Gods, Earths and 85ers by Pen Black


Transcript of Gods, Earths and 85ers by Pen Black

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Chapter Three

' ' ' ' H O I S G O D ?


God really is, we must first define God.

According toWebster's Dictionary, God is:

A being worshipped byUl.onotheistsas the perfect,

ornnipoterrt, orrmiscierit., originator and ruler of the


A being of supernatural powers and attributes that

isworshipped by apeople.

Sorneone or sornething considered to be extrcrnelvvaluable or irnportant.

Man's definition of God has alwaysbeen just that,

Man's definition. In the history of Man it has never

revealedany evidence that arrybodys God, residing in

any forrn other than Man, has given a description of

himself, Soit issafeto asvurne the only descriptions we

have ofGod are provided byMan. Man's most earliest


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questions were rnost likely: Why are we here? Where

did we corne frorn and 'who is responsible? Man's

atterupt to answer these questions and alleviate some of

his fears led to him creating an all-present, everywhere

protector. Later on, this all-present, everywhere God

was fostered to control the rnasses by teaching themthat their behavior could direct God's actions.

This allowed a select group of individuals to become

rnore irnportant and gain a large rncasure of control over

the rnasses by deceiving thern into believing they were

God's emissaries, m.essengers and interpreters, thereby

laying the foundation of religions. Besides the belief in

an invisible, ornrripote nt God, humans have also wor-

shipped objects and elcrncnrs they felt were pivotal to

their survival. Sorne of these objects and elcrnerits rnost

cormrionlv worshipped have been: the sun; water; and

eventually sorrie enlightened scientists learned to wor-

ship the building blocks of all life-the atorn. There has

also been humans whose position in society or their

character inspired others to worship them, or hold thern

in very high regard. A lot of them weren't worshipped

in life, but in death; and religions, or unified systems of

beliefs and actions, were patterned atl:er t.he-rn.In death,

a lot of people took on a rernernbrance that was rnore

fable than reality and worshipped 'what they ·were

taught, not what 'vas real,

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'Who L~GOD?

To best understand who and what God is, it isnec-

essary to look back in history to uncover the founda-

tion ofsorne of today's beliefs. That look takesus back

to Africa, Man's earliest civilization and discovery of

human life.

The early African understanding of God was thatGod is the creative force (energy) that exists in every-

thing, culminating inManwith his spiritual nature and

God-like powers and potentialities. They understood

that we are allof one origin and that·themultiplicity of

living things was sim.plydifferent levels of evolution

and attributes of that one force. They believed that

Manwas the highest forrn and responsible for the care-

taking of all other things.

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing also gives a sirnilar

explanation in her book, The Isis Papers. "The African

understanding of God was that it was the only and all-

in-one energy force that created and sirnultarieouslv

was all energy in the Universe. This understanding

recognized the God force asthe source of all, the being

responsible for all and the multiplicity of energy con-

figurations in the Universe. Furtherrnore, the belief

held that there are no energy configurations in the

Universe that are not frorn God and that are not God.

It was the African way to respect cornplctely this

source of all energy manifest in and responsible for all

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GODS, EARTH A.l\,ffi 85ERS

things. This is African spirituality. Spirit is Energy.

Spirituality is the ability to get in touchwith , not only

the ult.imatc Source of all energy, but also the various

multiplicity of energy configurations, wlrich include

rnatter, plants, animals, etc. This 'wasfor Africans the

essential cosmic connection-the pov,rerconnection."Later on, Man began to worship the life-giving

principles of the sun and its relationship wrth earth.

Man learned to give these principles riarriesand to nar-

rate stories of creation that are easily understood and

remernbered. One such story was taught by the early

Egyptians, 'wben Egypt was all Original People and

White civilizations had not yet developed.

One such story of creation isabout Ptah and Atur:n.

Ptah first emerged from the prirneval waters called

Nun in the form ofa hill. Then Atum (Atom), the Sun

God, joined Ptah by sitting upon hirn; thus Aturn also

emerged from the primeval waters ofNun. Aturn then

absorbed the creative powers and thought of Ptah and

divided his body into four parts that become Gods.

