Going Green Commercially Part 3 of 4

Going Green- Commercially An overview of what it entails for a company to go “green”

Transcript of Going Green Commercially Part 3 of 4

Page 1: Going Green Commercially Part 3 of 4

Going Green- Commercially

An overview of what it entails for a company to go “green”

Page 2: Going Green Commercially Part 3 of 4

Why to Hesitate going Green:The Disadvantages-

Conversion Expense

Costlier Products

Lack of Support

Going Paperless

Customer Backlash

Compiled by Author form Sources: smallbusiness.chron.com Image Source: Google Images

Page 3: Going Green Commercially Part 3 of 4

Why to Hesitate going Green:The Disadvantages-

Decreased Productivity

Going Green is a Hot Trend Keeping Up

Complex Business

ModelJuggling Hats

Compiled by Author form Sources: smallbusiness.chron.com & ecopreneurist.com Image Source: Google Images

Page 4: Going Green Commercially Part 3 of 4

Why to Hesitate going Green:Conversion Expense-

Can be costly for a business to go green

The initial costs to switch over to new systems like solar or thermal

The installation of installing new fixtures and equipment like low flow toilets or energy star computers

Cost reductions in energy savings gained are not always enough to offset the initial upfront conversion costs

It may take several years to initial costs to be offset

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Why to Hesitate going Green:Costlier Products-

The switch to using green materials can lead to more expensive products for consumers

Sourcing green material may lead to sourcing more expensive production costa

A rise in production cost is usually passed on to the consumer

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Why to Hesitate going Green:Lack of Support-

There can be an “entrenched bias” against companies that want to go green

There are several laws and regulations that make it difficult for business to go green

It can be difficult to obtain certification that verifies energy-saving implementation measures

Many grant and governmental programs will require proof of green measure in order to gain funding

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Why to Hesitate going Green:Going Paperless-

A common method of going green is to minimize or even eliminate the use of paper

Companies will need to properly back up their computer files

A system failure could prove disastrous

This can pose some drawbacks if employees lose or experience theft of equipment

Sensitive information normally be kept in a locked paper file could fall into the wrong hands

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Why to Hesitate going Green:Customer Backlash-

Companies may intentionally or unintentionally participate in “greenwashing”

When a false claim is made regarding the environmental friendliness of products

If consumers become aware that a company is engaging in greenwashing the brand equity can be effected

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Why to Hesitate going Green:Decreased Productivity-

There can be a slight decrease in worker productivity

It’s easier for employees to toss paper, plastic and other items into one trash than it is to sort- If a recycling program is add to the office it may take extra time

If the purchasing department may end up spending more time purchasing products if they are required to search for and verify the green status of products and vendors

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Why to Hesitate going Green:Going Green is a Hot Trend-

Business going green is considered a trend

Trends come and go

Green businesses that market, position and brand themselves as “green” as the main message may struggle latter on

Knowing how to stay hot without relying on “green” as the key differentiator is crucial

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Why to Hesitate going Green:Keeping Up-

Green businesses are here to stay and need to keep ahead of the competition

Finding ore creating new green technologies and strategies can be quite challenging at times

In the ‘90’s being green meant recycling paper and using soy based inks

This is no long considered new and exciting- It almost expected

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Why to Hesitate going Green: Complex Business Models-

It’s hard enough to focus on just one bottom line- profits

Green business focus on three- The Triple P’s Green

businesses focus


Their profit

Their impact on consumers

Their impact on the planet

Compiled by Author form Sources: smallbusiness.chron.com & ecopreneurist.com Image Source: Google Images

Page 13: Going Green Commercially Part 3 of 4

Why to Hesitate going Green: Juggling Hats-

Many green business owners are traditional business people OR environmentalists

Rarely are they both

For a green business to thrive, its owner(s) must be great at both

Page 14: Going Green Commercially Part 3 of 4

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Page 15: Going Green Commercially Part 3 of 4

Works Cited

Ashe-Edmunds, Sam. "Advantages & Disadvantages of Corporations Going Green." Chron.com, Hearst Newspapers, LLC, smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-amp-disadvantages-corporations-going-green-39944.html. Accessed 28 Nov. 2016.

Doering, Stefan. "The Pros and Cons to Being a Green Business." Ecopreneurist, Sustainable Enterprises Media, Inc., ecopreneurist.com/2010/10/12/the-pros-and-cons-to-being-a-green-business/. Accessed 28 Nov. 2016.

Joseph, Chris. "The Disadvantages of Going Green for a Corporation." Chron.com, Hearst Newspapers, LLC, smallbusiness.chron.com/disadvantages-going-green-corporation-3318.html. Accessed 28 Nov. 2016.

N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center. "Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency." DSIRE, U.S. Department of Energy, www.dsireusa.org/. Accessed 14 Nov. 2016.

The Nielsen Company. "The Sustainability Imperative: New Insights on Consumer Expecteations." GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY REPORT, Nielsen, Oct. 2015, www.nielsen.com/content/dam/nielsenglobal/dk/docs/global-sustainability-report-oct-2015.pdf. Accessed 14 Nov. 2016.