Goldfields Cavalcade

Imagine a landscape of wide open spaces and rugged mountains...


This is the official entry for the Slideshare/Fuse 'tell a story' competition. It try's to give an overview of the annual Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust Cavalcade. A 7 day, 9 trail event covering new trails every year and finishing at a different rural town in Central Otago, New Zealand.

Transcript of Goldfields Cavalcade

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Imagine a landscape of wide open spaces and rugged mountains...

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The first days riding is already over and horses are covered for the cool night ahead.

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This night we're in tents,

lucky it's a calm evening...

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“Are you sure we're supposed to go left? I hope this Trail Boss knows where he's going.”

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Now this looks like a nice place to stop for lunch.

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The horses deserve a rest and it's a good opportunity to catch up with old aquaintances from trails gone before.

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The riders too, reflect on their mornings journey and compare it with trails gone before.

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“All Cavalcaders come equal – the corporate person and the man of the land who may never have crossed paths. They often forge a common and sometimes instant bond.”

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Following the original trails from the 'Gold Rushes' of over 100 years ago you are bound to pass by a few 'points of interest'.

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What started out as a one-off celebration ride has turned into an annual epic event.

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3 of them are walking trails, this is how most of those old goldminers really did it.

These days there are 9 different trails that make up the Goldfields Cavalcade.

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There are 4 riding trails

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And two wagon trails.

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Accommodation can be basic...

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But you soon learn not to be surprised by the 'unexpected' on a Cavalcade.

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After 7 days on the trail together you get pretty close. “What do you think of it so far?”

“Cavalcade forever!”

You can't beat a group experience with like minded people!

“Many of us are pushed well beyond our comfort zone, but the support and camaradarie is the true 'essense' of a Cavalcade”.

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“I often liken the Cavalcade experience to the old pioneers where they were thrown together in migrant ships (Irish, Scots, Welsh, English – who normally had nothing much to do with each other except fight!)”.

“They came to this raw, new land to realize they needed each other, became neighbours and often used each other’s skills to survive. I see a similarity with Cavalcaders where an almost instant acceptance and sharing of personalities and attributes is formed, often resulting in long-lasting friendships.”

Roberta Laraman Cavalcade coordinator.

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The final day finishes with all 9 trails coming together for a grand parade at high noon,

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and a Hoe-down until the wee, small hours.

Hey it's thirsty work for the horses too!

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As the Cavalcaders head for home and back to their regular lives you can bet each one of them is already thinking of what

adventures lie ahead at next years Goldfields Cavalcade.

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The Goldfields Cavalcade is organised each year by the Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust in New Zealand. We are a non-profit charitable trust. The Cavalcade could not be possible without the hours of volunteer work from many dedicated individuals.

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Ask anyone who's been on our Cavalcades, the sense of achievement and friendships formed along they way may just make the Cavalcade the best thing you've ever done in your life.

It will be an experience you will treasure for ever.