Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After...

Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers you can come up with before we start our unit on WWI!

Transcript of Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After...

Page 1: Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers.

Good Morning

Turn in Homework from over the weekend…

Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26…

After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers

you can come up with before we start our unit on WWI!

Page 2: Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers.

Chapter 29

“The Great War, 1914 – 1918”

Section 1

“Marching Toward War”

Archduke Franz Ferdinand & wife Sophia

Page 3: Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers.
Page 4: Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers.

I. Rising Tensions in Europe A. The Rise of Nationalism (deep devotion to one’s nation)

1. caused intense competition between Germany, Austria-Hungary,

Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and France a. competition for materials and markets b. territorial disputes

B. Imperialism and Militarism 1. competed for overseas empires 2. militarism

a. glorifying military power & keeping army prepared for war

Page 5: Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers.

II. Tangled Alliances A. Bismarck Forges Early Pacts

1. Otto von Bismarck of Germany a. used war to unify Germany; then called for

peace b. saw France as threat to peace & wanted to

isolate France c. formed Dual Alliance w/ Austria-Hungary d. Italy joined, forming the Triple Alliance e. made treaty with Russia

Otto von Bismarck

Page 6: Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers.

B. Shifting Alliances Threaten Peace 1. Kaiser Wilhelm II forced Bismarck to resign

a. wanted to show the world Germany’s power b. cut off treaty with Russia

2. Russia formed alliance w/ France 3. Wilhelm wanted a navy equal to Great Britain’s

a. G.B. formed Triple Entente (alliance) w/ France & Russia

4. Triple Alliance – Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Italy

5. Triple Entente – Great Britain, France, & Russia

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Page 7: Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers.
Page 8: Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers.

III. Crisis in the Balkans A. A Restless Region

1. Ottoman Empire, included the Balkan region a. some groups still under Turkish rule, others

were free 2. Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, & Serbia

were all free a. nationalism was strong; wanted to extend

borders 1. Serbia had large Slavic population 2. Russia, a mostly Slavic nation,

supported Serbia 3. Austria-Hungary did not support

Serbia 3. 1908 – Austria annexed Bosnia & Herzegovina

(large Slavic pop.) a. Serbian rulers were outraged b. tensions between Serbia and Austria-

Hungary rose

Page 9: Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers.
Page 10: Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers.

B. A Shot Rings Throughout Europe 1. Archduke Franz Ferdinand & wife Sophie

a. heir to Austro-Hungarian throne b. June 28, 1914 they visited Sarajevo, the

capital of Bosnia c. assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, member of

the Black Hand (secret society) 2. Austria presented Serbia w/ ultimatum

a. Serbia agreed to some, but not all demands 3. July 28, 1914 – Austria declared war on Serbia 4. Same day – Russia (Serbia’s ally) mobilizes troops

toward Austria

Gavrilo Princip

Page 11: Good Morning Turn in Homework from over the weekend… Quiz on Sections 3 & 4 of Chapter 26… After your quiz – pick up a WWI Pretest, and see how many answers.

Daily Essential Questions

1.What were the three forces at work in Europe that helped set the stage for war?

2.Who were the members of the Triple Alliance? The Triple Entente?

3.What single event set in motion the start of World War I?