Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games Media Brand Guidelines · 2010-03-01 · Glasgow 2014 brand: a...

Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games Media Brand Guidelines

Transcript of Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games Media Brand Guidelines · 2010-03-01 · Glasgow 2014 brand: a...

Glasgow 2014XX Commonwealth Games

Media Brand Guidelines

The Brand Identity


In competitive sport, measurement, timing and results are everything. Of course there are the personalities, the emotion, the thrill, the elation and the disappointment. But when it comes to those medals it’s a matter of who jumps the highest, throws the longest, runs the fastest, scores the most goals, wins the most points, lifts the heaviest weight, swims the strongest. During every event and at the end of every event, there is always time, data and measurement. This was the inspiration for the creative expression of the Glasgow 2014 brand: a data visualisation of numerical elements integral to competitive sport and Glasgow 2014. Over the next section the rationale behind our brand identity, and the individual elements that combine to form the marque are carefully explained.

2 Section 1 The Brand Identity

20th Commonwealth Games

The Commonwealth Games take place every four years. The Glasgow 2014 Games will be the 20th Commonwealth Games. This is a landmark number that adds to Glasgow’s pride in being its host. We used this number as the outer ring of our brand identity, breaking a circle into 20 equal parts to work out the proportional measurements of the other numbers. This outer ring, that encompasses the others, is a strong red — ‘True Red’ — from the official Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) palette. ‘True Red’ along with two other colours: ‘Triumph Yellow’ and ‘Heritage Blue’ represent the Commonwealth Games ‘Trinity of Values’ — Humanity, Destiny and Equality — these colours have been adopted by Glasgow 2014 as the core of its own identity colour palette.

4 Section 1 The Brand Identity




















1 7 Sports

At every Games there are a minimum of 10 and maximum of 17 sporting categories. At Glasgow 2014 there will be 17 sports — 10 of these are core: aquatics, athletics, badminton, boxing, hockey, lawn bowls, netball, rugby 7s, squash and weightlifting. The additional 7 sports are selected from a pool of options. The Glasgow 2014 Organising Committee has chosen cycling, gymnastics, judo, shooting, table tennis, triathlon and wrestling. The next ring of the brand identity, in ‘Triumph Yellow’ from the CGF palette, represents the number of sports. It’s just over three quarters of the full circle, again, its extent determined by the outer red circle.

6 Section 1 The Brand Identity

1 1 Days of Competition

23rd July 2014 is the day we’re counting down to and have been counting down to since Scotland committed to the bid in 2005, since we learnt that the bid was accepted in 2007, and since the brand was launched in 2010. 23rd July 2014 is the day when the Opening Ceremony will take place in Celtic Park, a spectacular fanfare setting in motion 11 days of competitive sport displaying skill, precision, strength, stamina, daring, grace and drama. 11 days when Glasgow will be the centre of the sporting world with all the buzz and excitement of results, reports and rumours; new faces, amazing teamwork and rising stars. These 11 days are represented in the third ring of the brand identity, rendered in an optimistic blue — ‘Heritage Blue’ from the CGF palette — clocking up just over a half of the circle.

8 Section 1 The Brand Identity

1 Host City

A unique city, Glasgow, from the Gaelic ‘Dear Green Place’, was once known as the Second City of the Empire that originated the Commonwealth Games. So called for its merchant prowess and massive shipbuilding industry. Still unique, predominantly because of its people, best characterised by their quick wit, patter and friendliness — the city where everyone, but everyone, has a story, a comment, a ‘hello’ and a ‘how are you doing?’ At the heart of our brand identity, like a target’s bull’s eye, is ‘G’ for Glasgow, in a bright green evoking the ‘Dear Green Place’.

10 Section 1 The Brand Identity

Bespoke word mark

Games ‘edition’

‘The Bar’

The Brand Identity

Simple, geometric, strong, direct — the Glasgow 2014 brand identity is our visualisation of time, data and measurement, the central tenant of our identity concept and a common, uniting factor in all sporting endeavour. The 20th Commonwealth Games, 17 Sports, 11 Days of Competition, 1 Host City — Glasgow, at its core, each of these four elements has its own colour, together they form Glasgow 2014 brand identity. A pre-requisite of the new Glasgow 2014 brand identity was the close integration of the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) emblem — ‘The Bar’ — into the new marque. Situated at the base of the new brand identity, this comprises of a horizontal bar, hemispheric strokes and three converging points. ‘The Bar’ acts as a plinth for the various brand identity elements including the edition of the Games (in Roman numerals) and bespoke Glasgow 2014 typography. The Glasgow 2014 brand identity uses the prescribed core CGF colours of black, red, yellow and blue plus one new colour

— a bright green to represent ‘Dear Green Place’ — ‘Glasgow’. Refined typography is another key component of the new identity system, consistent in both the new brand identity and over-all brand typography. A bespoke word-marque has been created with the geometric ‘G’ at the centre of the marque guiding the style and proportions for the locator type — ‘Glasgow 2014’. The locator typography is based on a modified cut of Futura Book. Futura was selected for its geometric sympathy with the new marque and its elegant and rational qualities.

12 Section 1 The Brand Identity 13 Section 1 The Brand Identity

Using the Brand Identity

The Glasgow 2014 brand identity is the key visual asset of our brand, as such it is important that our brand identity is reproduced correctly at all times. Rules governing the use of the Glasgow 2014 brand identity have been established — these range from correct colour use, areas of protection to ensure legibility, a range of sizes for commonly used paper formats, special stakeholder composites and advice on how to create new composites for partner brands. The Glasgow 2014 identity system has been designed with flexibility and longevity in mind, our brand is not dogmatic but we do have rules — particularly when using an important asset such as our brand identity. We ask that where these rules exist they are followed carefully, by doing so our brand becomes stronger: through consistent application, by using innovative high-quality design we will have clarity, we will also have gravitas and integrity and we will stand the test of time — from here to the Games in 2014 and beyond.


