Google and Beyond (UC Berkeley)

John Kupersmith jkupersm [at] A “Know Your Library” Workshop Teaching Library, University of California, Berkeley Spring 2009 Research-quality Web Searching COURSE PAGES: l rnet/FindInfo.html Google and Beyond Google and Beyond Copyright © 2012 The Regents of the University of California is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License . Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


Not mine, credits to Mr. John Kupersmith.Reviewer for Developmental Reading Classes.

Transcript of Google and Beyond (UC Berkeley)

John Kupersmithjkupersm [at] A Know Your Library Workshopea!hin" Library# $ni%ersity o& 'ali&ornia# (erkeley)prin" *++,Research-quality Web SearchingCOURSE!hin"Lib./uides.0nternet.1ind0n&o.htmlGoogle and (eyondGoogle andBeyondCopyright 2012 The Regents of the University of California is licensedunder aCreative Commons ttri!ution"#onCommercial $%0 Unported &icense% 'ermissions !eyond the scope of this license may !e availa!le athttp())***%li!%!er+eley%edu)Teaching&i!)Guides),nternet)contact%html%Research-quality Web Searching )ear!h /oo"le e&&e!ti%ely and pre!isely Know when to use other sear!h en"ines and web dire!tories 2%aluate what you &ind on the web /oals3ow /oo"le works(21452 you sear!h-'rawls pa"es on the publi! web'opies te6t 7 ima"es# builds databaseW328 you sear!h-Automati!ally ranks pa"es in your resultsWord o!!urren!e and lo!ation on pa"e 9opularity : a link to a pa"e is a %ote &or it; *++ &a!tors in alluality !ontrolmost sites not peer:re%iewed less trustworthy than s!holarly publi!ations(e&ore you !li!k to %iew the pa"e...Look at the $5L : personal pa"e or site D+ or , orusersormembers@omain name appropriate &or the !ontent D5estri!ted- edu#"o%#mil#a &ew !ountry !odes A!aB$nrestri!ted- !om#or"#net#most !ountry !odes Aus# ukB9ublished by an entity that makes sense D 8ews &rom its sour!eD www&nytimes&comAd%i!e &rom %alid a"en!yD www&nih&go$-www&nimh&nih&go$- )!an the perimeter o& the pa"e'an you tell who wrote it Dname o& pa"e authoror"aniGation# institution# a"en!y you re!o"niGe'redentials &or the subje!t matter DLook &or links to-About us9hilosophy(a!k"round(io"raphy 0s it !urrent enou"h DLook &or last updated date26amine the !ontente6tpossibly &or"ed Dwhy not a link to published %ersion D)our!esdo!umented with links or notes Ddo the links work D2%iden!e o& bias in te6t or sour!es D@o some dete!ti%e work)ear!h the $5L in ale6a.!om'li!k on )ite in&o &or ? Who owns the domainDWho links to the siteD What did the site look like in the pastD AWayba!k Ea!hineBWhi!h blo"s link to itDWhat do they sayDry the $5L in /oo"le (lo" )ear!h)ee what links are in /oo"leCs )imilar pa"es Look up the pa"e author in /oo"le@oes it all add up DWas the pa"e put on the web to in&orm D persuade D sell D as a parody or satire D 0s it appropriate &or your purposeDry e%aluatin" some sites...H. )ear!h a !ontro%ersial topi! in /oo"lenuclear armageddon!rions dangerstem cells abortion*. )!an the &irst two pa"es o& resultsI. Fisit one or two sites e%aluate their >uality and reliability