Go to Basis Manager Close Current Case HYSYS Hot...

1. HYSYS Hot Keys File Create New Case CTRL+N Open Case CTRL+O Save Current Case CTRL+S Save As... CTRL+SHIFT+S Close Current Case CTRL+Z Exit HYSYS ALT+F4 Simulation Go to Basis Manager CTRL+B Leave Current Environment (Return to Previous) CTRL+L Main Properties CTRL+M Access Optimizer F5 Toggle Steady-State/Dyn Modes F7 Toggle Hold/Go Calculations F8 Access Integrator CTRL+I Start/Stop Integrator F9 Stop Calculations CTRL+BREAK Flowsheet Add Material Stream F11 Add Operation F12 Access Object Navigator F3 Show/Hide Object Palette F4 Composition View (Workbook) CTRL+K Tools Access Workbooks CTRL+W Access PFDs CTRL+P Toggle Move/Attach (PFD) CTRL Access Utilities CTRL+U Access Reports CTRL+R Access DataBook CTRL+D Access Controller FacePlates CTRL+F Access Help F1 Column Column Runner (Sub-Flowsheet) CTRL+T Stop Column Solver CTRL+BREAK Dynamics Assistant CTRL+Y Window Close Active Window CTRL+F4 Tile Windows SHIFT+F4 Go to Next Window CTRL+F6 or CTRL+TAB Go to Previous Window CTRL+SHIFT+F6 or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Editing/General Access Edit Bar F2 Access Pull-Down Menus F10 or ALT Go to Next Page Tab CTRL+SHIFT+N Go to Previous Page Tab CTRL+SHIFT+P Cut CTRL+X Copy CTRL+C Paste CTRL+V

Transcript of Go to Basis Manager Close Current Case HYSYS Hot...

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1. HYSYS Hot Keys ToolsAccess Workbooks CTRL+WAccess PFDs CTRL+P

Toggle Move/Attach (PFD) CTRL

Access Utilities CTRL+UAccess Reports CTRL+RAccess DataBook CTRL+DAccess Controller FacePlates CTRL+FAccess Help F1


Column Runner (Sub-Flowsheet) CTRL+T

Stop Column Solver CTRL+BREAK

Dynamics Assistant CTRL+Y

WindowClose Active Window CTRL+F4Tile Windows SHIFT+F4Go to Next Window CTRL+F6 or CTRL+TAB

Go to Previous Window CTRL+SHIFT+F6 or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB

Editing/GeneralAccess Edit Bar F2Access Pull-Down Menus F10 or ALTGo to Next Page Tab CTRL+SHIFT+NGo to Previous Page Tab CTRL+SHIFT+PCut CTRL+XCopy CTRL+CPaste CTRL+V

FileCreate New Case CTRL+N

Open Case CTRL+O

Save Current Case CTRL+S

Save As... CTRL+SHIFT+SClose Current Case CTRL+ZExit HYSYS ALT+F4


Go to Basis Manager CTRL+B

Leave Current Environment (Return to Previous) CTRL+L

Main Properties CTRL+MAccess Optimizer F5

Toggle Steady-State/Dyn Modes F7

Toggle Hold/Go Calculations F8

Access Integrator CTRL+I

Start/Stop Integrator F9

Stop Calculations CTRL+BREAK

FlowsheetAdd Material Stream F11Add Operation F12

Access Object Navigator F3

Show/Hide Object Palette F4Composition View (Workbook) CTRL+K

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2. Starting a Simulation


This group contains all the available Property Packages.

Filter List

1. Select the New Case button.

2. Select the Add button from the Simulation Basis Manage

Use this button to Import a Fluid Package stored on disk.

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4. Select the components for the case.




6. Close the property view to return to the Basis Manager and press the Enter Simulation Environment button to build your simulation.

7. Install Streams and Operations.

For more information, refer to Section 1.3 - Starting a Simulation in the HYSYS User’s Guide.

5. Provide any additional required information inside the FPackage:

• Parameters - pure component/property package inform• Binary Coefficients - examine, supply, or estimate bin• Stability Test - define method to be used for phase sta

calculations.• Reactions - attach Reaction Sets.• Tabular - turn on equation-based representation of pro• Notes - document the Fluid Package.