14 Section 2 Using the Brand Identity

Minimum size25mm wide

Exclusion Zone

‘The Bar’

Games ‘edition’

Brand identity construction

The Glasgow 2014 brand identity proportions are determined by ‘The Bar’. As stipulated in the CGF Brand Standards Manual ‘The Bar’ occupies 25% of the brand identity’s total area.

40mm wide exclusion zone is defined by character ‘O’, value = 4mm

25mm wide minimum size exclusion zone is defined by character ‘O’, value = 2.5mm

Exclusion Zone

An area of protection has been defined surrounding the Glasgow 2014 brand identity. This area of protection or exclusion zone is defined by the value (height /width) of the letter ‘O’ present in the Glasgow 2014 word mark.

To protect the integrity and legibility of the brand identity this exclusion zone should be maintained and kept clear at all times, no graphic elements should stray into this area.

Brand identity attributes

The Glasgow 2014 brand identity has geometric purity at its core. A strong central axis is present in the brand identity, bisecting the marque vertically, through the ‘O’ of Glasgow, travelling down to the extreme point of the yellow flash of ‘The Bar’. This subtle alignment creates visual balance between all the elements of the new brand identity — a considered, accurate conclusion.

Central Axis

17 Section 2 Using the Brand Identity16 Section 2 Using the Brand Identity

Mono brand identity

Mono brand identity25mm wide minimum size

White brand identity25mm wide minimum size

White brand identity

Brand identity variants

The Glasgow 2014 brand identity can be reproduced in full colour (black, red, yellow, blue and green together), in mono (black / white out), or in one of the core Glasgow 2014 brand colours — red, yellow, blue or green.

Where possible the full colour brand identity should be used, but either a single colour or mono variant can be selected for use to better suit a particular piece of design or print specification e.g single / two colour printing.

When using the white version of the Glasgow 2014 brand identity it can only appear on black or one of the core brand colours as above.

19 Section 2 Using the Brand Identity18 Section 2 Using the Brand Identity

Minimum size30mm W

Exclusion Zone

Brand identity construction

The Gaelic brand identity proportions are again defined by ‘The Bar’. As stipulated in the CGF Brand Standards Manual the ‘The Bar’ occupies 25% of the brand identity’s total area.

40mm wide exclusion zone is defined by character ‘G’, value = 4.3mm

30mm wide minimum size exclusion zone is defined by character ‘G’, value = 3.2mm

Exclusion Zone

An area of protection has been defined surrounding the Gaelic Glasgow 2014 brand identity. This area of protection or exclusion zone is defined by the value (height /width) of the letter ‘G’ present in the Glaschu 2014 word mark.

To protect the integrity and legibility of the brand identity this exclusion zone should be maintained and kept clear at all times, no graphic elements should stray into this area.

21 Section 2 Using the Brand Identity

The Gaelic Glasgow 2014 brand identity

A special Gaelic variant of the Glasgow 2014 brand identity has been created, its use is strictly governed by audience. This version of the brand identity should only be reproduced where Gaelic language is being used.

Given the increased length of the ‘edition’ of the Games in Gaelic language a larger minimum size has been specified, this will ensure greater legibility when reproduced at smaller sizes.

Games ‘edition’

20 Section 2 Using the Brand Identity

Brand Colour Palette

All colour is emotive, our colour palette is bright, optimistic and modern — it reflects both the values of the Commonwealth Games and the energy and vitality of the Games. To communicate these values and aspirations a comprehensive range of brand colours has been developed to add both expression and control to the Glasgow 2014 identity. The identity palette is built around the core CGF colours of black, red, yellow and blue with the addition of a bright green to signify Glasgow — ‘Dear Green Place’. The core palette of black, red, yellow, blue and green are used together in the brand identity. These colours can also be used individually or in combination with colours from the secondary, neutral or special palettes (fluorescents / metallics) details of which can be found over the following pages. Colour is a key part of our visual signature but care should be taken not to use too many colours within a given piece of design. Ample white space should always allowed so our core colours appear clear and they don‘t become confused, muddled or lost.


Extra care should be taken when using yellow from our palette for text — yellow is not a suitable colour for long, continuous passages of body-copy or large amounts of information.


22 Section 3 Brand Colour Palette























Core ColourTrue RedPantone 186

C 0M 91Y 76K 6

R 204G 9B 47

Core ColourTriumph YellowPantone 137

C 0M 34Y 91K 0

R 255G 162B 0

25 Section 3 Brand Colour Palette24 Section 3 Brand Colour Palette

27 Section 3 Brand Colour Palette























Core ColourHeritage BluePantone 3005

C 100M 30Y 0K 6

R 0G 120B 201

Core Colour2014 Green Pantone 354

C 75M 0Y 100K 0

R 0G 174B 64

26 Section 3 Brand Colour Palette















Core ColourPantone Process Black

C 0M 0Y 0K 100

R 0G 0B 0

29 Section 3 Brand Colour Palette28 Section 3 Brand Colour Palette

Glasgow 2014XX Commonwealth GamesBrand Guidelines

Version 1 — March 2010

Glasgow 2014 Limited, the Organising Committee of the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games. All rights reserved.

Glasgow 2014 LtdMonteith House, 11 George Square Glasgow G2 1DY, Scotland UK Tel. +44 (0)141-287-2014 Fax +44 (0)141-287-3453
