Get ready for a Temple Israel Gala to Die For. More …...November 2015 Volume 54 - Number 11...

November 2015 Volume 54 - Number 11 Marcheshvan-Kislev 5776 Building Community Since 1954 Pages 17-19 Get ready for a Temple Israel Gala to Die For. More Details Found Within ...

Transcript of Get ready for a Temple Israel Gala to Die For. More …...November 2015 Volume 54 - Number 11...

Page 1: Get ready for a Temple Israel Gala to Die For. More …...November 2015 Volume 54 - Number 11 Marcheshvan-Kislev 5776 Building Community Since 1954 Pages 17-19 Get ready for a Temple

November 2015 Volume 54 - Number 11 Marcheshvan-Kislev 5776

Building Community Since 1954

Pages 17-19

Get ready for a Temple Israel Gala to Die For.

More Details Found Within ...

Page 2: Get ready for a Temple Israel Gala to Die For. More …...November 2015 Volume 54 - Number 11 Marcheshvan-Kislev 5776 Building Community Since 1954 Pages 17-19 Get ready for a Temple


Staff Rabbi ................................ Joshua Neely

Cong. Life Coord. ......Susan Bernstein

Youth Director ........... Eliana Gershon

Off. Admin. .. John-Patrick Alexander

Bookkeeper ................... Patricia Young


Committee President .........................Eric Hoffman

1st Vice President.. ......... Mark Kluger

VP Membership ........... Geanne Share

VP Education ................. Sharon Sachs

Comptroller ................. Michelle Bilsky

Secretary ........................... Mollie Savage

Sisterhood President ....... Nancy Stern

Men’s Club Co-Pres.. ............................. ...................... Wayne Bilsky & Joe Ihns

Past President. ....... Arlene van de Rijn

Trustees Nicki D'Amato

Lauren Brown

Kris Crane

Judi Chisdes

Sandra Eisenberg

Andrew Feinberg

Joe Ihns

Fabienne Kaplan

Dick Katz

Michael Langman

Art Louv

Joni Okun

Harry Rein (Trustee Emeritus)

Fanny Sernik

Roz Weinstein


Committee Chairs Adult Education...... Michael Fineberg

Budget & Finance ....... Michelle Bilsky

Building & Grounds .............. Joe Ihns

Education - School ........ Sharon Sachs

Endowment ............ Andrew Feinberg

Ma’asim Tovim ..... Arlene van de Rijn

Marketing ..........................Larry Gutter

Membership ................... Geanne Share

Past Pres. Coun. .... Arlene van de Rijn

Ritual................................. Natan Brener

Ways & Means ........................................

................... Ed Borowsky & Paul Patti

Youth ............................... Matt Gordon

From Our Rabbi By Rabbi Joshua Neely

O ne of the first things you learn about Judaism is the power of community. Although the core call of Judaism is to the individual, we believe that individual spirituality and action

are magnified by cooperation with the community. Ideally we study as a group which will provide insights beyond our own and strengthen our learning. Ide-ally we pray as a group enhancing our own outpouring by joining it to the flow emanating from others. Like small streams joining to form a river our separate voices form a more moving chorus when we pray together. It is only with a community, a minyan of 10 adults, that our highest forms of worship can be achieved. Yet ... when it comes to our challenges and difficulties in life we often isolate ourselves. In grief, in turmoil with family, in aging or caring for the aged we stoically or stubbornly try to face the problems on our own. Either out of a sense of embarrassment, as though our problems were unique, or a sense of forbearance, as though we shouldn’t bother others with our trouble, we pull back from the community. This happens exactly at the time when community can serve us best. It isn’t that they will provide a magic solution to our trou-bles, but they can provide comfort, perspective and a sympathetic ear which will often strengthen us to better cope. Temple Israel is proud to partner with Jewish Family Services (JFS) and other Jewish institutions to provide group programs to tackle many of life’s prob-lems. Thanks to the generous support of the Federation, JFS and Temple Is-rael can provide expert facilitation for group sessions on topics from grief to divorce to teen issues to aging. We will both host some programs and partici-pate in others off site. Please keep an eye out for when and where the sessions will be offered. In the meantime, if you have a particular interest, please contact me so I can help direct you to the appropriate program. If you would like to meet with me pri-vately, please email me directly at [email protected]. Never forget that we have always been strongest when we have stood to-gether.

[email protected] Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday, Sunday Please call or email for an appointment.

