Globalization I: Age of Empire (1495-1945?) European Imperialisms.

Globalization I: Age of Empire (1495-1945?) European Imperialisms

Transcript of Globalization I: Age of Empire (1495-1945?) European Imperialisms.

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Globalization I:Age of Empire (1495-1945?)

European Imperialisms

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Military Technology-Political Aspects(NEXT WEEK ECONOMIC)

Inter-European competition, rivalries = new military technologies

sea - gunboat, steam, metal land - multiple fire rifles, breech-loading cannon, Maxim gunresult: shift in balance of power, numbers no longer key

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“With the bible and the Gatlin gun…”

“To my mind the Embu haven’t been sufficiently hammered.”

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From coastal periphery to interior of Africa, South, Southeast and East Asia

Mode of penetration: overwhelming force to awe into submission

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Partial Colonialism vs. Full Colonialism

Indirect Rule vs. Direct Rule

Cultural conversion -- Christian missions, European education

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Partial Colonialism

Indirect Rule:

Co-opt native rulers into colonial administration.

Froze local population in “tradition.”No attempts to ‘modernize’.Maintain distinction between colonizers

and colonized (segregation)

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Full Colonialism

Direct Rule:

European administrators govern ‘native’ peoples.

Train ‘natives’ to act as low-level administrators & tax collectors

Examples: British East Africa and Southern Africa

French West Africa

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Indigenous Military Units

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Laws, French language and education imposed.

‘Assimilation’ -- French citizenship possible.

Full colonialism in French W. Africa

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Settler Colonies (South and Central America, Caribbean, Kenya, Rhodesia, Australia)

•Always direct rule• Takeover agricultural land (Kenya, Rhodesia, parts of Indochina)

• Convert indigenous population into wage laborers and service class


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"Civilizing Mission"

SOFT SIDE Of Imperialism

Christian Missions and ChurchesConvert through preaching, goodworks, medicine and education

Schools Train native

civil servants

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Social Darwinism

Hard side of imperialism

Scientific Racism and Survival of the Fittest

Right to rule over "inferior" people

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Imperialism in China to 1912

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Assault on the Qing Empire1842 and 1942 -- the century of strong foreign commercial and political influence.

GoalsOpen China to Western Commercial PenetrationAlter Ch’ing Diplomatic Forms

MethodWarfare (Gunboat Diplomacy)Military Garrisons Imposition of Unequal Treaties, Treaty Ports

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By 1830's, English drug-trafficking had become huge.

Opium grown in India, sold illegally in China

Profits pay for colonial administration of India +

China -- Addiction devastating… 20-30 million addicts

Silver to India -- Economic instability in China

Crackdown … war

Unequal Treaties

Opium Wars, 1839-1842, 1856-1860

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-- Treaty Ports: Tiny enclaves of foreign influence and government located in coastal and eastern China, Extraterritoriality

--After 1860, foreigners legally free to travel.

-- Christian missionaries had the right to work, live, own, or lease property anywhere.

-- tariff control, business concessions

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Foreign Treaty Ports


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Qing Reaction

WesternizationGraft Western Technology onto Chinese Values

Foreign Experts + Technology Limited to Military

Limited Reform of Government and Educational System

Tests -- France, 1884; Japan, 1894-1895European spheres of influence: Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and Russia

U.S. ‘Open Door’ Policy

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Reaction: Boxer Rebellion, 1900

• Popular uprising -- anti-Christian, anti-Western

• missionaries killed, siege of legations

• “Relief” and Retribution

• Settlement destroys legitimacy of Qing

• Several decades of disorder, civil war, foreign exploitation

• Ends with Communist Revolution of 1949 -- abrogation of treaties, seizure of Western property + eradication of opium

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“Never Forget National Humiliation” Wall Old Summer Palace, destroyed by British 1860

Contemporary Memory

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Colonialism in Asia to World War II.