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3. Installing Streams and Operations Summary View

UnitOps Selection Dialog

to lection

n an k page, ration lt Unit Add


1. Filter the list of Available Unit Operations.

2. Choose the Unit Operation from this group.

3. Add the chosen operation.

Streams Operations

Hot Key F11 F12

Object PaletteDouble click on the Material or Energy Stream Icon.

Double click on the Operation Icon.

Summary ViewPress the Add Material or Add Energy button.

Press the Add buttonopen the UnitOps sedialog.


In the **New** cell on a Material Streams or Energy Streams Workbook page, type in the new stream name.

In the **New** cell oOperation Workbootype in the new opename. On the defauOps page, select theUnitOp button.

Reference Section

1.3.4 - Installing Streams in the HYSYS User’s Guide

1.3.5 - Installing Operations in the HUser’s Guide

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Object Palette Installing Multiple Streams or Operations of One Type

(Use Modal Property Views must be Off under Preferences.)

1. Click on the Lock button at the top of the Palette.

2. With the left mouse, click on the Icon for the Stream or Operation you want to install.

3. Select the Add button to install the stream or operation.

4. Repeat step #3 as many times as is necessary.

To deactivate the chosen Object button when in the locked mode, press the Cancel button.

Refer to the HYSYS User’s Guide, Section 1.3.3 - Object Palette for more information.

eams open




click imary

The Object Palette can be used to install strand operations directly into HYSYS. You canor close the Palette with the F4 Hot Key.

Installing a Single Stream or Operat

1. Double click on the appropriate butto


1. Click on the Icon with the primary mobutton.

2. Click on the Add button

Streams and Operations can be dragged (secondary mouse button) into the PFD; oronce in the palette and again in the PFD (prmouse button).

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4. PFD Bar, or P.

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PFD Specific Buttons

The PFD contains a number of buttons.

• Move/Attach - move (not pressed) allows you torelocate operations and streams. Attach (pressed)allows you to connect streams and operations.

• Size Mode - allows selected objects to be sized.• Break Connection - breaks the connection

between a stream and an operation.• Swap Connections - switches the nozzle

connection points for two streams attached to thesame operation.

• Drag Zoom - hold down the primary mouse buttonand drag around a region of interest to redraw thePFD showing that region only.

• Add Text Annotation - allows you to add text to aPFD

• Quick Route Mode - allows icons to be quicklymanipulated about the PFD without repositioning ofother streams/icons.

• Zoom In - zoom display in 25%.• Zoom All - display entire Flowsheet in current

window.• Zoom Out - zoom display out 25%.

You can open the PFD by pressing the PFD button in the Buttonopen the PFD for any Flowsheet (from any location) using CTRL

To access Object Inspection Menus place the mouse pointer ovobject (icon or empty space in PFD) and press the secondary mbutton.

PFD Inspection MenuObject Inspection Menu

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Installing Streams and Operationsom the

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key to

Creating a New Stream from an Operation

1. Switch to Attach* mode.

2. Place the cursor over the desired connection point.

3. The cursor will change to the Stream Connection Tool.

4. Hold down the primary mouse button and drag stream to an empty place on the PFD.

5. Release the mouse button to place the new stream icon.

Connecting an Operation to an Existing Stream (or vice versa)

1 - 4. Same as for Creating a New Stream from an Operation.

5. When you are at an acceptable connection point the connection tool appears.

6. Release the mouse button to complete the connection.

See the HYSYS User’s Guide, Chapter 3 - PFD for more information.

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. With the left mouse button select the operation button frObject Palette.

2. Click the left mouse button in the PFD where the new objbe placed.

Connecting Two Operations

1. Switch to Attach* mode.

2. Available connection points will light up on the Icon as thmouse pointer passes over it. Place the cursor over the denozzle.

3. Hold down the primary mouse button; the mouse pointechanges to the Stream Connection Tool. The type of conn(Feed, Product, etc.) is also shown.

4. Drag the mouse towards the other connection point.

5. When you are at an acceptable connection point, the ConTool appears.

6. Release the mouse button to complete the connection.

* To enter Attach mode, select the button, or hold down the CTRL

temporarily toggle modes while the connection is being made.

