Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that...


Transcript of Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that...

Page 1: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter
Page 2: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

1 Romans 1:1-17_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Good News For AllPurpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe

1. The letter to the Romans has long been considered Paul's most significant. What are some of the important themes that are raised by this epistle?

Read Romans 1:1-7

2. What do we learn about the writer and the recipients of this letter in the introduction? What foundation is established in verses 2 to 6?

Think About It

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3. How was the gospel promised beforehand through the prophets (1:2)?

Read Romans 1:8-15

4. Why does Paul long to visit the church in Rome, and what other reason is given later in the letter (see 15:20-24)?

5. Who is Paul obligated to (cf. 1 Cor.9:16-19), and why has he not visited the church in Rome already?

Read Romans 1:16 -17

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6. How does Paul describe the gospel in verse 16?

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7. Why is the gospel to go firstly to the Jews and then to the Gentiles, and how did Paul practice that in his ministry given that he was the apostle to the Gentiles?

8. What is God's righteousness, and how is it revealed in the gospel (cf. Rom 3:21-26)?

Think About It

9. Why does Paul quote Habakkuk 2:4 when he talks about the importance of faith in receiving this righteousness?

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10. Sometimes believers fail to grasp that receiving God's righteousness is by faith 'from first to last.' How is the good news undermined if something must be added to faith in Christ?

11. How does a Christian live by faith each day?

Page 7: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

2 Romans 1:18-32_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Human Condition Purpose: To consider God’s diagnosis of Humanity

1. A doctor diagnoses you to have a revolting terminal illness. The treatment he proposes will save your life wonderfully, and you will receive citizenship in a new and fabulous yet distant nation. But you will suffer mockery and persecution all your life until you finally migrate to your new country, where you will find multitudes who likewise been healed form the same disease’. Explain this “parable” in the light of the gospel.

Read Romans 1:18-20

2. In developing the theme of righteousness (1:17, 3:21) Paul sandwiches this passage of a terrible and devastating exposure of universal sin, and universal need for a righteousness that only God can provide. Are there any exceptions to this diagnosis? What are some alternate views about the state of humanity?

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3. Verse 18 says God’s wrath is directed against actual godless, sinful men and women, not an abstract concept of godlessness or wickedness. How do people “suppress the truth”? Why do people stifle the truth about God?

Think About It

4. How has God made plain to mankind “what may be known about God” (1:20)? (see also Psalm 19:1-2; Isaiah 6:3; Acts 14:15-17)

Read Romans 1:21-27

5. What is the essence or basic sin referred in v25?

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6. Verse 25 also states “they exchanged the truth for a lie”. What was the “truth”? What was the “lie”?

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7. What does it mean that “God gave them over” (3:24, 26, 28)? Is this fair?

8. Apart from homosexual behaviour referenced in v26-27, can you think of other sins that may produce “in themselves due penalties”?

Think About It

9. “In this passage, people behave as they do because of a theological infection: they suppress the truth of God in favour of (various) idols. The antibiotic for such infection is theological- only the gospel provides the cure.” Discuss.

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Page 12: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

Read Romans 1:28-32

10. As you consider people in your life who do not know God, is having “a depraved mind” the way you would normally think about them? Would a just, pure, holy, righteous Creator be entitled and justified to vent his wrath and judgment on such people?

11. The litany of sinful conduct in v29-30 is performed by these people in the knowledge that such things result in death (1:32). What, if any, hope do such people have?

Think About It

12. God’s wrath and judgment gives sinners over to allow sin to have its way in their lives. In the future, following Christ’s return, there will be a final occasion of wrath and judgment (see Revelation 20:11-15). Is there any escape for sinners then? What is our part in any escape?

Page 13: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

3 Romans 2:1-3:8_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

God’s Fair JudgmentPurpose: To understand that humanity is without an excuse

1. Have you ever received special treatment at someone else’s expense?

Read Romans 2:1-16

2. Having assessed the pagan world in chapter 1, Paul now begins to focus more narrowly on those inside the religious community. It’s not just “those people out there” who are sinners, but “we insiders” too. Why does Paul say that when we judge others, we condemn ourselves (2:1)?

3. The Jews had misinterpreted God’s “kindness, tolerance and patience” towards them as approval of their behaviour (2:4). Paul warns them of a coming day of judgment when “God will give to each person according to what he has done” (2:6). What

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will God consider important and unimportant on that day (2:5-10)?

