved. - Visits should have a clear focus, linked to the school healthcheck or an aspect of the

school development plan. - If a governor is going to spend time in a classroom, this should be discussed with the

class teacher so that both are clear how long the governor is coming for, what they are going to look at and what they are going to do.

- Governors should understand that their visits do not replace professional inspections or the monitoring role of the head teacher. Governors should not make judgements about the effectiveness of the teaching that they see or write anything down.

- If governors are concerned about any aspects of what they have seen this should be discussed with the head teacher.

- After the visit, the governor should report back, in writing to the Local Governing Body. How this is to be done should be made clear in the policy. A written report should be discussed with the head teacher before publication.

The Local Governing Body of XXX adopted this code of practice on _____ Governors will sign the Code at the first Local Governing Body meeting of each school year. Undertaking: As a member of the Local Governing Body I will always have the well-being of the students and the reputation of the school at heart; I will do all I can to be an ambassador for the school, publicly supporting its aims, values and ethos; I will never say or do anything publicly that would embarrass the school, the Local Governing Body, the Head of School or staff. Signed ......................................... Printed Name ............................... Date: ...........................................

Appendix: The Seven Principles of Public Life (originally published by the Nolan Committee: The Committee on Standards in Public Life was established by the then Prime Minister in October 1994, under the Chairmanship of Lord Nolan, to consider standards of conduct in various areas of public life, and to make recommendations). Selflessness Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. Integrity Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties. Objectivity In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit. Accountability Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office. Openness Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands. Honesty Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest. Leadership Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.

Annex A Process for governor suspension Subject to the following paragraphs the Board of Directors of LIFE Education Trust may suspend a governor for all or any meetings of the Local Governing Body, for a fixed period of up to 6 months on one or more of the following grounds—

(a) that the governor has failed to attend more than three meetings without

forwarding an apology or reason to the Clerk or Chair of the LGB; (b) that the governor, being a person paid to work at the school, is the subject of

disciplinary proceedings in relation to his/her employment; (c) that the governor is the subject of proceedings in any court or tribunal, the

outcome of which may be that he is disqualified from continuing to hold office as a governor ;

(d) that the governor is in breach of any of the provisions of this code of practice which the Local Governing Body believes has, or could, bring the office of school governor into disrepute;

(e) that the governor has acted in a way that is inconsistent with the ethos or with the religious character of the school and has brought or is likely to bring the school or the Local Governing Body or his office into disrepute; or

(f) that the governor is in breach of his duty of confidentiality to the school or to any member of staff or to any student at the school.

A resolution to suspend a governor from office shall not have effect unless the matter is specified as an item of business on a Board of Director’s agenda for the meeting of which notice has been given in accordance with the articles of association. Before a vote is taken on a resolution to suspend a governor, the Director proposing the resolution shall at the meeting state their reasons for doing so. The governor who is the subject of the resolution shall then be given the opportunity to make a statement in response before withdrawing from the meeting. Nothing in this regulation shall be read as affecting the right of a governor who has been suspended to receive notices of, and agendas and reports or other papers, for meetings of the Local Governing Body during the period of their suspension.