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From Our President

By Eric Hoffman

T emple Israelites, As my presidency winds down, I want to encourage all of you to attend a few events

that will mark the end of the calendar year at Temple Israel. First, you should all attend this year’s annual fundraising gala event. This year, Temple Israel will be hosting our very own Murder Mys-tery dinner theater in the Roth Social Hall. The event will be held on Saturday, December 5 at 6:30 pm. This show is a special treat in that it will include Temple Israel members mixed in with professional actors to present a show that has been written specifically for Temple Israel. The title of the show is Marriage Is Murder, and is a comedic who-done-it show that will unravel during din-ner. The show has been written (and will be directed) by Ken Eulo, a Eugene O’Neill-award-winning playwright and best-selling author. The show will feature such well-known actors as Daniel Wise, Geanne Share, and Rabbi Joshua Neely (in the role of the rabbi). There will be much sing-ing and dancing; it’s going to be better than Cats! I hope to see you all at the show. The second item you should all attend is the New Member Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday, Novem-ber 6 (the usual 7:30 pm Friday service time). We need to remember that all members of Temple Israel are on the membership committee and here is an opportunity to celebrate our successes as we recognize those that have joined Temple Israel in the past year. We have many new members and this is an excellent opportunity to meet them and make sure they feel welcome into our community. Third, you should be sure to mark your calendar for this year’s Hanukkah party (on December 9 at 5:30 pm). Last year we had over 100 people attend our latke feast and we hope to have even more show up this year. Remember, you are going to want to start that diet on January 1, so this is a great opportunity to celebrate the miracle of oil before that dieting starts. The last item that I hope you all will attend is the December annual congregational meeting. This meeting will be held on Sunday, December 13 at 10:00 am and gives you an opportunity to find out what we are doing to improve Temple Israel into the next year. Moreover, there will be congre-gation votes on the proposed 2016 budget and votes on the new slate of officers and trustees. It will also be a time to socialize and catch up with your friends at temple. Please keep in mind that in addition to these events, we hold services every Friday evening and Sat-urday morning and that Rabbi Neely is holding regular Mishna Oral Study (discussion sessions on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm) and Lunch & Learn (Torah portion study and discussion Wednesday afternoons at noon) classes every week. Additionally, there are other events for all ages that I just don’t have time or space to write about. With so much going on, I hope to see all of you at Temple Israel in the weeks ahead.

Eric Hoffman [email protected] 407.517.8733

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From Our Congregational Life Coordinator

By Susan Bernstein

A s a youngster, I remember Shabbat as a day of restrictions. Shabbat, to me, very often meant “you can’t.” You can’t go to the movies, you can’t go shopping. As I grew older and entered the field of education and a busy work week, I came to appre-

ciate Shabbat as a “you don’t have to” kind of day. The day was the same but my outlook or defini-tion of it had changed because my personal experiences and values had changed. We can obedi-ently stop going to the movies or the shopping mall on Saturday but is this observing Shabbat? In Exodus 20, God gives us the Fourth Commandment telling us to “Remember the Sabbath day” and that God rested, vayanach, on the seventh day. This seems to describe how I once felt about Saturdays. I rested. I didn’t do my homework. Is resting or the stopping of work what Shabbat is all about? God saw the seventh day as a very important day and so blessed it and declared it holy, as a gift for us. Perhaps knowing that using the verb, yanach, “he rested,” was not enough to instill an appreciation for Shabbat, God soon after declares in Exodus 31:16 “shavat va’yinafas,“ He ceased from work and was refreshed. I am taking the liberty of translating this phrase as “He rested and He took on a new soul” (va’yinafash coming from the word nefesh = soul). It is not sufficient to just remember or mark a day on the calendar – something more has to happen. We have to breathe new life into our lungs, refresh ourselves, find a new soul, and take an active part in the process of creation and rest. To rest implies that work has previously been done. Shabbat – the day of rest – is closely linked to work. A true appreciation of Shabbat cannot be experienced unless we have spent the rest of the week laboring away. The addition of the phrase, “shavat va’yinafash,” is not a minor one. The new soul we take in is the spirit of Shabbat – the adult “I don’t have to” frame of mind. Looking at the root, Nun, Fay, Shin, and changing the vowels around, we arrive at the word “neepaysh” = breathe life into. We also get the word “nofesh” = recreation. We define our Shab-bat for ourselves: a day of recreation or one of re-creation. To make sure that B’nai Yisrael would do more than just remember this yom kodesh, holy day, we were witness to a second rendition of the Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy 5:12, but this time we are told to Observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy. We should Remember as well as Observe – breathe new life into the day not merely desist from chores. And indeed, we have two loaves of challot on our Shabbat table to remind us of the impor-tance of both zachor (remember) and shamor (observe).

