Good Healthy Habits


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Transcript of Good Healthy Habits

Page 1: Good Healthy Habits

Good Healthy HabitsPresented by: The Viral Bytes

Page 2: Good Healthy Habits


Hello folks, today I’m going to tell you few good healthy habits that no one is talking about.

Everyone wants to look younger it does not matter whether you are a man or a woman, but we forgot the one most important thing that in this world nothing is free everything charges you a fix price even your health. But the only difference is that health charges you few minutes from your busy schedule and in return it gives you a long and sickness free life, makes you younger and the most important thing it gives you is “happiness”.

I think it’s not that much expensive isn’t it?

Page 3: Good Healthy Habits

Good Healthy Habits

So folks without wasting your precious time I’m going to tell you about good healthy habits that no one is talking about:

• Regular Comprehensive Physical Exam: Getting a regular comprehensive physical exam is the most important part for good healthy habits that’s why I decided to write this point at first. I think we should understand that only having health checkups at the time when we got sick is not enough. We have to make sure that we have to get a health check-up once a year. The checkups are like a map to determine our own health position and as well as it also helps us to decide a destination we want to achieve on our health map.

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• Making a Weekly Exercise Chart: Exercising at least five days a week can make you stronger as well as it is also a good healthy habit. It keeps you away from diseases and stress. So now one question is putting up that how and what exercises we should add on our exercise chart? You can add some cardio exercises like cycling; running etc and you can also add some weight lifting exercises.

• Eat Healthy Food: Developing a good healthy eating habit ensure a healthy stomach and keeps you away from many diseases like intestinal sensitivity, constipation and colon cancer. Always try to take more fruits, vegetables, appropriate whole grains in your meals and always try to avoid heavy meals like meat.

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So, guys here are the few good healthy habits that can help you to live a long, stress-free and happy life. Thanks for reading.


The Viral Bytes