Global Warming by I Ingram


Transcript of Global Warming by I Ingram


1. What is Global warming

2. Global Temperatures

3. This is the effect of Global Warming

4. Things we can do as an international, national and individual level to prevent global warming What will happen if we don’t do anything

5. The End

What is Global Warming?

Global warming refers to the increase in the temperature of the earth gradually which is affected by many factors. The polar beers will become extinct. It is better to refer this as climate change because the climate is changing.

Things we can do to prevent global warming as

international/ national or individual

International National Individual

•Use compact fluorescent bulbs

•Keep car tires inflated

•Fill up dish washer before use

•Check car air filter monthly

•Stop burning fossil fuels

•Stop cutting down trees

•Use solar panels

•Recycle your paper

•Walking/cycling, not using public transport

•Use clothes line instead of dryer.

•Put on a sweater instead of turning on the heating.

What will happen if we don’t do anything

If we don’t do anything to prevent global warming soon enough the world will be covered with water. Then there will be no form of life on the planet. The only creatures living on the planet will be fish and other creatures that live in the sea and maybe birds if they can fly for that long.

Thank you for watching my slideshow presentation on Global Warming.

And now you shall see a movie of Global warming

Global Warming