Then there v,rereeight Gods; along with Aturn they

become nine Gods in a farrrilycalledEnnead.

The Aturn and Ptah story ofcreation isalsobelieved

to represent the scientific principles of the acorn. All

material things on earth consist of matter, allmatter is

cornposed of rriolecules and all molecules consist of

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Who is GOD?

atoms. Atorns are composed ofthe smallestunit ofmat-

ter, called particles. The m.ajorthree are protons, neu-

trons and electrons. The 'protons and neutrons are in the

nucleus (the center) of the atom, while the electrons

orbit the nucleus similar to how the planets orbit the

sun. That iswhy ancient Mrikan high culture scientistsdescribed the atom (Arum) asthe unrnovcd rrrover that

created all things, because all things are made up of

atorns, and 'when atoms corne in contact with earth's

elements such as uranium (the Hill), they split and

releaseenergy, like rnore Gods byAtum.

Before 10,000 B.C.E. (Before the Cornman Era or

Before the Christian Era), Osiris, Isis and Horus

became part ofreligious thought. Osiris had been a real

person and king in the Nile Valleyarea. Osiris became

a God and was represented by the Open Eye, as seen

on the dollar bill. In the Judgment Drama of the

Egyptian Book if the Dead, Osiris is seated on a throne

and isattended by hiswife, the goddess Isis. Their son

Horus introduces the deceased, who rnust be judged

and sentenced by Osiris, who is the Lord over the

Unseen World.

The Statue of the Egyptian goddess Isis, with her

child Horus in her arms, was the first Madonna and

Child. This was the first Madonna and Child in

hurnan history and they were Black. The religions of

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GoDS, EARTH Al 'i 'D 85ERS

~heworld took their concepts from the Black Egypt.

This continued 'until 325 A.D., when Constantine

started the great switch frorn the Black Christ and

Madonna worship to the worship of White images.

The "White Savior" perception was fostered in both

Christianity andMoslelil religions. Michelangelo drewaWhite Madonna and Jesus, patterned frorn his own

aunt, uncle and nephew.

The prophet Mohamnled was also depicted as a

White Arab in most Moslem. countries. Egyptians

were the first Africans to develop, then teach, an

organized religious thought to not only their own peo-

ple, but to others that traveledto their mystery schools.

The belief that gods are supernatural spirits is asold as

Man. Man has always had those who believed that

things beyond their cornprehension were the results of

intervention of a supernatural being they could not

see, calledGod. There havealwaysbeen those individ-

uals that knew better. The Pharaohic line of ancient

Egypt was supposed to be direct descendants from the

Gods. Also, the rulers frorn ancient South Arnerica

were believed to be descendants from.gods. Therefore,

our ancestors rnust not havebelieved gods to be super-

natural, unseen ethereal beingsworshipped today.The

teachings of Man as God were taught in ancient

Egypt's renowned rnystery schools. These teachings

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Who is GOD?

'were kept in the mystery schools and temples, because

to go outside with this knowledge would invite attack

and persecution by the state and religious leaders.

The mystery schools were the first universities in

history and they nude knowledge a secret. Anyone

desiring to be priests and teachers had to obtain their. knowledge directly frorn the schools. Moses learned at

the mystery schools and became all.Egyptian priest and

a hrcrograrnrnat. Jesus, after attending the school at

Mt. Carrnel , went to Egypt for final initiation, which

took place in the Great Pyramids of Cheops. The fun-

darnental psychology of the rnystery schoolswas "Man

Know Thyself," asdepicted on Inany ofthe ternple and

pyrarrud walls. What is most ironic and tragic is that

thosewho were put to death for teaching righteousness

and the Godhood of Man were usually deified in

death. Once dead, theywere worshipped and made the

central figure of a religion that contradicted their

teachings, that God was within and Man was a livingGod. In fact, it was Jesus who said, "Ye are Gods,"

Oohn 10:32-35) and subsequently waskilled for being

a revolutionary.