L’Shalom, Susan Bernstein [email protected] 407.647.3055 ext. 304

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SNEAKERS THAT FIT 2015 In memory of Dr. Barry Levin

It’s time for Sneakers That Fit! Temple Israel is proud to once again partner with the CRJ Social Action Committee in this important community project. The schools chosen for this program were suggested by A Gift For Teaching. These schools were chosen due to their Title I status (60% or more of the students qualify for free or reduced lunch programs). Donations of sneakers and socks will be made to the following schools: Title I Status Rock Lake Elementary 408 North Tampa Ave. Orange County 100% Lake Weston Elementary 5500 Milan Drive Orange County 95% Hamilton Elementary 1501 East 8th Street Seminole County 93%

Information necessary to purchase sneakers for individual students as well as detailed in-structions while be posted on a bulletin board inside the social hall. Please take a card, pur-chase the indicated shoes and return them with the identification card to the syna-gogue office by December 5, 2015. If you are not able to shop, donation envelopes will also be available. A donation of $25 allows us to purchase one pair of sneakers and a package of socks for a child in need. The shoes will be delivered to the students before winter break. Through the generosity of our congregants and other concerned citizens, the 2015 cam-paign was able to purchase over 200 pairs of sneakers and socks in addition to the shoes purchased by those choosing to do their own shopping. Additionally, the Reebok Outlet has been a great partner in helping make this pro-ject so successful each year.

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From Our Sisterhood President

By Nancy Stern

W e were out to dinner with my in-laws the other night when the waitress came up and told us about the restaurant’s annual fundraiser in support of St Jude’s Hospital. Devon (my 8 year old daughter for those of you who don’t know her) immediately asked for an advance on her allowance so she could contribute. I gave her her allowance and

she promptly gave half to the waitress. (Yes, a proud moment.) Of course, two days later, we’re at the dollar store and she wants her dollar back to spend on a toy. When I explained that she had already spent her al-lowance, she only had a dollar left, she said “but I spent it on something good … shouldn’t I get it back?” That gives me food for thought. How often do we all feel that way? I did something good so I deserve something in return. When I volunteer my time, it’s usually because the activity is something I think I will enjoy (and figuratively get my dollar back). If I do enjoy it, I’ll do it again. It’s how I got involved at Temple Israel and with Sisterhood, and with other organizations at other times. Along the way, I’ve had some tre-mendous personal growth and met some wonderful people. I’ve been challenged to do things outside of my comfort zone and learned that I have skills and talents I didn’t know about! I am sure each of you is the same way … if you could get even just a tiny bit out of your comfort zone, you would discover a whole new set of skills and abilities you never knew you had. In this respect, I’ve gotten a lot more than my “dollar” back … and hopefully given a lot more than my dollar as well. We’re currently reading from the book of Genesis. Talk about people stepping outside of their comfort zones! We need to take active roles in achieving whatever goals we set for ourselves, and to assist others in their pursuit. Look at the choices Rebekah made and how she changed her destiny and impacted the lives of Jacob, Isaac and Esau. She could certainly have been a passive “participant” in her life, but purposely chose to not be passive. It would be so easy to sit back and let life unfold around you, reaping the rewards when good things befall you, but I think when you play an active role in life the rewards are far greater. Whether you agree with her actions or not, I think Rebekah felt the same way. Let’s all learn from (the good in) Re-bekah’s example and actively work to make life better, to grow just a little, to appreciate and contribute to life around us. Wishing you a happy and healthy Florida “autumn.”

L'Shalom, Nancy Stern President, Temple Israel Sisterhood [email protected]

DID YOU KNOW ... that Rosh Chodesh is considered a special holiday for women?

Celebrating the beginning of the new month, this minor holiday dates back to the building of the Golden Calf in the Book of Exodus, when the women refused to donate their jewelry to its construction. It is intended to be a joyous holiday and includes changes to the regular prayers recited at services. Depending on the number of days in the month, Rosh Chodesh even last two days! Believe it or not, the longer 30-day month is when Rosh Chodesh is 2 days long. Announced at the Shabbat service prior to the new moon, there’s always time to plan a little celebration.

