Gluster Webinar: Introduction to GlusterFS v3.3

Introduction To GlusterFS Audio is available via VoIP or Landline. For VoIP You will be connected to audio using your computer‟s speakers or headset. For Landline: Please select Use Telephone after joining the Webinar. US/Canada attendees dial (773) 945-1011 Access Code 584-930-717


Looking for a high performance, scale-out NAS file system? Or are you a new user of GlusterFS and want to learn more? This webinar includes an introduction and review of the GlusterFS architecture and key features. Learn how GlusterFS is deployed in the datacenter, in the cloud, or between the two. We’ll also cover a brief update on GlusterFS v3.3 which is currently in beta. On the agenda:*Brief intro to Gluster’s History*Gluster Architecture Design Goals*Key Technical Differentiators*Gluster Elastic Hashing Algorithm *Deployment scenarios*Use Cases

Transcript of Gluster Webinar: Introduction to GlusterFS v3.3

Page 1: Gluster Webinar: Introduction to GlusterFS v3.3

Introduction To GlusterFS

Audio is available via VoIP or Landline.

For VoIP

You will be connected to audio using your

computer‟s speakers or headset.

For Landline:

Please select Use Telephone after joining the


US/Canada attendees dial (773) 945-1011

Access Code 584-930-717

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Heather Wellington Marketing Manager

Gluster, Inc.

Tom TrainerDirector

Product Marketing

Gluster, Inc.

Today’s Speakers

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History of Gluster

How it all started– Backgrounds in high performance, clustered computing

– Working at Lawrence Livermore National Labs

• AB Periasamy & Hitesh Chellani design “Thunder”

• One of the worlds fastest super computers

• On Intel commodity hardware

• Solved filesystem scalability and performance limitations

– Large customer in oil & gas persuaded them to focus on storage

– Gluster founded by Hitesh & AB to bring technology to market

Result: award winning technology


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What is the Gluster File System?

A scale-out file system for object and network

attached storage (NAS)

GlusterFS provides– Flexibility to deploy in ANY environment

– High availability

– Unified files and objects

– Scalability to Petabytes & beyond

– Linearly scalable performance

– Superior storage economics

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GlusterFS Architecture Design Goals

Innovation– Eliminate metadata – improve file access time

– Unify files and objects

Elasticity – Flexibility adapt to growth/reduction

– Add, delete volumes & users

– Without disruption

Scale linearly – Multiple dimensions

• Performance

• Capacity

– Aggregated resources

Eliminate metadata– Improve file access speed

Simplicity – Ease of management

– No complex Kernel patches

– Run in user space





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Key Differentiators

Filesystem runs in user space

Software only

Open source

Modular, stackable storage OS architecture

Data stored in native formats

No metadata – Elastic hashing

Unified files and objects

Virtual Machine (VM) virtual motion enabler

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User Space

Filesystem Runs in User Space



1 TB

1 TB

1 TB

1 TB

1 TB

1 TB

1 TB

1 TB

1 TB

1 TB

1 TB 1 TB


1 TB 1 TB

Not tied to kernel

No reassemblies


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Software Only

Hardware agnostic

Superior storage economics & flexibility – Data center / private cloud use commodity hardware

– Public cloud – i.e. AWS, RackSpace, GoGrid – pay for only what you need

No lock-in– Hardware vendors-at purchase time or in the future

– Public or private cloud

– Performance, capacity, or availability levels

– GlusterFS – not proprietary, files are stored in native formats (i.e. EXT4)

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Open Source

200,000+ downloads– ~15,000 /month

500+ registered deployments– 45 countries

2,500+ registered users– Mailing lists, Forums, etc.

Active community– Diverse testing environments

– Bugs identification and fixes

– Code contributions

Member of broader ecosystem– OpenStack, Linux Foundation, Open

Virtualization Alliance

Global Adoption

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Elastic Hashing

No metadata server

An algorithmic approach– Unique hash tag for each file stored

– Tags stored within the file system

– Rapid file read – low latency

Traditional Central Metadata Server

Traditional Distributed Metadata Server

Innovative Elastic Approach

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A Standard Gluster NAS Deployment

Standard clients

running standard apps

Over any standard IP


Access application

data, as files & folders,

in a global namespace,

using a variety of

standard protocols

Stored in a


virtualized, scale-out,

centrally managed pool


Gluster Global Namespace (NFS, CIFS, Gluster Native)

Application data

Clients/Apps Clients/Apps Clients/Apps

IP Network


virtual storage pool

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Unifying Public and Private Cloud Storage


Private Cloud Public Cloud


Gluster Global Namespace





IP Network

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Deployment Scenarios Common Solutions Built on GlusterFS

Media serving (CDN)

Large scale file storage

Unified file and object storage

Tier 2 & 3 archive

File sharing

Multi-tenant file systems

Storage for High Performance

Computing (HPC)

IaaS storage layer

Disaster recovery

Backup & restore

Private cloud

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Introducing GlusterFS 3.3 (BETA) July 20, 2011

GlusterFS 3.3: Next generation file and object

storage– The first system for data storage that enables you to store and access data as

an object and as a file

– Flexible and powerful, it simplifies access and management of data

– Eases migration of legacy, file-based applications to object storage for use in

the cloud

Public beta availability: July 20, 2011– Broad community testing and participation

– Selected enterprise customer engagements

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The “Traditional” Unified Approach


Bolt-on hardware approach

– Combined hardware raises costs

– Higher TCO

– Paying for what you many not need

Increased risk

– Common hardware elements can fail

• Power supplies

• Fans

• Cabling…lots of cabling

Files Objects DB’s

Carved Up Storage Pool

NAS Object

Traditional Monolithic Hardware

Bolt-on Approach(i.e. EMC VNX)

Block “VNX reminds me of my old VHS, DVD and cable box….

