GO2 Guide

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This is not a Newbie guide, as such basic familiarity with game mechanics is assumed. For graphical explanations of how to make buildings and such please visit any of the newbie guides found for free on the IGG forums.

Hour; one - nineFirst things first. M Start with only one planet, youll be branching out shortly. But for the first 4-12 hours you need to concentrate on upgrading your capital planet as quickly as possible. Once you have gotten all of the ground buildings to the point where they take at least a half hour. At this point before beginning your next planet you want to start spend a third of your resources making Weikes. Put them in stacks of a hundred and begin farming I:1. Learn the first few bps making sure to always be upgrading something, that part is very important the first few days. Once you have 2 fleets of 4 stacks [one hundred deep] begin farming I;2, Continue to flesh out fleet while keeping ques full, and working on your second planet. Set up your fleets in a empty cross format. Keep your fleets in the instances and your ques full. When each planet reach's the the half hour upgrade point begin your next colony. Pick the Territory that you intend your corporation to reside in and move your planets. The objective is to have the entirety of your capital zone covered in your people. So no one can port in.

EveningBefore going to bed remember to put up a truce card and set your bot to farm whichever instance you have gotten up to [stacks of 100 per instance level should be sufficient]. You want to accumulate as many bps as possible the first few days. Usually nearly nothing will sell for the first week, however each market is unique. So you need to be prepared to meet the inevitable bp for mp market. Also to watch for is the noobs posting Commander Cards for one million gold. Buy as many as you can afford. Sell them for 70-100 mp. Your mp at this point is there to buy you as much time as you can. I recommend getting one or two commanders. It is important to keep yourself from using all of your mp on CC's though, you need that for building and tech speedups. You should be farming 4 by at latest the middle of the second day. Each of your colonies in addition to continuously building something should be spending a third of there resources on Weikes and sending them back to your capital.

Second Day.Sell your excess bps for mp, and ensure your trusted lieutenant s have whatever they need. These will be your rock. Once you have 3 full fleets of Weikes 400 deep progress to Farming I:4. When you have enough to build these three fleets 500 deep experiment with Farming five. Back out if necessary of course. However it should be easily doable. If necessary make 3 stacks of shield ships [dukes work well] to put in front of your leader-fleet. You can control which fleets show up where on the map by the order you select them, and can change the direction they face by left clicking and hitting turn. Six is essentially the same as Five. Build up to stacks of 600. at Seven hundred deep and 3-4 fleets begin Seven, Seven is the cut off for most players the first week. The key to I;8 and I:9 is shield ships.

Make Duke's with as many PSS and HDS as you can fit on them. Remember that each Energy Shield Booster adds three to the damage reduction of other shields. So at a certain point it is more efficient to add them. Acquire the Gogetter as soon as absolutely possible. Neutralizing is the best armor for this tier of the game. Once you have it the PSS HDS and your chosen weapon [Ballistic or Directional] Begin making them on your main account, Make sure that you always have enough Resources to keep your Ques full, Ship, Building, and Tech. Use the rest to keep making Gogetters, and Weikes on your colony accounts.

For I:9The key hear is mostly heat damage, Your weikes are strong against that but that along wont keep them alive. Its imperative that you control the speed and positioning of your fleets. You need to make sure your gogetter have higher attack power, Durability and move then the weikes, This shouldnt be hard.

