GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our...


Transcript of GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our...

Page 1: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare





A Man on a MISSION

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Page 2: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare


ZEN MASTER: Dr. Randall Pokomo



A MAN ON A MISSION: Dr. David S. Cannom

RACHEL’S STORY: A Patient of Dr. David Cannom


Honor Roll of Donors 2015












Good Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare services that meet the needs of our patients and their families, the community and physicians. Good Samaritan Hospital’s centers of excellence focus on advancing the science of medicine and providing outstanding healthcare. We will manage our resources responsibly, maintaining the fi nancial viability necessary for success.

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Page 3: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Good Samaritan Hospital is preparing for the much anticipated opening of our new

193,000-square-foot Medical Pavilion in 2016. The new Medical Pavilion will house

the Imaging and Radiation Oncology departments, physician’s offi ces, pharmacy, Bistro

Café and the Frank R. Seaver Ambulatory Surgery Center.

The Frank R. Seaver Ambulatory Surgery Center will be a multi-specialty surgery center

that will allow patients not requiring an overnight stay to be treated in an outpatient

environment. Our current three-operating-room outpatient surgery center can only

accommodate a small number of outpatient surgical cases. The new surgery center will

open with six and expand to eight operating rooms over the next two years, allowing

for treatments of a much wider range of conditions. Once all eight rooms are open, the

Center is expected to serve approximately 8,500 patients per year. It was made possible

by an $11 million donation from the Frank R. Seaver Trusts.

We would also like to thank our many donors whose support has enabled us to build

our new $70 million Medical Pavilion. Your contributions will enable Good Samaritan

Hospital to keep its place as a world-class academic medical center. Finally, as always,

we are honored to work with our outstanding team of physicians, nurses and medical

staff. Their talent, drive and dedication continues to inspire us each and every day.

Very truly yours,

Charles T. MungerChairman of the Board of Trustees

Andrew B. LeekaPresident and Chief Executive Offi cer

What an Exciting Year Ahead!

G O O D N E W S FALL 2015 1

Mr. Charles T. Munger, GSH Chairman, Board of Trustees

Mr. Andrew B. Leeka, GSH President and Chief Executive Offi cer


We would like to take this opportunity to recognize

Frank R. Seaver’s spirit of philanthropy and thank his family

for honoring his legacy with this very generous donation.

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Page 4: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

is epiphany came during a visit to The Medical Museum of the Armed Forces Institute

of Pathology in Washington, D.C. There he was mesmerized by an array of human body

parts deformed by disease and stored in giant jars for study. His goal to become a doctor

was not easily realized. While he always excelled in academics, his family could not

afford to send him to college. However, some things are just meant to be, and a few

short years later, he won a highly coveted full scholarship to attend the University of

Pennsylvania to study mechanical engineering. From there he went on to the University

of Southern California / Keck School of Medicine to fulfi ll his dream of being a doctor.

Today he is a member of Good Samaritan Hospital’s crack team of physicians serving

in the Emergency Department (ED). “Emergency medicine is like improv. You don’t get

to make any mistakes. You have to get it right and then after 8, 10, 12 hours it ends -

until the next time,” he explains. One of the greatest challenges of emergency medicine

is burnout. “It really is a young man’s sport. It is very unusual to spend your entire

medical career in emergency medicine.” In order to beat the stress and stay at the top of

his game, Dr. Pokomo maintains a healthy work-life balance that includes golf, scuba,

snow skiing, yoga and daily meditation.




Born and raised in Western Pennsylvania just outside

of Pittsburgh, Dr. Randall Pokomo has known since

high school that he wanted to be a doctor.

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Page 5: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Dr. Randall Pokomo and daughter, Lauren Mahale, following in his footsteps.

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Dr. Pokomo and daughter, Lauren in the Emergency Department at Good Samaritan Hospital.

He is known for his preternatural calm during a

crisis - a family friend recently dubbed him the

“Zen Master.” “You have to consciously make

an effort to slow down. If you slow down the

thought process, it becomes easier to look at

the alternatives and decide what to do next.

Sometimes in the most intense emergencies

time slows down,” he explains. It is a skill he

must utilize often in Good Sam’s Emergency

Department, which is among the busiest in

Los Angeles County. When the Emergency

Department opened back in 1986 it cared for

approximately eight thousand patients per year.

Today, the Emergency Department provides

emergency medical care 24 hours a day, covers

all in-house codes in the hospital and cares for

approximately 30,000 patients annually. It is the

second busiest private Emergency Department in

Los Angeles County in terms of paramedic runs

for the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

Now his daughter, Lauren Mahale, is following in

Dr. Pokomo’s footsteps. She is fi nishing her fourth

year of medical school and recently completed a

one-month clerkship in Good Sam’s ED. It is easy

to see that she and her classmates are thrilled

by the opportunity to come and learn from the

physicians here. “Everybody loves coming here.

It is a great experience. I didn’t really know what

to expect before I came here. All the doctors and

nurses here are excited to teach us. It is really

great!” she says with obvious enthusiasm.

FEATURE Zen Master

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Page 7: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

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When the

opened back in 1986 it cared for

approximately eight thousand patients

per year. Today, the Emergency

Department provides emergency

medical care 24 hours a day, covers

all in-house codes in the hospital

and cares for approximately 30,000

patients annually.

Dr. Pokomo chimed in, “this is really a milestone

- the time that we have spent working together.”

It wasn’t that long ago that Lauren was a little

girl visiting him at the hospital. She would sit

next to the clerk and scribble on sheets of paper

pretending she was admitting patients to the

ED. Lauren remembers “when I was a little girl

people would always say, ‘she’s so cute’, and he

would say, ‘and she is smart too.’ I always felt

like that was really important. He was always so

supportive of whatever I wanted to do, but he

would always say, ‘you need to get a doctorate

in something.’ ” Dr. Pokomo continued, “I always

thought she had the qualities to become a

doctor.” The time Dr. Pokomo has had teaching

with his daughter during her clerkship is very

special. Lauren, her husband (also a physician)

and her dad are planning their next milestone -

a trip to a remote part of Guatemala to provide

medical care to residents that do not have access

to healthcare.

Dr. Pokomo encourages his daughter and all

new physicians to remember, “this is such an

opportunity to give and help others and, through

giving, the rewards are tremendous. I can’t

think of any better way of making a living and

contributing. Remember to always be grateful

for the opportunity to provide those services to

people and make a difference in their lives.” Like

many of the physicians and staff at Good Sam, he

also has a deep appreciation for the opportunity

to work at the Hospital. “This is a unique place

- different than any other hospital I have ever

been in. It is a place that respects and supports

physicians. People are happy here.”


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Page 8: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Victoria Seaver Dean poses in front of portraits of her great uncle Frank R. Seaver and her father Richard Carlton Seaver.

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Page 9: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare


he Frank R. Seaver Trusts have gifted Good

Samaritan Hospital over $22.3 million in

the last several decades both to support

the Hospital’s new $70,000,000 Medical

Pavilion, which will include the Frank R.

Seaver Ambulatory Surgery Center, and an

endowment to provide continued support

of the Hospital. The deep connection

between the Seaver family and their family hospital,

Good Sam, goes back for generations. Living in

Chester Place, Good Sam was Frank and Blanche’s

hospital and Frank’s sister, Georgia Seaver Thomas,

was married to a Good Sam physician, Dr. Roy

Thomas. A hospital receipt was found showing that

Frank’s brother, Byron, had his appendix taken out

at the Hospital and his son, Richard Carlton Seaver

a future Hospital Trustee, was born at Good Sam.

In addition, Richard’s family members have been

patients of Good Sam’s doctors. Next fall, the Frank

R. Seaver Ambulatory Surgery Center will open its

doors and begin serving our patients. We are deeply

grateful for the incredible generosity of Frank Seaver

and his family, who continue to honor his legacy.

A true California son, Frank R. Seaver was born in

Next fall the Frank R. Seaver

Ambulatory Surgery Center

will open its doors and begin

serving our patients. We are

deeply grateful for the incredible

generosity of Frank Seaver and

his family, who continue to honor

his legacy and generosity with

this important gift.

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The Spirit of Philanthropy

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Page 10: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

1883 to Carlton and Mary Estella

Seaver in San Jose. He and his

siblings spent their early years on a

farm in Claremont, California and

then moved to Pomona where his

father founded the First National

Bank of Pomona. Education was

incredibly important in the Seaver

household and Frank, like the rest

of the Seaver children, attended

Pomona College. Upon graduation,

Frank went on to study law and

in 1906 he passed the bar exam.

He followed that up with a year of

post-doctoral studies at Harvard Law

School. Frank’s strong belief in the

importance of education and the

principle that everyone should live a

productive life was later exemplifi ed

by his many donations to educational


Soon, Frank returned to California

where he and his brother, Byron,

started their own law practice. In

1916 Frank married Blanche Ebert.

Blanche was a child prodigy who

played and taught the piano by the

age of six and then composed several

songs that were recorded by popular

singers of the day. Blanche also

had a strong belief in the power of

education and spirit of philanthropy.

