Globe U15 Test

© Macmillan – Reprodução Autorizada 1 MAC EXTRA 2007 Globetrotter – Unit 15 – Test Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Grade: ____________ / 100 points Reading Strategy (25 points – 5 each) Leia o poema abaixo e responda à questão 1. (UNICAMP) Poema originalmente publicado em Not only that (The Elizabeth Press, 1967) e reproduzido em M.L.Greene (ed.) Another Eye. Illinois, Scott, Foresman and Company, 1971, p. 121. 1. Como o poema de Carroll Arnett justifica que Your problem is not my problem? a) O autor sugere ao final do poema que o leitor deva resolver seus próprios problemas; b) O autor não mostra o menor interesse pelos problemas dos outros; c) Somente os problemas do autor são mencionados no poema; d) No poema o autor narra problemas pessoais o suficiente para provar que não tem tempo para resolver problemas de outras pessoas além dos seus.

Transcript of Globe U15 Test

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GGlloobbeettrrootttteerr –– UUnniitt 1155 –– TTeesstt Name: ________________________________________________

Date: ___________________ Grade: ____________ / 100 points

Reading Strategy (25 points – 5 each)

Leia o poema abaixo e responda à questão 1.


Poema originalmente publicado em Not only that (The Elizabeth Press, 1967) e reproduzido em M.L.Greene (ed.) Another Eye. Illinois, Scott, Foresman and Company, 1971, p. 121.

1. Como o poema de Carroll Arnett justifica que Your problem is not my problem? a) O autor sugere ao final do poema que o leitor deva resolver seus

próprios problemas; b) O autor não mostra o menor interesse pelos problemas dos outros; c) Somente os problemas do autor são mencionados no poema; d) No poema o autor narra problemas pessoais o suficiente para provar

que não tem tempo para resolver problemas de outras pessoas além dos seus.

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As questões 2 a 5 referem-se ao texto abaixo.


(...) Ever since Dad had returned from his life at sea he had been

interested in robots. Maybe that in itself wasn’t so strange, but with

Dad it didn’t end there. He was convinced that one day science would

be able to create artificial people. By this, he didn’t just mean those

dumb metal robots with red and green flashing lights and hollow

voices. Oh no, Dad believed that science would one day be able to

create real thinking human beings, like us. And there was more — he

also believed that, fundamentally, human beings are artificial objects.

(...) “Just imagine if all this suddenly came alive, Hans Thomas,” he

said. “Imagine if these Lego figures suddenly began to toddle around

among the plastic houses. What would we do then?” (...) “Basically,

we ourselves are such Lego figures.”

The Solitaire Mystery — J. Gaardner – p.8

2. O trecho acima foi extraído de uma história: a) narrada pelo pai de Hans Thomas; b) narrada por Hans Thomas e seu pai; c) em que Hans Thomas é o narrador; d) relatada a partir de outra história de Hans Thomas.

3. Assinale a alternativa que melhor corresponde ao texto anterior: a) Para o pai de Hans Thomas, a ciência ainda criaria pessoas artificiais; b) Hans Thomas inventou robôs de metal com luzes brilhantes

vermelhas e verdes; c) De acordo com Hans Thomas, os seres humanos são basicamente

como bonecos de Lego; d) Hans Thomas e o pai acreditam na possível criação, pela ciência, de

robôs pensantes, semelhantes a seres humanos.

4. Assinale a alternativa que melhor expressa o significado da frase: “Ever since Dad had returned from his life at sea he had been interested in robots.” a) O pai de Hans Thomas começou a se interessar por robôs quando

abandonou a vida de marinheiro; b) O pai de Hans Thomas começou a se interessar por robôs quando

retornou à vida de marinheiro; c) O pai de Hans Thomas passou a se interessar por robôs depois que se

salvou de um naufrágio; d) O pai de Hans Thomas sempre preferiu a vida ao mar, embora fosse

aficionado por robôs.

