Glial Tümöderin Preoperatif Histolojik Derecelendirmesinde ... · pilositik astrositoma, üçü...

Turkish Neurosurgery 10: 36 - 42, 2000 Sayrak:Prolifemtive celliiuc/ear aiitigen aiid AgNOR method for preopemtive histological gradiiig of glitil h/mors Cell Nuclear Antigen The AgNOR Method For Grading Of Glial Tumors Value Of Proliferative Immunohistochemistry And Preoperative Histological Glial Tümöderin Preoperatif Histolojik Derecelendirmesinde Proliferatif Hücre Nükleer Antijeni Immünositokimyasi ve AgNOR Yönteminin Yeri HAKAN SAYRAK, ÇiÇEK BA YINDIR Istanbul Memorial Hospital, Pathology Department (HB), Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Neuropathology Division of Department of Neurosurgery (ÇB), Istanbul Received: 15.1.1998 Ç:> Accepted: 1.6.1999 Abstrart Extended short fomis again here - same in the key words so please modify according to your journa\'s st yle the aim of this study was to determine whether or not assessing cell kinetics by argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region counting, and using immunohistochemistry to deted proliferative cell nuclear antigen are valuable methods for predieting the biological behavior of glial tumors. Specimens were obtained from 17patients with glial tumors using stereotactic procedures, and smears of the tissue were made. For each smear, we investigated for antibodies to proliferatiye cell nuclear antigen (PCLO,DAKO) using the streptavidine peroxidase method, and also counted the number of argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region s using a specific staining technique to identify these. Of the 17 tumors, 3 were grade i pilocytic astrocytomas, 3 were grade II fibrillary astrocytomas, 1 was a grade II oligodendroglioma,4 were grade III anaplastic astroeytomas, and 6 were grade IV glioblastomas. We analyzed each case based on independent assessment of the proliferatiye cell nuclear antigen labeling index, argyrophilic nucleolar orga.nizer region count, histological type, and histological grade, and then compared the results statistically. Although the proliferatiye cell nuclear antigen labeling index and argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region count both increased in parallel with histological grade, we found that the only statistical difference between low-grade (grades i and i!) and high-grade glial tumors (grades III and IV) was the groups' argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region counts. The findings indicated that the proliferatiye cell nuclear antigen labeling index is not a good prognostic indicator in the preoperative histological evaluation of glial tumors, and that argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region counting can be used to differentiate benign tumors (grades I-I!) from malignant ones (grades III-IV). Key Words: AgNOR method, glial tumors, proliferatiye cell nuclear antigen, immunohistochemistry, stereotactic biopsy Özet: Bu çalismanin amaci, hücre kinetigini degerlendirme yöntemlerinden biri olan AgNOR sayiminin ve proliferatif hücre nükleer antijeni (PCNA) immünositokimyasinin, glial tümörlerin biyolojik davranislarini öngörmede yeri olup olmadigini saptamaktir. Stereotaktik islem yoluyla glial tümörlü 17 hastadan materyelleri elde ettik ve dokulardan yaymalar hazirladik. Her bir yaymayi, streptavidin-peroksidaz yöntemiyle antiproliferatif hücre nükleer antijeni (PClO, DAKO) ve AgNOR sayma yöntemini uygulayarak, inceledik 17 tümörün, üçü derece i pilositik astrositoma, üçü derece II fibriler astrositoma, biri derece II oligodendroglioma, dördü derece III anaplastik astrositoma ve altisi derece Iv glioblastoma idi. Her bir vaka için, PCNA baglanma indeksi, AgNOR sayimi, histolojik tip ve histolojik dereceyi ayri ayri analiz ettik ve sonuçlari istatistikselolarak kiyasladik. PCNA baglanma oranlari ve AgNOR sayimlari histolojik dereceye paralel artis gösterse de, istatistikselolarak farkliligi sadece, AgNOR sayimi açisindan, düsük dereceli (derece i ve II) ve yüksek dereceli (derece III ve Iv) glial tümör gruplari arasinda tespit ettik. Sonuç olarak, glial tümörlerin histolojik derecelendirmesinde PCNA oraninin bir ölçüt olarak alinamayacagina, AgNOR metodunun ise selim tümörleri (derece I-II) malign (derece III-Iv) olanlardan ayirmakta kullanilabilecegi ne karar verdik. Anahtar Kelimeler: AgNOR, glial tümörler, prliferatif hücre nükleer antijeni, immünositokimya, stereotaktik biyopsi 36

Transcript of Glial Tümöderin Preoperatif Histolojik Derecelendirmesinde ... · pilositik astrositoma, üçü...