These beliefs blended perfectly with

Frank’s own.

A member of the Naval Militia since

1913, Frank was a lieutenant in the

Ninth Division when World War I

broke out in 1914. It was there that

he became friends with the son of

oilman Edward Doheny. The senior

Doheny was immediately impressed

with the young lieutenant and

several months after the war was

6 8

Victoria explains that

they carry on the family

tradition of her father and

Frank. As for her work on

the Good Sam Board, “the

doctors love their work and

they are passionate about

it – who wouldn’t want to

be involved in a place like


(Top photo) Frank R. Seaver (Bottom photo) Richard Carlton Seaver

FEATURE The Spirit of Philanthropy

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Page 11: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

The Seavers returned to Los Angeles

in 1928 and Frank purchased a

languishing section of Doheny-Stone

Drill from Edward Doheny. In a few

short years Frank was able to make

the pressure threads on oil drilling

pipes unique and profi table and

expanded the business to include

plants in the U.S. and the overseas.

He ran his company, Hydril until his

death in 1964 at the age of 81.

While Frank and Blanche did not

have children of their own, family

was a very important part of their

lives. Frank remained close to

his siblings and took his nephew,

Richard Carlton Seaver, under his

wing in business. Richard’s daughter,

Victoria Seaver Dean, remembers

how important family was to Frank.

He was in his seventies and eighties

when she as a small child, and she

fondly recalls how important it was

to Frank to have his extended family

together during their many holiday


Richard Seaver had been a successful

attorney in his own right prior to

joining Frank at Hydril in 1957.

He became Frank’s right-hand man

and together worked to strengthen

Hydril. He also helped Frank set up

an enduring legacy that would last

for generations through the Trusts

founded by Frank’s Will. Today,

Frank R. Seaver’s legacy lives on

through his bequests to a variety of

institutions including Good Sam. It

was vitally important to Richard that

the gifts from the Trusts honor Frank’s

belief that anyone could change

the course of his or her life through

education and to support those

institutions important to his life and

that of Los Angeles.

The spirit of giving runs deep in

the Seaver bloodline. In addition to

running Hydril and managing the

Trusts after Frank’s passing, Richard

Seaver was on the Board of Trustees

at Good Sam and was a founding

Board Member of the Los Angeles

Opera. On Richard’s passing, his son,

Judge R. Carlton Seaver was asked to

join the Los Angeles Opera Board of

Directors and Victoria Seaver Dean,

President of The Seaver Institute,

became a trustee of Good Sam;

together they carry on the family

tradition led by Frank and continued

by Richard. As for her work on the

Good Sam Board, Victoria states “the

doctors are passionate about their

work and the excellence of Good

Samaritan – who wouldn’t want to be

involved in a place like that?”

G O O D N E W S FALL 2015 9

over, Doheny hired him to work as

an attorney for his corporate offi ces

in Los Angeles. It wasn’t long before

Doheny had other plans for Frank,

and in 1921 he named him General

Counsel and Managing General Agent

to Huasteca Petroleum Company

in Mexico City. This was a pivotal

moment for both Frank and Blanche.

While in Mexico City, Frank rose

to Vice President of Huasteca, and

Blanche founded an organization to

help the city’s homeless children.

This was the fi rst of Blanche’s

many philanthropic endeavors that

focused on youth organizations

and education. (She gave millions

to Pepperdine University and was

instrumental in moving the then

fl edgling university from South

Central Los Angeles to Malibu. Her

generosity continued until her death

in 1994 at the age of 102.)

(Center photo) Victoria Seaver Dean and Brian Thorne, Vice President of Development,discuss the upcoming mural for the new lobby at Good Samaritan Hospital.

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Page 12: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

arane Van Dyke is the second of fi ve generations of women named Sarane and the

much-loved matriarch of her family. A native of Los Angeles, Sarane was born at Good

Samaritan Hospital to Robert and Sarane Burns on Thanksgiving Day in 1931. It was

no ordinary birth. Sarane’s mother had begged off of going out to dinner with the family

and remained at home alone to rest. A little while later it became clear that the baby

was coming. Having no way to contact her husband, she called her physician, Dr. John

Vruwink. A short time later Dr. Vruwink was at her door to take her to the hospital. Not

only did he deliver Sarane, he paid the hospital the deposit for the delivery.

Decades later Sarane would return to Good Sam to deliver her own children, Sarane, David, Bobby and

Gail Van Dyke. Why did she choose Good Sam? “There was no other option as far as I was concerned!”

In recent years, members of her family have continued to return to Good Sam to deliver their babies.

Good Sam’s Dr. Mark Dwight delivered her granddaughter Sarane Caratan (the fi fth Sarane in the

family). He also delivered her daughter Gail’s grandchildren, Kate, Joey and Johnny Boskovich. In all,

four generations of Sarane Van Dyke’s family have been born at Good Sam!

A Lifetime of

The Van Dykes are an old Los Angeles family steeped in history and tradition.




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The family of Sarane Van Dyke: (backrow left to right) Daughter Gail Boskovich, son David Van Dyke, daughter Sarane Caratan, and granddaughter Sarane Caratan.(Front row) Sarane Van Dyke fl anked by grandchildren Joey and Kate Boskovich all born at Good Samaritan Hospital!

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Page 14: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare


Sarane honors tradition and when she fi nds

something that works for her, she sticks to it. She

was married to Robert (Bob) Van Dyke for fi fty

years, until his untimely passing in 2008. She

still lives in the same beautiful house in Hancock

Park that she and Bob purchased in 1960. Like

her mother before her, she is deeply connected to

Good Sam. In 1947, she began volunteering at

the Hospital by delivering books and serving ice

cream sodas to patients – she was just 16 years

old. Sarane’s mother, Mrs. Robert Burns, was

the president of the Good Samaritan Hospital’s

Women’s Auxiliary. Sarane followed in her

footsteps, joining the Auxiliary to raise funds to

support the Hospital. She worked in the original

“gift shop” in the “old Hospital” when it was

nothing more than a table set up in the lobby; here

she sold boxes decorated by the Auxiliary. Sarane, a

life-time member of the Auxiliary, is one of its most

loyal members, having been with the Auxiliary for

about fi fty years. Now 83, she remains active on

the Auxiliary Board, “I have made wonderful friends

and…I enjoy the events. At Christmas and other

holidays we [the Auxiliary] decorate the gift shop

and put on luncheons.”

In 1994, Sarane’s life-long connections to Good

Sam paid off when she started to have trouble

swallowing. She went to her Good Sam primary

care physician, Dr. Robert Palmer, to get to the

bottom of her swallowing problems. He explained

to her that “there’s a hundred things it could be,

but I’m not taking any chances.” He ran a battery

of tests and diagnosed her with esophageal cancer,

a diagnosis that saved Sarane’s life. That was

twenty-one years ago, and thanks to Dr. Palmer’s

diagnosis, her oncologist’s skill and a lot of luck,

she beat the cancer and continues to live an active

life. Dr. Palmer has long since retired, so Sarane

and her daughter, Sarane Caratan, are now treated

at Good Sam by Dr. Joanna Davies. Even her

grandchildren and great-grandchildren continue to

be cared for by physicians at Good Sam.

Sarane would return to Good Sam to deliver

her own children, Sarane, David, Bobby

and Gail Van Dyke. Why did she choose

Good Sam? “There was no other option as

far as I was concerned!” In recent years,

members of her family have continued to

return to Good Sam to deliver their babies.

Good Sam’s Dr. Mark Dwight delivered her

granddaughter Sarane Caratan (the fourth

Sarane in the family). He also delivered

her daughter Gail’s grandchildren, Kate,

Joey and Johnny Boskovich. In all, four

generations of Sarane Van Dyke’s family

have been born at Good Sam!

FEATURE A Lifetime of Service

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Even in her the darkest times, Sarane has always been able

to depend on Good Sam to provide comfort and the highest

quality of care. When her husband of fi fty years was taken

to Good Sam’s Emergency Department, the staff took Sarane

to a quiet room near the ED that the Auxiliary refurbished for

the families of patients. During that terrible crisis, as she sat

in that room, she was comforted by the solitude and warm

familiarity. She remembers looking around the room and

thinking, “the Auxiliary did all this [to help the families].”

When Bob passed away, she asked that in lieu of fl owers,

contributions be made to the Auxiliary so that they could

continue to provide comfort to Good Sam families in times

of crisis and need.

We are honored and grateful for Sarane Van Dyke’s

commitment to the Auxiliary and volunteer service to Good

Sam. It is because of the support of people like her that

Good Samaritan Hospital continues to provide our patients

and their families with outstanding care.

(Top Left) Sarane Van Dyke with daughters, Gail Boskovick and Sarane Caratan.(Top Right) Sarane with her son, David Van Dyke.(Bottom) Three generations of Sarane: Sarane Van Dyke with daughter Sarane (left) Caratan and granddaughter Sarane Caratan (right).