Understanding the history of God and religion

should make knowing thyself easier. Ifwe carne frorn

God (rnade in His image), "Why"Wouldnot "Wegrow to

be Gods? Does not every kitten grow to be like that

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from which it carne-the cat? Does not the puppy

grow to eventually be a dog? And does not the leaf

grow to be like the tree from which it carne(all in its

image)? So why would not Man grow to be like his

M.akerjFatherjlmage giver? Even caterpillars rrieta-

rnorph into the butterfly frorn which it came. What.we, the Nation of Gods and Earths, are saying is that

knowledge, w'isclorn , understanding, culture and

refinement bring about a metamorphosis in Man,

making hirn aGod.

In Psalrns 82:6 God carne am.ong the assembly of

gods.Who were those gods?We, the Original People

are those Gods. We must rernernber that no mysterv

god ever described himself; Man described this mys-

tery and what Man rnost closely and correctly

described IS the Supreme Being-Black Man.

Suprerne rrieanirig "most high" and Being rncaning

"existence." I see everything coming from that energy

that creates and becornes everything, we being thehighest manifestation, not a nrystcry god. Even the

gods ofreligion were the Original People-us.

When God let us make a Man (Bible date: 4004

B.C.), the Man that we made (God and Us) was the

White Man. His docurnented history only goes back

6,000 years. We have dynasties and pyrarnids rnuch

older than that. We have knowledge of ourselves; the

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Who is GOD?

planet vv~live on; the sciences; and can give or take life,

both mentally and physically. We are the creators of all,

because the clcrncrits it took to make us have always

existed, and have created every other thing. Surely,

Man is the highest rnanifestatiori, the Suprerne Being,

for other creations are controlled by those elerrrerrtswhile we are the controllers of those elements. That is

how we are God and you, my brothers and sisters, are

also Gods and Earths if only you would learn to believe

in yourselves' the vvay you believe in dead individuals,

and the distorted teachings built around thcrn.

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Ch apt er S o ur

W H O I S E A R T H ?


cream" of the planet Earth, Mother of

Civilization, Queen of the Universe"

A lot of debate has gone on about the Black

Wornan being referred to as Earth, and not Goddess" I

personally do not take offense to the Black Wornan

being called a Goddess; however, I do feel Earth is a

rrrore appropriate narnc for the following reasons:

We refer to the Black Wornan as Earth because she

receives procreation input and brings forth life, sarrie as

the earth receiving the sun"

Like the earth, Wornan is BLade of three-fourths


Her menstrual cycle is sirrrilar to the rriooris cycle

around her, appro.ximately every tvventy-eight days"


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Who isEARTH?

Womans role as child-bearer nude her originally

revolve around Man, who 'wasprovider and protector,

like earth revolvesaround the sun.

Plus, during the procreation stages, aWornan can

only sustain the pov,er of one Man (sun) at a tirne, one

pregnancy from one male every nine months; sirnilarto how earth can only survive one sun.

Black WOllIen have always been associated with

Mother Earth or nature because like the earth changes

seasons and is constantly changing, so does the

Woman. Women are thought to be rnore ernoriorial

and constantly experience a change of feelings and

emotions like the earth constantly changes (seasons);

also,how nature constantly brings about changes.Men

are thought to be less ernotional and rnore constantly

the same-v-Iike the sun.

We know that the BlackWOll1anisMother of civ-

ilization because it has been proven and featured in the

1988 cover stories ofNewsweek and USA Today that all

wornc.noriginate fromMrican Wornen. Eve, orMom

tomodern humans, appears to havelivedonly 140,000

years ago in a region of South Africa inhabited by the

Kung bushmen, pioneering genetic research suggests.

The finding was nude by comparing the generic evo-

lution of Caucasians, Asians, modern Pygrnies and

Kung. "It scorns clear the baseofour evolutionary tree

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is African," said Allen C.Wilson, professor at the

University of California, Berkeley. DNA aids evolu-

tionary studies because it keeps our historical records.

