Getting to know the Of the July 16 2006 Lesson # 7.


Transcript of Getting to know the Of the July 16 2006 Lesson # 7.

Getting to know the

Of the

July 16 2006July 16 2006

Lesson # 7.Lesson # 7.

1. Adam1. Adam2. Cain2. Cain3. Abel3. Abel4. Enoch4. Enoch5. Noah5. Noah6. Abraham6. Abraham

We already We already studied:studied:

Let’s Talk Let’s Talk aboutabout IsaacIsaacThe Son of the The Son of the promise.promise.

To talk about the men of the Bible is to talk about faithful people. We cannot continue without talking about the son of the “promise”, Isaac. God has to fulfill everything that he promised to his servant Abraham.

I would make a nation:I will give you a seed:I would give you this Land:

"'In Isaac your seed shall be called.' That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed. For this is the word of promise: "At this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son."  (Romans 9:7-9)

1. What is the meaning of his name? "Laughter"

2. Date of Birth? Unknown3. Place of birth? Place: The Negev

(Southern Palestine)4. Occupation? Occupation: Wealthy

livestock owner5. Key work: Son of the promise.

Some information about Isaac.Some information about Isaac.

Hebrews 11:17… “17By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, 18of whom it was said, “In Isaac your seed shall be called,”

1.· Circumcised by his father – Gen. 21:42.· Protected by his mother – Gen. 21:8-103.· Submissive to his father – Gen. 22:6-10;

24:1-4, 61-674.· Heir of Abraham's estate – Gen. 25:5-6

We cannot continue the story of Isaac without talking about his half brother.

·Contrasted – Gal. 4:22-23, 28-29· Conflict – Gen. 21:8-9· Cooperation – Gen. 25:8-9

Keep in mind please that God has promised Abraham to make of him a great nation; this can only be done by Isaac, his son, being married.

Genesis 24Genesis 24· The search for a wife among his own people· The faithfulness of a servant· The providence of God· The willingness of Rebekah

I will make you a “great nation”, and Abraham asked “How? I do not have children?” Isaac was born, now Abraham’s daughter in law, Rebekah, is pregnant and Abraham will continue to make his family big…

It will happen exactly as the Lord has promise. Genesis 25:19-28; 27:1-40

· Prayer for Rebekah is answered - Gen. 25:20-21· The twins are "two nations" - Gen. 25:22-23 (Rom. 9:10-13)· Favoritism shown - Gen. 25:24-28· Blessing of the firstborn given to Jacob - Gen. 27:1-40

Isaac was a real man of faith, same as his father, he trusted God and because of his faith, God made the exact same promises that he made to his father Abraham.

Submission (Gen. 22:6, 9); meditation (Gen. 24:63); trust in God (Gen. 22:7-8); deep devotion (Gen. 24:67; 25:21); peaceable (Gen. 26:20-22), worshipful (Gen. 26:25), faith (Heb. 11:20), reverence for God (Gen. 31:42, 53)

But even though he was a very spiritual man keep in mind that he was also human and that he made some mistakes in his life, for example:


· Fear of man (Gen. 26:7);. Played favourites between his sons (Gen. 25:28)

· Faithfulness brings contentment to life.· Prayer is answered by our faithful God.· Parental favoritism causes family turmoil.· We must always fear God more than we fear

man. (Gen. 26:7; 31:42, 53)

Are there lessons that we can learn this evening? Well that’s the purpose for us to study these men from the Bible, so that we can copy the good that they did and reject the evil that God despised from them…From Isaac I would say we can learn this evening:

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