1 2 3 4 5 6

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5. The Workbooking the ith the isplay

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Adding or Modifying a Workbook Page

You can add new pages to the Workbook as well as edit existing ones.The procedure is as follows:

1. Select the Workbook item from the Menu Bar, and select Setup. Alternatively, inspect a Workbook page and select Setup from the menu.

2. The Setup view opens. If you want to add a new page, click on the Add button in the Workbook Pages group. To edit an existing page, simply highlight the appropriate page.

3. If you are adding a new page, you will see the New Object Type view. Double click on a ‘+’ option to access sub-options. Select the Object Type for the New Page.

uble click on one the Flow cells to en the propriate Input mposition view.

Include Sub-sheets button s you to view

-Flowsheet ams. The Show

e Only button lays only the m name, so that

can quickly find a ific stream.

You can open the Workbook for the current Flowsheet by selectWorkbook button or access the Workbook for any Flowsheet wHot Key CTRL W. The Workbook consists of multiple pages that dprocess information in a tabular format. An individual Workbocan contain streams or operations, but only one object type peWorkbook page is allowed.

Shown here is the default Material Streams Workbook page.

Double click to open the stream's Property View.

Double click on the operation name to open its Property View. Page Tabs show the

available Workbook pages.

All operations attached to the highlighted stream are listed in this box.

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4. From the Setup view, use the Use Set (4a), Add (4b) or Delete




Defined sets are available for each Object Type. The Variables change depending on the Object Type.

Set All or Specific components.

Highlight the Variable to Add.

You can change the display name.

4bAdd button

4aUse Set button

buttons to modify the Variable list.

5. Before exiting back to the Workbook, you can specify thefor the variable, change the order of the Workbook page components, change the Page Name, or Add more variab

6. Press the Close button to return to the Workbook.

Refer to the HYSYS User’s Guide, Chapter 4 - Workbook for moinformation.

Format cells indicate the precision of the variable.

HYSYS shows the variable set for the highlighted Workbook Page.

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6. Supplying Inputpplied or

ctly to

own list.

Using the Keyboard

1. Make the desired cell (Liquid Outlet) the Active location.

2. Press the keyboard down arrow to open the drop down list.

3. Start typing the name of the stream, and HYSYS will move the highlight to the best match, or use the keyboard down arrow to locate.

4. Press ENTER to select the highlighted item.

There are various types of input (text, numerical) that can be suin HYSYS, as well as various methods for each, using the mousekeyboard.

Selecting Cell Input from Drop Down Lists

For cells accepting a single input, the drop down list is tied direthe cell, signified by a down arrow next to the cell. Input can beselected via the mouse or the keyboard.

Using the Mouse

1. Select the down arrow next to the cell to open the drop d

2. Use the Scroll Bar / Button to move through the list.

3. Highlight the desired item.

4. The item is placed in the cell.

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Supplying Matrix Input

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Supplying Numerical Input1. Fields which accept numerical input are tied to the Edit Bar.

6. The input value is transferred back to the cell and converted to the default units.

Units for the active cell are echoed in the Unit Box.

Temperature is the Active location.

2. Your keyboard input is echoed in the Edit Bar and the default unit for the property is displayed in the Units Box.

3. After supplying your numerical input, press the SPACE BAR to activate the Units list.

4. Begin typing in the desired units and the best match will be highlighted.

5. Press ENTER to accept the units.

All input cells in a matrix use the Edit Bar to access input. In ththe drop down list is found in the Edit Bar.

You can use the mouse or the keyboard to select the desired inpmethods are the same as Supplying Cell Input except you can F2 key to open the Edit Bar via the keyboard.

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7. Finding a Stream or Operation - Object Navigatoreet

for a

d then

2. From the Flowsheets group highlight the Flowsheet which contains the desired object.

3. Highlight the object in the Flowsheet Objects group.

4. Press the View button (or double-click) to open the Property View.

Refer to Section 5.2.1 - Object Navigator in the HYSYS User’s Guide for more information.

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You can use the Object Navigator to locate and view any Flowshelement within any Flowsheet, or enter the Build EnvironmentFlowsheet.

