Go to hell Flash, we don't need you anymore! GothamJs

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Go to hell Flash, we don't need you anymore!

by Micha Budzynski @michalbe

Go to hell Flash, we don't need you anymore!

by Micha Budzynski @michalbe


Who's that guy?



JavaScript developer from Warsaw, Poland

Who's that guy?



Firefox OS Team at Mozilla

Who's that guy?



Open web game developer

Who's that guy?



Author of stupid web demos

Who's that guy?



Resident Evil fan 0) {//all the actions...return;} else {//clicked nowhere...}



BLYSK problems & solutions

1. Canvas is just a bitmap2. Canvas is just a bitmap3. Saving movies in different formats



BLYSK problems & solutions



BLYSK problems & solutions




BLYSK problems & solutions

Converting Canvas to other formats



BLYSK the future


BLYSK the future



BLYSK the future

1. End of basic development this year



BLYSK the future

1. End of basic development this year2. Mobile versions (mostly for tablets)



BLYSK the future

1. End of basic development this year2. Mobile versions (mostly for tablets)3. Free to use



BLYSK the future

1. End of basic development this year2. Mobile versions (mostly for tablets)3. Free to use4. Open source








Warsaw, Poland19th-21st of September 2012http://onGameStart.com@onGameStart






Conference at the end of the world



Conference at the end of the world



Conference at the end of the world

'Arctowski' Polish Antarctic StationSummer 2012/2013http://AntarcticJs.com@AntarcticJS



Conference at the end of the world



Conference at the end of the world



Conference at the end of the world


Conference at the end of the world



Conference at the end of the world


My lifeResident EvilOther stuff



My lifeResident EvilOther stuff