For I:10 -I:14While it is possible to take Weikes as high as the mid twenties I dont advise it. There is just to much damage coming from all directions, and to many fleets to ensure there safety. So you want to use Gogetters, and Dukes to get you through to I:13. Once youve beaten 10, 11-14 are of essentially identical difficulty [and all easier then 10]. The fleetfoot is your next benchmark ship. You want to acquire it as soon as absolutely possible. If it take spending mp to instantly learn the space hunter, this is something that I advise. This is one of the points where mp can drastically reduce your time. The limitation of resources and build time will normally drag you out to several weeks to have enough Fleetfoots to get to I:16. Buying Resource packs however isnt the most efficient method just the fastest. All of your colonies should be clustered in a group near your capital but just far enough away so as to not obstruct Subsidies. Farm them for as much resources as you can. The more Colonies you have the less mp youll have to spend on he3/metal packs. To acquire gold your best bet is to buy resource boosters for mp and sell them on the market. The gold cost of the boosters divided by Four is your Current MP Gold ratio or CMGR This will fluctuate radically the first few days. If possible assign your designated pvp player to deal with anyone who undercuts in such a way as to drive the prices down. The more stable the market the faster you can build from Cycled Gold> MP> Gold. This cycle is absolutely imperative if you dont want to spend thousands of dollars.

Day 3:You should be beginning to Farm 8 and 9 by mid Day three. http://instances.110mb.com/ Has a very nice graphical representation of where your ships will spawn for each instance. Use it to ensure that our tank fleets take the brunt of the damage. Positioning within a fleet is also critically important and will save you days of wasted building. Use at least two armor types, I used Dukes [Chrome] and Fleetfoots/Gogetters [Neutralizing]. As many of the instances up to 20 can be arranged in such a way that you only take damage that your strong to. For example all the ships in I;13 are set up one a cross pattern so that you will always be taking kinetic damage on the sides and Magnetic in the center no matter what side your attacked from. So you would put your gogetters in the center and Duke/Wacthmen/Spacehunter [personal preference] on the sides.

On the below picture the X's are your Neutralizing armor. OXO XOX OXO This set up will remain mostly unchanged until I:15 As necessary change the above pattern. Keep aware of what type of damage each fleet is doing in each instance and how each fleet is set up. You can tell what type of damage each ship is doing by hovering over the weapons on the top left of the screen when they fire at you. Or by noting what type of ship each is and cross referencing with the model in the Mall Tabs as they are all taken from the mall tabs. For Mall Purchases you should wait for tab 3 and Buy the Ballistic Watchmens to Supplement your home-built and Weike Fleets.

Combat mechanicsHull/Planet Defense Armor Type vs. Weapon Type Damage Effect Armor Weapon Planet Defense Neutralizing Regen Chrome Nano Kinetic 10% 150% 50% 75% 100% Heat Magnetic Explosive 10% 100% 150% 50% 75% 10% 50% 75% 100% 150% 10% 75% 100% 150% 50%

Hull Type vs. Hull Type Damage Effect Frigate strong against Battleship, weak against Cruiser Cruiser strong against Frigate, weak against Battleship Battleship strong against Cruiser, weak against Frigate Hull Type Frigate Cruiser Battleship Frigate +0% +5% -5% Cruiser -5% +0% +5% Battleship +5% -5% +0%

Direction vs. Row Directio Front n Row First +0% Side +20% Rear +15%

Second Third

-10% -25%

+10% -5%

+5% -10%

Weapon Stats: S = 130% A = 110% B = 100% C = 90% D = 70%

Commander Stats Hull Stats: S = 90% damage taken, 110% damage to specific hull A = 95% damage taken, 105% damage to specific hull B = 100% damage taken, 100% damage to specific hull C = 105% damage taken, 95% damage to specific hull D = 110% damage taken, 110% damage to specific hull

