German Technical Cooperation strengthening World Heritage Sites.

Welcome To care for him who shall have borne the battle and his widow and orphan. Abraham Lincoln Governor’s Task Force 5 June, 2008 Jack Heims, MSW, FACHE VHA – Oregon Medical Services Portland VAMC Main Campus

Transcript of German Technical Cooperation strengthening World Heritage Sites.

Page 1: German Technical Cooperation strengthening World Heritage Sites.

German Technical Cooperation


World Heritage Sites

Page 2: German Technical Cooperation strengthening World Heritage Sites.

Government owned enterprise for international cooperation

Supporting complex development and reform processes

Contributing to global sustainable development

Working in more than 130 countries in 2,750 projects and programmes

German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)- a brief overview:

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Priorities of German Technical Cooperation:

• Economic development

• Employment promotion

• Health and basic education

• Environmental protection

• Resource conservation

• Regional rural development

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German Development Cooperation – Focusing Biodiversity

• Since 1985 German Development Cooperation has supported about 400 Biodiversity Projects

• Germany spends per year about 70 Mio EURO for Projects conserving biodiversity

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Regional Distribution of Biodiversity Projects:

Sub-saharian Africa33%

Asia & Pacific17%

Latin America35%

Europe, Middle East, Transition


Supra Regional8%

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Funding Volume of Biodiversity Projects:

Sub-saharian Africa34%

Asia & Pacific11%

Latin America46%

Europe, Middle East,


Supra Regional5%

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Strengthening the World Network of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

and World Heritage Sites

GTZ Interventions since 1985 in 24 Biosphere Reserves and

World Heritage Sites

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Main GTZ Activities:

• Assisting developing and transition countries to apply for World Heritage Sites

• Supporting partner countries to manage World Heritage Sites sustainably

• Financing feasability studies to establish World Heritage Sites and Biosphere Reserves

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We are working through:

• Conservation approaches integrating the needs of local people

• Sustainable land use planning and local economic development in the surroundings of protected areas

• Strengthening the national conservation structures and policies

• Developing long term financing mecanisms• Etc.

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Some examples:

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Tai National ParkCôte d‘Ivoire

• World Heritage Site since 1982

• GTZ/KfW support the National Parks Administration since 1992 mainly to– Improve park management– Develop tourism– Integrate local population in

park management activities– Monitor the ecosystem of

the park

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Kahuzi-Biega National ParkDemocratic Republic of Congo

• World Heritage Site since 1980• GTZ supports the KBNP since

1985 with– Park infrastructure and

management activities– Conflict management during and

after the civil war– Habituation of eastern lowland

gorillas for tourism– Local development in the buffer

zone of the park

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Banc d‘Arguin National ParkMauritania

• World Heritage Site since 1989

• GTZ supports the BANP since 2001 to:– Strengthen the parks


– Involve the local population in development and tourism activities

– Develop a long term finance system for the park

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Manu National ParkPeru• World Heritage Site since


• GTZ supports the park since 1991 to:

– Improve organisational capacities of the indigenous people in the park

– Develop adapted tourism activities and infrastructure with the local population

– Attract national and international tourist operators

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Rio Platano Biosphere ReserveHonduras

• World Heritage Site since 1982

• GTZ/KfW support the Rio Platano Reserve since1997 to:– Develop the legal and admin.

framework for the park

– Involve the local population in park management activities

– Improve resource management in the surroundings of the park

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Benefits and limitations of the Partnership between UNESCO

and GTZ• Synergetic effects between UNESCO and

GTZ:– Strong lobbying influence of UNESCO on political

level and coordinating capacities on international level

– Broad stategic and technical experience of GTZ in managing protected areas and support zones in close collaboration with local population

• Limiting factor: Maintainng World Heritage Sites, esp. in developing countries needs adequate, secure, long-term financial resources