Get that article published

(Painlessly, Reliably, and No Drama)


Many business professionals know that they need to publish their ideas to be seen as thought-leaders and subject-matter experts. Yet so many never get that to happen. But publishing an article to show your expertise and thought leadership doesn't have to be hard. Here are some steps that will help you publish an article in an influential online or print publication -- and get maximum benefit for your work, through the power of social media and good content marketing strategy.

Transcript of Get that article published

Page 1: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  


(Painlessly,  Reliably,  and  No  Drama)  

Page 2: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  


Many  business  professionals  hear  that…  

1.   You’ve  got  to  build  your  professional  profile!  

2.   Get  your  ideas  published!  

Page 3: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  


But  Where  Do  You  Start?    Here’s  a  9  step  flowchart  of  the    process  I’ve  been  using  for  over  15  years,  helping  my  business  professional    clients  get  their  ideas  published.  

Page 4: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  

www.showyourexper,  www.showyourexper,  

Start  by  picking  which  kind  of  exper,se  you  most  want  to  demonstrate  –  what  clients  are  likely  to  pay  you  to  do,  which    you  can  do  well,  and  which  you  enjoy  doing.    

What  do  you  want    to  be  known  for?  

Page 5: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  

www.showyourexper,  www.showyourexper,  

Think  of  which  industries  you    want  to  reach,  or  professions/occupa,ons  –  or  which  markets  (your  local  market,  na,onal,    or  global)  

Which  audiences  do  you  want  to  reach?  

Page 6: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  

www.showyourexper,  www.showyourexper,  

Some  of  the  most  effec,ve  thought-­‐leadership  ar,cles  cover  trends  and  niche  news  developments.  Content  must  solve  pressing  problems,  or  help  access  opportuni,es.  

Pick  themes  that  show  your  exper,se  –  but  are  not  a  sales  pitch  

Page 7: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  

www.showyourexper,  www.showyourexper,  

Publica,ons  may  be  for  a  specific  industry,  profession,  or  geography.  They  include  printed  magazines,  professional  associa,on  websites,  and  influen,al  blogs.    

Find  publica,ons    trusted  by  the  people    you  want  to  reach  

Page 8: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  

www.showyourexper,  www.showyourexper,  

•  Your  topic  

•  Why  the  readers  of  THIS  publica,on  will  be  interested  

•  A  point-­‐form  outline  of    your  ar,cle  

•  Your  qualifica,ons  to  write    on  this  topic  

A  good  query  le\er    has  four  points:  

Page 9: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  

www.showyourexper,  www.showyourexper,  

If  the  editor  likes  your  idea,    you  need  to  get  agreement    on  what  the  ar,cle  will  look    like,  how  long  it  should  be,    and  the  deadline.  

Discuss  your  idea    with  the  editor  

Page 10: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  

www.showyourexper,  www.showyourexper,  

If  you’re  a  good  writer  and    can  write  quickly,  go  ahead  and  write.  Otherwise,  consider  working  with  a  freelance  ghost-­‐writer,  text  editor  or  proof-­‐reader.  

Write  your  ar,cle  –    the  right  length,  and    on  deadline  

Page 11: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  

www.showyourexper,  www.showyourexper,  

Many  people  want  to  publish  an  ar,cle,  but  it  never  happens.    So,  congratula,ons!  

Celebrate!    you’re  published!  

Page 12: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  

www.showyourexper,  www.showyourexper,  

Some  easy  way  to  leverage  the  power  of  content  marke,ng  and  social  media...    

Now,  get  the  most  from  your  ar,cle  

Page 13: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  


For  your  LinkedIn  profile:  •  List  the  ar,cle  under  

“Publica,ons”  •  Post  a  PDF  of  the  ar,cle    

to  your  profile  •  Post  the  ar,cle  in  your  groups  –

and  ask  a  ques,on  or  two  to  start  the  discussion  

Get  the  Most    From  Your  Ar)cle    

(Part  1)  

Page 14: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  


Get  the  Most    From  Your  Ar)cle    

(Part  2)  

SlideShare:  post  a  PDF  on  your  channel  

TwiJer:  Several  tweets,    different  keywords  

E-­‐mail:  PDFs  to  your  contacts,    with  a  personal  note  

Print:  do  printed  reprints  for    face-­‐to-­‐face  mee,ngs  

Page 15: Get that article published

Get  that  Ar)cle  Published!  


To  learn  more  about  building  your  professional  profile  by  publishing  informa,ve  content,  see  
