GOD S FAMILY MANOA served by: Rev. Henry J. McKee Pastor · Welcome to Sacred Heart Church! I am...

November 25, 2018 105 Wilson Ave., Havertown, PA Phone: 610-449-3000 Fax: 610-449-2364 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday ccdto Friday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM (Closed 12-1PM for Lunch) Evenings - Saturdays - Sundays: by Appointment Sacred Heart School: 610-446-9198 Religious Education Office: 610-449-3000 Convent: 610-446-3694 Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary WWW.SACREDHEARTMANOA.ORG MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAYS Vigil: 5:00 PM Saturday 7:30AM - 9:30AM - 11:30AM WEEKDAYS Tuesday through Saturday at 8:30 AM Holy Days of Obligation As listed in bulletin and on Parish Website CONFESSIONS Saturday afternoon: 3:30-4:30 PM or anytime by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday – Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm *Adoraon Chapel is located at the driveway exit at Wilson Ave. GODS FAMILY IN MANOA served by: Rev. Henry J. McKee, Pastor Rev. Michael G. Speziale, In Residence Deacon John J. Suplee Deacon Bill Williams Sister Kathryn Benham, I.H.M. Director of Religious Education Mrs. Theresa Schmidt, School Principal Sister Bridget McCullough, I.H.M, Parish Service Ministries Miss Mary Ann Allton, Music Director SOLEMNITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE

Transcript of GOD S FAMILY MANOA served by: Rev. Henry J. McKee Pastor · Welcome to Sacred Heart Church! I am...

November 25, 2018

105 Wilson Ave., Havertown, PA Phone: 610-449-3000 Fax: 610-449-2364


Monday ccdto Friday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM (Closed 12-1PM for Lunch)

Evenings - Saturdays - Sundays: by Appointment

Sacred Heart School: 610-446-9198

Religious Education Office: 610-449-3000 Convent: 610-446-3694

Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary



SUNDAYS Vigil: 5:00 PM Saturday

7:30AM - 9:30AM - 11:30AM

WEEKDAYS Tuesday through Saturday at 8:30 AM

Holy Days of Obligation As listed in bulletin and on Parish Website

CONFESSIONS Saturday afternoon: 3:30-4:30 PM

or anytime by appointment

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday – Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm

Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm *Adora�on Chapel is located at the driveway

exit at Wilson Ave.


Rev. Henry J. McKee, Pastor

Rev. Michael G. Speziale, In Residence

Deacon John J. Suplee

Deacon Bill Williams

Sister Kathryn Benham, I.H.M. Director of Religious Education

Mrs. Theresa Schmidt, School Principal

Sister Bridget McCullough, I.H.M, Parish Service Ministries

Miss Mary Ann Allton, Music Director



Mass Intentions for the Week

Parish Registration We welcome new members to our Parish Family!

Please stop at the Parish Center to register or download form at www.sacredheartmanoa.org

Tuesday, November 278:30am Daniel Granato Wednesday, November 28 8:30am Roseanne Heaney & Joanne McDermott

Thursday, November 298:30am Marie Crowe

Friday, November 30 (St, Andrew, Apostle) 8:30am Antoinette Chiarini

Saturday, December 18:30am Joseph Romano


Miraculous Medal Novena: Saturday mornings after the 8:30 am Mass.

Rosary: Tuesday through Saturday morn 8:10 am

Divine Mercy Chaplet: following 8:30 am Mass

Parish Mission Statement We, the Sacred Heart Parish Community, knowing we are sustained by the Eucharist, dedicate ourselves to:

Forming a prayerful and worshiping community Educating all in Christ’s wisdom formed in and through the Gospel + Living our faith in today’s society

We strive to: Invite, welcome and serve all through our stewardship Unite our community through acceptance of one another + Comfort through word and deed

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Visit our Adoration Chapel

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm

Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm ALL ARE WELCOME!

The Chapel is located at the exit driveway of the church parking lot leading to Wilson Ave.

BAPTISM ~ PRE JORDAN *The next date for Pre Jordan is: December 10**

Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays at 12:45 PM with the exception of the 4th Sunday of each month, when Baptisms are celebrated at the 11:30am Mass. Parents are required to attend a Pre-Jordan Class before setting up a date for Baptism. Pre-Jordan Class is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center, with some exceptions. *Please consult Parish Bulletin or Website to verify*

MARRIAGE Couples intending to marry should contact one of the priests for an appointment to set a date. By Archdiocesan policy, this must be done at least six months prior to the date.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK Sunday at Mass or Upon request - contact one of the

priests at the rectory in case of serious illness.

RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Anytime by appointment. 610-449-3000

Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM

LEGION OF MARY Meets each TUESDAY at 1:00 PM in the Rectory

VISITATION OF THE SICK If you or someone in your family is

HOMEBOUND due to illness, disability, or advanced age, please call Sr. Bridget at the Parish Center (610-449-3000) so arrangements can

be made to bring Holy Communion. Also, please let us know when someone is in the hospital.


Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord, Welcome!

Hope your Thanksgiving was pleasant!

The theme of Thanksgiving continues as you join the Sacred Heart worshiping community in celebrating the Eucharistic Liturgy

for the Feast of Christ the King. In this and every Eucharistic Liturgy, a sense of gratitude is present, for the word "eucharist" means thanks, gratitude, grateful. I give thanks that you have joined us today. I am grateful for your prayerful participation. May your faith be strengthened and your spirit lifted through the Word proclaimed and the Bread of Life we take and eat. In today's Gospel, Pilate questions Jesus, "Are you the King of the Jews?" Jesus wonders if Pilate's question comes from Pilate, himself, or from what the others have told him about Jesus. In Pilate's political mindset, a King of the Jews would be seen as a conspirator against the empire. Pilate was only concerned with worldly kings. Jesus explains that, "My Kingdom does not belong to this world." Jesus was not the Messiah king, the political-religious liberator the people hoped would free then from a foreign dominated state. Jesus' Kingship is other-worldly, where truth and justice reign. Christ reigns over us!!. We are his subjects!! We try to live the truth as revealed in the teachings and life of Christ. We try to listen to his voice, when making choices in life, knowing truth is found in his testimony. Next weekend begins a new Liturgical Year, as we enter the Advent Season. The colors in Church change. The Advent Wreath begins to light up our sanctuary. We enter a time of

spiritual preparation for remembering the Birth of Christ. In the coming days think about "pausing" in this hectic season to refresh our spirit. Be well! God bless,

Fr. McKee

Collection Update

November 18, 2018 $ 11,434.00 November 19, 2017 $ 13,407.00

Goal: $367,500.00 Year to Date: $308,639.85 Difference: $ -58,860.15

Our target amount for Sunday collection is $17,500 per week to keep us in the black



Choir - Tuesday, November 27 at 7:30pm Handbells - Wednesday, November 28 at 7:00pm CYO Board - Tuesday, December 4 at 7:30pm Pro-Life - Thursday, December 6 at 8:00pm Prayer Shawl - Monday, December 10 at 9:30am PRE-JORDAN - Monday, December 10 at 7:00pm Knights of Columbus - Wed, December 12 7:00pm Mom’s Group - Thursday, December 13 9:30am Scripture Study - Thursday, December 13 7:00pm

Families/Couples/Individuals are needed at each Mass to participate in this year’s

lighting of the Advent Wreath.If you would like to participate in the lighting of

the Advent Wreath please sign up for the week and the Mass for which you are available as soon as possible! Email Sister Bridget at [email protected] orcall Sister Bridget or Mary Ann Allton at the Parish Center 610-449-3000.

*Be sure to specify time and date of Mass (5:00pm / 7:30am / 9:30am / 11:30am) First Sunday of Advent: December 1 - 2 Second Sunday of Advent: December 8 - 9

Third Sunday of Advent: December 15 –16 Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 22 - 23

**You will receive a call back to confirm your request of date and Mass.


PRE-JORDAN CLASS (in preparation for BAPTISM)

The Next Pre-Jordan Session is Monday, December 10

At 7:00pm in the MKD Room - *Attendance at the Pre-Jordan Class is mandatory, prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. Please call the Parish Center at (610) 449-3000 for further information.

**UPCOMING PREJORDAN SESSIONS:(2nd Monday of month: January 14 and February 11)

REST IN PEACE Please pray for Lindsay Vo and all members of our Sacred Heart Faith Community who have been welcomed to the happiness of eternal life.