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4. Paul says that “trouble and distress” will come to every evildoer, first to Jews and then to Gentiles (2:9), and peace to everyone who does good, first to Jews and then to Gentiles (2:10). He concludes that God shows no favouritism (2:11). What effect should this truth have had on the religious Jews? In what way did they expect God to show favouritism?

5. In Romans 2:7 and 2:12–14 Paul appears to say that obedience and “doing good” will justify Gentiles. How can this be reconciled with his teaching later in Romans (3:20-24, 28; 6:23) that salvation is a free gift and comes through faith, not works? (see Matthew 7:15-23, Galatians 5:6; James 2:26).

Read Romans 2:17-29

6. In Romans 2:17-29 Paul focuses his attention on a hypocritical Jew. How does such a person view himself and others (2:17-24)?

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Page 17: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

7. How do you see this same attitude of self-righteousness and hypocrisy manifested in your own life?

8. Jews placed great value on circumcision because it was the visible sign that they were God's people. How had some of them confused the sign with what it signified (2:25-29)?

9. God is not merely concerned with outward obedience to his law. He is interested in the state of our hearts too (2:29). What effect is Paul trying to elicit from his readers at this point? Have you grasped this same sense of your need before a righteous God?

Page 18: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

Read Romans 3:1-8

Having proven that being a Jew does not guarantee salvation, Paul now turns his attention to the obvious objection that his Jewish readers would be tempted to believe – that God has been unfaithful to his promises.

10. In Romans 3:4 Paul quotes Psalm 51:4 in which David affirms that God is just in his punishment of him, for he has indeed sinned. How is God’s judgment consistent with his faithfulness? (see Deuteronomy 30:11-20).

11. v5-8 anticipate another objection: “If even human sinfulness serves to demonstrate the faithfulness of God, then how can God still judge and condemn sinners?” How might we respond to this objection?

12. Over the last two chapters Paul has argued that both the non-religious and the religious person are equally deserving of God’s judgment. Why is this point so important to understand before hearing the news of justification by faith alone (Rom 3:22-24)? Share with the group how this reality has shaped your faith and your ongoing walk with Jesus.

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Page 20: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

4 Romans 3:9-26_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

God’s Righteousness RevealedPurpose: To reflect on how we can be justified through faith in Christ's atoning work

1. Share an example of where you’ve done something wrong, but not been punished as harshly as you deserve, or at all.

Read Romans 3:9-12

2. What is Paul’s conclusion about human sin? (Cf. Psalm 143:1-2)

3. What would you say to someone who asks: ‘Why should God sent those who haven’t heard about Jesus to hell? Surely there are plenty of good people in our world!’

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Page 22: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

Read Romans 3:13-18

4. Paul uses a range of Old & New Testament quotes to describe humanity. What do you notice about these verses? Is there a summary verse? If so, which one and why?

Read Romans 3:19-20

5. What does the law do and what can’t it do?

Read Romans 3:21-26

6. Who can now be ‘justified’ or declared righteous before God?

7. Redeem means to buy freedom for. How has God redeemed sinners? (Cf. Psalm 49:7-9, 15)

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8. In what way had God left past sins unpunished? (Cf. Psalm 103:10, Ezra 9:13)

9. It’s wrong to justify ‘guilty’ people (Prov 17:15). How has God justly ‘justified’ sinners?

Think About It

10. How would you define the ‘righteousness of God’?

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11. Are you justified before God? Explain why or why not?

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5 Romans 3:27-4:25_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Abraham and FaithPurpose: To grasp that Christ’s righteousness is credited to us by faith.

Read Romans 3:27-31

1. Why should we never boast about ourselves when God has justified us? (3:27-8, 4:16)

Read Romans 4:1-5

2. How does God justify us? How does the example of Abraham demonstrate this?

3. How does God’s way of justifying us compare with man’s attempt to be righteous?

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Page 27: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

Read Romans 4:6-8

4. How many blessings does David describe that righteous people may enjoy? Share your personal experience of these blessings.

Read Romans 4:9-12

5. Why does v9-12 describe the timing of Abraham’s circumcision and justification? Why is the timing of Abraham’s justification relevant to him and us?