The evidence for the findings iscontained in the genes

oftoday's populations. Variousprofessorsand scientists

used DNA "fingerprinting" to revealhistorical rnura-tions in the DNA of rnitochondria, the "powerhous-

es" of cells.The rrrore rnuracions, the older the popu-

lation. The Kung appears the oldest of all.

Mitochondria are cxtrcrncly irnporrant to researchers

because they are only passedby m.others to their chil-

dren, allowing family trees to be constructed.

The findings presented at a rneeting of the H'urnan

Genorne Project found that:

While still in Africa, the first rnen roarncd far froul

horne andWOlnenstayedhome.

They nude a rnass exodus together out of Africa

about 70,000 years ago, probably first to the Middle

East.HUl11ansarrived in Europe and displaced the

Neanderthal about 35,000 years ago; fossil evidence


It isalsothought that srnooth-talking Hornosapicns

made non-speaking Neanderthals extinct by rnating

vvith their wornen to produce genetically defective

children, vvhornthey treated as"village idiots."

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who is EARTH?

Even the very basis of religious belief is based on

the BlackWornan and Child. The first Madonna and

Child.was actually the Egyptian Goddess Isiswith her

child Horus. AsEuropeans became rriore nationalistic,

they developed a psychological need to create God in

their own irnageand the complexion of religious iconschanged from BlacktoWhite. When Europeans began

to colonize the world and enslavepeople of color, they

imposed this new irnage of God upon those they con-

quered. Michelangelo's painting of Adam. and Eve in

the Sistine Chapel in Rorne, Italy, is accepted as the

legitimate likeness of the first couple. Michelangelo's

aunt and uncle were the rnodels for the painting in

1508. Like the image ofJesus and his disciples painted

by Leonardo daVinci, in his painting, The Last Supper,

models posed as the disciples for the 15th century

painting. The worship ofmother and child spreadover

the world. In Egypt, it was Isis and Horus; in Asia,

Cybele and Deoius; in pagan Rorne , Fortuna and

Jupiter. Even in Greece, China, Japan and Tibet, there

were counterparts of the Madonna rnade up long

before the birth of the Prophet Messiah Jesus.

Constantine started changing the irnage of Madonna

and Child toWhite images in 325 A.D.

Our Earths are teachers and builders, they teach the

children tobuild a stronger nation. Our Earths arevvi se

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and intelligent, very civilized leaders wb o study to gain

knowledge of themselves, their surroundings and the

sciences. Earths have their O'Nn lessons, have classes

amongst thcrnsclvcs where they discuss and try to find

solutions for local and global problems. They unify our

Nation,-keep our seeds mentally and physically strongby reflecting all knowledge obtained. Earths carry

thernselvcs wich the utmost respect and make sure that

others see thern for a lot 1110re than their physical

worth. We love and respect all Black Wornen and our

Earths are held in very high esteem for we know when

you educate a 'worrian, you educate a farnily.

Like her lessons teach: The Earth is a Queen and

Mother of Civilization. It is through her that our exis-

tence is continued. The universe is everything, but

there would be no physical existence without Earth.

The 'Nation ofCods and Earths raises the Black Wom.an's

level of awareness, her level of self-csteern , and her

level of responsibility. We counter-attack the negativeteachings and influences that have led our worricn

avvayfrom their true nature: which are civilized, intel-

ligent role rnorlcls for the rest of the planet. We spark

their mental so that they can bee orne rrierrtal giants and

nuke the world respect thcrn as precious and wise

partners, and not objectify thern as physical conquests

or only as physical possessions. We show and prove

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Who is EARTH?

that 'weakparenting leads to aweak Nation. We show

and prove that being with other than a strong and

intelligent Man leads to population control; those that

want to control our mrmbcrs know that lesbianism

helps to do that. We showand prove that lewd behav-

ior leads to lewd treatrnent by others. We especiallyteachMen the proper treatrnenr ofWornen. The 'wise

rnari knows that you should not just sleep with a

Wornan, you should also teach aWornan so that she

can teach the babies. We understand that the duty of

people with knowledge is to teach those without.