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5. Assinale a forma pela qual as frases Imagine if these figures suddenly began to toddle around among the plastic houses. What would we do then? poderiam ser reescritas em uma única sentença: a) What happened when all of a sudden these figures began to toddle

around among the plastic houses? b) What could we have done had all these figures suddenly begun to

toddle around among those plastic houses? c) What would we do if all these figures suddenly began to toddle around

among the plastic houses? d) What would we have done if all these figures had suddenly begun to

toddle around among the plastic houses?

Word Study (25 points – 5 each)

1. Which of the sentences below is correct? a) My father’s brother is my son. b) My grandmother’s daughter is my sister. c) My mother’s sister is my aunt. d) My wife’s father is my grandfather.

2. My aunt’s daughter is: a) my cousin b) my mother-in-law c) my uncle d) my niece

3. At first I didn’t like Laura, but now I have _________ about it. a) made up my mind b) changed my mind c) mind my own business d) taken back

4. “Do you have any questions? Can I ___________ with the next lesson?” a) hold on b) go back c) sit down d) go on

5. At a clothing store… “Can I help you, sir?” “No, thanks. I’m just ___________.” a) looking around b) sitting down c) moving on d) driving around

Using Grammar (25 points – 5 each)

1. If you’re busy now, we ______________later. a) would have talked b) can talk c) would talk d) talked

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2. My friend likes fast cars, but he doesn’t have one. If he _____________, he would buy a really fast one. a) has the money b) has enough money c) had the money d) will have enough money

3. I didn’t study enough for this test. If I ___________, I would definitely have gotten a better grade. a) studied more b) study more c) study d) had studied

4. “Oh, Gosh… I wish I __________ a million dollars to buy a Ferrari…” a) had b) have c) did d) bought

5. I didn’t meet you mother, but I wish I _________ her. a) met b) meet c) had met d) will meet

Think and Write (25 points)

Read this advice to teenagers on how to fight street crime.

If you are by yourself after dark, …

1) walk home with other people if possible.

2) never listen to personal stereos when you are out in the street.

3) try to walk in the center of the pavement and away from dark buildings.

4) don’t wait at a bus stop by yourself.

5) carry an attack alarm.

6) never accept a lift in a car from a stranger.

7) don’t carry a lot of money.

8) don’t wear expensive jewelry. For comments, suggestions or complaints please, drop us a note

[email protected]

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Now, tell them what you think. Read each piece of advice and say three things you would / wouldn’t do and say why.


I’m ______________(your name) and I’m ______________

(your age ). I’ve just read the article on what teenagers should

and shouldn’t do in order to fight street crime, and here goes

what I thinkI wouldn’t _________________________________

because _________________________________________ .

I really enjoy this magazine and I hope you keep publishing

articles which are interesting for teenagers like this one.

All the best

(your name )

© Macmillan – Reprodução Autorizada




Reading Strategy

1. a Sugere-se ao final do poema que o leitor deve resolver seus próprios problemas: “I want you to have something of your own.”

2. c No primeiro parágrafo, o narrador fala do seu pai “Ever since Dad had returned from his life at sea...” (Desde que papai retornara da vida no mar...) na linha 1 e “Oh no, Dad believed that science”(Oh não, papai acreditava que a ciência...) na linha 5. No segundo parágrafo, o narrador usa o discurso direto para registrar as palavras de seu pai “Just imagine if all this suddenly came alive, Hans Thomas,” he said. (‘Imagine só se tudo isso ganhasse vida de repente, Hans Thomas’, disse ele...). Nesse caso, o pai chama o filho pelo nome. Conclui-se então que Hans Thomas (o filho) é o narrador.

3. a A resposta está no seguinte trecho do 1º parágrafo: “... He was convinced that one day science would be able to create artificial people.” (Ele, o pai, estava convencido de algum dia a ciência teria capacidade de criar pessoas artificiais.)

4. a A frase do enunciado pode ser traduzida como: “Desde que papai retornara de sua vida no mar, ele tinha se interessado por robôs”.

5. c O que a questão propõe é a transformação do trecho em questão para uma estrutura de Conditional Sentences. Como no trecho destacado as formas verbais são “began”, do Simple Past, e “would”, da 2nd Conditional, a transformação correta, portanto, é a da alternativa c.

Word Study

1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. a

Using Grammar

1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. c