Good Tidings and Great Joy From All of Us this Christmas...

1 LOOKING AHEAD Christmas Holidays December 21—January 6 Students Return to Class January 7 2014-2015 School Preview Thursday, January 9 6-8 pm No Class for Students January 17 Martin Luther King Day January 20 no school The Mane Event December 2013 Concord Christian School Good Tidings and Great Joy From All of Us this Christmas Season! Rejoice For unto you is born this day In the city of David A Savior, who is Christ the Lord - Luke 2:11

Transcript of Good Tidings and Great Joy From All of Us this Christmas...

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    • Christmas Holidays December 21—January 6

    • Students Return to Class January 7

    • 2014-2015 School Preview Thursday, January 9 6-8 pm

    • No Class for Students January 17

    • Martin Luther King Day January 20

    no school

    The Mane Event December 2013

    Concord Christian School

    Good Tidings and Great Joy From All of Us this Christmas Season!

    Rejoice For unto you is born this day

    In the city of David A Savior, who is Christ the Lord

    - Luke 2:11

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    The Bible says, “ Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well. If you have the gift of speaking, preach God’s message. If you have the gift of helping others, do it with the strength that God supplies. Eve-rything should be done in a way that will bring honor to God because of Jesus Christ, who is glorious and powerful forever. Amen..” (1 Peter 4:10-11 CEV). One way our students show thankfulness is through serv-ing others. As they serve, they are being the hands and feet of Jesus to many in our community.

    In this year alone, Concord Christian School students have served in ap-

    proximately 30 different outreach avenues. It starts in our kindergarten

    with their participation in Operation Christmas Child all the way to the

    seniors who help at KARM. Our students do not need to get on a bus to

    minister to others. The middle school students go to the Bellaire com-

    munity behind the school and clean yards and pray over each driveway.

    Our National Honor Society works with Helping Hands, a ministry of

    FBC. Recently, our 8th graders went with Mission of Hope to Burchfield

    School to sing and help the children pick out Christmas gifts.

    Steve Peek, Pastor of Legacy Builders, said this of our 8th graders.

    “When I look at CCS students, there is hope for the future!” Pastor John

    Avant said many times that he wants our students to be culture chang-

    ers. Serving others unselfishly, showing the love of Christ is accomplish-

    ing just that. We are so thankful for our students who show the spirit of


    Kindergarten Kindergarten participates in Operation Christmas Child each year for their mission project. 1st Grade First Grade does a field trip each year visiting assisted liv-ing centers while sharing God's love with the elderly on Valen-tine's Day.

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    This quarter, students in 1st and 2nd grade were invited to par-ticipate in The Crazy Christmas Angel After School Book Club with Mrs. Donnelly and Mrs. Crisp. Eight students enjoyed a time of reading, reflecting, making crafts, and playing games. One of the students’ favorite activities was making an Advent Calendar that reveals a different name for Jesus each day of De-cember until Christmas. At the end of the quarter, students put together baskets of treats, crafts, and warm wishes and delivered them to families residing at Ronald McDonald House. Through-out their time together, the students focused on the true meaning of Christmas and serving others during the holiday season.

    It is exciting to be in a school where Proverbs 2:6 is true: For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and under-standing.


    ⇒ Third Grade sent cards in October

    and November to

    KARM. The KARM


    made a special trip

    out here last week

    to let us know how

    meaningful the

    cards have been to

    their clients. They

    brought me a pic-

    ture of two of the

    ladies holding the

    cards, it has a thank

    you printed on it

    and she brought it

    in a frame.

    2nd Grade

    The second graders raised money for the Ronald McDonald House. Our classes made Christmas items (crafts and food) and sold these items to the students, parents and visitors at school. We have what is called a Christmas store. The money that we collected went to the Ronald McDonald House. This year we raised over $1800!

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    5th Grade

    Fifth Grade has

    “adopted” a family

    from Western

    Heights to minister

    to throughout the

    year. We have several

    things in the plan-

    ning for this family.

    ES Spanish

    The students in Elementary Spanish class participate and volunteer at the Hola Festival every year. They volunteer at country booths at this festival as well as participate in the "Parade of Nations." Some students make puzzles with Spanish verses on them to pass out to other fami-lies who attend the Hola Festival.

    Third Grade

    We do a persuasive writing unit after Thanksgiving. The students

    have to come up with a way to persuade their parents to serve oth-

    ers during the Christmas season. The students write a paper and

    we send a copy home and create a hallway bulletin board with the

    original paper. We do a follow up after Christmas break to see the

    many different ways they were actually able to serve others.