….one thing fails and I’m blown out of the water.”

Beta Customer , 2011

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Software Approach to File and Object

Network Attached Storage (NAS)

– NFS / CIFS / GlusterFS

– POSIX compliant

– Access files within objects

Window Access

– Improves Windows performance

– Uses HTTP, not slower CIFS

– We will still support SAMBA

Object Storage


– Internet Protocol (IP)

– ResTFul

– Get/Put

– Buckets

– Objects seen as files

Standards based

– Amazon S3 ReSTFul interface


– Access data as objects and a NAS

interface to access files (NFS, CIFS,


High performance storage across heterogeneous server environments

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GlusterFS 3.3 Unified File & Object Storage

Widely deployable and extremely flexible – On-premise, virtualized and in public and private clouds

– Deep unification of file and object data storage

• Not just unified at the management layer

• Not a bolt-together hardware product

– Access data within objects as files

– Compatible with Amazon Web Services

• S3

• Create S3 on EC2 and EBS

– Back up objects from the data center to AWS

– Enable S3 functionality in the data center

– Built to run on commodity hardware

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GlusterFS 3.3 Easing & Accelerating Legacy App Migration

Enables cloudification of applications

– Removes remaining storage hurdles related to file only


– Allows for gradual app migration to the cloud

– Enables moves to both private and public cloud


Gluster FS 3.3

Object Storage

Data Center, Virtual

Public, Private Cloud

Unified file & object storage accelerates legacy app migration to the cloud

Enterprise Apps / Enterprise Data Center


ject In


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Gluster 3.3 Unified File & Object – Use Cases

Data Center– Take control of cloud services

– Reduce AWS S3 costs

– Deliver S3 like global services in-house

– Legacy application migration

IaaS – Deliver File and S3 Services

– Unified file and object

• Competitive differentiator

– Drastically reduce storage costs

– Increase offerings, revenues and margins

Traditional Data Center

Private Cloud



Data Center: S3 in house &/ integrate with S3

IaaS: Deliver S3 to clients

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The Gluster Connector for OpenStack – July 27, 2011


Enables GlusterFS to be the underlying file system

Connects GlusterFS to Xen and KVM hypervisor

– Unified File and Object storage

– Highly-available, scale-out NAS

– Alternative to SWIFT

OpenStack Imaging Services

Unified File &

Object Storage


API Layer

Mobile Apps. Web Clients. Enterprise Software Ecosystem

OpenStack Prior to Gluster

OpenStack with Gluster

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The Gluster Connector for OpenStack – July 27, 2011

Connector enables GlusterFS to be chosen as the filesystem

– Provides:

• Unified File and Object storage

• Highly scalable NAS

• High Availability – synchronous and asynchronous replication

• Preferred, scalable alternative to SWIFT

• Virtual motion of virtual machines (a.k.a. vmotion)









Virtual storage pool


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Pandora Internet Radio

Problem• Explosive user & title growth

• As many as 12 file formats for each song

• „Hot‟ content and long tail

Solution• Three data centers, each with a six-node

GlusterFS cluster

• Replication for high availability

• 250+ TB total capacity

Benefits• Easily scale capacity

• Centralized management; one administrator

to manage day-to-day operations

• No changes to application

• Higher reliability

• 1.2 PB of audio served

per week

• 13 million files

• Over 50 GB/sec peak


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Problem• Cloud-based online video platform

• Explosive customer & title growth

• Massive video in multiple locations

• Costs rising, esp. with HD formats

Solution• Complete scale-out based on commodity


• Replication for high availability

• 1PB total capacity

Benefits• Easily scale capacity

• Centralized management; one administrator

to manage day-to-day operations

• Higher reliability

• Path to multi-site

• Over 1 PB currently in


• Separate 4 PB project

in the works

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Cincinnati Bell Technology Solutions

Problem• Host a dedicated enterprise cloud solution

• Large scale VMware environment

• Need high availability

Solution• Gluster for VM storage, NFS to clients

• SAS drives on back-end

• Replication for high availability

Benefits• Storage provisioning from 6 wks to 15 min.

• Vendor agnostic storage

• Low cost of service delivery

• Elastic growth

• Large scale VM


• Low cost service

delivery for enterprise


• Drastic reduction in

provisioning time

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Problem• Capacity growth from 144TB to 1+PB

• Multiple distributed users/departments

• Multi OS access - Windows, Linux and Unix

Solution• GlusterFS Cluster

• Solaris/ZFS/x4500 w/ InfiniBand

• Native CIFS/ NFS access

Benefits• Capacity on demand / pay as you grow

• Centralized management

• Higher reliability

• OPEX decreased by 10X

Partners Healthcare

• Over 500 TB

• 9 Sun “Thumper”

systems in cluster

Private Cloud: Centralized Storage as a Service

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4 Supported Ways to Consume GlusterFS

Virtual Machines– GlusterFS deployable on the leading virtual machines

Amazon Web Services (AWS)– GlusterFS deployed within Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

RightScale Cloud Management – GlusterFS is available within a RightScale ServerTemplate

– Deployable via the RightScale Cloud Management Dashboard

Storage software appliance– Deployable on bare metal and supports any hardware on the Red Hat Hardware

Compatibility List (HCL) of certified servers and storage

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Many Enterprises Rely on Gluster Now

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GlusterFS – A scale-out file system– NAS

– Object

Flexibility, scalability, superior economics

OpenStack cloud – Unified file and object storage

– Virtual machine (VM) virtual motion

Innovative architecture provides a better way to do


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