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Page 16: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare


David S. Cannom, M.D. is a man on a mission.

The Director of Cardiology at Good Samaritan Hospital

since 1985, Dr. Cannom continues to derive immense

gratification from his work.

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Page 17: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare


graduate of the University of Minnesota Medical School, he was drawn to cardiology in part

because his father suffered a major heart attack as a young man and was severely affected

for the rest of his life.

In 1971, following his residency at Yale New Haven Hospital, Dr. Cannom served with the

Staten Island Public Health Service. Under the direction of Dr. Anthony Damato, the fi rst

intracardiac electrophysiology studies were being done there. Electrophysiology became

Dr. Cannom’s medical specialty, a fi eld he describes as “intellectually very challenging and

an important tool to help seriously ill patients.”

In 1985 Dr. Cannom founded Los Angeles Cardiology Associates (LACA) with two

associates from Stanford, Dr. Steven Oesterle, an interventionalist, and Dr. Joe Ilvento,

an electrophysiologist. The mission of LACA has been to establish Good Samaritan

Hospital as a tertiary referral center for patients with coronary artery disease, peripheral

vascular disease, structural heart disease, and cardiac arrhythmias. These subspecialties

have matured over the last 30 years and have allowed LACA to recruit a talented multi-

generational group of 11 physicians with similar goals and values. Dr. Anil Bhandari is

head of electrophysiology services; Dr. Steven Burstein leads the structural heart disease

A Man on a

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6 16

Dr. David S. Cannom with Ana Pineda and Estelita Reyes in one of the new heart catheterization labs in the Heart & Vascular Center.

COVER STORY A Man on a Mission

program. Both receive complicated referrals

from colleagues all over Southern California and

beyond. LACA physicians have benefi ted from

close collaboration with talented cardiovascular

surgeons and a solid infrastructure of nursing

and administrative support.

Electrophysiologists study and treat electrical

abnormalities of the heart, and Dr. Cannom has

gained international recognition for his work.

In 2001, he served as President of the Heart

Rhythm Society, electrophysiology’s

only educational and service organization. In

2015, he was honored with the Heart Rhythm

Society’s Distinguished Service Award.

Dr. Cannom is the author of over 200 peer-

reviewed papers and continues to be sought

after as a speaker for national and international


A major focus of his research grew out of his

personal relationship with the inventors of the

implantable cardioverter defi brillator (ICD),

Dr. Michel Morowski and Dr. Morton Mower.

The ICD uses electricity to terminate life-

threatening arrhythmias.

Dr. Cannom has served on the MADIT – Multi

Center Automatic Defi brillator Implantation Trials –

Executive Committee since 1988, chaired by

Dr. Arthur Moss of the University of Rochester.

These prospective randomized trials helped defi ne

the clinical indications for the defi brillator. Many

of the MADIT clinical trials were conducted at

Good Samaritan Hospital under the direction of

Dr. Cannom.

Dr. Cannom is the author of over 200

peer-reviewed papers and continues to be

sought after as a speaker for national and

international conferences.

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Page 19: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

When asked about his close relationships with

patients, Dr. Cannom cites lessons he learned

from his patient and friend, Norman Cousins, the

former editor of The Saturday Review of Literature.

“A patient should always leave a physician’s offi ce

feeling better than she/he did upon entering, even

if the medical news is diffi cult.” Dr. Cannom is

intentional about providing what he calls an old

school experience for patients, taking steps to

remain totally present to whoever is in his offi ce.

Good Samaritan Hospital has a world-class physician and a great friend in David S. Cannom, M.D.!

G O O D N E W S FALL 2015 17

Recently Dr. Cannom has become well known

for his care of patients with dysautonomia.

Dysautonomia is a complex condition caused by

a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

After three decades of service at Good Samaritan

Hospital, Dr. Cannom remains strongly committed

to its mission and feels a deep appreciation for

the support he and his colleagues have received

from the Board of Trustees and administration.

He says with conviction, “I am going to stick

with this.”

His gratitude has motivated him to take a

leadership role in raising funds for the Heart

& Vascular Center. Largely due to his efforts,

two new heart catheterization labs opened in

March, 2015. Now he is working with fund

development offi cers to secure $7 million for

two new electrophysiology labs. He believes that

committed and excellent physicians should have

the fi nest equipment.

His gratitude has motivated him to take a leadership role in raising

funds for the Heart & Vascular Center. Largely due to his efforts,

two new heart catheterization labs opened in March, 2015. Now he is

working with fund development officers to secure $7 million for two

new electrophysiology labs. He believes that committed and excellent

physicians should have the finest equipment.

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Page 20: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Then Rachel’s father, Kevin, found Dr.

Cannom. “He listened!” says Tami. “And it

was clear from the very fi rst moment that

he really cared about me,” adds Rachel,

“not just my disease.” The fi rst offi ce visit

was on a Friday afternoon, and Dr. Cannom

asked if Rachel would entrust her big blue

notebook to him. It felt like giving away the

family Bible.

He called the Kirby home that Sunday and

said, “I think I have fi gured out what else

is going on with Rachel.” In addition to

the dysautonomia Dr. Cannom identifi ed a

condition named mastocytosis.

In the late spring of 2015, Rachel began

treatment for mastocytosis under the care

of Dr. Cannom. And on June 11, she

was able to do something that even

weeks before no one thought possible.

Rachel “walked” with her classmates and

graduated from high school.

Rachel continues under Dr. Cannom’s care.

Her health is dramatically improved, her

confi dence is returning, and she is full of

hope. Next fall, after a year of getting her

feet back under her, she will enroll

in college.

“It was clear from

the very first

moment that he

really cared about

me, not just my



COVER STORY A Man on a Mission


“Dr. Cannom gave me back my life,” says

Rachel Kirby, an 18-year-old girl with a

pretty face and a sweet smile.

A confi dent, outgoing child, who loved

sports, was involved in student government

and was a great friend to others, Rachel’s

life went into a tailspin in the winter of her

freshman year in high school.

What began as fl u-like symptoms, quickly

got worse. She had extreme fatigue, frequent

fevers, brain fog, blurred vision and was

prone to passing out. Her mother, Tami, took

her from doctor to doctor, but no one could

fi gure out what was wrong with her. Rachel

had to do her schooling at home for three


Tami began to accumulate all the tests

that had been run, along with pictures that

showed Rachel’s symptoms. She put it all in

a big blue binder. “Most of the physicians to

whom I was referred would not even open

the notebook. They all wanted to run their

own tests.”

Eventually Rachel was diagnosed with

dysautonomia, a malfunction of the

autonomic nervous system. But even

though her illness had fi nally been correctly

identifi ed, she continued to get worse. Her

parents heard the words people most dread,

“There is nothing more we can do for your

daughter. This is just how it is for her.”

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Page 21: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Honor Roll of Donors 2015Good Samaritan Hospital’s


IndividualMr. Charles T. Munger

OrganizationsAlfred C. Munger Foundation

Miss Anita Watson Estate

Frank R. Seaver Trust

Good Hope Medical Foundation

I.N. and Susanna H. Van Nuys


Kate Van Nuys Page Foundation



Seaver Institute

$5,000,000 - $9,999,999

OrganizationsAudrienne H. Moseley Estate

California Community Foundation

$1,000,000 - $4,999, 999

IndividualsMs. Gloria Billingsley

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Blumenthal

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Boswell

Mrs. Clyde R. Burr

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gipson

Mr. and Mrs. George Joseph

Mrs. Jeanette L. Matye

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence C. Robertson

Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Rossbacher

Mr. and Mrs. Jin Roy Ryu

Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Weeks

Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Williamson

Mrs. Robert J. Woods, Jr.

OrganizationsAlice Hicks Burr Estate

Ardis J. Barbee Estate

Auxiliary of Good Samaritan


Carson Estate Trust

Connie M. Ring Estate

Ebell Rest Cottage Association

Estelle H. Albaugh Trust

Good Samaritan Hospital

Hall L. Hibbard Family Trust

Henry L. Guenther Foundation

Henry Salvatori Estate

Janice Ogden Carpenter Estate

John Stauffer Charitable Trust

Kathryn June Sapiro Estate Trust

Lee & Herman Ostrow Family


L.K. Whittier Foundation

LG Electronics USA, Inc.

Liliore Green Rains Estate

The Los Angeles Thoracic &

Cardiovascular Foundation

Madeline Frances Wills Estate

Roy E. Thomas Medical


The Rossbacher Firm

Weingart Foundation

William A. Holt Trust

William J. Endres Estate

$500,000 - $999,999

IndividualsDr. and Mrs. Frederic

Tremaine Billings, Jr.

Mrs. F. Otis Booth Jr.

Mrs. Webb Everett

OrganizationsARCO Foundation

The B.C. McCabe Foundation

Betty P. Dietrich Trust

The Boston Scientifi c Foundation

California Offi ce of Homeland


Charles H. Schimpff Residuary


City of Los Angeles

County of Los Angeles,

EMS Agency

Department of the Treasury

Elizabeth Rose Silverforb Trust

The Fletcher Jones Foundation

Frederick and Pauline Moll Trust

George F. MacDonald Estate

Gibson Family Trust

Gilead Sciences Palo Alto, Inc.

