Google adwords & analatyic and you tube advertising


Transcript of Google adwords & analatyic and you tube advertising

Overview :

You will learn how to use advanced tips and tools to optimize your campaign and know all the key players and how to connect your content (website, app, video, game, etc) with quality advertisers. We'll discuss the difference between selling directly and working through third parties like ad networks and ad exchanges., we'll dive into your business model and figure out what are the right moves for youWill discuss advertising over Google networks with real campaign on Facebook and on google platform with coaching


6:30pm to 10:00 pm

Time :

16 / 08 , 18/08 , 23/08

25/08 , / 27/08



850 EGP

Google AdWords & Analytic and YouTube Advertising

o Google AdWords :

Introduction to AdWords. Benefits & Features of AdWords. Ad groups (multiplying ad groups). Tracking ad performance (what is conversion, set up conversion codes, how to track adwords

conversion codes). AdWords to analytics . Re-Marketing campaigns (what is re marketing, start with re marketing list, display

remarketing formats, start your first re marketing campaign). Improving account management . Using AdWords editor. Measuring AdWords with analytics. The multi channel funnel report.

Google AdWords & Analytic and YouTube Advertising

Ad & Site Quality Quality Score How It's Determined Landing Page & Site Quality

o Google Search Campaign Campaign Creation Campaign management Keyword Targeting Language & Location Targeting

Performance Monitoring & Conversion Tracking Optimization Performance

Google AdWords & Analytic and YouTube Advertising

Google Display Network

Campaign Creation Ad Formats

YouTube Advertising

YouTube Advertising Landscape Types of YouTube Advertising

o Setting your campaign Creation Optimization Reporting

Google AdWords & Analytic and YouTube Advertising

Yasser Ghallab

Online Business Products Manager


Online Business Products Manager Vodafone ,

Yasser is Vodafone certified trainer VCT and got MBA Eslsca University, Global Business major , Thesis in “What Makes the content Viral on facebook in Egypt) , GPA 3.91 (2012).

Deliver training since 2002 in Marketing industries to several corporates and universities in Egypt & Middle east .Have more than 10 awards for his achievements in his career and training field