SICK Please pray for all those who are sick, including: Baby Lucy McCabe, Baby Ellie Jane Gleason, Baby Avery Rose Harling, Benjamin Erik Froelich, Danny Wallower, Ann McHugh, Walter Hilsee, Jackie Muschamp, Frank Madden, Jean Cook, Adrian Hughes, Chris Garvey, Colin Garvey, Maryann Dabovich, Terry Romano, Phil Duca, Patricia Smith, Kate Dennin, Lou Furlan, Dana Zinser, Mickey DeFruscio, Helen Zacco, Mary Tortorelli, Brien Boston, Kate Yach, Kyle Boas, Rosemarie Knowlton M. Charles McKiernan, Fran McLaughlin, James Gavarone, Arthur Wasch, Jim Sweeney, Pat Lynch, Palma Ricci, Rose Forrest, Joseph Reynolds, Matthew Roy, Amy McHugh, Jean Bodalski Mettler, Cheryl Duca, Richard Morrow, Jr., Helen Ford, Olivia Kirmayer, Jayne Dahm, Lexi McAlonan, Sharon Muschamp, Joseph Cutuli, Dick Obyc, Amy McBride, James Bamber, Patrick Walker, Michael Walker, Sara Abate, Mickey McGoldrick, Christina Ferrante, LindaDarrach, Carly Katrinak, Jeanmarie Hanley

H.O.P.E. provides assistance for doctor appointments, shopping, etc. If you are in need of H.O.P.E services, please call Isabelle Duca at 610-449-3638.

Poor Box Donations for the month of NOVEMBERare being designated for the Sisters of St. Joseph

WELCOME CENTER educating and serving Immigrant Community in Kensington

Please remember to pray for all men and women serving in the Armed Forces. May the sacrifices they are making bring peace. May God bring them all home safely soon.

**Please consider using SCRIP & FUN MONEY for the upcoming Holidays!

SCRIP for supermarket shopping FUN MONEY for Christmas gifts -


Target, CVS, Dunkin Donuts to name a few! For a complete list of stores and also schedule for holiday ordering, see parish website or stop in on Sunday mornings Sunday Mornings: 10:30-11:30a.m.

in the Parish Center You can also place an order by emailing

[email protected] and arrange pick up at your convenience.

*This sale of supermarket and store giftcardsbenefits Sacred Heart School.*

LUCKY HEART LOTTERYThe Lucky Heart Lottery will be starting soon! Tickets are $30 each for the lottery, which will

run from January 1st through 31st.**Sellers : If you did not pick up your tickets, please contact Kevin Murphy at 610-609-6558 If you are interested in selling tickets, please contact Kevin Murphy at 610 609-6558. Ticketsellers receive a seller’s prize equal to 10% of the prize money won by tickets that they sell!

Lucky Heart Lottery Tickets will be on saleSUNDAYS IN DECEMBER

in the Parish Centerafter the 9:30am and 11:30am Masses *

HELPING HANDS FOR THE HOLIDAYS!Anyone wishing to contribute to “Helping Hands for the Holidays” may place their donation (cash-check-scrip) in a envelope marked “Helping Hands” in with the regular

collection or in the Poor Box this month. Thank you!

Salvation does not begin with confessing Christ’s

sovereignty, but with “the imitation of Jesus’ works

of mercy through which he brought about his

kingdom.” Pope Francis 11/23/14


Many parishioners use Electronic Funds Transferas an alternative method for giving, To enroll or to learn more about Sacred Heart Parish Giving, please go to www.sacredheartmanoa.orgWhat are the benefits for our Parishioners? • convenient and easy• choice of credit card or bank transfer • ability to choose date and frequency of contribution • ability to make 1-time donations/payments

CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD during the 9:30a.m. Mass. Any children Pre-K through first grade are invited to come forward when the priest invites the children to come forward.


(It’s the only way we will know!) OR ….. If you or someone in your family is HOMEBOUND due to illness, disability or advanced age, please call Sister Bridget so that arrangements can be made to bring Holy Communion.(610-449-3000)

PREP (Parish Religious Education Program)

***Reminder*** The yearly calendar can be found on the parish website. www.sacredheartmanoa.org Go to Religious Education schedules and you will find the calendar for the year.

Sunday Morning Classes No class this Sunday November 25th. Regular class Dec. 2, 9, and 16. Time: 8:15 – 9:20 a.m.

Monday Afternoon Classes Regular classes November 26, Dec. 3, 10 & 17. Time: 4:20 - 5:30pm.

