Go-Mash Mobile Digital Marketing Planner

Digital Marketing Strategy Planner

Transcript of Go-Mash Mobile Digital Marketing Planner

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Digital Marketing Strategy


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IntroductionThank you for downloading our planning template for digital market.

We hope that you find this resource useful and that it helps you improve the results of your digital marketing activities.

You can also check out our Podcast on ‘Planning a Digital Marketing Strategy here

You should note…You should approach digital marketing no differently to any other form of marketing. ‘Digital’ and ‘offline’ are all part of your overall marketing strategy and whilst many approach them as separate topics they are part of one whole. Whether they are truly separated in terms of practical activities and processes will depend on whether you have separate departments working the two channels individually or not.

Basic Pointers

When starting to plan for digital marketing, remember these basics:

Customer Focused. Your plan should be centered on delivering a solution to your customer. Do not have a vanity approach to marketing but think in customer terms.

Have some Movement

Things change – be ready for that and do not plan too rigidly.

Keep your feet on the earth. Be realistic about your goals and set key base line metrics to measure your performance against those goals.

KISS! Keep is simple and do not use local industry language. Speak in customer terms they can understand.

Keep it fresh. Review and update regularly. It is sensible to do this every Quarter.

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PLANWe recommend you to use this table to summarise the key points of your plan:

Opportunity. Your quantifiable objectives based on your analytics and marketinsights. State your assumptions and what informs your objectives.


Where you will focus your resources and investment to hit your targets.


Managing tasks to implement your strategies.


Remember – KEEP IT SIMPLE!!

Activity Opportunity Strategies Actions

1. Plan.

2. Reach.

3. Act.

4. Convert.

5. Engage.

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Opportunity Review of current performance Customer insight Competitor Benchmarking Influencer and intermediary review Select marketing goals Create performance tracking dashboards

Strategy Define brand positioning and integration with traditional channels Review marketing mix Select target market segments and targeting approaches

Coming Soon!The below content is being produced and will be available shortly.

Action Create Reach customer acquisition plan (see next sections) Create Act brand interaction, content and campaign plans Create Convert sales optimisation plan Create Engagement customer loyalty plan

ReachGrow your audience online


Define dashboard to review effectiveness of current digital media in analytics Review current use of digital media Set VQVC (volume, quality, value, cost) objectives


Define key brand messages for audience Select relevant targeting approached Develop content marketing approach Define channel integration Create media plan and justify media mix investment


Optimise SEO Optimise or review relevance of Google AdWords (paid search) Review opportunities from Display Advertising Review relevance of affiliate and partner marketing Social media marketing optimisation

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Recommended resource? Search and social media marketing guides

ActionEncourage brand interactions and leads


Review Customer Journeys for desktop and mobile sites Review social media and mobile marketing platform engagement Define goals and dashboard for measuring and review customer interactions


Define customer personas Define Content marketing plan Create plans for engaging on social media and mobile marketing platforms Create landing page

ConvertIncrease sales through optimisation


Create and review site conversion funnels and paths to purchase Review multichannel (omnichannel) interactions Review customer feedback


Define online conversion rate optimisation (CRO) approach Define how key online communications (search, email, social, mobile) drive sales Define offline integration paths to purchase


Implement site or ecommerce sales optimization based on analytics Implement CRO through test plan for AB and multivariate experiments Implement behavioral email programme

EngageBuild customer loyalty and advocacy


Review customer loyalty using RFM analysis Review customer satisfaction drivers Review effectiveness of customer communications


Create customer engagement plan

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Create online personalisation and merchandising plan Create customer contact plan (email marketing and

social media marketing)


Implement or refine personalisation rules on desktop and mobile sites Implement or refine event-triggered personalised emails and newsletters Manage social media and email campaigns for customer engagement and
