Google Page Rank (PR)

GOOGLE PAGE RANK Surya’s International Inc


What is Google Page Rank (PR)?

Transcript of Google Page Rank (PR)

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GOOGLE PAGE RANKSurya’s International Inc

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• Technique used by Google to rate the relevance of a website on the World Wide Web

• A numeric value from 1 to 10 is assigned to every website, it measures how important a website

is on the World Wide Web

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• Google Page Rank (PR) is based on the principal of voting• When any website links back to your website it

passes a vote in favor of your website

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• When more and more websites link back to your website more votes are passed on to your website

• More votes means a higher Page Rank where lowest is 1 and highest is 10

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• Google Page Rank (PR) also depends on who is linking to your website – – a reputable website or – an altogether a new website

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