Get more than a cache back! The Microsoft Azure Redis Cache (NDC Oslo)

Get more than a cache back! The Microsoft Azure (Redis) Cache Maarten Balliauw @maartenballiauw

Transcript of Get more than a cache back! The Microsoft Azure Redis Cache (NDC Oslo)

Get more than a cache back!The Microsoft Azure (Redis) CacheMaarten Balliauw@maartenballiauw

Who am I?

Maarten Balliauw Antwerp, Belgium Software Engineer, Microsoft Founder, MyGet AZUG Focus on web ASP.NET MVC, Azure, SignalR, ... Former MVP Azure & ASPInsider

Big passion: Azure @maartenballiauw Shameless self promotion: Pro NuGet -


Azure Cache Redis Data types Transactions Pub/sub Scripting Sharding/partitioning


Azure Cache

Caching on Azure

Windows Server: AppFabric (“Velocity”) (2009-2010) Azure (ASP.NET cache) “Shared Cache” (AppFabric cache, multi-tenant) Self-Hosted Dedicated Cache Managed Cache (the above, but managed by Microsoft and

with an SLA)

A bit of history...

Caching on Azure

1920: Cache used to be a cache 2012: Cache became the go-to datastore Twitter stores 800 tweets / timeline in Redis

New application types on Azure: PHP, Node, Java, ... Too much work to write AppFabric clients for all! Way easier: just make it work on Windows and Azure

New ways to develop applications



“Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, networked, single-threaded, in-memory key-value cache and store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since

keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps and hyperloglogs.”

REmote DIctionary Server


Key-value cache and store (value can be a couple of things) In-memory (no persistence, but you can) Single-threaded (atomic operations & transactions) Networked (it’s a server and it does master/slave) Some other stuff (scripting, pub/sub, Sentinel, snapshot, …)

Things to remember

So no persistence?

Possible using a lot of I/O AOF (append-only files) RDB (Redis DB snapshots)

With or without: all your data must fit in memory

Redis 101demo

The Little Redis Book

By Karl Seguin

Data types

Type Example Key Example value

String cache:/home <html><head><title>Home page</title>

Hash categories:1 Fieldnamedescriptionnumproducts

MemberBooksBooks for sale50000

Set categories:1:products 20 11 56 89 32 4

List products:20:comments [0] -> “...”[1] -> “...”[2] -> “...”

Sorted set products:bestsellers FieldEye PatchParrot


+ Bitmap, Hyperloglog

Data typesdemo

Data types

Type Example Key Example value

String cache:/homeuser:nextid

<html><head><title>Home page</title>2

Hash user:1 Fieldnamehandle


Set user:1:followers 10 42 99 85

List user:1:timeline [0] -> { ... }[1] -> { ... }[2] -> { ... }

Sorted set trending:no:tags Field#ndcoslo#redis


+ Bitmap, Hyperloglog


Good practice: use a pattern for keys E.g. users:1:maarten

Get by id: KEYS users:1:* GET ......

Get by name: KEYS users:*:maarten

GET ......

O(N) operation – use with caution!

But... .NET?

Lots of options! NuGet: ServiceStack.Redis StackExchange.Redis RedisAspNetProviders ...

Connecting to Redis from .NETdemo

But... Azure?

“It’s just Redis!” Main differences: auth mechanism and SSL support Use local for development from GitHub or NuGet

(Redis-32 or Redis-64)

Azure Redis Cachedemo

Azure Redis Cache

Redis + Auth + SSL Monitoring Alerts Awesome tool:


MULTI, EXEC, DISCARD, WATCH No rollbacks (just discard queue) Failures are because of you, not Redis

Optimistic locking with WATCH Only execute transaction queue if watched keys did not





Send data to a queue PUBLISH news “This just in!”

(optional) Keyspace notifications

CONFIG SET notify-keyspace-events KEA PSUBSCRIBE '__key*__:*' (or __keyspace@0__:foo)



Run Lua scripts on Redis

EVAL ‘return “Hello, World!”’ 0

Scripts are cached (SCRIPT FLUSH) Scripts can be used as functions Although we must pass the body all the time (or use SCRIPT LOAD +


Helper functions available! Base, table, string, math, debug, struct, cjson, cmsgpack,



What if I need more memory?

Sharding! On client (consistent hashing) On server (Redis Cluster, not on Azure) Using a proxy (Twemproxy - https://

var options = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { "my-server" }, Proxy = Proxy.Twemproxy };


When can I use Redis?

ASP.NET Output Caching (RedisAspNetProviders) ASP.NET Session State General-purpose cache Table Storage secondary index “Cache with benefits” Pub/sub Generally: when use case maps and data fits in RAM

When should I avoid Redis?

More data than can fit in RAM Can use multiple, but even then: SUM(RAM) == max. data


Data and query model fits well in a relational model

Materialize certain queries in Redis if needed

Avoid Redis for large objects... ...with lots of concurrent read/write operations

Counting stuff

How would you count “likes” if you were Facebook?

Table Storage 1 entity per likeable entity + per server instance for writes, sum entities for read I/O and CPU time... SQL UPDATE ... Locking... Redis INCR post:12345 (Every once in a while, check keys to persist)

Counting stuff (2)

How would you count “likes” if you were Facebook? And how would you get the 5 most popular posts?

Use a sorted set Elements are scored (= # of likes) We can use ZREVRANGE to get the top X posts ZREVRANGE posts:likes 0 5 withscores

Get the latest 5 product reviews

No need to go to the database Use a Redis List, truncated at 5 items Need more? Query the database

Rate limiting

API should only allows 5 requests per 60 seconds Redis List

Record 5 latest requests If we’re at 5, check the leftmost item versus current time

1 2 3 4 5

12:20:25 12:20:22 12:20:21 12:20:18 12:19:50


Sending short messages between parties, how to implement? Pub/Sub: Every user gets a subscription, others can send to that

subscription Server listens on all subscriptions to archive/persist messages When user comes online, server can publish messages since

last visit from archive/a Redis list


How to provide autocompletion over our million-records product catalog?

SQL “LIKE” Lucene.NET / ElasticSearch Redis Sorted Set

Intersecting collections

“Which friends do we have in common?”

Algorithm could be: Find friends that we have in common Find friends they have in common Score the # of connections


We have a series of bugsPriority, Status, Title, ...

A user follows a few of these bugsHow to store?How to query? (give me my top 5 bugs by priority)



Azure Cache Redis is not just a cache Data types Transactions Pub/sub Scripting Sharding/partitioning

Patterns 1 thing to remember:

Thank you!