How you observe Rosh Chodesh is determined by your community. There might be special gatherings or programs, a Rosh Chodesh group , or the wearing of new clothes – and for some, the custom of women refraining from work on Rosh Chodesh (sorry, guys) … now that’s an idea!

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It’s almost Hanukkah and you may be wondering … what do I get that special

woman in my life?

How about a gift that shows her how much you love and respect all that she has done to help you build a family on a foundation of Jewish values, and honors her commitment to our Jewish commu-nity and its future?

What gift could possibly do all that?

Make her a Benefactor or Guardian (or even more!) of Torah Fund and receive this beautiful thank you gift to present to her.

For more information in supporting Torah Fund through Temple Israel, please contact Cathy Swerdlow at 321.663.3448 or [email protected]

Game Night at Temple Israel!

Monday, November 2, at 7:00 pm in the Lounge

Whatever your game is … the first Monday of the month is your night!

Come and enjoy a great game of Texas Hold’em, Mah Jongg, Chess or

Pool (or learn how!). Refreshments will be available, and it all goes down in

the Lounge. When you arrive, enter through the front of the temple. All are


Sponsored by Temple Israel’s Men’s Club

Questions? Please call Joe Ihns at 407.267.2000.

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New Member Shabbat!

Temple Israel is a growing congregation with many new family units added to our

membership during the past year. We believe that Hachnasat Orchim, the act

of welcoming newcomers, is an essential part of our synagogue philosophy.

On Friday evening, November 6 we will have a special New Member Shabbat to

officially say “hello” to the following families:

Judy & Avi Arroyo | Paul Patti & Debbie Amdur |

Justin Sherman & Ashley Crawford | Sydney Forrest | Olivia & Matt Gordon |

Sabrina & Daniel Gordon | Ljubica Cappelletti & Danny Gomez |

Irene & David Share | Susan & Stanley Shevitz | Edith & Charles Schulman |

Lisa Hart & Avram Scudder | Sheri Stearns | Andrew & Emily Raij

Please make every effort to attend services this evening and extend

our warm Temple Israel Welcome!

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USY Shabbat & Brusters Join USY as we lead Friday night services November 6, and then head over to Brusters

for ice cream and hanging out with friends! List any parts of the Friday night service you

are comfortable with leading or would like to learn how to lead. Please be on time!

RSVP to Eliana Gershon at [email protected].

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Temple Israel Steps up to the Plate to Sponsor “A Taste in the Park”

If you liked the Jewish Pavilion’s “A Walk in the Park”,

just wait ‘til you get a taste of its newest fundraising

event. On November 8 the Jewish Pavilion will host this

event at the Venue on the Lake-Maitland Civic Center,

which will benefit the hundreds of seniors it serves in

more than 50 elder care facilities throughout Orlando.

“Like the “Walk”, the “Taste” is open to the entire com-

munity, and will offer something for the foodie, and the entire family.” In addition to

sampling tastes from scores of restaurants and vendors, guests can look forward to nosh-

ing on “A Taste of Home” at a table sponsored by the Jewish Pavilion.

“A Taste in the Park” has all the features of a taste event, plus children’s activities, live en-

tertainment, and much, much more.” To buy tickets advance tickets and save, visit Make sure to visit our Temple Israel

table, where we'll have delicious homemade cookies!

Congratulations! to Eric Hoffman, Men’s Club Man of the Year, and Sam Ihns, Men’s Club Youth of the Year

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Please speak with Eliana at [email protected] about transportation costs and times.

Or type into your address bar

*We want every child who wants to be able to participate in this exciting event! Please contact Rabbi Neely

at [email protected] if you are in need of financial assistance.


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Friday, November 13, starting at 6:30 pm

Kabbalat Siddur, Simcha Shabbat

& Family Shabbat Dinner!

At 6:30 pm join us for a special Family Shabbat dinner,

Admission to the Family Shabbat Dinner is $6.50 a person ages 6 & up

with a cap of $15 to accommodate our larger families.

Tots ages 5 & under are free!

Stay for the Kabbalat Siddur & Simcha Shabbat service

when our 3rd Graders will be receiving their Siddurs

& November birthdays & anniversaries will be honored from the bimah!

Book a seat online at

Or contact John-Patrick in the office at

407.647.3055 & [email protected].