Day 4+ The next several days advancement are unfortunately subject to Random chance. Without the Gogetter BP and 3+ stacks of shield ships no one is getting pasty 8/9 For several more days. So you are somewhat dependent on getting the Gogetter/PSS/HDS, The Heat Ballistic or Laser weapon while arent necessary will help as well. Keep in mind that the Heat versions are always more efficient per volume and have a better hit rate. So until you specifically need to hurt neutralizing armor never use the Kinetic Ballistic weapon. Mag lasers can still be good however due to the otherwise very high tank quality of Nano armor. With sufficient MP/Farms the only thing keeping you from I:13 Drop rates. It Is imperative to set up a BP exchange program. Keep a list of what your people need, and who has given/received what BP's. One of your people who will be the Tip of the Spear [ToTS], the one who gets every bp first so he can make the best ships possible and advance the fastest. A second should be your Dragon, His job is to harass and harry, he wont be advancing very fast as he is forced to waste resources and ships destroying other peoples ability to advance, and harrying anyone whos fucking with the market. Examples of these from S13 would be Moriden/ Kora and Keck/Sipher respectively. All other corp members should fall into one of two categories, Farmers and Fishers. Your farmers are your economic players who build Accounts for The top of the spear to farm. The Fishers will be receiving Bps from ToTS and farming the instances that he has had to skip in the mad dash for the keystone Instance levels. 7 [Gogetter], 8 [Mag shield, Agility Booster], 9 [Gatling], 13 [Fleetfoot/Spacehunter], 14 [Explosive shield]m 15 [Tenho], 16 [Sparrow]. Your ToTS must avoid pvp at all costs until he has all of the bps listed above. Then begin construction of Sparrows with 1-2 of each elemental shield and ESB, a minimum speed of five is strongly recommended. Do not use kinetic damage or the Reflective plating will kill you. Week Two By the beginning of the second week you should have accumulated enough Mall Wacthmens, Duke Shields and Ball/Laser Fleetfoots/Gogetter to have advanced to I:16. And have farmed the vast majority of the Bps that you need from them. I;17 is a major wall much like 8/9 before it. The trick is that 17 doesnt actually drop anything you care about until much much latter. And is much harder then 18/19. So once you are confident you can get through it just grit your teeth accept the losses and push through. 100K ships is a good benchmark to shoot for before trying this. Experiment with what you have and positioning to see how few you can pull it off with. Making several one stack weikes fleets can buy you an entire round of not taking the nuke laser fleets damage if positioned appropriately. Acquiring the Devourer/Hedghog from 18 is a keystone moment in ship building. Paired with your

Sparrows/Wacthmens. Hedhog will get you to I:26 [Palenkas can also be used exclusively if you can afford to make 400k of them. Though expect to take low but frequent losses on anything much past 19. This is fine, its essentially impossible that you will be doing 26 without taking losses before getting the EOS. Once youve got the Hedghog design, and have built your 100-400k fleet its time for the mad Dash to an EOS. Carefully consult the same reference site for instance positioning to get to 21 and 26 respectively. The only two Bps you care about at this point are the Ballistic from 21 and the EOS. When farming on S13 I was using 15 fleets of missile Whirpools and Laser Palenkas. The whirlpooks sadly got ripped apart in 26 from the closest target heat devourers. The Hedghog is your key to avoiding the same fate. Nano is the strongest armor for 26. The complete lack of magnetic damage makes it an obvious choice, Coupled with the no learn time, and nuke kinetic ship based fleets its the only choice. Though again legacy palenkas should hold up reasonably well. Making sure the enemys go first your Tank ships are in the front and Nano armor will minimize your losses as much as is feasible. Luckily for you you will probably only have to farm for a small number of EOS so get in get it done and get out. Once you have your chosen weapon and the EOS begin building Hedghogs equipped with them. Barring the emergence of a Super MP buyer you now have time to take a breather and farm the bps youve missed, for both yourself and your Fishers. Commander Cards are another thing that will help you reach this point significantly faster around I:15 I believe is the time when 4+ star commanders start becoming essential.