Earths learn and teach civilization, righteousness, the

science of herself, and the scienceof everything in life;

which leads to love, peace, and happiness. Here an

Earth expressesher understanding:

"First and forernost, as the Mother of Civilization,

Iam the bearer oflife on the planet earth. Syrnbolicallv,

Earth is the only planet which carries life and gets its

food and energy frorn the sun. So as the OriginalWOlnan, I, too, carry lifeand alsoget Illyfood (knowl-

edge) fr0111the center ofmyuniverse- the BlackMan

(sun). As the Original Wornan, I arn Queen who

acknowledges God and builds beside hirn in order to

create peace and destroy lies and falsehoods taught to

our children by the 85ers and the Ten Percenters. I

keep the horne and children, aswell ashelp myBlack

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Man sustain the family. SECONDARY, BUT



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Chapter 3ive

W H O A R E T H E 8 S e r s A N D T E N P E R C E N T E R S ?


represent the eighty-five percent of the planet

without full knowledge ofthernselves. The vast rn.;tior-

ity of the planet does not have knowledge of their own

origin, their true history, and they especially do not

understand God and their relationship to God. They

fail to realize that all the elements needed to create the

universe exist within them and is thern. About eighty-

five percent of the planet has been led away frorn itsown divinity and taught to spend their-lives searching

externally for sornething that has always been internal.

These are the people that are continuously led in the

wrong direction and hard to be led in the right direc-

tiori. The 850/0 are the people we spend our lives try-

ing to reach and teach, to awaken them to the real


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knowledge of Self so that they can experience lifeat its


We, the T-Jation of Gods and Earths, love our people,

so our main duty is to lead our people toward true

knowledge. The 85ers represents the m.ajority of the

whole planet, so we bring knowledge, wisdom. andunderstanding to all the people on planet earth. Unlike

a lot of scholars and elitists, we do not separate our-

selves from the masses; we rernairi in the trenches try-

ing to free our people from. a rnental slavery and teach

the other burnan farnilies so they can alsopractice free-

dom, justice and equality. Our battle to help the 85ers

isa constant battle because there are those 'whowant to

keep the people rnentally blind, worshipping what

they know not, so that the 85ers can be used as tools of

and slaves to the deceivers.

The Ten Percenters are the deceivers. They are the

slavemakers of the poor, they trv and keep the people

mentally dead sothat they can get rich from the people's

labor and ignorance. The Ten Percenters are the people

that taught us to believe in amystery that only manifests

itselfin its superior Whiteness. Most Ten Perceriters do

possess sornc knowledge but they keep it hidden £raIn

the masses, especially frorn the Original People. Ten

Percenters do not warit the Original People to know

their glorious history, natural holiness, or proclivity for

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[3]We are psychologically taught that we are infe-

rior, even in Heaven. If Jesus's son is supposed to be

White and we teach our children to worship White

images, it rnentally saysWhites are even preferred by

God. Muhanuned is also presented as White. [4]

Everything we seeand hear from the media supports afalseWhite superiority. For example: White represent-

ing innocence virgin, holy, heavenly-and Black rep-

resenting evil, bad, soiled and death. It iswritten like

that in the dictionaries. Black representing death is

more nonsense. Black represents life and White repre-

sents death. Snowbrings death to anirnals and vegeta-

tion; when you die, your body turns white. Ghosts are

thought to be white, and even whiteness of skin is

frorn albirrisrrr-v-adisease. Original People have hue,

which iswhywe were called hue-mans.

[5]The bloodsuckers haveevenmade billionsoff of

our ignorance. For example: Storeowners rriake about

60% of their revenue during Christmas. Economically

depressed families struggle even harder for Chri strnas.

They say it is for Jesus's birthday, but it is not.