RSVP is a must, so please make your reservations by November 11!

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November 22 from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm in the Roth Social Hall

We’re here with bagels, beverages, newspapers, Wi-Fi and more! Drop the kids off at religious school. Support the min-

yan at 9:00 am in the Savage Family Chapel. Come early for that 10:30 am or 11:00 am meeting. Or you can sleep in;

we’ll be going till 12:00 pm! Not a member? No problem. Come visit and have a bagel with us. We’ll be happy to show

you around.

Saturday, November 21, at 11:15 am in Classroom 1

Tot Shabbat is a joyful and engaging program geared toward families with young children, ages 5 and under (older sib-

lings are welcome too). This 30-minute program includes Shabbat themed songs, dancing, stories, a Torah parade, sim-

ple blessings, and Challah and juice too! Tot Shabbat meets at 11:15 am in a bright and cheerful kid-friendly section of

our Kindergarten classroom 1.

Bring your friends and meet other families with small children as we celebrate Shabbat with the youngest members of

our community! All are welcome, and temple membership is not required. Afterward, stay and join our entire congrega-

tion for our Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon.

Sisterhood Bus Trip Reminder! Sunday, November 15 Meet at Jewish Academy at JCC 8:00 am

We are looking forward to an exciting day and want to tell all participants that the bus will leave

PROMPTLY at 8:00 am from the Jewish Academy at the JCC on Maitland Ave. Please arrive at least

30 minutes before scheduled departure to put away ice chests and get settled in your seats. Ap-

proximate return time will be 8:00 pm. See you then!

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Temple Israel’s Adult Education Committee Presents:

An Afternoon with Norman Berdichevsky

Please join us at Temple Israel on November 22, 2015 at 4:00 pm in the Roth Social for a stimulating

presentation on the evolution of Modern Hebrew. There will be refreshments at 4:00 pm with the lec-

ture starting at 4:30 pm.

The speaker is Dr. Norman Berdichevsky who is a noted author, freelance

writer, editor, researcher and lecturer of history and culture for several major

universities. Formerly a lecturer of Judaic studies at the University of Central

Florida, he is the author of several books and lives in Orlando, Florida. His lat-

est book, and the subject of his talk is Modern Hebrew - The Past and Future of a

Revitalized Language.

Ben-Yehuda's vision of a Modern Hebrew eventually came to animate a large part of the Jewish

world, and gave new confidence and pride to Jewish youth during the most difficult period of Modern

history, and infused Zionism with a dynamic cultural content.

This book examines the many changes that occurred in the transition to Modern

Hebrew, acquainting new students of the language with its role as a model for

other national revivals, and explaining how it overcame many obstacles to be-

come a spoken vernacular.

Visit Amazon to read the glowing reviews of Modern Hebrew - The Past and Future

of a Revitalized Language at


For further information on Dr. Berdichevsky’s work please view his website at

For further information on the event please contact the Temple Israel office

at 407.647.3055 or by email at [email protected].

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Prayerful Meditation

Saturday, November 28 at 9:30 am in the Savage Family Chapel

An experiential workshop to help open up the channels of spirit that connect us to

God. Led by Rabbi Joshua Neely, this will include meditation, guided imagery,

breathing exercises and more.

Held in the Savage Family Chapel every last Shabbat of the month.

Lunch & Learn and Mishnah Oral Study

With Rabbi Joshua Neely

Wednesdays are adult education days at Temple Israel! At noon Rabbi Joshua

Neely teaches in person and online his long running class on the Torah por-

tion of the week. This past Simchat Torah marked his sixth year teaching this

class and you can find archives of his lectures here:

People from around the world have already watched 2000 hours worth of

learning from over 175 videos. His unique approach is to drill down on one as-

pect of the Torah portion rather than to simply give an overview. All are en-

couraged to read the full Torah portion ahead of time but no previous study experience is necessary.

Just come with an open mind and lots of questions.

On Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm Rabbi Neely leads a

seminar in the style of the classic Beit Midrash on Jewish

Law as captured in the Mishnah. The Mishnah is the first

major written redaction of the Jewish oral tradi-

tions known as the "Oral Torah." It is also the first major

work of Rabbinic literature. He is currently reviewing trac-

tate Pesachim - the ins and outs of how Passover works.

You can find the text on

Please join us at Temple Israel for these stimulating and informative classes

every Wednesday in the library.