CommandersNewbie Guide All About Commanders

1. Functions To create a fleet, you need a commander to...well, command it. In addition to leading the fleet, commander's attributes, expertise, skill, and rank all have a direct effect on the outcome of battles. 2. Attributes Each commander has 4 basic attributes and 8 expertise attributes. Basic attributes include Accuracy, Speed, Dodge and Electron. Accuracy affects how much damage a fleet causes. Upgrading this attribute allows fleets to deal more damage. Speed is just that, how fast you move in battle. The higher a commander's Speed, the the better the chance of attacking first in battle. High Speed also increases the rate of a fleet combo attack (which means two attacks by the same fleet on another fleet). Dodge is just that, the rate at which a commander can effectively dodge an attack or reduce the damage received from one. Electron is a little less obvious, but no less important. This attribute is crucial for fleets hoping to deliver a knockout blow. The 8 expertise attributes highlight particular areas that commander excel in. Some may be good in one or two areas, while others will have a broad range of knowledge. These 8 attributes are:

Ballistic Weapon Expertise, Directional Weapon Expertise, Missile Expertise, Ship-based Weapon Expertise, Planet Attack Expertise, Frigate Expertise, Cruiser Expertise and Battleship Expertise. There are 5 levels showing how in depth their knowledge of each expertise goes (highest to lowest) - S, A, B, C, D. For Weapons, Level S will improve your corps attack power by 30%, Level A will improve it by 10%, while Level B will improve nothing. However, if your weapon is Level C, it will decrease your attack power by 10% and Level D will decrease your attack power by 30! For Hulls, Level S will decrease damage received by 10% and increase damage dealt by 10%, Level A will decreases damage by 5% and increase damage by 5%, while Level B will add no bonuses. However, if your hull is Level C, the damage received will be increased by 5% and damage dealt will be decreased by 5%. Finally, if your hull is Level D damage received will be increased by 10% and damage dealt will be decreased by 10%. Also, when looking at possible commander's for your fleet, its important to keep in mind what fleet that commander will be commanding. If one commander has high missile and frigate expertise, its best to assign that commander to missile equipped frigates, or at the very least to a ship carrying missiles or to a frigate.Commanders Star Bonus

For each level increase in the commander, stats and effective stacking will increase Commander Star Type Common 0 Commander Spell 1 Commander 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Super 1 Commander 2 3 4 5 Min Stat Max Stat 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 4 6 8 10 12 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 5 7 9 11 13 Frigate Cruiser 0 24 74 153 264 416 618 885 1238 1705 26 78 160 277 437 0 22 68 139 240 378 562 804 1125 1550 23 71 146 252 398 Battleship 0 20 61 125 216 340 505 724 1013 1395 21 64 131 227 358

6 7 8 9 Legendary Commander 1

14 16 18 20 7

15 17 19 21 8

652 937 1316 1822 27

593 852 1197 1656 24

533 767 1077 1491 22

2 9 10 82 74 67 3 11 12 168 153 138 4 13 14 292 265 239 5 15 16 462 420 378 6 17 18 690 628 565 7 19 20 996 905 815 8 21 22 1405 1277 1149 9 23 24 1900 1777 1599 *Also note that the text colors indicate the color of card for that particular commander Commanders Hospitalization Commander Star Type Common 0 Commander Spell 1 Commander 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Super 1 Commander 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Death Rate 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.12 0.12 Hospitalizatio Level n 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

9 Legendary Commander 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0.12 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.1

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Commander Card Compounding Success Rate

1 Star 2 Star = 100% 2 Star 3 Star = 100% 3 Star 4 Star = 90% 4 Star 5 Star = 80% 5 Star 6 Star = 70% 6 Star 7 Star = 60% 7 Star 8 Star = 50% 8 Star 9 Star = 40% *Excluding Merging Chip/Corps bonus List of most comanders with pictures and bios.http://forum.sns.igg.com/viewthread.php?tid=2131

SummationOnce you have Hedghog EOS Flash the only thing keeping you from I30 is a little practice with positioning and numbers. Remember to have 1-3 dedicated tank fleets that will be highest Attack/Durability. Set to Closest target, Max Durability, and Max attack respectively. Your non ballistic non tank fleets should all be set to max range. Setting Lasers to min durability can be useful particularly for Mag lasers as most nano armor is frigate based. Explosive damage should usually be set to max durability to hit the chrome.