Turkish Neurosurgery 10: 36 - 42, 2000 Sayrak:Prolifemtive celliiuc/ear aiitigen aiid AgNOR method for preopemtive histological gradiiig of glitil h/mors

Cell Nuclear AntigenThe AgNOR Method For

Grading Of Glial Tumors

Value Of ProliferativeImmunohistochemistry AndPreoperative Histological

Glial Tümöderin Preoperatif Histolojik Derecelendirmesinde ProliferatifHücre Nükleer Antijeni Immünositokimyasi ve AgNOR Yönteminin Yeri


Istanbul Memorial Hospital, Pathology Department (HB), Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine,

Neuropathology Division of Department of Neurosurgery (ÇB), Istanbul

Received: 15.1.1998 Ç:> Accepted: 1.6.1999

Abstrart Extended short fomis again here - same in the key wordsso please modify according to your journa\'s style the aim of thisstudy was to determine whether or not assessing cell kinetics byargyrophilic nucleolar organizer region counting, and usingimmunohistochemistry to deted proliferative cell nuclear antigenare valuable methods for predieting the biological behavior of glialtumors. Specimens were obtained from 17patients with glial tumorsusing stereotactic procedures, and smears of the tissue were made.For each smear, we investigated for antibodies to proliferatiye cellnuclear antigen (PCLO,DAKO) using the streptavidine peroxidasemethod, and also counted the number of argyrophilic nucleolarorganizer region s using a specific staining technique to identifythese. Of the 17 tumors, 3 were grade i pilocytic astrocytomas, 3were grade II fibrillary astrocytomas, 1 was a grade IIoligodendroglioma,4 were grade III anaplastic astroeytomas, and6 were grade IV glioblastomas. We analyzed each case based onindependent assessment of the proliferatiye cell nuclear antigenlabeling index, argyrophilic nucleolar orga.nizer region count,histological type, and histological grade, and then compared theresults statistically. Although the proliferatiye cell nuclear antigenlabeling index and argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region countboth increased in parallel with histological grade, we found thatthe only statistical difference between low-grade (grades iand i!)and high-grade glial tumors (grades III and IV) was the groups'argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region counts. The findingsindicated that the proliferatiye cell nuclear antigen labeling indexis not a good prognostic indicator in the preoperative histologicalevaluation of glial tumors, and that argyrophilic nucleolar organizerregion counting can be used to differentiate benign tumors (gradesI-I!) from malignant ones (grades III-IV).Key Words: AgNOR method, glial tumors, proliferatiye cellnuclearantigen, immunohistochemistry, stereotactic biopsy

Özet: Bu çalismanin amaci, hücre kinetigini degerlendirmeyöntemlerinden biri olan AgNOR sayiminin ve proliferatifhücre nükleer antijeni (PCNA) immünositokimyasinin,glial tümörlerin biyolojik davranislarini öngörmede yeriolup olmadigini saptamaktir. Stereotaktik islem yoluylaglial tümörlü 17 hastadan materyelleri elde ettik vedokulardan yaymalar hazirladik. Her bir yaymayi,streptavidin-peroksidaz yöntemiyle antiproliferatif hücrenükleer antijeni (PClO, DAKO) ve AgNOR saymayöntemini uygulayarak, inceledik 17 tümörün, üçü derecei pilositik astrositoma, üçü derece II fibriler astrositoma,biri derece II oligodendroglioma, dördü derece IIIanaplastik astrositoma ve altisi derece Iv glioblastoma idi.Her bir vaka için, PCNA baglanma indeksi, AgNORsayimi, histolojik tip ve histolojik dereceyi ayri ayri analizettik ve sonuçlari istatistikselolarak kiyasladik. PCNAbaglanma oranlari ve AgNOR sayimlari histolojikdereceye paralel artis gösterse de, istatistikselolarakfarkliligi sadece, AgNOR sayimi açisindan, düsük dereceli(derece i ve II) ve yüksek dereceli (derece III ve Iv) glialtümör gruplari arasinda tespit ettik. Sonuç olarak, glialtümörlerin histolojik derecelendirmesinde PCNA oranininbir ölçüt olarak alinamayacagina, AgNOR metodunun iseselim tümörleri (derece I-II) malign (derece III-Iv)olanlardan ayirmakta kullanilabilecegi ne karar verdik.