6. How do you feel about some outward sign (e.g. baptism) to assure you that you are a believer? How do externals such as baptism and the Lord’s Supper play a part in the gospel of God’s righteousness?

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Page 29: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

Read Romans 4:13-14

7. What is the promise given to Abraham and to believers for our future? (see Romans 8:17, Galatians 4:7)

Read Romans 4:16-17

8. How is the promised inheritance guaranteed to us who are the offspring of Abraham?

9. Describe the God in whom Abraham, and we, believe.

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Read Romans 4:18-25

10. Describe some reasons in Abraham’s life that led God to credit his faith as righteousness.

Think about it

11. How has Jesus our Lord been part of your justification?

12. Put in your own words why you consider God has made you righteous in His sight.

Page 31: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

6 Romans 5:1-21_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The First and Second AdamPurpose: To understand the blessings that flow from the gospel and that Jesus has overcome sin and death.

1. What are you most thankful for in the Christian life?

Read Romans 5:1-11

2. What does this passage say we should rejoice in or be thankful for?

3. How is this possible, especially regarding suffering?

4. How do these verses help us form a correct mindset or heart attitude?

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5. What is significant about the way that God demonstrates his love for us? How does this impact on our relationship with God?

Read Romans 5:12-21

6. How did sin and death enter the world and who do they affect? (v12 –14)

7. How did grace enter the world? (v15)

8. In this passage Paul is presenting the idea of Adam and Jesus as being our representatives. All of humanity is represented by either one of two men: Adam or Christ. How are Adam and Jesus

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different in regards to their actions and the effects their actions had (v15-17)?

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9. How are they similar?

10. How does verse 19 summarise what Paul has said in verses 12–18?

Think about it

11. Why is it good news that God deals with us through a representative?

12. How is Romans 5 both an encouragement and a challenge?

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Page 36: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

7 Romans 6:1-23_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Key to GodlinessPurpose: To grasp the way believers are dead to sin and alive in Christ

1. We often think of the day we became a Christian as the day of our spiritual birth, and rightly so. But why is it also important to recognise it as the day our old self died?

Read Romans 6:1-72. Paul embarks on an argument against deliberately continuing

in sin because we are covered by God's grace (v1-2). What does it mean to be: (a) ‘dead to sin,’ and (b) ‘alive in Christ’?

3. Although water baptism demonstrates the spiritual truths being spoken of in verses 3 and 4, Paul's focus is on us being united to Christ's death and resurrection (v5-7). In what sense did we die and rise with Jesus? (see 2 Corinthians 5:15, 21; Galatians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:24)

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Page 38: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

Think About It

4. If water baptism is just an outward sign of an inward change, what baptism or washing produces the change in us (Titus 3:4-7; 1 Corinthians 6:11)?

5. Being ‘dead to sin’ results in freedom from the power of sin (v7, 14). However, what is the new attitude and awareness that is required? (James 4:7, 1 Peter 5:8)

Read Rom 6:8-14

7. From verses 11 to 14, how should being ‘alive in Christ' affect our lives? What phrases suggest that we need to take an active responsibility for our growth in godliness rather than just expecting it to happen?

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Page 40: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

Read Romans 6:15-23

8. What is the pattern of teaching Paul refers to in v17? (see 2 Timothy 1:13, Titus 2:11-15)

9. What benefits (consequences) do we reap as:

a. Slaves to sin

b. Slaves to righteousness

Think about it10. Why do we need to keep reflecting on the truth that death is

earned through our sin, but eternal life is a gift given to us by God through Jesus (v23)?

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Be encouraged! Read 1 John 1:7-9

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8 Romans 7:1-25_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Law and GrowthPurpose: To consider the place of the Law as we seek to grow

1. Share an experience of using the wrong solution to try and fix a problem.

Paul has just argued in chapter 6 that Christians are no longer under the law, but rather under grace. In chapter 7 he turns his attention to the believer’s ongoing relationship with the law by asking, and then answering, three questions. In particular he seems to be addressing these issues for Jewish Christians who had an understandable attachment to the Law of Moses.

Read Romans 7:1-6

QUESTION #1 – Does the law still have authority over the Christian?

2. How is the principle "that the law has authority over a man only as long as he lives" illustrated by marriage (7:1-3)?

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3. In what way have we “died”, and how did our death bring about a change of “husbands”?