1. You can access the Object Navigator by either:• Double clicking on an empty area of the DeskTop• Pressing the Navigator button on the Button Bar• Using the F3 Hot Key, or• Choosing the Flowsheet option from the Menu Bar, an

choosing Find Object.

Use the radio bufilter the list of FlObjects.

Double clicking othe Object opensProperty View.

Opens the propeview for the highlighted obje

Enters the Build Environment for the highlighted Flowsheet.

Opens a dialog box where you provide the name of the Object to locate.

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Variable Navigator

in ilar sheet,


1. Select the appropriate Navigator Scope radio button for the object.

2. Choose a radio button to Filter the Object list.

3. Select the Flowsheet that contains the variable.

4. Select the Object that owns the variable.

5. Select the desired Variable.

6. Select a Variable Specific when appropriate.

7. If desired supply a more descriptive Variable Description.

8. If changing a connection, use the Disconnect button.

Refer to Section 5.2.2 - Variable Navigator in the HYSYS User’s Guide for more information.



The Variable Navigator is used to select Process Variables, usedoperations such as the PID Controller and Adjust. It uses a simstructure to the Object Navigator, but allows you to select FlowObject, Variable, and a Variable Specific simultaneously.

For example, consider the situation where you wish to select thProcess Variable for a PID Controller, which uses the Variable Navigator.


1 7

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8. PrintingaBook tions, n and t

The Print Option

When you choose the Print option from the File menu, HYSYS prints the Specsheet for the active location.

Refer to the HYSYS User’s Guide, Section 6.1 - Printing in HYSYS.

spection ry mouse f the Title

sses the csheet

Object for which the Specsheet will be printed.

You can preview the appearance of the Specsheet prior to printing.

Option to print Specsheet as a text file.

Available Specsheets for the object.

You can print Specsheets for Streams, Operations, Utilities, Datanalysis tools, Fluid Packages, Components, Tabular data, ReacReaction Sets, User Properties, Oil Characterization informatiothe PFD. You can access printing through the File menu, ObjecInspection, or Reports.

Object In(secondabutton) oBar accePrint Speoption.

The Print option applies to the Active location.

Prints a Bitmap of the Active view.

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n a Key

The Report Builder

The Report Builder is where you choose the Specsheets to include in the Report, as well as customize the appearance of the Report (Page Setup).

Refer to Section 6.2 - Reports in the HYSYS User’s Guide.


Report ter.

Any Specsheets you add are displayed here.

Number of pages in the Report.

Removes the highlighted Specsheet from the Report.

Inserts stream and operation Specsheets into the Report.

You can print multiple Specsheets for streams and operations isingle Report. You can access the Report Manager with the HotCTRL R or via the Reports option under Tools in the Menu Bar.

Previews tReport.

Creates a new Report and opens the Report Builder.

Reports currently in the case.

Sends the to the prin

Sends the Report to a file.

Opens the Report Builder, so you can edit the highlighted Report.

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9. The DataBookon. The Data

Strip Charts Page

Strip Charts are installed individually via the Strip Charts page.

Check Boxes allow you to target which variables will be Active on the highlighted Strip Chart.

Accesses the Strip Chart Setup view.

Opens the highlighted Strip Chart.

The names of the Strip Charts (Flows and Key Variables) can be changed in the Setup view, or in the Strip Chart Name cell.

You can access the DataBook by using the CTRL D key combinatiDataBook provides access to Process Data Tables, Strip Charts,Recorder and Case Studies.

The Variables for all DataBook analysis tools are added in one location.

This accesses the Variable Navigator for adding variables. SeeSection 5.2.2 - Variable Navigator in the User’s Guide.

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The Strip Chart View The Strip Chart Configuration View

The Configuration view contains three tabs, each of which modifies some part of the Chart's appearance. The General tab is shown below.

Refer to the HYSYS User’s Guide, Chapter 5.3.3 - Strip Charts Tab.

t inspect art and Graph ol to s the guration

Visibility of axes activated via check boxes.

Plot appearance options activated via check boxes.

The last three tabs contain formatting options for the curves and axes for the strip chart.

Opens the Databook

Opens the Logger Setup view.