Corp Upgrade Info.Resource Bonus Planet Possession Bonus Level 1 Resource Bonus Planet (RBP) has a corp bonus of 5.5% by default Each level increase in RBP, - Resource production rate - Shipbuilding rate - Research rate will be boosted according to a certain percentage and maximum defense fleet limit increase Each Level increase will:= +5.0%, max fleet 105 Level 1 - 5 = +0.5%, max fleet 10 Level 6 - 10 = +0.5%, max fleet 15 Level 11 - 15 = +1.0%, max fleet 20 Level 16 - 20 = +1.0%, max fleet 25 Level 21 - 25 = +1.5%, max fleet 30 Level 26 - 30 = +1.5%, max fleet 35 Level 31 - 35 = +2.0%, max fleet 40 Level 36 - 40 = +2.0%, max fleet 45 Level 41 - 45 = +2.5%, max fleet 50 Level 46 - 50 = +2.5%, max fleet 55 Level 51 - 55 = +3.0%, max fleet 60 Level 56 - 60 = +3.0%, max fleet 65 Level 61 - 65 = +3.5%, max fleet 70 Level 66 - 70 = +3.5%, max fleet 75 Level 71 - 75 = +4.0%, max fleet 80 Level 76 - 80 = +4.0%, max fleet 85 Level 81 - 85 = +4.5%, max fleet 90 Level 86 - 90 = +4.5%, max fleet 95 Level 91 - 95 = +5.0%, max fleet 100 Level 96 - 100 = +5.0%, max fleet 105 Planetary Defense Space Station Health: 300 Meteor(S) A more powerful Meteor Level 1 Health 20,000 Wealth Required 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

40,000 80,000 160,000 320,000 640,000 1,280,00 0 2,560,00 0 5,120,00 0 10,240,0 00

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Particle Cannon(S) A more powerful Particle Cannon Attack Type 1 Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Attack Health Power 10,000 10,000 50,000 20,000 100,000 40,000 150,000 80,000 200,000 160,000 250,000 320,000 300,000 640,000 1,280,0 350,000 00 2,560,0 400,000 00 5,120,0 450,000 00 Range 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 Cooldown Wealth Required 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 250 400 550 700 850 1,000 1,150 1,300

Anti-aircraft Gun (S) A more powerful Anti-aircraft Gun Attack Type 2, Attack Area: 1 Level 1 2 3 4 Attack Power 10,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 Health Range 8,000 16,000 32,000 64,000 5 5 5 6 Cooldown 1 1 1 1 Wealth Required 0 200 400 600

5 6 7 8 9 10

200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000

128,00 0 256,00 0 512,00 0 1,024, 000 2,048, 000 4,096, 000

6 6 7 7 8 8

1 1 1 1 1 1

800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800

Thor(S) A more powerful Thor Attack Type 3, Attack Area: 10 (Level 1-6), 11 (Level 7-10) Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Attack Power 50,000 150,000 300,000 450,000 600,000 750,000 900,000 1,050,00 0 1,200,00 0 1,350,00 0 Health 40,000 80,000 160,000 320,000 640,000 1,280,0 00 2,560,0 00 5,120,0 00 10,240, 000 20,480, 000 Range 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 Cooldown Wealth Required 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 100 200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400 12,800 25,600

Corps Upgrade Corps Level Level 1 2 Member RBP 30 40 1 2 Wealth Required 0 50 Repair Fees 0 10 Time (hr) 0 12 Bonus 5 10

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

700 5,000 20,000 35,000 100,000 300,000 1,000,000 3,000,000

50 250 500 800 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000

60 120 216 360 552 792 1080 1200

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Corps Warehouse Level Slots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (hr) 1 5 10 18 30 46 66 90 120 150 Wealth Required 200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400 12,800 25,600 51,200 102,400