Monday Evening Classes Regular classes November 26, Dec. 3, 10, & 17. Time: 6:45 - 8:00pm (Level 1 is dismissed to the gym 7:50pm)

The EDGE Regular classes . November 26th,Dec. 3rd, 10th, and 17th. Time: 6:45 p.m. to 8:00 pm

Pflaum Weekliesarents and Guardians, it is our hope that you will go over the gospel and some of the pages of the Pflaum Weekly with your child each week. When we do not have class we depend on you to go over the entire Weekly. The director’s guide with ideas can be located at the Pflaum website. There are also video clips available there in the GROW section. http://www.pflaumweeklies.com/catechists-teachers/ Whena child is absent we send home the weekly in the mail. Please return to Sister Kathy the following week.

Please join us Thursday Morning, December 13 -

9:30 - 10:30am in Everett Hall for our Mom’s Group! It’s just a time to meet other Moms and share and support one another! The group will meet monthly, (Yes! Babies and Toddlers are welcome! They can meet new friends too!) All are welcome!

Annual Catholic War Veterans CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY

With SANTA! Sunday, December 9

** 2:00 - 4:00pm in Everett Hall Entertainment-Refreshments & and

a special guest appearance by SANTA!


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We just received word that St. Francis Inn is need of volunteers to serve lunch to the homeless and those in need in their Kensington neighborhood on Christmas Eve Dec 24

Christmas Day Dec 25 December 28 Depart 10:15am/Return 2:00pm *If interested to serve one of these dates, please email Jean Murray at [email protected] or call 610-449-3000.



For more information: call Evelyn at 215-317-5752 or email [email protected].

“PRO-LIFE” LINES Crisis Pregnancy Resource hotline: 610-626-4006.

SACRED HEART SCHOOL Open House last weekend was a huge success! Many new families enjoyed touring our great school! If you missed the Open House and would like more information about the School and admission process, please contact our Principal, Mrs. Theresa Schmidt, at 610-449-9198 or [email protected]

WHY SHS?�� Sacred Heart School has had 7 Neumann

Scholars in the last 12 years �� Sacred Heart School remains the most

affordable school in our cluster. �� Average class size is 23 students. �� Honors Math program begins in 5th grade

for qualifying students. �� Delaware County Intermediate services

are available. �� Resource Room offering enrichment and

learning support to students in all grades. �� Our eighth grade graduating class of

2018 received more than $115,000 in scholarship funds

Knights of ColumbusADVENT CRAB CAKE SALE

Featuring CAPT’N CHUCKY’S Fresh Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes frozen Crab Balls & more!

QUANTITY COST4 fresh Crab Cakes $21.00 _______ _______ 6 fresh Crab Cakes $31.50 _______ _______ 12 fresh Crab Cakes $63.00 _______ _______ 50 Frozen Crab Balls $15.00 _______ _______ Maryland Crab Soup (1qt) $12.00 ________ ________ 12 Talutto Cheese Ravioli $10.00 _______ _______ Crab Marinara 1qt (frozen) $13,00 _______ _______

Make Check payable to: Sacred Heart KofC #15826 Be sure envelope is clearly marked “CRAB CAKE SALE”Payment must be included with order.

Name: ____________________________Address: _________________________ Phone # : _________________________

EMAIL: ________________________

ORDER MUST BE RECEIVED BY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 Drop in Collection Basket or return to Parish Center

Pick up date: Saturday, December 15 10AM - 1:00PM Additional Info & Order Forms WWW.SHMKOFC15826.ORG



Check #_________ Total Order $ _______

ADVENT DAYS OF PRAYER�� AT FRANCISCAN SPIRITUAL CENTER,ASTONSaturday, December 1 8:30am - 5:00pm Cost: $50 For more information please contact Dr. Cookie Magee at 610-494-8188 or by email at [email protected]. Msgr. John Jagodzinski is one of the presenters *M��� ��������

�� AT ST. RAPHAELA CENTER, HAVERFORDWednesday, December 5 8:30am-3:30pm Cost: $45; Registration: Please register online (www.straphaelacenter.org) or call St. Raphael Center at 610-642-5715.

Save the Date! Saturday February 2

A Night at the Races to Benefit Phase 2 of Gym Renovations

The School District of Haverford Township Transportation Department is seeking exceptional individuals who

enjoy working with children and would like to make a difference in their

community as: School Bus Drivers or School Bus Aides. Visit the School District website

for details on how to apply at: www.haverford.k12.pa.us/employment.

We provide training.

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