Christrnas started in ancient Babylon. "Babylon" is

derived frorn the Hebre'wword "Babel," which rriea ns:

confusion, chaos, vanity, nothingness. Nilnrod was the

ruler of Babylon. He was the first son of Cush, who

was the son of Ham (2470-1934 B.C.E.). Ham was

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Who Are the 85ers and Who are the TenPercenters?

one of the sons of Noah (2970-2020 B.C.E.). Nirnrod

was a great hunter and he taught the pale nun to

believe he, Ninlrod was the creator. Ninlrod would

cut the head off a conquest and hang it on the branch

of a tree; they would shrink and sit there bobbling, a

lot like Christrnas balls on Christmas trees. Nimrodwasrnarried to his mother, Sernirarnis.When Nimrod

died, she said the tree frOITIwhich his conquests hung

embodied his spirit. Every December 25th, which was

the birth date of Nimrod, gifts were supposedly left

under the tree for Nirnrod. See, this isanother case of

knowledge being twisted and fed to the masses for

material gain.

[6] The Masons are also people with knowledge,

which they use for personal growth and control over

the rnasscs.The narne, "Masons," represents the keep-

ing ofknowledge a secret. After stonemasons built the

pyrarrrids, theywere killed sothat they could not reveal

the secrets. The science behind the Masons' and other

secret societies is that (to thern) religion isbut a tool to

control the rnasscs. Knowledge is their only God,

through which man himself will become God. Lucifer

is their personification ofwisdom. ItwasLucifer who

tempted Eve to entice Adam to eat of the Tree of

Knowledge and thus freeMan from the bonds of igno-

rance. The rnystery hidden from the masses is that

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there are societies whose members feel they are the

only mature minds, that the rnasses are like sheep,

totally dependent upon the shepherd. The able intel-

lects are taught the literal, exoteric interpretations,

while the rnassesworship the five senses.The elect are

given knowledge of the rnysteries and are illurniriatcd,and are known as The Illuminati, or the Illuminated

Ones. The purpose of these Ten Percenters is to con-

trol church, state and freedom of the rnasses-'world

domination is the ultimate goaL

Ten Perceriters, for their own gain, have flooded

the United States with drugs, created the AIDS virus

and started anepidernic inAfiica. They are responsible

for creating aggressivebirth control rnethods for pop-

ulation control, and for encouraging hornosexuality

because it adds to the population reduction. The Five

Percenters fight against the Ten Percenters because

they pull the strings that have the 85ers, the masses,

dying and living in rnisery without knowing why.Other organized Ten Percenters deterrnined to bring

about aNewWorld Order with thernselvesat the Iiclrn

are: The Order of the Quest, The Jason Society, The

Qabbalah, The Knights of Colurnbus, The Jesuits,

The Ancient andMystical Order of Rose Crucis, The

Illurrrinati, The Nazi Party, The Executive Mcmbcrs

ofthe Council on Foreign Relations, The Group, The

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Page 24: Gods, Earths and 85ers by Pen Black

8/7/2019 Gods, Earths and 85ers by Pen Black

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Who Are the 85ers and Who are the TenPercenters?

Brotherhood of the Dragon, The Rosicrucians, The

Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Trilateral

Cornrnission , The Bilderberg Group, The Open

Friendly Secret Society (The Vatican), The Russell

Trust, The Skull and Bones, The Scroll and Key, and

The Order. The Ten Percenters spoon-feed the 85ersa constant diet of lies and deception until they can no

longer distinguish between fiction and reality. So we,

the Nation of Gads and Earth, also knowri as the Five

Percenters, counter-attack the Ten Percenters by

teaching the rnassesbyword ofm.outh, our schools, lit-

erature, rnusic, and our ways and actions. It is a hard

job without fringe benefits. The Nation of Gods and

Earths is not a tax=cxcrnpt organization. We do not

solicit donations, 'wedo not charge for our knowledge

or admission to our schools. Our reward is the uplift-

rnerit ofour people. We haveno nationally recognized

leader; we are all leaders.We have no ulterior m.otive;

wejust want the masses to seewith clear eyevision andstop the bloodsuckers frorn using and abusing the peo-

ple for their own selfish gain.

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