Each variable has its own Y scale, and the min and max values for each can be set independently.

Objecthe chselectContraccesConfiview..

X-Axis is always Time. You can set the Time Span for the chart on the Overall Chart Properties page of the Setup view.

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Process Data Tables

u can

Data Recorder

The Data Recorder allows you to store snap shots of your process by grouping key process variables into different Scenarios.

r a riptive e for the ess Data here.

Select the View button to display either a Table or Graph of the highlighted Scenario.

Process Data Tables allow you to view key process variables. Yoleave the view open to continuously monitor their values.


When you select the View button, the highlighted Process Data Table will be displayed.

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Case Studies

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The number of states is automatically updated as you enter the bounds and step size.

Select Results to display the table or graph.

Select View to open the Setup View.

The Case Study tool allows you to monitor the steady-state respkey process variables to changes in your process. You can speciand upper bounds, as well as step sizes; HYSYS varies the indepvariables one at a time, and with each change, the dependent vare calculated and a new State is defined.

Refer to Section 5.3 - DataBook in the HYSYS User’s Guide for information on any of the DataBook Analysis tools.

Toggles between tabular and graphical format.

Access the Setup view for the highlighted Case Study.

View the Table or Graph for the highlighted Case Study.

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10. Face Platestroller

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Object Inspection of Face Plates

You can Object Inspect Face Plates by clicking with the secondary mouse button on the Face Plate view. The Object Inspection drop down menu for a Fixed Size Face Plate is shown here. The options associated with this menu are:

• Turn Off - turns the Controller Off.• Auto Tune - one of three controller modes (the other two being

Manual and Cascade). • Tuning - opens the Monitor page of the Controller property view.• Connections - opens the Connections page of the Controller

property view.• Parameters - opens the Parameters page of the Controller

property view.tions


n to view ollers.

The Face Plate displays all pertinent information about the conwhen the simulation is running. You can access Face Plates witHot Key CTRL F. From the Flowsheets group, select the Flowshecontaining the Controller(s) whose Face Plate you want to openDynamic Operations group displays all the Controllers in the highlighted Flowsheet. Select the Controller Face Plate(s) you wopen and press the Open button. You can select multiple Face Pa time.

The Dynamic Operagroup lists all of the controllers in the seFlowsheet.

Select the Open buttothe highlighted contr

To locate a specific controller by name, select the Find button and enter the name of the controller you wish to display.

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Face Plate Description

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You may change the SP or OP of the Controller on the Face Plate. To change the OP or SP for the controller, the procedure is as follows:

Refer to Section 7.7.1 - Face Plates in the HYSYS User’s Guide.

Position the mouse pointer near the SP indicator, and the double-ended arrow will appear. Hold the primary mouse button, and the dialog box will appear, showing the current value of the SP.

While holding the primary mouse button, drag the arrow to the new SP location.

Release the mouse button and the SP indicator will move to the new SP.

SP dialog box

The Set Point is shown as a red pointer, and the actual value of Process Variable is displayed in the current default unit. Outpualways displayed as a percentage of the span you defined on thpage.

Also note that you may change the mode of the Controller by othe drop down list at the bottom left corner of the Face Plate. Thchoices are the same as those available on the Parameters pagController property view. You can select the Tuning button on tPlate to quickly return to the Tuning page of the Controller proview.

This red pointer is the Set Point Indicator.

Select this button to return to the Controller Tuning Page.

Indicates the current Controller Mode.

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11. Hyprotech Technical Supportical

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Technical Support Centres

Calgary, Canada

AEA Technology Engineering Software

Hyprotech Ltd.Suite 800, 707 -8th Avenue SW Calgary, AlbertaT2P 1H5

[email protected] (email)(403) 520-6181 (local - technical support)1-888-757-7836 (toll free - technical support)(403) 520-6601 (fax - technical support)1-800-661-8696 (information & sales)

Barcelona, Spain

AEA Technology Engineering Software

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AEA Technology Engineering SoftwareHyprotech404 Harwell, DidcotOxford, OX11 0RAUnited Kingdom

[email protected] (email)0800 731 7643 (toll free technical support, UK only)+44 1235 434351 (fax - technical support)+44 1235 435555(technical support, information & sales)