If you need further information, call the temple office at 407.647.3055.

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For every Jewish American Veteran of the Vietnam War, and, to honor every Jewish American who fought for our country since 1775, always remembering Eretz Israel. This poem is dedicated to you by me, a fellow veteran. Kol Hakavod Temple Israel, Veterans Day 2015. - Anonymous

My life is framed by two distant walls, intersecting in the subconscious of my being. My existence is embraced by them.

One, a wall of hard memories and futile honor, dedicated to the dead by the living, guarded by the three young soldiers, cast in bronze - specters gazing into infinity. The lost youth of combat. Of which I am one.

The other, hovering in my consciousness, a wall of ancient stones, standing one upon the other, thick and strong, a remnant of the infinite’s holy temple, witnessing and sheltering the ghosts of a resurrected people. Of which I am one.

Two Walls

One, an angle of polished black stone, married to the earth, modern and simple in its sweeping presence, preserving the names etched on its face, embracing The identities of our dead.

The other, an ancient man-made cliff, roughhewn and ragged, where prayers are written, hands are placed and rhythms rise from many voices, embracing The identities of our dead.

The Wall and The Kotel Washington and Jerusalem

I am an American, a soldier once, who, in my fashion, has returned from a distant war, in a distant place with no reason for being; with a future where there should be none. I am a Jew, who, in my fashion, lives today, wrapped in the tallit of Judaism, molded by the past and the present; with a future where there should be none.

Two walls, two countries, two peoples. War and peace. Life and death. Then and now. Living within the shadows of these two walls, I live in the mysteries of existence.

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$70 per person - RSVP online at

or to the temple office (407.647.3055 - [email protected]) by November 30

Played by

Michelle Bilsky & Eric Hoffman


but watch your back, because

Marriage Is Murder A Musical Murder Mystery by Mr. Ken Eulo

You are cordially invited to the Temple Israel

(Gala) Wedding Rehearsal Dinner for

Saturday, December 5 at 6:30 PM

Roth Social Hall

Join us for Marriage & Murder, Raffles, Cash Bar

& Delicious Dinner Catered by Tinamarie

“Like rye bread, kosher pickles and bagels, this show is for everyone! You’ll laugh till you plotz.” - Ken Eulo

You don’t have to be present to win a raffle prize!

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For this year’s Gala see Marriage Is Murder, "The world's first Musical Murder Mystery!" at

Temple Israel. Tickets are $70 per person & open to members and friends from pre-bar/bat

mitzvah age up. We also have special role play sponsor packages and opportunities to adver-

tise well wishes or acknowledge a special wedding date of your own, family, or friend. See

how you can participate below and on line at

There will also be a special moment after the third act where couples will be able to renew

their vows, with Rabbi Joshua Neely officiating! If you'd like to renew your vows, please

let Rabbi Neely ([email protected]) and the office ([email protected]) know so we can

prepare. Thank you.

Raffle Prizes!

Raffle tickets are $5 for 1 ticket and $20 for 5 tickets

Dinner for four people with Rabbi Neely and his family at their home

10 Hebrew lessons with Susan Bernstein

Seven day Daytona Beach Home Vacation - Wise Family

Art piece of Jerusalem - Borowsky Family

Spa Services - Bilsky Family

Lenox Piece - Stern Family

You don’t need to be present to win!

Mystery Program Book:

Full Page $180

1/2 Page $100

1/4 Page $70

Business cards $36

Role Play Sponsorship Levels:

Security $1000 Receive a Full Table, Full Page and 10 drink tickets

Detective $625 Receive 6 gala tickets, Full Page ad and 6 drink tickets

Deputy $300 Receive 2 gala tickets, Full Page ad and 2 drink tickets

Suspect $250 Receive 2 gala tickets, and 1/2 Page ad and 2 drink tickets

Accomplice $125 Receive 1 gala ticket, 1/4 Page ad and 1 drink ticket

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Our murder mystery musical production is written and directed by Mr. Ken Eulo.

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September 2015 Donations

may be purchased or reserved. May their memories

always serve as a blessing. $360 for a perpetual

memorial plaque in the sanctuary.

Contact the synagogue office at 407.647.3055.

The Kiddush Luncheon is Sponsored in September by:

Cathy & David Swerdlow, and Lillian Tobias - in celebration of the marriage of Becca Swerdlow & Lioz Noy.

