GLAUCOMA-Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

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Transcript of GLAUCOMA-Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

  • 7/28/2019 GLAUCOMA-Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram


  • 7/28/2019 GLAUCOMA-Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram


    Eye Education Series-Glaucoma: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 1

    GLAUCOMA- The Si l ent Thi ef of Si ght

    Glaucoma is an eye disease, which can make you blind , without you being aware of it,

    until the last stage. Ill try to explain this disease in simple terms.

    Our eye is like a table tennis ball. The shape of it is maintained by the pressure inside the

    eye. This pressure is called Intra-ocular pressure which literally means , the pressure

    inside the eye. Without this pressure , the eye would collapse, just like a balloon without

    air. The pressure which keeps the balloon inflated, comes from the pressure of air inside.

    The pressure in the eye comes from the fluid inside, which is called Aqueous humour.

    This fluid exerts pressure which keeps the eye inflated and thus healthy.

    Aqueous humor is produced in a structure called ciliary body. It circulates in the eye,

    and finally exits the eye ball through the structure called Angle. It is similar to the waterflow in bathroom. The water comes from the tap, it gets utilized by us and finally drains

    out into the outlet. Aqueous humor circulates in the same fashion. This aqueous humour,

    if in normal levels, keeps the Intraocular pressure normal, and thus eye is healthy.

  • 7/28/2019 GLAUCOMA-Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram


    Eye Education Series-Glaucoma: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 2

    If for some reason, the aqueous level increases, the intraocular pressure increases. This

    increased pressure has bad effects on eye, especially on optic nerve. Optic nerve is the

    nerve which carries signals from the eye to brain. It is like the cable which connects the

    digital camera to the computer. Optic nerve is made of several thin nerve fibres, just like

    an electric wire. If you cut a wire, you see lots of thin fibres within the wire. Similarly

    optic nerve has about a million of such fibres. This nerve remains healthy as long as the

    intra-ocular pressure is normal. If the pressure in eye is raised, this pressure is

    transmitted to the optic nerve, and this leads to the death of the fibres in the optic nerve.

    In the initial stages, when few fibres are damaged, peripheral vision gets affected, which

    cannot be noticed by the patient, as his central vision is normal. A stage will reach when

    most or all of the fibres are damaged. This will lead to total blindness. Central vision is

    the last to go, and thats the reason, patient would not be aware of the disease except in

    last stage, when the central vision is lost. This optic nerve damage is irreversible. Anynerve in the body cannot regenerate to the full potential. So once the vision is lost , it

    cannot be gained later. This process wherein the intraocular pressure becomes more than

    normal, leading to optic nerve problem is called as Glaucoma.

  • 7/28/2019 GLAUCOMA-Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram


    Eye Education Series-Glaucoma: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 3

    Now consider two situations: one, your tap is fully open with more than normal water

    coming out, two, the water outlet is blocked with no outflow. In these two situations , the

    water level increases. Similarly, in the eye, the IOP can be raised either with increased

    aqueous production or by decreased outflow. Decreased outflow may be because of the

    closure of Angle. Depending on the angle status, there are two different types ofglaucoma. If the angle is open, its called Open Angle Glaucoma. If the angle is closed, its

    called Angle Closure Glaucoma.

    Sometimes other eye problems can lead to glaucoma. These types of glaucomas are called

    Secondary glaucomas. The treatment would be to treat the primary cause. Many times

    the glaucoma develops without any reason. Such glaucomas are called Primary

    Glaucomas. By far Primary glaucoma is more common.

    Primary Open angle glaucoma is the common form of glaucoma. In this the angle is open

    with normal outflow. But there is increased production of aqueous. People more than 45years of age, People with Hypertension and Diabetes, People with family history of

    glaucoma are at more risk of developing this glaucoma. Patient usually do not have any

    symptoms in the early stages. It can only be detected by detailed evaluation. Since there

    are no symptoms, patient would not seek medical advice, which would lead to blindness.

    All people at risk, should get their eyes checked for glaucoma. Once the disease is

    diagnosed, the treatment would be for life long, with eye-drops. This is similar to

    Hypertension, where the patients use BP medicines through-out life. The treatment aims

    at the control of Intra-ocular pressure, and not at the regeneration of damaged optic

    nerve. The lost vision is lost for ever, and cannot be got back. The eye-drops wouldcontrol the pressure in many patients, but some patients need surgery to decrease the


  • 7/28/2019 GLAUCOMA-Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram


    Eye Education Series-Glaucoma: Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram

    Script by Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram Page 4

    View of a normal person View of a patient of Advanced Glaucoma

    Regular screening and timely intervention is the only way to prevent blindness.

    Angle closure glaucoma is a less common variety of glaucoma, where in the outlet is

    blocked. The patient may develop symptoms like coloured haloes, decreased vision, pain,

    redness and watering. These patients usually require LASER procedure, where-in an

    additional outlet is created.

    To conclude, glaucoma is a blinding disease, which snatches your vision, without your

    knowledge. Get your eyes checked for any hidden glaucoma, and get it treated, before you

    lose vision.

    (Thanks for google images for providing me the sources of images)

  • 7/28/2019 GLAUCOMA-Dr. Murali Mohan Gurram