There are several ways in which you can contact Hyprotech TechnSupport. If you cannot find the answer to your question in the mayou should visit our Website at www.hyprotech.com, where a varinformation is available to you, including:

• Answers to Frequently Asked Questions• Example Cases and OLE Applications• Product Information• Technical Papers• News Bulletins• Hotlink to Support E-mail

You can also access Support directly via E-mail. The following listworldwide Hyprotech offices and agents includes the Support E-maddress. When contacting us via E-mail, please include in your message:

• Your full name, company, phone and fax numbers.• The version of HYSYS you are using (see Help, About

HYSYS...).• The serial number of your HYSYS security key.• A detailed description of the problem (attach a simulation

case if possible).

Hyprotech also has toll free lines that you may use. When you calplease have the same information available.

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mail)port)l support) sales)


Hyprotech OfficesCalgary, CanadaTel: (403) 520-6000Fax: (403) 520-6040/60Toll Free: 1-800-661-8696

Yokohama, JapanTel: 81 45 476 5051Fax: 81 45 476 3055

Delaware, USATel: (302) 369-0773Fax: (302) 369-0877Toll Free: 1-800-688-3430

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

AEA Technology Engineering SoftwareHyprotech Ltd., MalaysiaLot E-3-3a, Dataran PalmaJalan Selaman ½, Jalan Ampang68000 Ampang, Selangor Malaysia

[email protected] (e+60 3 4270 3880 (technical sup+60 3 4271 3811 (fax - technica+60 3 4270 3880 (information &

Yokohama, Japan

AEA Technology Engineering SoftwareAEA Hyprotech KKPlus Taria Bldg. 6F.3-1-4, Shin-YokohamaKohoku-kuYokohama, Japan 222-0033

[email protected] (e81 45 476 5051 (technical supp81 45 476 5051 (information &

Page 24: Go to Basis Manager Close Current Case HYSYS Hot Keysinstruct.uwo.ca/engin-sc/cbe497/Doc/HYSYS/Quickref.pdf · Close Current Case CTRL+Z Exit HYSYS ALT+F4 Simulation Go to Basis Manager

Hyprotech Agents

PT. Danan Wingus SaktiJakarta, Indonesia

Tel: 62 21 567 4573 75/62 21 567 4508 10Fax: 62 21 567 4507/62 21 568 3081

Ranchero Services (Thailand) Co. Ltd.Bangkok, Thailand

Tel: 66 2 381 1915Fax: 66 2 381 1209

S.C. Chempetrol Service srl Bucharest, Romania

Tel: +401 335 60 05/06Fax: +401 331 34 63 or +401 322 30 69

Soteica De Mexico Mexico D.F., Mexico

Tel: 52 5 546 5440Fax: 52 5 535 6610

Soteica Do Brasil Sao Paulo, Brazil

Tel: 55 11 533 2381 Fax: 55 11 556 10746

Soteica S.R.L. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tel: 54 1 555 5703 / 54 1 553 7597 Fax: 54 1 551 0751

Soteiven C.A. Caracas, Venezuela

Tel: 58 2 264 1873Fax: 58 2 265 9509

ZAO Techneftechim Moscow, Russia

Tel: +7 095 202 4370Fax: +7 095 202 4370

Hyprotech Agents

Innotech International, Inc.Katy, USA

Tel: (281) 492-2774Fax: (281) 492-8144

International Innotech Inc. Beijing, China

Tel: 86 10 6499 3956 Fax: 86 10 6499 3957

Innotech International, Taiwan Taipei, Taiwan

Tel: 886 2 809 6704Fax: 886 2 809 3095

KBTECH Ltda. Bogota, Colombia

Tel: 57 1 258 44 50 Fax: 57 1 258 44 50

KLG Systel Ltd New Delhi, India

Tel: 91 124 346962 Fax: 91 124 346355

Logichem Process Johannesburg, South Africa

Tel: 27 11 465 3800 Fax: 27 11 465 4548

Process Solutions Pty. Ltd. Peregian, Australia

Tel: 61 7 544 81 355Fax: 61 7 544 81 644

Protech Engineering Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Tel: +421 7 288286 Fax: +421 7 288286