FRIENDS OF ETHAN GOLD CHILDREN’S LIBRARY FUND Donor In Memory Of Jill & Jay Gold GENERAL FUND Donor In Memory Of Marion & Ira Daitzman Marvin Gordon Marion & Ira Daitzman Saul Rose Rhea & Harry Rein Saul Rose Reene Lewis Evelyn Schwadron Miriam B. Cohen Harry Baum Henrietta Katzen Len Silbert Donor In Honor Of Rhea & Harry Rein Barbara Weinreich (good health) Rhea & Harry Rein Laurence Morrell (good health) Susan & Jerry Roth Jerry’s High Holiday Honor and in honor of their children and grandchildren Rebecca Kurzon in thanks for our hospitality during the High Holidays General Donation Julia Walton ONEG & KIDDUSH FUND Donor In Memory Of Phyllis Kamenoff Jenny Stone-Brown Donor In Honor Of Carol & Stephen Albert Carol’s birthday SIDDUR CHADASH FUND Donor In Memory Of Ruth Donenfeld Meyer Rubin Ruth Donenfeld Aaron Rubin Ruth Donenfeld Bernice Rubin SISTERHOOD FUND Donor In Memory Of Sheri Denberg Saul Rose Shirley Gold Saul Rose Shirley Gold Arthur Simon TORAH PRESERVATION FUND Donor In Memory Of Edie Fenster Saul Rose TZEDAKAH FUND Donor In Honor Of Marjorie & Robert Worman Son’s aufruf

September Kiddush Luncheon Hostesses:

Arlene Silver Andrea Ravinoff Regina Buchanan Emely Katz Andrea Craig Jan Suberman

Julia Fineberg Judi Chisdes

Ellen Calish Debra Markowitz

Mindy Markowitz

Our condolences to …

Eve & Robert Gassman, & children Lindsay, Blake &

Joel, on the death of their beloved father and grandfather,

Marvin Gassman, who passed away September 24, 2015.

Sandy Silbert & Family on the death of her beloved husband,

Len Silbert, who passed away September 28, 2015.

Art Louv & Family, on the death of his beloved aunt,

Dorothy Wachter, who passed away October 14, 2015 at the age of 96.

Special Kiddush Luncheon Mentions for:

Linda Silverman

Arlene Silver

Phyllis Kamenoff

Shirley Gold

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November 20 Michael & Julia Fineberg 24 Barry & Roberta Schreiber 25 Sandy & Melissa Masin 27 Jim Clark & Debra Winter 30 Jes & Etty Baru

If we missed your birthday or anniversary, please call the office at 407.647.3055 and we will add you to the list.

14 Sharon Pinhas 16 Rebekah Goldberg 16 Elisheba Gomez Cappelletti 17 Samuel Kopkin 18 Josiah Garden 19 Barbara Weinreich 20 Harvey Titen 21 Neil Okun 24 Lindsay Gassman 27 Zelda Siskind 27 Cathy Swerdlow 28 Celia Feldman 29 Jan Suberman 30 Diane Miller

2 Judi Chisdes 2 Irene Share 3 Leev Cappelletti Briceno 4 Danny Gomez 4 Sylvia Slayback 5 Emely Brener 5 Gabrielle Hoffman 6 Dot Becker 6 Jerry Roth 9 Presley Sachs 11 Michelle Bilsky 11 Nathaniel Neely 12 Larry Brown 13 Devon Stern 14 Narissa Danvers

Thank You!

Kris Crane, Sima Feldberg, Ellen Kamenoff, Steven Oser & Mollie Savage

For volunteering in the office during the month of October.

A special thank you to our volunteer copy editors, without whom the Bulletin & Shabbat handout

would be rife with grammatical mishaps!

Larry Gutter, Debbie Meitin, Penelope Neely, Arlene van de Rijn, Geanne Share,

& Cathy Swerdlow

If you are interested in being an office volunteer, please call 407.647.3055.

Kosher Scrolls for your mezuzah

$25 each - 2.75" x 2.5"

Ketubot by Joanne Fink

Three styles of Ketubot available

We also have an anniversary

commemorative Ketubah

Open on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings

& by appointment.

Like us on Facebook! Look for Temple Israel Judaica Gift Shop.

We hope to see you at Simcha Shabbat

Friday, November 13, 7:30 pm

Anniversaries, birthdays and all other simchas will be

recognized, and you will be blessed from the pulpit.



