
PowerPoint presentation by Bendik S. Søvegjarto Concept, text, and rules by Skage Hansen


getSmart. An introduction to the Game: Match it Kids – UpToTen. PowerPoint presentation by Bendik S. Søvegjarto Concept, text, and rules by Skage Hansen. getSmart Match it. Level of difficulty: Degree of difficulty: Number of players: Number of cards: Purpose of the game: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of getSmart

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PowerPoint presentation by Bendik S. SøvegjartoConcept, text, and rules by Skage Hansen

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Level of difficulty:

Degree of difficulty:

Number of players:

Number of cards:

Purpose of the game:

Extra equipment:

6 years and older. Can be used from 4 years if cards containing number symbols and cards of large amounts are removed.

Several variants. The degree of dificulty depends on which colors are included in the play as well as which cards within each color are used.

2 - 4

Entire deck is used. Each player starts with five cards and a draw decices who starts the game.

To get rid of the cards before the other players.

2 hourglases (1 min.) can be used for limitint the time spent each round. Hourglasses can be ordered from

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Each player starts with five cards. In addition, one card is placed (face up) next to the stack in the center of the table. This card is the start of the discard pile. Your cards are shown at the bottom of the screen. Your opponent is sitting on the opposite side of the table. In case of more than two players, the players sit next to each other, so that for four players, for example, two players are seated on opposide sides of the table. Dine kort befinner seg nederst på bildet.

The first few times Match is played, it is advantageous to play with open cards. This is because the other players can help you if you are unsure of whether or not you are allowed play a card.

For educational reasons, in this presentation, we have chosen to have the cards of the discard pile standing up. In an actual game, it is better to have these cards lying down (in that case, the values can be seen from both sides.)

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On the table is now a blue card containing a picture of four animals. You are now allowed to put down cards representing the same number. This is called to ”change color”. It is also allowed to put down a card of the same color. You choose to put down your green card containing a picture of four objects. NOTE! If you had got more cards representing the number four, you would be allowed to put down all these cards.

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The green card with a picture of four objects are placed on the table.

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The opponent examines his cards carefully. He finds out that the red card containing a picture of a die has four dots. He therefore puts down this card.

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On the table now is a red card showing a die with four dots.

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You look through your cards and find out that you hold no card representing the number four. However, you have a red card! You play this card.

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A red card containing a picture of a die showing the number two is currently on top of the discard pile.

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Th eopponent is very pleased. He immediately sees that the blue card containing a picture of two birds represents the same value as the card on the table.

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A blue card with two birds is now played on the table.

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Unfortunately, you see that you hold no card representing the ”correct” number. Luckily, you have a blue card. You play this card.

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The blue card with a picture of seven dinosaurs is on top of the discard pile.

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Motstanderen har ikke kort med verdien sju. Han har helle ikke ”riktig” farge.Han blir derfor nødt til å trekke kort fra bunken på bordet.

Hvis man ikke kan (eller vil) spille ut et kort, må man trekke kort fra bunken helttil man legger ut et kort. Det er tillatt å trekke inntil to kort. Dersom man hartrukket to ganger uten å kunne eller (ville) spille ut kort, er ens tur over, ogman sier pass og lar neste spiller fortsette.

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Motstanderen har flaks og trekker et spesialkort. med bilde av Tiger Tom. I tillegg til at man kan vri med denne typen spesialkort, må man også følge instruksen på kortene. Instruksen gis i form av et spesielt tegn slik at man ikke trenger å kunne lese for å forstå kortet. På Motstanderens kort ser vi et ”snu-tegn” som betyr at spilleretning snus. Han legger ut spesialkortet og vrir til gul.

Idet man spiller ut et spesialkort,må man spesifisere hvilken farge man vrir til, og neste spiller blir nødt til åspille ut kort av denne fargen (eller legge på kort med tilsvarende verdi). Det er totalt ti spesialkort i kortstokken hvorav fem av dem har tallmengder påført. .

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A special card with a picture of Tom the Tiger is placed on the table. The color is changed to yellow.

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The direction of play is reversed and it is again the previous players turn. He puts down one of his yellow cards.

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A yellow card with the number symbol 3 is put down.

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Finally, it’s your turn again. You hold no card representing the number three but luckily you have a yellow card, which you play. As you put down the card, you announce:”one card left!” If a player forgets to say these words, one of the other players can hit the table and say: ”Knock on wood!”, and the player having only one card left then has to draw three more cards from the draw pile on the table.

When a player has only a few cards left, he commonly hides his cards from the opponents. This makes the final stage of the game more exciting and significantly increases the motivation of the players.

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A yellow card with the number symbol 0 is on top of the discard pile.

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The opponent puts down his yellow card and announces: ”one card left!”

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The yellow card with the number symbol 1 is placed on the table.

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Unfortunately, none of your cards have the correct color or the correct number. You have to draw cards from the draw pile on the table. You are lucky and draw a special card containing a picture of a recycling symbol in the corner. This card can be used for changing the current color. A total of five cards of the deck have a picture of this symbol in the corner. The symbol indicates that the card can be used for changing the current color.

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You place the special card on the table an say: ”I change color to purple !”You also remember to announce: ”one card left!”

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The purple special card containing a picture of six dice each showing the one dot face is placed on the table.

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The opponent is super happy. His last card contains a picture of six objects! He plays this card and wins the game.Congratulations!

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If there are two or more players left, the game can be continued until there is only one player left. Often, however, it may be a good idea to begin a new game once a winner has been determined. At least that will make sure all players get the most out of the game. Alternatively, those who have finished the game can assist a fellow player etc. until there is only one player left.