Corps Merging Center Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Success Rate Bonus % 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Time (hr) 0:20 1:40 3:20 6 10 15:20 22 30 40 50 Wealth Required 200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400 12,800 25,600 51,200 102,400

Corps Mall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (hr) 0:40 3:20 6:40 12 20 30:40 44 60 80 100 Wealth Required 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400 12,800 25,600 51,200 102,400 204,800

RBP Upgrade Space Station chart Max Level Defense Fleets 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 15 7 15 8 15 9 15 10 15 11 20 12 20 13 20 14 20 15 20 16 25 17 25 18 25 Bonus 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Wealth Required

8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 1000 1331 1728 2197 2744 3375 4096 4913 5832

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

25 25 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 40 45 45 45 45 45 50 50 50 50 50 55 55 55 55 55 60 60 60 60 60 65 65 65

19 20 21.5 23 24.5 26 27.5 29 30.5 32 33.5 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57.5 60 62.5 65 67.5 70 72.5 75 77.5 80 83 86 89 92 95 98 101 104

6859 8000 9261 10,648 12,167 13,824 15,625 17,576 19,683 21,952 24,389 27,000 29,791 32,768 35,937 39,304 42,875 46,656 50,653 54,872 59,319 64,000 68,921 74,088 79,507 85,184 91,125 97,336 103,823 110,592 117,649 125,000 132,651 140,608 148,877 157,464 166,375 175,616 185,193 195,112

59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

65 65 70 70 70 70 70 75 75 75 75 75 80 80 80 80 80 85 85 85 85 85 90 90 90 90 90 95 95 95 95 95 100 100 100 100 100 105 105 105

107 110 113.5 117 120.5 124 127.5 131 134.5 138 141.5 145 149 153 157 161 165 169 173 177 181 185 189.5 194 198.5 203 207.5 212 216.5 221 225.5 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270

205,379 216,000 226,981 238,328 250,047 262,144 274,625 287,496 300,763 314,432 328,509 343,000 357,911 373,248 389,017 405,224 421,875 438,976 456,533 474,552 493,039 512,000 531,441 551,368 571,787 592,704 614,125 636,056 658,503 681,472 704,969 729,000 753,571 778,688 804,357 830,584 857,375 884,736 912,673 941,192

99 100

105 105

275 280

970,299 1,000,000

Assorted InfoDaily Rewards Daily Rewards Reward Name Bronze Award Points Reward Required 20 Loudspeakers 1 Resource Box 10 1 Movement Card 20 Loudspeakers 2 Resource Boxes 2 Movement 30 Cards 1 Primary He3 Pack 1 Primary Metal Pack 5 Resource Boxes 4 Movement Cards 2 Primary He3 Packs 2 Primary Metal Packs 1 Metal 50 Gathering Accelerate 1 He3 Gathering Accelerate 1 Construction Card 1 Galaxy Transfer 1 Extra Tax 1 Gem 70 Rawstone Probability % 50 30 20

Silver Award

40 30 10 10 10

Gold Award

30 30 10 10 5 5 2 3 5

Diamond Award


Daily Tasks Task Name Description Instance Warrior Stockpiling (No longer part of Daily Tasks) Max Point Attempt Award 5 3 1 1 5 1 5 5 1 1 2 0 1 4 10 2 3 2 2 4 6 5

Harvest resources from Resource Warehouse Collecting Harvest resources from Subsidiary Your Dues Territories Daily Login Login daily Helping Accelerate Facebook friends' Hand building construction Need for Accelerate own building Speed construction (Voucher/MP required) Finders Claiming friends' Subsidiary Keepers Territories resources Base Repair friends' CIB Construction Voucher Collect voucher from Intergalactic Rush Council Donations Donate 200,000 resources to corps Restricted Complete Restricted Instance Instance