Heart and Lung Surgery Foundation

Helen Marie Lewis Medical

Research Foundation

Irma Larsen Estate

The James Irvine Foundation

Jean M. Hethcock Estate

Lela W. Cotter Trust

Medical Staff of Good Samaritan


Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc.

National Health Foundation

The Otis Booth Foundation

The Protestant Episcopal Church

Diocese of Los Angeles

Roy S. and Anna S. Carrington Trust

Stealth Peptides International, Inc.

Thomas and Dorothy Leavey


UniHealth Foundation

Willard and Adeline Keith Trust

$250,000 - $499,000

IndividualsDr. and Mrs. Peter S. Bing

The Right Reverend

and Mrs. Joseph Jon Bruno

Mr. Arthur L. Crowe, Jr.

The Ambassadors of Good Samaritan Hospital

The distinguished members of the Ambassadors of Good Samaritan Hospital have taken the mission of our nonprofi t hospital to

heart with signifi cant giving that helps keep the Hospital at the forefront of excellence. The Ambassadors are the cornerstone

of Good Samaritan’s growth and development. Our members are the leading citizens, families, companies and foundations who

support Good Samaritan Hospital with signifi cant cumulative giving of $50,000 or more. It is with deep gratitude that we list their

names in Good News.

G O O D N E W S FALL 2015 19

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Page 22: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Denham

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drown

Mrs. Gordon Fish

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Halladay

Mrs. Roy Richter

OrganizationsAlice Brown CRAT

Avrum Richard Dansky Estate

Beryl I. Mortlock Trust

Betty Strucker Trust

Boston Scientifi c Corporation

The California Wellness Foundation

Camilla Chandler Family


Columbia University

Dysimmune Neuromuscular

Disease Foundation

Edna Curtis Estate

Echo Hanke Engstrom Estate

First 5 LA

Fritz B. Burns Foundation

Jessie H. Johnson Crut Estate

John L. Herrick Estate Trust

Louis L. and Sylvia B. Meitus

Annuity Trust

Los Angeles Cardiology Associates

Margaret J. Wherry Estate

Masood Family Foundation, Inc.

Medela, Inc.

Medtronic, Inc.

Nicholas J. Limber Estate

Pfi zer, Inc.

Practice Administrative

Consultants, Inc.

The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation

RIBI ImmunoChem Research, Inc.

Richard C. Seaver Estate

Samuel and Norma Ayres Estate

U.S. Department of Agriculture

U.S. Department of Health

and Human Services

Union Pacifi c Foundation

$100,000 - $249,000

IndividualsMr. and Mrs. James P. Allen


The Paul H. Apel Family

Mrs. Susan A. Boething

Mr. and Mrs. William H.


Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Bundy

Mrs. Richard W. Call

Mrs. Justin W. Dart

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dulin

Devona and Phil Fagan, Jr., M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Donlon H.


Mrs. Margaret A. Halvorson

Mr. William H. Hurt

Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Harold Kay

Mrs. Angus M. McLeod

Mr. Glen H. Mitchel, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Mullin

Mrs. James Neville

Mrs. Robert J. Pasarow

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Prindle

Dr. and Mrs. Rangasamy


Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.

Rickershauser, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Earle C. Skinner

Mrs. Norman F. Sprague, Jr.

Mr. Dwight L. Stuart

Mrs. Letitia Rees Wallace

Rev. Marta Weeks

Dr. and Mrs. John C. Wilson, Jr.

Mrs. Ruth Ziegler

OrganizationsAbbott Vascular

Adele C. Smith Estate

Alex Oser Estate

Alex Oser Testamentary Trust

American Heart Association

American Parkinson Disease


AMIT-Technion Research and

Development Foundations, Ltd.

Annabelle Irwin Estate

The Annenberg Foundation

Mrs. B. Milo Mitchel Estate

Bank of America Foundation

The Bing Fund

Biosense Webster, Inc.

Bishop Johnson College of

Nursing Alumnae Association

Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Bryant Essick Estate

California Cancer Foundation

Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc.

The Carpenter Family Trust

Caryll M. and Norman F. Sprague


Celavie Biosciences, LLC

Charles F. Winter Estate

Charles J. and Helen Ford Estate

Clair L. Peck, Jr. Estate

ClinTrials Research, Inc.

Cordis Corporation

Daria Treweek Estate

Dorothy M. Booth Estate

Egbert E. Day Estate

Foundation for the Advancement

of Cardiovascular Therapy

Mrs. Frederick G. Larkin Estate

Georges & Germaine Fusenot

Charity Foundation

Gertrude Dingeman Estate

Good Samaritan Medical Practice

Association, Inc.

Gwladys Zurlo Charitable

Remainder Annuity Trust

Harold Diehl, M.D. Estate

Harriet D. Schmoele Estate

Harriet Rudd Estate

Henry Amos Claffey Trust

Hutto Patterson Charitable


J.B. and Emily Van Nuys Charities

Jesse C. Shepard Trust

John C. Cosgrove Estate

John D. and Catherine T.

MacArthur Foundation

Joseph Drown Foundation

Katherine E. Powell Estate

Kathryn L. Albaugh, M.D. Estate

Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris


LLWW Foundation

Los Angeles Cardiology


Lucille Harkins Estate

Marie E. Spellmeyer Estate

Marion Law Trust

Marshall and Margherite

McComb Foundation

McNeil Consumer & Specialty


N. Paschall Unitrust

Payden & Rygel

Pfi zer, Inc.

Richard Anton Such Estate

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese

of Los Angeles

Russell S. Mangliers Estate

Tina C. Foundation

Santa Anita Foundation

Sikand Foundation

State of California

University of Rochester

Medical Center

University of Washington


Dr. David S. Cannom with staff of the Heart and Vascular Center at Good Samaritan


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Page 23: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

$50,000 - $99,999

IndividualsMr. and Mrs. Robert S. Andrews


Mr. and Mrs. Guilford C. Babcock

Mrs. Solomon R. Baker

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bender

Mr. Edward M. Benson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bitting

Mrs. Nick L. Bogdanovich

Mrs. Richard W. Call

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dickinson

Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Felando

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Galbraith

Mr. Samuel Goldwyn, Jr.

Mr. George C. Good

Mrs. Norman B. Herman

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Jameson

Ms. Gloria Joseph

Gregory and Susan Kay

Winfi eld L. Kelley and

Melinda B. Shea-Kelley

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Leeka

Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCoy

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Marshall C. Milligan

Mr. and Mrs. R. Robert Ralphs, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. J. Carroll Ramseyer

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Schmutz

Dr. and Mrs. Bijan Siassi

Dr. and Mrs. George B. Stoneman

Mr. and Mrs. David E. Turgeon

Mrs. Kathryn W. Upham

Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Volk

Mrs. Ruth Ziegler

OrganizationsAlavita Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Alliance Pharmaceutical


Bard Electrophysiology Division

Beatrice M. Smith Estate

BIOrest, Ltd.

Blue Shield of California


Boehringer Ingelheim

Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Braun Charitable Trusts

California Energy Commission

Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation

Cebulski Living Trust

Charles See Foundation

City National Bank

Clementine Smith Estate

Clinical Cardiovascular

Research, LLC

Crothall Healthcare, Inc.

Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.

Dan Murphy Foundation


Dorothy B. Dizney Estate

Dorothy P. Frayne Estate

Douglas & Eunice Erb Goodan

Family Foundation Trust

Elekta Instruments, Inc.

Erma H. Anderson Estate

Esther Braverman Estate Trust

Frank P. Winne Trust

Genentech, Inc.

George Byron Hatten Trust

Geraldine Reynolds Estate

The Hainer Foundation

Health Research Associates, Inc.

Hermenia Hutchinson Trust

ICI Americas, Inc.

ICOS Corporation

InterMed So. Cal, Inc.

John Kenneth Ehretz Estate

Joseph James Dagnall

Trust Kendle

Lona A. Dagenais Estate

The Maloney Family Foundation

Marion Schulman Estate

Mary C. Heilman Estate

Maybelle I. Millar Estate

Merck & Co, Inc.

Milo W. Bekins Foundation

Northwestern University

Paul H. Dunlap Estate

PeriCor Therapeutics, Inc.

Perry and Frances E. Dance Estate

Poongsan America Corporation

Richard C. Seaver Charitable


Ron Stever Estate

Sara Stein Jones Estate

The Sharma Foundation

Thirza and Chauncey Medberry III


Skirball Foundation

Stryker Instruments

University of Southern California

The Upjohn Company

Warren Manufacturing Co., Inc.

Wilbur C. Grosse Trust

Winthrop University Hospital

The Ziegler Family Trust

Mr. Charles T. Munger

Dr. and Mrs. Rangasamy


Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Williamson

OrganizationsAlfred C. Munger Foundation

Auxiliary of Good Samaritan


Biosense Webster, Inc.