    Socks of Love - Students bring in travel size toiletries along with

    money to purchase a pair of socks. One day we write a verse on the

    bottom of a sock and fill it with the matching sock and toilet-

    ries. We tie a bow around it and have them delivered to Knox Area

    Rescue Ministries (KARM).

    Each month starting in October, we make pocket size cards for the

    clients at KARM. *(We make full size cards for their Thanksgiving

    and Christmas dinners)

    4th Grade

    4th Grade started working

    with Joni and Friends (for

    disabled adults) and the

    Sonshine Ministry here at

    First Baptist Concord dur-

    ing last school year.

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    The sixth graders wrote notes to

    a family who had just lost both of

    their parents. They wrote things

    to encourage the children.

    Over the next couple of weeks we

    will collect some food goods for

    Teen Challenge to give to them

    when they speak in chapel.

    The sixth grades raked leaves and

    did yard work in the Belle-Aire

    community Nov. 25. We have

    been doing this for about 5 years.

    Middle School NJHS

    MS NJHS had a service project

    with the Helping Hands ministry

    at First Baptist Concord last

    month in which we prepared food

    together, taught games, etc.

    Seventh Grade

    The seventh grade classes are going to work both with Wears Valley Minis-tries and Camp Wesley Woods, cleaning the properties and helping prepare for the coming season. Several times we have helped clean yards, rake leaves, etc. for the residents of the Bellaire neighborhood. The middle school collected funds for Hurricane Sandy through a gift wrap-ping service last year. We also collected funds for African children with AIDS and Western Heights Boys and Girls Club with a “Hoops for Hope” fundraiser in the fall of 2011.

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    Western Height Ministry Middle School Boy and Girls Club Every Wednesday after school This is a partnership through First Baptist Concord. After school we meet at 3:15 in the student building. We have around 30 CCS students who serve. We take a bus down to the Western Heights community in the inner city housing projects and meet at the Boys and Girls Club. They have on an average about 45 to 50 children that range in age from kindergarten to 6th grade. First activity we do upon arriving is a bible story, one on one or two on one. We have a group time where we allow the children to share with each other what they have learned. Then we break into small groups. One group makes a craft that reinforces the lesson and the other group plays. We switch after a few minutes. We stay for an hour and half and arrive back tat he church at 6:00. Our students have built relationships with the children there. They are anxiously waiting for us when we arrive. We hear the children saying," the church people are here"! We have been doing this ministry for 5 years. We have seen children accept Christ as their savior through the years. We serve in the summer as well. Then we go one day a week and stay for two and a half hours. Becky Creswell is the church leader and Becky Fraser, CCS Art Teacher, assists her and manage the CCS coordination. This a great ministry and I am blessed to get to serve our Father there.

    High School/Computer Teacher

    Several of our high students have pro-vided childcare for the single mom’s luncheon.

    I offer an after-school computer class for Home-school students.

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    8th Grade

    • The 8th grades will join FBC Concord to go to Burchfield School in Oneida, TN. where they will help Mission of Hope pass out presents to needy children. The 8th grades will sing and do a Christmas presentation that will include the Gos-pel. We have done this for about 12 years.

    The 8th grades also regularly bake Christmas cookies for the community and deliver them the last day of school before the holidays.

    CCS students also have done a number of service trips in the past, including Knox Area Rescue Ministries, Maynard Elementary School, Sam E. Hill School, Ijams Na-ture Center, Goodwill, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, etc. A few years ago, students and families also have sponsored a Muslim Iraqi family and helped them prepare an apartment upon arrival to the U.S. They also guided them to language school, church and provided them with a used car.

    High School NHS

    NHS sponsored a school wide collection for the Bread of Life Food Pantry. The stu-dents exceeded their goal by collecting 2415 cans of food! It took two trucks to transport the food to the food pantry.

    “Do your work willingly, as though you were serving the Lord himself, and not just your earthly master.” ― Colossians 3:23 CEV

    Middle School/ High School Boys

    The Crossing:

    The Crossing is a program dedicated to helping dads and mentors build a better relationship with the young men in their lives while allowing the young man to grow from the mentorship of these strong Christian men. The Crossing has been created to help heal and prevent the wounds of spiritual, mental, and physical brokenness that is so pervasive within our old and young men alike while opening the path to a stronger more fulfilling, "others centered", life. Using activities such as work projects, Rafting, Camping, Air Soft, Football, and Paintball as our me-diums, we seek to involve and educate our sons and fathers on topics including, but not limited to, Sexu-ality, Sobriety, Leadership, and the impact men can have in the world if only they engage it with meaning and purpose. Through this program we seek to build up our men to be the powerful and influential men God intended them to be.