Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool


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This workshop gives a short introduction on how to use the anynines Platform as a Service using the cf command line client.

Transcript of Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool

Page 1: Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool

Getting started with anynines

Julian Weber - [email protected]

Dienstag, 18. Februar 14

Page 2: Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool

anynines(CF) usage

• User Login

• Space Management

• App Deployment & Management

• Logs, Console Access & Application Environment

• Service Management

Dienstag, 18. Februar 14

Page 3: Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool


• Install a Ruby runtime

• gem install a9s

• includes the cf client

Dienstag, 18. Februar 14

Page 4: Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool

cf - client

• communicates with the Cloud Controller

• central tool for managing applications/services and domains

• enables access to log information

• enables console access to applications running in the cloud

Dienstag, 18. Februar 14

Page 5: Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool

User Login

• cf target <api endpoint> -> choose your target cloud

• cf target

• cf login -> login to the cloud

• cf target -> display information about the cloud status

Dienstag, 18. Februar 14

Page 6: Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool

Space Management

• cf spaces -> list all spaces within the current organization

• cf target -s <space name> -> switch into a space

• cf apps -> list all applications within the current space

Dienstag, 18. Februar 14

Page 7: Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool

App Deployment

• cf push

• starts a dialog based deployment process

• uploads and installs the application after filling in the required information

• creates a deployment manifest file on demand

Dienstag, 18. Februar 14

Page 8: Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool

App Management

• cf start / stop / restart <app name>

• cf delete <app name>

• cf scale <app name>

• set # of instances

• set amount of ram per instance

Dienstag, 18. Februar 14

Page 9: Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool

Log & Console Access

• cf console <app name> - console access to the running application

• cf logs <app name> - display the logs for an application

• cf crashlogs <app name> - display logs for crashed applications

• cf events <app name> - display events for an application

• cf env <app name> - display the app environment information

Dienstag, 18. Februar 14

Page 10: Getting started with anynines - The cf command line tool

Service Management

• cf create-service - creates a new service instance

• cf delete-service - deletes a service instance

• cf bind-service - binds a service to an app

• cf unbind-service - unbinds a service from an app

Dienstag, 18. Februar 14

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• Anynines -

• Support -

• Avarteq GmbH -

• For further questions feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Dienstag, 18. Februar 14