Bishop Johnson College of

Nursing Alumnae Association

Chairman’s Leadership ($25,000+)

IndividualsMr. and Mrs. Jack L. Blumenthal

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Borthwick

Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Bundy

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Denham

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gipson

Ms. Gloria Joseph

Mr. and Mrs. George Joseph

Boston Scientifi c Corporation

California Community Foundation

California Energy Commission

Carson Estate Trust

City of Los Angeles

County of Los Angeles,

EMS Agency

Dysimmune Neuromuscular

Disease Foundation

Frank R. Seaver Trust

Gwladys and John Zurlo

Charitable Foundation

The James Irvine Foundation

John Stauffer Charitable Trust

Johnson Family Trust Dated

March 30, 1989-Survivor’s Trust

Kathryn June Sapiro Estate Trust

L.K. Whittier Foundation

Medtronic, Inc.

Millie and Severson

Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc.

NACCHO/National Association City

& County Health Offi cials

Nicholas J. Limber Estate

Annual Giving Honor Roll

This section recognized gifts received between September 1, 2014 and August 31, 2015. All gifts are important and appreciated. Your gift helps Good Samaritan Hospital remain a center of excellence in providing exceptional health services.

G O O D N E W S FALL 2015 21

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Page 24: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Kate Van Nuys Page

Foundation Trust

Practice Administrative

Consultants, Inc.


Roy E. Thomas Medical Foundation

Sikand Foundation

U.S. Department of Agriculture

I.N. and Susanna H. Van Nuys


Trustee’s Leadership ($10,000 - $24,999)

IndividualsMr. and Mrs. James P. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Andrews

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Denham

Andrew Deutsch, M.D.

Devona and Phil Fagan, Jr., M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keely

Winfi eld L. Kelley and Melinda B.


Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lawton

Mrs. Angus M. McLeod

Mr. Glen H. Mitchel, Jr.

Sok H. Nam, M.D. and Mrs. Soo Nam

Mr. and Mrs. R. Robert Ralphs, Jr.

OrganizationsDouglas & Eunice Erb Goodan

Family Foundation Trust

Ebell Rest Cottage Association

Horton Howe Foundation

Medical Staff of Good Samaritan


Payden & Rygel

Richard C. Seaver Charitable Trust

Warren Manufacturing Co., Inc.

President’s Leadership Circle ($5,000 - $9,999)

IndividualsDr. Sushma Adarkar

and Mr. Ashwin Adarkar


Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Bing

Mrs. Nick L. Bogdanovich

Mr. and Mrs. Dal Corsaro

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dickinson

Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Felando

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Gilson

Mrs. George Good

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Griffi th

Mr. Charles Harris

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Leeka

Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Meister

Mrs. Wendy Munger

and Mr. Leonard L. Gumport

Mrs. Richard Naify

Mrs. James Neville

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Pherson

Ms. Rebecca S. Planer

Mr. and Mrs. Jin Roy Ryu

Ms. S. Jane Schulzetenberg

Dr. and Mrs. Bijan Siassi

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Taylor

OrganizationsThe June and Paul Bilgore

Charitable Fund

California Commercial Real

Estate Services

Caroline M. Bleim Estate

Crothall Healthcare, Inc.

Currie Medical Specialties, Inc.

De Soto Industrial Park No. 2

Dorothy M. Booth Estate

Edgewood Partners Insurance

Center (epic)

G & G Fritzinger Living Trust

Genentech, Inc.

Hanmi Bank

Hospital Focus, LLC

Huron Consulting Group, Inc.

The Maloney Family Foundation

Medline Industries, Inc.

Robert and Adele Stern Foundation

Terumo Medical Corporation

van Hall Law Offi ce

Wilshire Bank

Associates in Caring ($1,000 - $4,999)

IndividualsMr. Benam Ahmadpour

Michael Albanese

Ligda E. Alegria

Ms. Linda Alweiss

Chaplain Jerry Anderson


R. Charito Antonio

Mr. and Mrs. Guilford C. Babcock

Mr. and Mrs. David Barry, III

Margaret E. Bates, M.D.

Ellis N. Beesley, Jr., M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bender

Ms. Nola Bertelson

Dr. and Mrs. James S. Bonorris

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin O. Booth III

Dr. and Mrs. Nachman Brautbar

Mr. and Mrs. James Brewer

Mr. Kevin P. Burke

Mr. Dean Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McFarland

Chandler, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Ching Chen

Mr. and Mrs. George S. Chey

Mr. and Mrs. William Clayton, Jr.

Mr. John Cleator

Mrs. Mary Jo Coe

Rev. and Mrs. Austin B. Coe

Mrs. Brian Dockweiler Crahan

Ms. Hilary Crahan

Mr. Arthur L. Crowe, Jr.

Mrs. Emma Datis

The Rev. Ronald David

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Davis

Eloisa C. De Guzman

Ms. Susan M. Del Rosario

Mrs. N. Spencer Dennis

Mr. Arnie T. Denolo

Glorina D. Diosomito

W. King Engel, M.D. and Valerie

Askanas-Engel, M.D., Ph.D.

Mr. and Mrs. George Farmer

Sammy Feuerlicht

and Susanne Simpson

Drs. Andrew J. Fishmann

and Kim C. Le

Ron and Kimberly Flowers

Grace Gabe, M.D.

Michael J. Gomez

Dr. and Mrs. Cary Gota

Ms. Mimi Grant

and Mr. Robert Kelley

Ms. Alice E. Gray

Rosario Gutierrez

Charles and Julia Hancock

Masood and Anne Haque

Alexis G. Hoen, M.D.

David Huang, M.D.

Anna Jane Huff

Mr. Michael D. Ikeda

Mike Illa, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ino

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Jameson

Ms. Janice Joyce

Rainbow Jung

Mrs. Katsuo Kato

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Klein

JoAnna Kuehl, N.P.

Stephen K. Kwan, M.D.

Mr. Richard G. Lacher

Mrs. Hubert F. Laugharn, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Hasung S. Lee

Chuan Thong Lee

Mrs. Robert E. Levis

Barbara Lewis

Charlotte L. Lipson

Luis G. Lopez

Aurora B. Manrique

Angel Martinez Mendoza

Mr. Alex Maydanich

Mr. Grant McArn

Dan McLaughlin

Ira Meiselman

Mr. Michael A. Meyer

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Moore

Mr. Marcos Morgana

Ms. Mary Munson

Samir Nabulsi

Michael Neils

Mrs. Richard H. Neuman

Faustina Oppong

Dr. and Mrs. Leo Orr

Dr. and Mrs. Jose L. Pacheco

Drs. Rita and Robert Palmer

Dr. and Mrs. David Sung Park


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Page 25: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Casey and Shauna Pearce

Margaret Pfeiffer

Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Porter

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prichard

Dr. and Mrs. Julio A. Raya

Dr. Harold and

Mrs. Mahshid Reaves

Mr. Ernesto Rendon

Mr. Angel E. Rodriguez

Mr. Frederick J. Ruopp

Ms. Loretta M. Salas

Marc and Marianne Samson

Lexie Schuster

Ms. Clarinda N. Sevilla

Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Shiu

Shahid H. Sial, M.D.

Becky and Steve Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Springer

Mr. Tolabus Stein

Mrs. Gordon Stephens

Mrs. R. L. Stern

Dr. and Mrs. George B. Stoneman

Mavis C. Swann

Mary Y. Thenarse-Wright

Kathy and Brian Thorne

Mrs. Daryl A. Underwood

Greg and Sharon Van Sickel

Jamie and Gayle Whitcomb

Ms. Rose C. Wong

Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wopschall

Ms. Kathy Yoshimura

Ms. Eun K. Yuh

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Zanville

OrganizationsAbbott Laboratories


Affi liated Pathologists

Medical Group

Alcon, Inc.


The Howard and Nikki Applebaum


AstraZeneca LP

Athena Parking, Inc.

Brittingham Family Foundation

California Lung Associates

CareMore Health Plan

Cooperative of American

Physicians, Inc.

Cuningham Group Architecture

Cupertino Electric, Inc.

Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.

Department of Water and Power

Patrick A. Doheny 1996 Charitable

Remainder Annuity Trust

ELIPSe, Inc.

The Emergency Department

& Hospitalists

Ernst & Young LLP

Frank P. Winne Trust

Fraser Watson & Croutch LLP

Gilead Sciences Palo Alto, Inc.

Good Samaritan Medical

Practice Association, Inc.

The Henry J. Kaiser Family


Gregory K. Hong Medical


Immaculate Heart High School

Iridex Corporation


The Karsh Family Foundation

Korean American Medical

Group, Inc.

Stewart and Stewart Law Offi ce

Los Angeles Cardiology


Maggie Mather, Inc.

McGarry & Laufenberg

Med One Equipment Services

MedAssets, Inc.

PCT International Corporation

Quest Diagnostics

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Renaissance Imaging Medical


RISARC Consulting, LLC

Samaritan Anesthesia Medical

Group/ Department of Surgery

Schoellerman Foundation


Solutions & More

Sterilmed, Inc.