School Date of LGB Meeting

Deadline for circulation of

LGB paperwork

Meetings with link governors and LIFE Executive officers

to agree draft Healthcheck documents

Draft Healthcheck documents to be emailed to link

governors and LIFE Executive officers

Likely window for Draft

Healthchecks to be written

Benhurst 29.9.21 22.9.21 w/c 13.9.21 w/c 6.9.21 w/c 1.9.21

The Bridge 20.9.21 13.9.21 w/c 6.9.21 w/c 1.9.21 w/c 1.9.21

Dame Tipping 20.9.21 13.9.21 w/c 6.9.21 w/c 1.9.21 w/c 1.9.21

Ford End 27.9.21 20.9.21 w/c 13.9.21 w/c 6.9.21 w/c 1.9.21

Frances Bardsley 21.9.21 14.9.21 w/c 6.9.21 w/c 1.9.21 w/c 1.9.21

Margaretting 23.9.21 16.9.21 w/c 6.9.21 w/c 1.9.21 w/c 1.9.21

Roxwell 21.9.21 14.9.21 w/c 6.9.21 w/c 1.9.21 w/c 1.9.21


School Date of LGB Meeting

Deadline for circulation of

LGB paperwork

Meetings with link governors and LIFE Executive officers

to agree draft Healthcheck documents

Draft Healthcheck documents to be emailed to link

governors and LIFE Executive officers

Likely window for Draft

Healthchecks to be written

Benhurst 26.1.22 19.1.22 w/c 10.1.22 w/c 13.12.21 w/c 13.12.21

The Bridge 24.1.22 17.1.22 w/c 10.1.22 w/c 13.12.21 w/c 13.12.21

Dame Tipping 24.1.22 17.1.22 w/c 10.1.22 w/c 13.12.21 w/c 13.12.21

Ford End 17.1.22 10.1.22 w/c 3.2.22 w/c 13.12.21 w/c 13.12.21

Frances Bardsley 25.1.22 18.1.22 w/c 10.1.22 w/c 13.12.21 w/c 13.12.21

Margaretting 20.1.22 13.1.22 w/c 3.1.22 w/c 13.12.21 w/c 13.12.21

Roxwell 18.1.22 11.1.22 w/c 3.2.22 w/c 13.12.21 w/c 13.12.21


School Date of LGB Meeting

Deadline for circulation of

LGB paperwork

Meetings with link governors and LIFE Executive officers

to agree draft Healthcheck documents

Draft Healthcheck documents to be emailed to link

governors and LIFE Executive officers

Likely window for Draft

Healthchecks to be written

Benhurst 11.5.21 4.5.21 w/c 25.5.22 w/c 18.4.22 w/c 28.3.22

The Bridge 9.5.22 2.5.22 w/c 25.4.22 w/c 18.4.22 w/c 28.3.22

Dame Tipping 9.5.22 2.5.22 w/c 25.4.22 w/c 18.4.22 w/c 28.3.22

Ford End 16.5.22 9.5.22 w/c 2.5.22 w/c 25.4.22 w/c 28.3.22

Frances Bardsley 3.5.22 26.4.22 w/c 18.4.22 w/c 28.3.22 w/c 21.3.22

Margaretting 5.5.22 28.4.22 w/c 18.4.22 w/c 28.3.22 w/c 21.3.22

Roxwell 10.5.22 3.5.22 w/c 25.5.22 w/c 18.4.22 w/c 28.3.22


The Language of LIFE

Term To be used by Explanation

Trust Schools

Pupil ● ● Used when referring to Primary Schools and All of the 4-18 year olds in the Trust schools collectively.

Student ● ● Used when referring to Secondary Schools FBA and The Bridge can use students or pupils but prefer students

School ● ● The Trust runs 5 academies and 1 independent school. We refer to them collectively as our “schools”

Rural Primary schools

● ● We refer to Dame Tipping, Ford End, Margaretting and Roxwell as our “Rural Primary” schools. They could be referred to more specifically by geography, size or church of England voluntary control but we do not feel this is necessary or makes for easy reference.

The Trust, LIFE, LIFE Education Trust

We refer to our multi academy trust as a Trust rather than a Mat in keeping with CST rationale. We are LIFE for simplicity and brevity, and LIFE Education Trust for complete accuracy where needed.

Ethos related

Ethos ● ● The Trust ethos refers to the mission, beliefs and behaviours. These are the way we do things and the culture we are seeking to instil in all our learning communities.

Mission ● ● Building Great Learning Communities Together is the Trust mission which is the first layer of the Trust ethos.

Vision The Trust has chosen to have no official vision statement.

Beliefs ● ● Courageous Optimism, Boundless Creativity and Heartfelt Compassion are the Trust beliefs, part of our ethos, which have been adopted in 5 schools word for word.

Values ● The Trust does not have values: it has a mission, beliefs and behaviours. Schools can retain their own values although many schools have chosen to use the Trust beliefs as their values

Personal Characteristics

Behaviours ● ● The Trust has a series of 10 behaviours which stem from our beliefs. These are:

We respect everyone We listen continuously We praise generously We are clear and transparent We don’t ignore the uncomfortable and have courageous

conversations We give and receive constructive feedback We are reliable and do what we say We are confident yet humble We are accountable We create a better future

QEB ● ● The Trust uses the acronym QEB to represent Qualifications, Experience and Behaviours. The QEB approach is a foundational part of our recruitment, retention and succession planning strategies

Colour Me ● ● We use Colour Me, a learning behaviours system which colour codes behavioural preferences for ALL leaders and many staff

Personal development

● ● This is a category within the Ofsted inspection framework. For us it refers to the development of individuals and sits alongside academic development. It includes SMSC.

Appraisal ● ● We prefer this to Performance Management because it has more supportive implications

Enrichment ● ● This refers to the extra things offered by the Trust centrally and through its schools which helps create a rich, broad and inclusive education. At Trust level, enrichment includes the Farm, Gallery and Railway at FBA; Forest school at Dame Tipping, Roxwell and

Margaretting, International Trips, LIFE Ambassadors and the LIFE Passport.

Staff related

Members ● Members are the highest authority in any Trust. They are often said to be “eyes on hands off” as they oversee the work of the Board and have overall authority for the Trust, the accounts and auditors and the legal documentation governing the Trust’s existence.