Anahtar Kelimeler: AgNOR, glial tümörler, prliferatifhücre nükleer antijeni, immünositokimya, stereotaktik



Tiirkish Neiirosiirgery 10: 36 - 42, 2000 Saymk: Prolifemtive celliiiiclear aIitigeil and AgNOR metliod for preopemtive Iiistologicalgmdiiig of gliii/ tumors


Many features are used to predict clinicalprognosis in patients with glial tumors, includinghistological type of tumor, histological grade,anatomic sites involved, tumor size, encroachmenton the ventricular system, extension across themidline and invasion of the contralateral cerebralhemisphere, extension to the contralateral side of thetentorium cerebelli, patient age, Karnovsky score andothers. Two main features used to predict thebiological behavior of glial tumors are histologicaltype and grade (16), but the behavior of a tumor doesnot always match its histological grade, alabel thatis based solely on morphology (9). Possibleexplanations for this include the remarkablehistological heterogeneity of glial tumors, the fact thatthe assigned histological grade (especially that ofsmall biopsy samples) may not represent the wholetumor, and the progression of tumor malignancy thatoccurs over time (32,31). In efforts to improve ourability to prognosticate and to overcome thelimitations of traditional histopathologicalevaIuation, research has focused on adaptingknowledge and advances in cell kinetics andmolecular genetics for use in diagnosticneuropathology (8).

Although an objective, cost-effective, easilyapplicable and reliable method has yet to bedeveloped, it has been suggested that of tumorproliferation rates can be used to determinehistological grade and prediet biological behavior(24,27,38).Options for measuring such rates includebromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), Ki-67 and proliferativecell nuclear antigen (PCNA) labelingo The use ofBrdU requires intraoperative injection of thishalogenated pyrimidine, whereas monoclonalantibodies Ki-67 and PCNA can be applied to frozensections and to paraffin-embedded tissue.

PCNA is a 36 kD nuclear protein that is anauxiliary protein of DNA polymerase delta, and takespart in DNA synthesis and repair (43). it is detectablein interphase, begins to rise in the middle of Gl phase,is threefold higher at the G1/S transition than ininterphase, and remains elevated during G2 phaseand mitosis (43,49). it follows that the proportion ofcells marked by anti-PCNA reflects the proliferationrate of a tumor (29).

Another means of assessing proliferatiyeactivity in tumors is the argyrophilic nucleolarorganizer region (AgNOR) method, which is a fairly

simple technique based on the detection of colloidalsilver. The process involves staining an acidiephosphoprotein of nonhistonic stmeture that existsin the nucleus together with DNA coils that carryRNA genes. The number and shapes of AgNORs canbe assessed under light microscopy, and the quantityof these figures rises in parallel with increasedproliferatiye and metabolic activity (13).


Material for histopathological evaluation wasobtained through image-guided stereotactic biopsy(Leksell stereotaetic system, Elekta AB, Stockholm,Sweden) of 17patients with glial tumorso Five to eightbiopsi es of each tumor were obtained, and smearsfrom these were prepared and stained withhematoxylin and eosin. Histopathological evaIuationwas done according to the World HealthOrganization's 1993 classification of tumors of thecentral nervous system. The series use d in the studyincluded three pilocytic astrocytomas (grade 1),threefibrillary astrocytomas and one oligodendroglioma(grade 11),four anaplastic astrocytomas (grade III)and six glioblastomas (grade IV).

For PCNA assessment, anti-PCNA (PCLO,DAKO) was applied to smears fixed in concentratedethyl alcohol using streptavidine peroxidase.Diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride was used asa chromogen, and Mayer's hematoxylin was used forcounterstaining.

For AgNOR staining, the first phase involvedsubmersing the slides in a solution of one part ethylakohol and two parts concentrated acetic acid for 3minutes. This was followed by a wash in deionizedwater. Next, the specimens were bathed in workingsolution and shielded from light for 20 minutes, afterwhich they were again washed with deionized water.The working solution was made up of two partssolution A and one part solution B, with solution Acontaining 50 g silver nitrate in 100 ml distilled waterand solution B containing 2 g of gelatin and 1 ml offormic acid in 100 ml distilled water. In the final

phase, the slides were placed in 5% sodiumthiosulphate, washed in distilled water for 1minute,dehydrated in absolute ethyl akoho!, cleared inxylene, and mounted with mounting medium(Canada balsam).