4. In your own words, how do you think serving God "in the new way of the Spirit" (under grace) is different than serving God "in the old way of the written code" (under law)? (7:6, see Romans 8:14, 2 Corinthians 3:17)

Read Romans 7:7-12

QUESTION #2 – Is the law morally good?

5. Why did God provide the law (7:7)? Can you think of other reasons from scripture which are not listed in this passage?

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6. “Who” is to blame for disobedience towards God? (7:8, 11) Does this excuse anyone from guilt before God (Rom 3:23)?

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Read Romans 7:7-12

QUESTION #3 – Is the law to blame for spiritual death?

7. Paul refuses to blame the law for the spiritual death which results from sin – “By no means!” (7:13). Rather, “the law is spiritual” (7:14) and therefore good. What then was the benefit of receiving the law? (7:13)

8. Why is it important for people to see the “sinfulness” of their sin?

9. In v15-23 Paul describes someone who has a desire to do good but is unable to do it, as they are constantly out-matched by their tendency to do evil. This person is “sold as a slave to sin” (7:14) and a “prisoner of the law of sin” (7:23). Are these descriptions of a Christian? (see Romans 6:14, 6:17-18, 6:22, 8:2)

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10. Elsewhere the New Testament is clear that born-again followers of Jesus will continue to struggle with sin (see James 3:2, Galatians 5:16-18, 1 John 1:8-9). How is this ongoing struggle with sin different to the picture of Romans 7:15-23?

Think about it

11. Trying to obey the law to merit your own righteousness is a dead-end path. What is the only hope for someone in this position? (7:24-25)

12. How should a Christian continue to fight against sin? What does it look like for you?

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Page 49: Good News For All - Wollongong Baptist Church · Web viewGood News For All Purpose: To grasp that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe 1. The letter

9 Romans 8:1-27_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Spirit's helpPurpose: To reflect on the Spirit's work as we await our inheritance

1. Share an example of feeling powerless to fix something or address some difficult situation.

Read Romans 8:1-13

2. Why was the law powerless to save us from our sin and left us condemned (v1-4)?

3. How was our condemnation removed and how are we given life through the work of the Spirit (v1-4)?

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4. How does Paul contrast living according to the flesh, versus living in accordance with the Spirit (v5-11)?

5. What obligation to believers now have (v12-13), and why is this ongoing process of growth in godliness (sanctification) a struggle (cf. Galatians 5:16-18)?

Read Romans 8:14-17

6. How does the Spirit confirm that we have been adopted into God's family?

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7. What benefits flow out of our adoption into God's family?

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Read Romans 8:18 -27

8. What is the relationship between our present sufferings and our future glory? How is all creation awaiting our future glory?

9. What attitude should our future hope produce in us in the present?

Think about it

10. How does the Holy Spirit help us pray, and how have you seen that work out in your own life?

11. Jesus said to his disciples that it was best for him to leave them so that he might send the Spirit (John 16:7). How has God provided for us in the gift of the Holy Spirit, so that we might be sustained in our faith as we long for heaven?

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10 Romans 8:28-39_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

God’s Sovereignty and Our AssurancePurpose: To grasp that God is in control of all things and that nothing can separate us from His love

1. What things make you feel safe and secure in life?

Read Romans 8:28-30

2 What is Paul absolutely sure of in these verses?

3. For what reason and purpose does God call his people?

Think about it

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4. In what ways does God’s calling give your life purpose? Be specific

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Read Romans 8:31-36

4. Why is Paul so confident that God will protect us?

5. What does is mean that God will graciously give use all things (v 32)? What are the limits on this promise? (See also John 3:16, Romans 8:18-19, Ephesians 1:3-10)

6. How should God’s promise to give us all things influence our prayers? (See also Ephesians 1:17-20)

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7. In what ways are you tempted to doubt forgiveness and salvation?

8. What is Paul’s solution when we face hardship and feel that God is not present? (Read Psalm 44:17-26 for the context of the quote in v36)

Read Romans 8:37-39

10. What does Paul means when he says “we are more than conquerors” (v37)? How are we “more than conquerors”?

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11. In what areas of life has God promised victory? (See also 1 Corinthians 15:54-57, 1 John 5:3-5)

Think About It

12. Go back through the passage and write down the promises God has made.

13. How can we support each other to grasp God’s promises for our life?