Wilbur C. Grosse Trust

Xerox Corporation

Zoll LifeVest Corporation

Zurich American Insurance


Contributors ($500 - $999)

IndividualsMs. Taikanegest Alebel


Rosemarie Ansari

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Appleton

Stephen and Catherine Ascher

Renee Ayat

Dohree Batongbacal

Ms. Chelsea R. Beck

and Mr. Kurt D. Mueller

Jane and Phil Bellomy

Rose Marie Berry

Rosemary Boston

Mr. Lee Brennan

Eva and Bobby Castillo

Martina and Robert Chavira

Ms. Ann Chung

Mr. Thomas Chung

Francisco Clemente

Mr. Jonathan Climaco

Dora Collins

Mrs. Martin A. Collison, Jr.

Ms. Evan S. Cruz

Mr. Robert C. De La Paz

Mrs. Charles J. Detoy

Ms. Danila Fazlali

Ms. Darlene Fields

Ms. Maricris Frias

Ms. Gemima Gomez

Mayra G. Gomez

Monique Gonzalez

Judelyn Gutierrez, R.N.

Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hampar

Alex Hargro, Jr.

Ms. Sakuntala Harrison

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hasbrouck

James J. and Corinne Hawk


Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Heartfi eld

Mark Holdych

Mr. Wallace H. Houchin

Juliann Inouye

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Jenks

Tai Y. Kang

Mr. Glen Kazahaya and Guest

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kim

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kitch

Peter and Lavon Lenkey

Mr. and Mrs. James K. Logsdon

Mr. Fred P. Luvisi, Jr.

Benjamin Ly

Ms. Bessie Mandap

Ricardo Martinez

Mr. Jimmy McNeil

G O O D N E W S FALL 2015 23

(Far left) Ivan Ho, M.D., Director of Complex Arrhythmia and (Far right) Anil Bhandari,

M.D., Director of Electrophysiology Services at the Heart & Vascular Center, along

with staff.

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Page 26: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Paul and Chris McRae

Mr. Ricardo Medina

Mr. Benjamin Mittleman

Ms. Flor M. Molina

Tina Moore-Yamron

Mr. Mike Wendell Nava

Ms. Doerthe O. Obert

Gerard Orban

Celia Orellana

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pando

Joan Payne

Maria C. Perez

Sukhvinder Puri

Mrs. Jean Felcyn Ristic

Ms. Lynn Sales

Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Salvo

George Sanchez

Ms. Myrna R. Santillan

Ms. Claire Scanlon

Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Scharf

Mr. Willie G. Smith

Jamie A. Solorzano

Mr. Alan P. Sta-Ana

Anthony Stewart

Dr. Evangelina R. Stockwell

Ms. Ma Carmela R. Sy

Ms. Ruth Takamoto

Ms. Diana K. Tani

Ms. Ana Tavera

Ms. Eleanor Tavris

Ms. Jean Timbal

Alicia Torcuator

Ms. Melina Torres

Mr. Gary Townsend

Mrs. William S. Tsuchiya

Alicia Valdespino

Ms. Rosalyn Vick

Sandra L. Wallace, M.D.

Janice Zemlicka

Mrs. Ruth Ziegler

OrganizationsAmerican Association

of Critical Care

Cardinal Health

Cebula IT Consulting LLC

Centervue, Inc.


CPL Advertising

Dignity Health

Interstate Restoration

& Construction Services

Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies

of Johnson & Johnson

Korean American Nurses

Association of Southern California

LA Healthcare Federal Credit Union

Listennshare Mission

Maquet Cardiovascular

US Sales LLC

Maquet Medical Systems, USA

The Protestant Episcopal Church

Diocese of Los Angeles

Roclord Studio

The Society of St. Francis

St. Jude Medical

USMC Veterans

Whittier Trust Company


Generous Gifts Made in Loving Memory and in Honor of

Good Samaritan Hospital invites the community to make donations in memory or in honor of family members, special friends and caregivers who deserve special tributes. Memorial and tributes gifts are ideal for commemorating the passing of a loved one, friend or colleague; celebrating a birthday, anniversary or special event; or honoring a special physician, nurse or caregiver in appreciation for exceptional care.

Gifts In Honor of:

In Honor of Zainab Olanigan


Ms. Rebecca Hadar

In Honor of Andrea and Micelle

in the Baby Ward

Mr. Stephen James

and Ms. Jen McCreary

In Honor of Vincent L. Anthony

Mr. Enrique Andrade

In Honor of Ernie Back

Mrs. Beverly Browning Tippin

In Honor of Margaret E. Bates, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. John Babcock

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Brunner

Mrs. Willis H. Durst, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Griffi th

Ms. Deborah Iwamoto

Ms. Judith Meister

Ms. P. Strode

In Honor of Anil K. Bhandari, M.D.

The Howard and Nikki Applebaum


Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brunner

Dr. Martin E. Offenberger

Mrs. Gloria Wells

Mr. Wen Sheng Yeh

In Honor of Susan M. Blumenthal

Mr. and Mrs. George Farmer

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Griffi th

In Honor of James S. Bonorris, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Blumenthal

In Honor of F. Grant Buckle, M.D.

Mr. George M. Gibo

Mr. Federico A. Lucero

Ms. Stella Meketarian

In Honor of Barbara A. Bundy

Mr. Charles Harris

In Honor of Steven Burstein, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Yeprem M. Baghboudarian

Mr. William Dinsenbacher

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Martinez

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. O’Sullivan

Mr. Charles Wilson

and Mrs. Hisako Owen

In Honor of Emily S. Campbell

Ms. Maria L. Ubaldo

In Honor of David S. Cannom

Mr. John W. Alden

Mr. William A. Barron

Mr. William J. Bedford

The June and Paul Bilgore

Charitable Fund

Ms. Beverly Bingham

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Blumenthal

Mr. and Mrs. James Brewer

Mrs. Marie H. Burk

Mrs. Anna I. Calnan

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McFarland

Chandler, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Chaney

Mrs. Martin A. Collison, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Warren D. Cutting

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Dewhirst

Mrs. Willis H. Durst, Jr.

Mrs. Yone Fujishima

Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Georgeson

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Page 27: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Given

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Griffi th

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hawk

Horton Howe Foundation

Mr. Wallace H. Houchin

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keely

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Kuehn

Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Lenkey

Mr. and Mrs. James K. Logsdon

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McCurry, Jr.

Eugenia Megus, M.D.

Mrs. Richard Naify

Mrs. James Neville

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Norstrom

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. O’Sullivan

Mr. Samuel Prum

Robert and Adele Stern Foundation

Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Scharf

Dr. Evangelina R. Stockwell

Ms. Eleanor Tavris

Ms. Maria L. Ubaldo

Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Wohlenberg

In Honor of Cardiac Rehab Team

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Pfeiffer

In Honor of Alexander S. Chai

Ms. Imelda Dinoso

Miss Elvira Felix-Esteban

Mrs. Julia Hancock

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paul Parnagian

In Honor of Soo-Hun S. Chong, M.D.

Mr. Bohun S. Joh

In Honor of Housekeeping Staff

Mrs. Robert E. Levis

In Honor of Joanna M. Davies, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McFarland Chandler, Jr.

Mrs. Robert J. Van Dyke

In Honor of Mark A. Dwight, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Balesh

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Brunner

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McFarland

Chandler, Jr.

Mrs. Charles J. Detoy

Ms. Deborah Iwamoto

Ms. Elizabeth Lowengrub

In Honor of Christina H. Economides, M.D.

Ms. Maria L. Ubaldo

In Honor of Philip J. Fagan, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ferrandino

Ms. Aida Tomines

In Honor of Andrew J. Fishmann, M.D.

Mr. Kevin P. Burke

Mr. Alfred S. Wang

In Honor of Ron P. Gallemore

Ms. Maria C. Baker

In Honor of Ali Gheissari, M.D.

Ms. Glenda Cordoncillo

In Honor of Cathleen A. Godzik

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Carpenter

In Honor of all Compassionate

Good Sam Physicians

Noriko Ikemoto

In Honor of All of the Great Staff

of Good Samaritan Hospital

Ms. Barbara A. Kutulis

In Honor of Wesley M. Groves, M.D.

Mr. Clarence E. Taylor

In Honor of Glenn E. Hatfi eld, M.D.

Mrs. Edward Breen

Mrs. William S. Tsuchiya

In Honor of Wesley R. Heartfi eld, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Heartfi eld

In Honor of Ivan C. Ho, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Dewhirst

In Honor of Alexis G. Hoen, M.D.

Ms. Ellen Park

In Honor of Thomas L. Horowitz, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Benjamin

In Honor of Cindy Huang, M.D.

Mr. Robert G. Watkins

In Honor of David Huang, M.D.

Mr. Ken Kajiwara

In Honor of Terry P. Jerge, M.D.

Mrs. Richard H. Neuman

In Honor of Thomas H. Kanegae, M.D.