The nuclei that stained in the anti-PCNA and

AgNOR methods were counted under the lightmicroscope using 10x40 and 10x100 fields of


Tiirkis/i Neiirosiirgery 10: 36 - 42, 2000 Saynik:Prolifemtive cell nuctear antigen and AgNOR met1wdfor preoperative histological gmdiiig of glial h/mors

magnification, with 20 different sedions of the slidebeing counted for each case (approximately 2,000cells). The staining in all cells marked with anti­PCNA was limited to the nudeus, was diffuse or

granular in charader, and was of varying density.Density was not taken into account in our assessment,so any nudei that were labeled with diffuse orgranular staining were considered positive for PCNA(Figure 1). Regarding AgNOR staining, sincenudeolar and prenudeolar AgNOR spots cannot becounted individually, each group as a whole wasaccepted as one spot (Figure 2). For each case, thepercentage of PCNA-Iabeled cells (as PCNA labelingindex) .and the average AgNOR count weredetermined separately.

Figure 1:peNA immunohistochemical staining in a smearfrom one glioblastoma case. Approximately 25%of the malignant cells are stained. (400 X)

The data obtained were grouped according tothe specimens' histological grades. The results wereevaluated using nonparametric variance analysis(Kruskal Wallis test). We used the Mann WhitneyU-test to make comparisons among all groups, witha significance limit of 0.008, and used the student'st-test to compare benign (grade i and II) andmalignant (grade III and IV) glial tumor groups, witha significance limit of 0.05.


Our findings showed that the PCNA labelingindex and AgNOR count rise in parallel withhistological grade (Table 1).However we found that


the largest ranges over lapp ed to various degrees forboth PCNA labeling index and AgNOR counts.

Figure 2: AgNOR prepara tion of a smear from oneglioblastoma case that had two to seven (rnean,five) spots in the nuclei of the malignant cells.(400 X)

Table I: Histological type, grade, PCNA labelingindex and AgNOR count for the 17 cases.



Abbreviations list - PCNA, AgNOR

When specimens were compared according tohistological grade, there were no significantdifferences in AgNOR counts and in PCNA labelingindices among the four groups (p:0.0219, MannWhitney U-test). When the tumors were paired aslow-grade (i and II) versus high-grade (III and IV)and analyzed for differences in PC NA labelingindices and AgNOR counts, only the AgNOR countswere significantly different (p:0.004, student' st-test).


Studies of PCNA labeling indices for glialtumors according to histological grade have revealedextremely wide ranges with considerableoverlapping. The reported figures are 0.00-8.3% forgrade 1(23,34,37),0.00-32.7% for grade II (1,19,23,37),

Turkish Neurosurgery 10: 36 - 42, 2000 Sayrak:Proliferative cellii!lclear aiitigeii aiid AgNOR method for preoperative hist%gica/ gradillg of g/ia/ h/mors

0.04-86.3% for grade III 0,19,23,34,37,40) and 2.7­86.3%for grade LV(1,19,23,37,40).Similarly, the meanindices calculated for each histological grade bydifferent laboratories have varied widely. Theinconsistency of these PCNA results has made itimpossible to establish limits that separate cases intogwups that reflect histological grades or biologicalbehavior.

Another point of interest is that someresearchers have suggested that PCNA labelingindices for astrocytoma and glioblastoma far exceed50% (23,37,40). Although kinetic studies onglioblastomas have found the proliferation rate foralmost all these tumors to be below 50% (16), there isstill question as to what the reported high PCNAlabeling indices truly reflect.

There are also other questions surrounding theaccuracy of this index. Experimental investigationsinvolving rats with PCNA in their CHOK1 cell serieshave shown that up to 10% of the cells leaving thecell cycle and entering GO are positive for PCNA (6).This indicates that approximately 10% of the cellsthat stain for anti-PCNA at interphase, which, to date,have contributed to the proliferation rate figure,should actually be considered normaL.

A study that compared BrdU and PCNAfindings showed that the PCNA labeling index was2.2 times greater than the BrdU labeling index ± 0.8(27). Such high values for PCNA in this and manyother studies may reflect the differences between themethods which used, and may not represent the truecell proliferation rate. The authors of this particularstudy stated that the PCNA labeling index does notreflect histological grade and is not a reliable value.They focused on problems inherent in the techniqueinvestigators have used to derive this figure(19,21,46).