Player Level Player level will affect the total number of commanders the player can have Level 1 - 5 = 10 commanders Level 6 - 10 = 15 commanders Level 11 - 15 = 20 commanders Level 16 - 20 = 25 commanders Level 21 - 25 = 30 commanders Level 26 - 30 = 35 commanders Level 31 - 35 = 40 commanders Level 36 - 40 = 45 commanders Level 41 - 100 = 50 commanders

Lucky Wheel Lottery Item Movement Card Gift Pack (S) Metal Mining Boost He3 Mining Boost Extra Tax Description Recover SP Gain 10 voucher Increase metal production Increase He3 production Probability % 17 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.50 2.5 16.27 16.2 16.2 2 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.02

Increase gold production Increase chance of Merge Chip Commander card compounding 4 raw gemstones to merge into Raw Gemstones 1 Gem He3 Pack Gain 50,000 He3 Metal Pack Gain 50,000 Metal Construction Adds 3 more construction Card slots for 72hr Shifts planet to a random Galaxy Transfer location in the galaxy Gold Pack (B) Gain 100,000 Gold Gift Pack (B) Gain 100 voucher Adv Galaxy Moves planet to a designated Transfer location in the galaxy Skill Commander Gain a Spell commander card Card Super Commander Gain a Super commander card Card Legendary Gain a Legendary commander Commander card Card Loudspeaker Gain 50 Loudspeakers

0.01 17.2

Building Speedup [Modules significantly more. 6 per half hour instead of 3] Reduce 30 min = 3 MP/Voucher Reduce 2 hr = 12 MP/Voucher Reduce 8 hr = 48 MP/Voucher Reduce 24 hr = 144 MP/Voucher Complete = [(No. of 10 min rounded up)*1] MP/Voucher

Blueprint Rewards Obtained from Instances 1-30 Color Coding: Hull, Weapons, Shield, Structure, Air Defense, Electronic, Storage & Transmission Instance Blueprint (BP) Air Wanderer 1 Bombadier Nettle Gravity Maintenance Facility 2 Atomic Framework Particle Stun Shield Molotov Cocktail "Tempest" Rapid Fire 3 Pulse Laser Transmitter Rocket Booster "Hunter" Streamliner Valkyrie 4 Duke Diaz Heat Diffusion 5 Orbital Shield Missile Interception Heavy Duty "Wiseman" Scatterbomb 6 Guided Laser Bomb "Razor" Missile Pod Ladybug GoGetter 7 The Shuttler RV799 - The Explorer Space-Time Magnetic Shield 8 Agility Booster Fighter-based Interception Cabin Gatling Cannon The Sumo 9 Refined Rocket Frame "Nomad" Streamliner Watchman 10 Palenka Infrared Scanner 11 Station Warehouse BP Type Frigate Cruiser Battleship Structure Structure Shield Planet Attack Ballistics Orientation Missile Ship-based Frigate Cruiser Battleship Shield Shield Air Defense Planet Attack Ballistics Orientation Missile Ship-based Frigate Cruiser Battleship Shield Electronic Air Defense Ballistics Orientation Missile Ship-based Cruiser Battleship Electronic Storage Armor/Attack Type Neutralizing Regen Nano

Kinetic Heat Heat Explosive Heat Nano Chrome Neutralizing Heat

Kinetic Magnetic Explosive Explosive Neutralizing Regen Regen Magnetic Heat Heat Explosive Explosive Chrome Nano





16 17






23 24

Star Shooter "Blaze" Auto Cannon Magneto Bomb "Poacher" Firebomb Dragonturtle Space Hunter Industrial Ship Howler Fleetfoot Hull Maintenance Mechanic Detonator Shield "Typhoon" Speed Cannon Plasma Energy Cannon Boomerang Rocket Rack "Leopard" Streamliner Sparrow Spinner Bolencia Shield Regenerator Smasher "Tenho" Dimensional Bomb Positron Bomb "Hellfire" Missile Pod Guardian Devourer Wraith Whirlpool Hedgehog Reflective Plating ECM Booster Powered Pulse Cannon "Flash" Sonic Bomb Meltdown "Destroyer" Rocket Rack "Warhammer" Streamliner Polymesus Encratos Cerberus Quick Reaction Armor Energy Armor Extreme Counterattack System Nano Station Warehouse Doomsday "Calamity" Howitzer Heartstopper "Thunder" Missile Pod