Mrs. Natsuko O. Akiyama

Ms. Ludmila Manko

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Nagamine

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Pfeiffer

Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Uchida

In Honor of Larry T. Khoo, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Andrews

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Blumenthal

In Honor of Moez Khorsandi, D.O.

Mr. Herbert Kanighter

In Honor of Sarkis Kiramijyan

Ms. Maria L. Ubaldo

In Honor of Thomas Kurpiewski

Mr. Chris Paetsch

In Honor of Faye Lee, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Davis

In Honor of William T. Long, M.D.

Mrs. M. Lorayne Douglass

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hough

Mr. Cecil R. Maupin

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Pederson

Ms. Helen Tice

Ms. Mary F. Weis

In Honor of Shalini Mahajan, M.D.

Ms. Katherine Haderlein

In Honor of Patrick A. Mauer, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Keimi

Ms. Ellen Park

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart

In Honor of Guy S. Mayeda, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Terrence Fitzgibbons

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. O’Sullivan

Ms. Ellen Park

In Honor of Neonatology

Department - Lactation Specialists

Ms. Anne Csere

In Honor of Christopher C. Ng, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Benjamin

In Honor of NICU Nurses

Mr. Joseph Prichard

and Ms. Marie Massa

In Honor of Christine Nolan

Mr. C. Howard Doty

In Honor of Anne Oliphant

Ms. Anne McNally

In Honor of Charles Pollick, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Balesh

In Honor of

Carol A. Richardson-Te, M.D.

Ms. Maria L. Ubaldo

In Honor of Jeffrey L. Rosenberg, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McFarland Chandler, Jr.

In Honor of Jonathan R. Saluta, M.D.

Larchmont Physical Therapy

Ms. Ellen Park

In Honor of Marc A. Samson, M.D.

Larchmont Physical Therapy

Ms. Elizabeth A. Baumann

Ms. Kathy Whooley

In Honor of Lasika C. Seneviratne, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Andrews

Mr. Ken Kajiwara

In Honor of Dillion P. Shah

Love’s Way

In Honor of Thomas L. Shook, M.D.

Mr. Robert Schurle

In Honor of the Dining Staff

Mrs. Robert E. Levis

In Honor of Mohinder S. Sohal, M.D.

Ms. Pamela R. Holganza

G O O D N E W S FALL 2015 25

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Page 28: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

In Honor of Linda G. Sterry, M.D.

Mr. Glenn Thomson

In Honor of Arthur P. Widawski

Mr. W. Randall Sheriff

In Honor of Carl Terzian

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Zanville

In Honor of Stuart L. Willson, M.D.

Mrs. Edward Breen

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Griffi th

Mrs. David Brice Hill

Mrs. Ake Sandler

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Schulte

In Honor of Stanley H. Wishner, M.D.

Ms. Zrelda K. Sealey

In Honor of Sarah K. Yamaguchi, M.D.

Ms. Aida Tomines

Gifts In Loving Memory of:

In Memory of Kourken Andonian

Mr. Edward Andonian

In Memory of Apolonia A. Andre

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Andre

In Memory of James A. Blumenthal

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Aubert

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Blumenthal

Dr. and Mrs. James S. Bonorris

Mrs. Timi Freshman

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Palmer

Mr. and Mrs. David Watts

In Memory of Bob Borden

Ms. Rebecca K. Fuller

In Memory of Paul

and Sanford Briskman

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bellomy

In Memory of Peter D. Bundy

Mrs. Peter D. Bundy

Mr. Charles Harris

In Memory of Jacklyn Burchill

Alexis G. Hoen, M.D.

In Memory of Austin B. Coe

Ms. Linda Alweiss

Ms. Karen Anderson

Ms. Lydia Asselin

Ms. Marilyn Asselin

Mrs. Mary Jo Coe

Ms. Nancy J. Coe

Ms. Janice Willis

In Memory of Florence Cohen

Ms. Helen Rand

In Memory of Val Davajan

Drs. Jennifer and Robert Israel

In Memory of O. Claree Noland Doty

Mr. C. Howard Doty

In Memory of Virginia Duvall

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Blumenthal

In Memory of John Erskine

Mrs. Elizabeth Erskine

In Memory of George C. Good

Mrs. Marcia Good

In Memory of Margaret

Louise Harrington

Mr. Robert Harrington

In Memory of Leland Hawkins

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Dilibert

In Memory of Diane S. Ikeda

Mr. Michael D. Ikeda

In Memory of Julius

and Pauline LaBonte

Ms. Charlotte L. Lipson

In Memory of Judy Lind

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Clundt

In Memory of Gweneth H. Lundy

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Andrews

Ms. Susan E. Andrews

Ms. Marian L. Banning

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Blumenthal

Mrs. Kilbee C. Brittain

Mrs. Rogg Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Craddock

Mrs. Brian Dockweiler Crahan

Mrs. William W. Davies

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fenady

Mrs. Katherine Gates

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harker

Mr. Donald M. Hoffman

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anson Hotaling

Mr. and Mrs. Gareth R. Hughes

Ms. Christine Jardine-Bourdeau

Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Lundy

Mrs. Angus M. McLeod

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pantages

Mr. Adaline H. Sanford

Mrs. Barbara P. Sargeant

Mrs. Richard W. Schuur

Mrs. Gordon Stephens

Dr. and Mrs. George B. Stoneman

Mrs. Joyce Stuart

Mr. and Mrs. Thiel Sullivan

Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Witt, Jr.

In Memory of Phillip McReynolds

Johnson Family Trust Dated

March 30, 1989-Survivor’s Trust

In Memory of Richard H. Neuman, M.D.

Mrs. Richard H. Neuman

In Memory of Daniel, Ernest

and Rose Paik

Ms. Ellen Jane Paik

In Memory of Sabrina B. Prichard

Mr. Matthew Connell

and Mr. Eduardo Caldera

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Connell

Ms. Colleen Corcoran

Ms. Margaret L. M. Darby

Mr. Christopher L. Elwell

and Ms. Kory Odell

Mr. Thomas C. Foster

and Dr. Helen M. Foster

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Giwoff

Ms. Teira K. Johnson

Ms. Yumi Levine

Mr. and Mrs. S. William Livingston

Ms. Joan R. Muench

Mr. Joseph Prichard

and Ms. Marie Massa

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prichard

Mr. and Mrs. Chirstopher J. Rider

Mrs. Elizabeth Useen

Good Ground Consulting LLC

In Memory of Vic Rosetti

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Appleton

In Memory of Alice E. Segner

Ms. Beverly J. Stansfi eld

In Memory of Ramona K. Shankland

Mr. Jerryl D. Shankland

In Memory of David Shaw

Ms. Nancy E. Hartmann

In Memory of Elinor Smith

Mr. and Mrs. David T. Balfour

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Craddock

Mrs. Edgar L. Fraser

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anson Hotaling

Mrs. E. H. McLaughlin, Jr.

Ms. Nancy Pelton Worthington

In Memory of Russell Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Smith

In Memory of Arthur C.

and Ruth Nicholson Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Jameson

In Memory of Robert Van Dyke

Mrs. Robert J. Van Dyke

In Memory of Mary H. Wilson

Auxiliary of Good Samaritan Hospital

In Memory of Margaret M. Wolfe

Mr. Robert Wolfe

In Memory of Sally G. Woodward

Auxiliary of Good Samaritan Hospital


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Page 29: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

IndividualsMr. Joseph P. Amato

Mrs. Edythe McCulley Avery

Dr. Margaret E. Bates

and Mr. Scott Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Blumenthal

Mrs. Nick L. Bogdanovich

Dr. and Mrs. James S. Bonorris

The Rt. Rev. and

Mrs. Joseph Jon Bruno

Mrs. Peter D. Bundy

Ms. Leona Cohen

Mrs. Emma Lydia Datis

Mrs. Gordon D. Donald

Mr. Stephen Ernst

Mr. Fred Fengler

Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Feuerlicht

James E. Gernert, M.D.

Ms. Betty L. Hall

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Halladay

Ms. Anne-Marie Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Jeung

Ms. Karen W. King

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Larson

Mr. Robert Lind

Mr. and Mrs. William Lynn

Ms. Jessica Niblo

Dr. and Mrs. Jose L. Pacheco

Ms. Jane Vruwink Palmer

Ms. Loralou M. Peeler

John H. Plimpton, Ph.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Ranslem

Mrs. Jean Felcyn Ristic

Ms. Evelyn M. Schiess

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schupp

Dr. and Mrs. Earle C. Skinner

Mrs. Anne Bernard Stadler

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stark

Mr. Bruce R. Tadajewski

Legacy Society

The Good Samaritan Hospital Legacy Society is an association of concerned individuals who are leaving a legacy that will foster medical excellence for many years to come. The Legacy Society honors those special friends of Good Samaritan Hospital who have made provisions in their wills or estate plans to support the future growth and development of healthcare. Through their partnership in our future, these treasured friends of the Hospital are making a lasting contribution to the quality of life in Los Angeles by ensuring that the fi nest quality healthcare will be available for generations to come.