In order to eliminate problems associated withthis method, various groups have examined differenttypes of fixative, different fixation times, and theeffects that microwave rays have on tissue fixed withdifferent fixatives. Investigators have found thattissues fixed with 10% buffered formalin yieldsproliferation rate results closest to those obtainedwith Ki-67 (12,48). Some authors have suggested thatthe length of the fixation period does not affect results(42), while others have bracketed the mostappropriate fixation time between 6 and 30 hours(44). Casasco et aL.suggested that the structure ofPCNA in tissues fixed in formalin deteriorates at an

increasing rate after 3 hours, and stated that alcohol­based fixatives should be used (10). it has also beenproposed that a mixture of 4% paraformaldehydeand 5% glutaraldehyde is suitable fixative for PCNAimmunohistochemistry, that digestion beaccomplished using 0.001 % pepsin (14), thatmethanol beused for fixation (7,29), and that fixationbe accomplished with periodonate­paraformaldehyde (33).

With regard to fixing specimens, the best resultshave been obtained using 15 minutes of acetonefixation followed by 15 minutes of methanol fixation(4). After optimal fixation has been achieved andbefore the immunohistochemical procedure, someauthors have proposed that tissue sections shouldbe irradiated in microwave oven (at 600 W tomaximum power). The various suggested ways ofaccomplishing this include irradiating in distilledwater for 2x5 minutes (15), in 0.05 M glycine-HClbu ffer (pH 3.6) containing 0.01 % EDTA for 2x5minutes (18), in 1% zinc sulphate for 7.5 minutes (41),and in citrate buffer solution (pH 6) for 10 minutes(20,45).

Clearly, the variety of methods listed for allthese steps shows there is still no standardizedtechnique for anti-PCNA labelingo StilI, despite theproblems associated with determining PCNAproperties, the literature discusses the merits andpossible applications of the technique.Korkolopoulou and colleagues suggested that thePCNA labeling index could be used separate fromhistological grade (24). Also, Vigliani et aL.proposedthat labeling indices of greater than 5% allow theidentification of subgroups of benign tumors that willbegin to exhibit anaplastic behavior but which, todate, have not been recognized in advance (47). Kimand associates daimed that recurrence can be

predicted for glioma groups of each grade by lookingat the PCNA labeling indices of tumor cells at theresection border (22). Miyake et aL.found that up to5% of the cells in the reparative tissue followed braininjury, were labeled with PCNA (30). Although thisrate was calculated on the third day of woundhealing, it is still significant because it indicates highlevels of PCNA positivity in areas of gliosis. Otherresearchers have reported similar findings (28,39).

Some studies have revealed that PC NA

immunopositivity rate of up to 4.5% in slow virusinfections of the central nervous system might occur(2,5,26). Thus, there is suspicion about the 5% PCNApositivity limit. The foundation of these authors'


Tiirkish Neiirosiirgenj 10: 36 - 42, 2000 Snyrnk:Prolifemtive cel/Ilucleiir antigen and AgNOR method for preaperative hist%gim/ gmdiiig of g/in/ tiiirlOrs

views is the hypothesis that anti-PCNA labeling inthe nanturnoral brain tissue should be ignored onlyif it is extremely low. The error in this hypothesishas been dearly proven by other studies.

Only a few studies in the literature discuss theuse of PCNA labeling for smears (17,35). One of thesereports (35) compared results with those from Ki-67experiments, and found PC NA labeling to besufficient for determining proliferation rate.

With regard to AgNOR count, although somestudies state that this method can be used to

determine the histological grade and biologicalbehavior of glial tumors (2,11,34), others havedaimed just the opposite (3,11,25,34,36).

In conclusion, we believe that PCNA

immunohistochemistry is of no definitive value forpredicting the biological behavior of glial tumors,since the wide ranges obtained make it impossibleto assign tumor grade. Our opinion is that theAgNOR method can be used as an auxiliary methodfor predieting tumor behavior, in support ofmorphological data.

Correspondence: Dr. Hakan SAYRAKDere sokak No:27/8 P.K: 81080Sahrayicedit Erenköy-Istanbul, TurkeyTel: (90-212) 363 26 97


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