$25.00 (inc. shipping & handling in the continental US)

If you would like to have a copy

of our Sisterhood cookbook, please let us know!

Synagogue Office: 407.647.3055, [email protected]

Cathy Swerdlow: 407.862.2374, [email protected]

Proceeds benefit charitable projects supported by Sisterhood.

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Donation Form (You can cut out this form and mail it into the office. Make donations online at

My/Our Name making donation_____________________________________________________ Address (must include street, city, state & zip__________________________________________________________

Enclosed please find $____Please place contribution in the ______________________________Fund _____Date (default is the General Fund)

□In Honor of – person(s) name □In Memory of – person(s) name______________________________

On the occasion of________________________________________________________________________

Send notification of my/our donation to (please fill in complete name & address): Name_____________________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________

For credit cards, include #_____________________________Expiration Date____ Signature_______________

Contributions may be made to honor someone on a special occasion or in memory of a departed relative or friend. Donations are tax deductible.

Giving Opportunities An important value in Jewish life is tzedakah. Temple Israel provides a simple and meaningful way of fulfilling this right-

eous act through our family of funds, and giving to Temple Israel in recognition, remembrance or celebration is an ap-

propriate way to enhance those special moments. A card will be sent acknowledging your contribution of $10 or more.

Congregation Funds

Adult Education | Cemetery | General | Library | Ma’asim Tovim | Men’s Club | Oneg/Kiddush | Rabbi’s Tzedakah

Religious School | Temple Israel Jewish Camping Scholarship | Torah Preservation | Youth Programming

Dedicated Funds

Michelle & Wayne Bilsky Education | Elaine Farb Memorial Choir | Friends of Ethan Gold Children’s Library

Harold & Hannah Rosenblum Education | Marlene A. Davis Art Education | Savage Family Chapel

Prayer Book/Torah Commentary Dedications

The dedication of a prayer book (siddur) or Torah Commentary (chumash) is a uniquely appropriate way to make a gift of

tzedakah that benefits the congregation for years to come. Your dedicated siddur or chumash will be utilized by the entire

congregation. A book plate with your specific dedication will be placed in the book prior to its addition into the congre-

gation circulation and an acknowledgement card will be sent. The appropriate minimum contribution for each sacred

book is as follows:

New Shabbat Siddur Chadash - $36

New Etz Hayim Chumash - $54

Sisterhood Funds

Temple Israel Sisterhood plays an active role in supporting all aspects of synagogue life. There are two funds that have

been established by Sisterhood:

Sisterhood Scholarship

Sisterhood General

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Temple Israel

50 South Moss Road

Winter Springs, FL 32708


Building Community Since 1954

Friday Service: 7:30 pm, Saturday Service: 9:30 am Meet & Greet every Friday at 7:00 pm before services

Sunday Minyan: 9:00 am (in the Savage Family Chapel)

Prayerful Meditation: Saturday at 9:30 am every last Shabbat of the month (in the Savage Family Chapel)

Weekday Community Minyan at the Jewish Academy: 7:45 am, Monday-Friday

Rabbi Joshua Neely

Temple Israel’s Keepers of the Flame Not surprisingly, our membership dues do not cover Temple Israel’s expenses, and without generous dona-

tions we would be unable to fulfill our mission of building a sacred community. Thus our basic dues represent

a member’s minimum financial commitment. Recognizing that there are many members who have the ability

and the desire to provide greater support in addition to their basic dues, Temple Israel created a membership

category called Keepers of the Flame to provide a mechanism for this increased level of giving. The generosity

of our current and future Keepers is vital to the sustainability and growth of Temple Israel.

In appreciation of this increased-dues level of commitment, Keepers of the Flame are welcome at all Temple

Israel sponsored Shabbat dinners, synagogue Seders and program events without additional charge. Only a res-

ervation is required. Additionally, there is a designated “Keepers of the Flame” seating area at all of the High

Holiday services.

The following giving levels are suggested:

Benefactors $15,000 and up

Pillars $10,000 to $14,999

Defenders $7,800 to $9,999

Guardians $5,300 to $7,799

Protectors $3,300 to $5,299

Preservers $2,400 to $3,299

Kindlers $2,000 to $2,399

If you would like to be counted among our Keepers of the Flame, please send your giving level to:

Temple Israel

50 S. Moss Rd.,

Winter Springs, FL 32708-3002

For further information please contact our President, Eric Hoffman, at 407.517.8733.