Goal 9 Show 4

Election of 1928 -Herbert Hoover “Two cars in every garage” -20’s marked a reign of prosperity -Hoover predicts the end of poverty

Transcript of Goal 9 Show 4

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Election of 1928

-Herbert Hoover

“Two cars in every garage”

-20’s marked a reign of prosperity

-Hoover predicts the end of poverty

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Stock Market Crash

Warning Signs:

1. Speculation-risky investments.

2. Buying on Margin-purchasing of stocks by paying only a small percentage of the price and borrowing the rest.

3. Stock prices war inflated.

October 1929 prices began to fall.

October 29, 1929 (Black Tuesday)

1. Stock Market Crashes.

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Causes of Depression

-Causes of the Depression:

1. Overproduction of goods.

2. Too much available credit.

3. Less consumption of goods.

4. Farm surplus.

5. High Tariffs

6. Unequal distribution of income.

7. No banking regulations.

Everything becomes a chain reaction.

Hawley Smoot Tariff of 1930—highest import tariff ever in the history of the

United States.

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Hard Times Hit Home

Hard times his homes and cities:

Shantytowns, soup kitchens, breadlines developed.

Rural Areas—foreclosure on farms. (No food supply)

Dust Bowl in the Great Plains (Mid-West)

Family Life: 1. Men on the move. 2. Hardships on women. 3. No health care for children.

Social Effects: 1. More suicides. 2. Mental illnesses. 3. Ethics and hard work.

Two families in every garage

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Hoover’s Resolve-

Rugged Individualism—the idea that people should succeed through their own efforts.

Agencies were established to help businesses recover.

Federal Home Loan Bank Act—Lowered mortgage rates.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation—2$ billion for emergency financing of banks, businesses, etc.

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Election of 1932

-Franklin D. Roosevelt Governor of New York

pledges a New Deal for the people. To help the

common man.

Democrats win great majority in Congress.

Hoover remains a lame duck for several months.

Lame Duck is a person in office without being

re-elected to that position.

Government changes policy with the 20th Amendment.

1. Inauguration of president changes from March 4th to January 20th after a presidential election.