G O O D N E W S FALL 2015 27

Mrs. Letitia Rees Wallace

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Walls

Mrs. Verona E. Weeks

Ms. Carol Widmer

OrganizationsAudrienne H. Moseley Estate

Adele C. Smith Estate

Albert McCarthy Estate

Alex Oser Estate

Alex Oser Testamentary Trust

Alice Brown CRAT

Alice H. Finburgh Estate

Alice Hicks Burr Estate

Anita Russo Fox Estate

Annabelle Irwin Estate

Archine V. N. Fetty Estate

Ardis J. Barbee Estate

Avrum Richard Dansky Estate

Barbara Charnley Ashe Trust

Beatrice M. Smith Estate

Benjamin Joseph, Jr. Estate

Beryl I. Mortlock Trust

Betty P. Dietrich Trust

Betty Strucker Trust

Brainerd Marital Trust

Braun Charitable Trusts

The Carpenter Family Trust

Carson Estate Trust

Cebulski Living Trust

Charles F. Winter Estate

Charles H. Schimpff

Residuary Trust

Charles J. and Helen Ford Estate

Clementine Smith Estate

Connie M. Ring Estate

Daria Treweek Estate

David T. Papkin Estate

Dorothy B. Dizney Estate

Dorothy Kieffer Estate

Dorothy M. Booth Estate

Dorothy Millard Magruder

Living Trust

Dorothy P. Frayne Estate

Earl D. Long Trust

Edna Curtis Estate

Egbert E. Day Estate

Elizabeth A. Olstad Family Trust

Elizabeth B. Traynor Estate

Elizabeth Rose Silverforb Trust

Elwood S. Kendrick Trust

Emmett H. Jones Family Trust

Echo Hanke Engstrom Estate

Erle P. Halliburton Estate

Erma H. Anderson Estate

Estelle H. Albaugh Trust

Esther Braverman Estate Trust

Esther Louise Modern Estate

Esther Possehl Estate

Eunice F. Todd Trust

Fay E. Sinclair Estate

Frank R. Seaver Trust

Frank P. Winne Trust

Frederick and Pauline Moll Trust

George Byron Hatten Trust

George F. MacDonald Estate

George W. Goman

Charitable Unitrust

Geraldine Reynolds Estate

Gertrude Dingeman Estate

Gibson Family Trust

Gloria Reynolds Estate

Gwladys and John Zurlo

Charitable Foundation

Gwladys Zurlo Charitable

Remainder Annuity Trust

Hall L. Hibbard Family Trust

The new NICU equipment allows Good Samaritan Hospital’s outstanding medical

team to continue to lead the way in the care of premature and critically ill infants.

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Page 30: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Harold Diehl, M.D. Estate

Harriet D. Schmoele Estate

Harriet Rudd Estate

Harriet Silverman Estate

Haruye Gohata Estate

The Heavenly Star 2007 Charitable

Lead Annuity Trust

Helen C. Anderson Estate

Helen C. Decker Estate

Henry Amos Claffey Trust

Hermenia Hutchinson Trust

Irma Larsen Estate

J.M. Elliott Trust

James M. Ragen, Jr. Trust Fund

Jean M. Hethcock Estate

Jean Palmer Estate Trust

Jesse C. Shepard Trust

Jessie H. Johnson Crut Estate

John C. Cosgrove Estate

John F. and Effi e A. Fechtig Estate

John Kenneth Ehretz Estate

John L. Herrick Estate Trust

Joseph James Dagnall Trust

Katherine E. Powell Estate

Kathryn June Sapiro Estate Trust

Kathryn L. Albaugh, M.D. Estate

Lela W. Cotter Trust

Leland Hawkins Estate

Leonard Feldman Charitable Trust

Lewis T. Gardiner Estate

Liliore Green Rains Estate

Lillis Florence Dickson Estate

Linda A. Henson Estate

Lona A. Dagenais Estate

Louis L. and Sylvia B. Meitus

Annuity Trust

Lucille Harkins Estate

Madeline Frances Wills Estate

Margaret J. Wherry Estate

Marguerite Kasden Estate

Marie E. Spellmeyer Estate

Marion Law Trust

Marion Schulman Estate

Marjorie B. Myers Estate

Mary C. Heilman Estate

Mary Freitas Estate

Mary Grashoff Estate

Maybelle I. Millar Estate

Mumler Family Trust

N. Paschall Unitrust

Noel Scott Trust

Olga K. and Albert H. Wolf Trusts

Oliver B. Garver, Jr. Estate

Kate Van Nuys Page

Foundation Trust

Patricia Prindle Living Trust

Paul H. Dunlap Estate

Perry and Frances E. Dance Estate

Richard Anton Such Estate

Robert Lingis Estate

Roberta Crutcher, M.D. Estate

Rose Stover Trust

Roy S. and Anna S. Carrington Trust

Russell S. Mangliers Estate

Ruth Stevenson Everson Estate

Samuel and Norma Ayres Estate

Samuel Ayres, Jr., M.D. Estate

Sara Stein Jones Estate

Seaver Institute

Sidney Stern Memorial Trust

Stanley and Anne Christensen Estate

The Wass Family Community Trust

Miss Anita Watson Estate

Wilbur C. Grosse Trust

Wilhelmina Prowell Estate

Willard and Adeline Keith Trust

William “Bill” and Charlotte Schlaifer


William A. Holt Trust

William and Mafe Bunga

Revocable Trust

William C. Hornickel Trust

William J. Endres Estate

William S. Schmidt Trust

Gifts In Kind

IndividualsMrs. Beatrice Behrens Blaauw

Ms. Cynthia Comsky

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Dobrzynski

Ms. Laurie Schecher

Becky and Steve Smith

Kathy and Brian Thorne

Ms. Cynthia Vasquez

Mr. Robert Wolfe

OrganizationsAthena Parking, Inc.

CX & B United Corporation

Downtown Plastic Surgery

Gift Shop of Good Samaritan


Golden State Grand Chapter

Hatz 4 Hearts

HealthPresence, Inc.

The Honest Company

The L.A. Hotel Downtown

Langer’s Delicatessen

The Los Angeles Athletic Club

Love’s Way

Pacifi c Dining Car, Inc.

Pacifi c Rim Printers

Roclord Studio

Santa Monica Playhouse

Smart Art & Design, Inc.

Spectrum Recruiting



“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world.

For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”

—Margaret Mead

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Page 31: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Demands on your time and wallet increase daily, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the obligations that come up. Perhaps one of the items on your to-do list is to send a donation to help support Good Samaritan Hospital, but because you are already stretching your funds in many directions, you may not be sure you can be as charitable as you would like at this time.

Keep Your Cash FlowAdding a bequest provision to your will or living trust could be the answer. By making a gift of your assets at death – be it cash, stocks, real estate or other property – there is no need to affect your current cash fl ow. And since the bequest doesn’t go into effect until after your lifetime, you can change the provisions in your will or trust at any time.

If you wish to give us a percentage of what is left of your estate after other benefi ciaries have received their share, you can. By making a gift of a percentage of your estate, your gift will remain proportionate to the size of your estate, no matter how it fl uctuates. Plus, there are no estate taxes owed on amounts left through a charitable bequest.

Pledge Your Future SupportIn many cases, bequests offer the best of both worlds. You retain full control of your assets without depleting them now, while helping ensure that Good Samaritan Hospital continues to grow and thrive in the future. Contact us to learn more.

Andrea Morseburg Director, Principal & Planned Gifts [email protected]

Leaving Your LegacyOn Your Own Terms

Thank you for your support.

Your donations – large and small

– make a big difference.

How to Take Care of Family First

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Page 32: GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITALGood Samaritan Hospital is a progressive, tertiary, nonprofi t hospital. Our Mission is to provide accessible, quality, cost-effective and compassionate healthcare

Board of Trustees

Development Department

1225 Wilshire Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90017-1901

Non-Profi t Org.

U.S. Postage

PAIDLos Angeles, CA

Permit No. 15937

ChairmanMr. Charles T. Munger

Sushma Adarkar, M.D.Margaret E. Bates, M.D.Mr. George A. BenderMr. Bruce BennettMr. William M. BittingMrs. Jack L. BlumenthalMrs. William H. BorthwickThe Rt. Rev. Joseph Jon BrunoMr. Arthur L. Crowe, Jr.Mrs. Victoria Seaver DeanMr. Robert E. Denham

Ex Offi cio Member Mrs. Richard C. Lawton

President and Chief Executive Offi cerMr. Andrew B. Leeka

Mr. John B. FrankMr. James H. GipsonMs. Mimi GrantRobert K. Maloney, M.D.Mrs. Margaret McLeodMr. Charles P. MeisterMr. Glen H. Mitchel, Jr.Mr. Peter W. MullinMr. Clark Willard PorterMrs. Helen RyuThomas L. Shook, M.D.Mr. Stephen L. SmithMr. Warren B. WilliamsonMr. Edward A. Wopschall



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