Trustees ● ● Although our Trustees are both Trustees under charity law and directors under company law, we prefer the term “trustee” as it highlights the sense of public trust and belief which is placed in them. It also differentiates them from the Directors of Operations and Education who direct and lead those areas as Executive team members

Governors ● ● All of our schools have Local Governing Bodies with governors linked to the Healthchecks

Directors See Trustees

Education al Leaders

● ● This refers to central leaders who are responsible for an educational function across the Trust such as Development, SEND, IT or Safeguarding

Operational Leaders

● ● This refers to central leaders who are responsible for an operational function across the Trust such as HR, Finance, IT or Marketing

Team ● ● This refers to everyone who is employed by the Trust centrally to support the schools.

Executive Head ● ● This refers to a Headteacher who has a significant additional responsibility across more than one school

Headteacher ● ● This refers to an individual who is legally responsible for a single school

Head of school ● ● This refers to an individual who leads a school on a day to day basis but who does not have legal responsibility for the school. They are managed by an Executive Head

System related

Healthchecks (capital “H” one word)

● ● This is the Trust system of self evaluation and part of our school improvement strategy. Our 7 Healthchecks are the 4 Ofsted headings plus Finance, Premises and HR. Each LGB has a link governor for each Healthcheck area. The Healthchecks are reviewed by each LGB and the Board every term.

Trust Acronyms


Articles of Association – document that governs the Trust and is the grounds on which it was formed

ATH Academy Trust Handbook – financial and governance regulations which MATs have to adhere to.

CIF Condition Improvement Fund – Trusts can bid for government funding for facilities works under set criteria

CP Child Protection

CPD Continuing Professional Development – training for staff

CTA Commercial Transfer Agreement – covers usual contract terms and apportions legal rights, obligations and liabilities to the parties

DBS Disclosure and Barring Service – legal checks on all people involved with educating young people

DfE Department for Education

EAL English as an Additional Language

ECC Essex County Council

ECT Early Career Teacher

ESFA Education & Skills Funding Agency – Government agency responsible for funding MATs directly

EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage

F&F Committee Finance & Facilities Committee of the Board with co-opted members

FFT Fischer Family Trust – subscription organisation that provides data analysis on all schools in a Trust and individual schools

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation – legislation requiring schools to ensure data on personnel and students are kept secure and safe

GDS Working at greater depth measured by SATs

H&S Health & Safety

HPA High Prior Attainers – students with an average KS2 score above Level 4

HR Human Resources

HSE Health & Safety Executive – the regulator

INSET In service training for teachers where students are not present at school

IPRA Individual Pupil Resourcing Agreement - agreement between a school or academy and the Local Authority which ensures that schools have sufficient resources to meet the needs of a pupil with High Needs

KPIs Key Performance Indicators

KS Key Stage

LA Local Authority

LBH London Borough of Havering

LGB Local Governing Body – Governors at schools within the Trust – who hold the Headteacher of the school to account in terms of student Quality of Education, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes

LM Leadership & Management

LPs Lead Practitioners – senior experienced teachers who are able to show and share best practice to others

LSA Learning Support Assistant

MAT Multi Academy Trust which is legally responsible for school in its Trust

MDA Mid Day Assistant

MIS Management Information System – database used to record and keep information

P&P Committee Pay & Personnel Committee of the Board with co-opted members

PAN Public Admission Number – number of students admitted to schools in September agreed by the Local Authority for each school and which is funded by Education & Skills Funding Agency

PD Personal Development

PMR Performance Management Review – appraisals for all staff in the Trust. Trust prefer to use the term Appraisal.

PP Pupil Premium – funding provided to students meeting set criteria

PPG Pupil Premium Grant – funding provided to students meeting set criteria

PSHE Personal Social and Health Education

PTA Parent Teacher Association

QA Quality Assurance

QED Quality of Education

RE Religious Education

RoI Register of Interests – record of any interests/jobs/potential conflicts of interest that a Governor may have outside of school which may influence his/her decision at a Local Governing Body meeting.

SCR Single Central Record – official record of all students and staff within a school containing personal information and professional information including contract information.

SDP School Development Plan – the document which explains the school’s priorities for the coming academic year including objectives, and measurable outcomes.

SEND Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

SIAMS Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools - Church of England Ofsted judgement for Church of England Voluntary Controlled or Voluntary Aided schools

SLA Service Level Agreement – financial agreement for services between organisations

SLT Senior Leadership Team

SMSC Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural development – all schools to show how well their pupils are developing in these areas

SoD Scheme of Delegation - the powers that the Directors of the Trust have delegated to the Local Governing Body which may vary from school to school

SRE Sex and Relationship Education

TA Teaching Assistant

TOR Terms of Reference – agreed by the Directors and set out the remit of the Local Governing Body and Board Committees in conjunction with the Scheme of Delegation

TPA Teaching Performance Assessment - tool used to assess the practical skills and knowledge of pre-service teachers. Pre-service teachers collect evidence of practice to complete a TPA in the final year of their initial teacher education program.

TRG Teacher Research Group

@October 2020