Planet Attack Ballistics Orientation Missile Ship-based Frigate Special Cruiser Battleship Special Frigate Structure Shield Ballistics Orientation Missile Ship-based Frigate Cruiser Special Cruiser Shield Planet Attack Ballistics Orientation Missile Ship-based Frigate Cruiser Battleship Special Frigate Structure Electronic Air Defense Ballistics Orientation Missile Ship-based Frigate Cruiser Battleship Structure Structure Air Defense Storage Planet Attack Ballistics Orientation Missile

Kinetic Magnetic Explosive Heat Nano Chrome Chrome Neutralizing Explosive Heat Heat Explosive Magnetic Neutralizing Regen Regen

Kinetic Magnetic Explosive Kinetic Nano Chrome Regen Nano

Heat Heat Explosive Magnetic Neutralizing Regen Neutralizing

Kinetic Magnetic Explosive

25 26


28 29


Hammerhead Cybra Nicholas Genesis Eos Phase Shift Shield Auto Target System "Deathhowl" Shockwave "Princess" Lightspear "Destroyer" Nuclear Rack Hornet Swarm Hamdar Helena Tiamat Daedalus Control System Team Combat Engine "Ares" Widowmaker "Tomahawk" Godfist "Doomsday" Nuclear Launcher Pandora Anti-Matter Engine

Ship-based Frigate Cruiser Battleship Shield Electronic Ballistics Orientation Missile Ship-based Frigate Cruiser Battleship Structure Transmission Ballistics Orientation Missile Ship-based Transmission

Heat Nano Chrome Regen

Heat Heat Explosive Explosive Neutralizing Regen Chrome

Kinetic Magnetic Explosive Kinetic

Obtained from Mall (Purchased with Badges) Blueprint (BP) Daybreak Last Stand Shadow Guardian Quick Assault Striking Sword Nihilbet Aggressive Warlord Alliance Admiral Presidio of Glory BP Type Special Frigate Special Frigate Special Frigate Special Cruiser Special Cruiser Special Cruiser Special Battleship Special Battleship Special Battleship Armor Type Nano Neutralizing Nano Chrome Regen Chrome Regen Nano Neutralizing Cost (Badges) 2000 2500 3000 2000 2500 3000 2000 2500 3000

Obtained from Mall (Purchased with Honors) Blueprint (BP) Azrael BloodyMary Flamer Nemesis BP Type Ballistics Ballistics Orientation Orientation Attack Type Heat Kinetic Heat Magnetic Cost (Honors) 6144 6936 6144 6936

Dragon Slayer Wipeout Widowmaker Titan Reference site

Missile Missile Ship-based Ship-based

Explosive Explosive Explosive Kinetic

6144 6936 6144 6936

Good graphical database of general information. http://wizzed.atfics.com/GO2/

Earning MP Without Spending 1. Click on 'Free Points' and complete any offers 2. Completing at least one will earn you MP and MVP status 3. This small amount of MP is to be used for tax when you sell your Ships/BP/Cards on Auction * Since the amount of MP is little, try to sell items below market rate to ensure 100% sale 4. Once you have made your first sale, you will have more MPs to do better sales!

Avoiding Losses in a Losing Defense Battle 1. Disband all fleets 2. Do not harvest any more resources from warehouse 3. Spend as much resources as possible *you can do so by constructing buildings/ships/research/donate to corps 4. This will leave the raider with minimal loot and zero Shootdowns (Works when player is online/offline) *If possible, use Truce Card and you will be protected for 12 hours